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    I also think that the financial state of the UK in 1946 might have had more to do with 6 years of world war 2 than the inception of the NHS. Am I wrong?

    Not entirely, but quite a substantial part of our financial demise has been to do with paying the Yanks back for Lend/Lease for the next 60 years after WW2. So not only did we manage to fund the biggest war in the history of mankind, we also managed to put in place a state health service the like of which had never been seen before, and rarely is even to this day.

    Let Darwinism take its course. they'll die out soon enough.

    Free Member

    Why would either nation be considered to be

    ……socially and politically insensitive and/or thick & easily led ?

    for honouring an athlete whose name is synonomous with undermining the Nazi Arayan superiority concept, unless of course you are suggesting one or other is facist and/or racist in outlook?

    Free Member

    I believe they are doing what it said on the job description.

    Free Member

    I would be greatly in favour of the right to opt out of the NHS. Mainly for ther Boardingbobs and enfht's of this world and with absolutely no right to opt back in, once they realise what a cock they have been.

    Even the chinless wonder admits to that one, which he does a nice spin on where he wabbles on about how his now sadly dead son was a beneficiary of the NHS…. Glibly and dare I say somewhat disingeniously wafting past the fact that there is NO WAY in this world he could have got appropriate cover to care for his diasabled at birth child without having to pay pro-rate for the care he received. Whilst Daddy probably could have afforded to have paid for it he chose a combination of NHS for the big bills and private for the comfy bits just like most of the private health care **** do, whilst moaning about how they get sod all out of the NHS!!

    Twunts frankly.

    Free Member

    Shouting very loudly might work, or alternatively you can go for the more subtle confusion technique…… thats the one where you ask two questions at once, like Name and Address….. properly **** em up apparently

    Free Member

    Me too as it happens….. by some distance, anyway apparently its not gentlemanly to kick the crap out of an old person wearing glasses…… <checks to make sure Oakleys are still in place>

    Free Member

    Theres grouting?? 8O

    Free Member

    convert: You've sold it to me……. I don't think I like you 8O

    Free Member

    PMSL this am watching the cobblers being spouted by Yanks on breakfast am.

    One item in particular being a guy wabbling on about how British teeth are all bad due to the NHS………. obviously blissfully unaware that this is the private bit that most people have to go private for.

    The basic bottom line is that the main beneficiaries of this will be the black and hispanic poor. Obviously not acceptable, as clearly lack of health provision is just another social exclusion mechanism, leading to white supremacy.

    PS Addendum : Likewise eye care interestingly!

    Free Member

    Whatever a cat may do the fault lies with the owner, if you havent got the stones to take it up with them then you just need to get over it.

    When my cat has misbehaved I have indeed taken it up with him, generally resulting in a drop kick through my front door. He does actually take this quite well, and generally follows up with a very good snivelling cur impersonation for a day or two after. However I totally refute the learning ability suggestion, as the snivelling cur thing only lasts for a day or two, and then he'll sneak back in and crap in my mrs slipper again! Not a problem from my perspective, but nicking my bacon is simply not acceptable, and then its the 79th minute of the 2003 Rugby World Cup all over again. And thus the cycle repeats.

    Free Member

    If I owned a pet python my risk assesment would change as I'm not sure a python would be so friendly to small children or as easily noticed by a cat.

    I don't quite beleive I'm reading this! So are you saying that pythons or for that matter cats are a greater risk to children in the UK than pet dogs???

    You see there you have it bloody dog owners never seem to understand how dangerous and annoying their pets are to other people.

    Hands up everyone who has ever heard of either a cat or for that matter a python savaging a child in the UK. Now compare with documented cases of dog attacks.

    Free Member

    So how about cheeky trails then?? Whats with cycling on them?

    Free Member

    My pythons more of a pussy fancier to be honest…

    Free Member

    Well Cat pepper doesn't work on me, and he dosn't walk so well since the Super soaker incident, so whats to stop me ?

    Free Member

    I defacate at will…… am I irresponsible too? 8O

    PS: Any of my neighbours who complain about my cat are offered the choice of Cat Pepper or a Super Soaker at my expense. Seems to be fine with them, and the cats made it to 16 without any undue psychological problems,.

    Free Member

    As a rule, dogs aren't left free to roam, whereas cats are.

    Sighs deeply and very regretfully find himself agreeing with a_a

    You clearly cannot read …………


    an irresponsible owner?

    PREEEEEEEECISELY! Thus no need to extract retribution from the innocent party wheter feline, canine or reptile! Unless course any of them are crapping where I ride, in which case poo pipe kicked up furry, or for that matter scaley bum will ensue, simply as an aid to training. So you lot stop being nasty Tiddles, Fi-Fi or Spike and beat up their owners instead.

    Problem solved, so now can we talk about intresting or amusing stuff instead, like muffin tops, gunts or bunts for instance.

    Free Member

    Riding on cycle trail through local nature reserve when a dog walker is spied walking past the big sign saying nature reserve dogs must be kept on a short lead. Said dog walker says to partner "Oh look she's found something to play with" as their dog runs about in the undergrowth chasing a ground nesting bird FFS!

    and the difference between my cat and her dog is???

    Free Member

    WHAT! a ****!!!!!! …. You lousy bicyclist!

    Bring your mates, and don't you worry about yer dressing gown, let the buggers swing, I'll be ripping them off and stuffing them somewhere that precludes dog egg trail interfaces!!

    Free Member

    Yeah and I'll rearrange the mutts butt if I get its poop sprayed all over me, and I'll tan his if he sets his mutt on my pussy….. Grrrrr some more!

    Free Member

    Did you just call me a **** ?

    Right thats it … outside now!

    Free Member

    I clear up after my dog end of story


    So why would I kick your dog in such circumstances? Similarly why set your dog on my cat? How about setting it on me? And likewise if you do you had better have a very large book down the back of your shorts, as I will open a whole case of whoop arse on you and your dog both should you choose that route tough guy.


    Free Member

    Don't get me started on **** dogs! Had three dog egg strikes last night, and stopped once in an area which had obviously been mined by the kennel club. So anagallis_arvensis, whilst your dog may well have a go at my cat, I'll happily kick your dogs poo chute right back inside its little furry butt if you let it crap all over trails….. fair trade?

    Free Member

    In denial …..

    Free Member

    All weirdos…. :wink:

    Free Member

    I'll glance a look at a nice pair if they're "in my face" like the next man, but my first, second or third thought is not "I want to F&*k that girl…"

    Like I said really, deep down he's agreeing with me, but hes struggling with his G-Spot at the moment so don't hastle him.

    Incidentally, nick I never said it was conscious or overt, I am however suggesting that it is pretty much an automatic and instinctive thing.

    Free Member

    Mine did, and I have had this conversation openly with my daughter. She wouldn't have any of it, then discussed it with boyfriend who rather red faced agreed with me.

    Free Member

    Chastened 8O Fair enough then.

    nickc: Do you have a daughter? I reckon Grrrr is very relaxed and chilled in the circumstances.

    Free Member

    Is that a fact?

    Free Member

    Nickc, I’m sure you are a great bloke an all, but if you don’t mind me saying so you do seem a tad uptight. Chill out buddy, I don’t need your sorrow. If you reread your post, I think you will find deep down there much as you hate to admit it you are agreeing with me.

    So what is it that irks you about that? The notion that despite all protestations you are more dishonest than I, given that I openly embrace my male fallability or is it the concept that you might actually agree with me. C’mon come out of the closet.

    sq225917 – Much as it might surprise you ditto. I have never treated either of my kids in any way other than that which you describe. However, I now have a 24 year old daughter who dresses very well, and looks, even if I say so myself, absolutely stunning. My concern and it is a genuine one, is that she does not understand what is going on when she is out and about. Personally, I’m acutely aware of the looks and the stares when we are out together. My Grrrrrrr response is legend actually. In fact in some ways it would worry me more if she did, given that she has an excellent young man in tow whom she adores. In essence that is really my point. The fact is that blokes do see women at first instance as a potential partner. They calculate the possibilities, and either pass up or proceed dependant on the variables that need considering. That being the case, surely it makes more sense and is safer for all concerned to be honest about that.

    Free Member

    What I was trying to say through a haze of alcohol fumes that it would only be noteworty if you didn't feel dirty. Knowing you as I do, feeling dirty is the norm surely?

    Anyway, semantics apart, I accept your offer, sounds like an approrpiate assignation for Stoke Bridge to me!

    Free Member

    In my experience people nowadays see anything, and I mean anything at all where there is the slightest chance of compensation as an opportunity. I deal with it everyday at work. Makes me puke.

    We actually take high res photos of some of our more expensive products before they leave us to protect ourselves from unjustified complaints. It happens about 3 or 4 times a week. Almost inevitably killed stone dead by the "Ok We've got the high res photos taken at QC inspection up on screen. Now please can you tell us again where the problem is, as we can't actually see it even at 500% zoom".

    So trust me its not isolated to some chavvy woman in the Post Office………… can you tell? thats touched a nerve, that one!

    Free Member

    Why do I suddenly feel dirty?

    In my experience Tanky, that question would have more reasonance if it were rephrased a tad along the lines "Why do I not feel dirty?". In fact I was just about to use you as the prefect example of my two types of women theory. Thus proving beyond doubt that I am at the very least partially right…… and now you've spoiled it! :cry:

    Anyway, re Stumpyjon and IanMunro. Thanks guys… honest blokes, see girls there is such a thing. Now then one small point of order stumpy.. What stops us is in fact fear plain and simple. Fear of being caught. Remove that fear and WAAAAA HEY here we go here we go here we go !!

    And that Children is why women are both very visually attractive to us menfolks, but also have an enormous scary gene count.

    Free Member

    12 Bore with 00 guage shot ….. instant result, alternativly a date with the uber fit lass in the office tends to turn up the "sort out embaressing bodily infections O'meter" fairly well.

    Free Member

    Its a lie I was never there and I didn't touch her…….

    Troll? Bored ? Yeah to the latter, maybe to the former.

    But I'm sticking with the point. I think Mrs T. is putting a rather girly tint on the truth, as uplink has pointed out. As indeed some blokes will put a PC one on my two types theory. However, basically in essence its true, there are notable exceptions perhaps, but in general true. So surely as we all know that deep down, isn't it more realistic and honest to cough to it, and then have proper grown up conversations and social norms that accomodate the reality, rather than the frankly stupid denial of the truth that we have now?

    I'm going home now, but in closing and in answer to Mrs Toasts :-

    So all men want to (or already have) slept with their mother/sisters/daughters/Hazel Blears? And there are no gays? You're obviously from an odd part of town….:P

    Like I said the rest I haven't got round to yet, and when I've been through all the preferable options that are before those ones, then I probably will. However, as even at my prodgious bonk rate, I can't really see me seeing off several billion women before I pop my clogs, I'm pretty sure that my old mum can rest safe in her grave tonight.

    Free Member

    Capn…. read my lips!

    PS: Before the obvious …. NO!

    Free Member

    Thanks Mrs Toast, Great reply……. so you mean all those scantily clad young frippets on a Friday night are not actually trying to get me into bed!! 8O

    Bugger!!! Double Bugger!!!

    Now then the problem with that is that honest men have two categories of women, those we've slept with, and those we've yet to get around to. Dishonest men apparently have a third, which is "those we're trying to bed by pretending that we don't have the first two categories".

    Now then the problem with that is that there is I sense a fundamental mismatch of understanding of where people are coming from. So surely life would be considerably simpler if everyone simply said what they meant as opposed to pussyfooting about with PC'ness?

    Free Member

    even if you assume that dressing up nice is done entirely to pull men* it may not be done to pull you (or the sort of man who hangs around making comments about sex to random women in public which is presumably what this is about).

    To a certain extent I agree with that joe. However, it is something that has always troubled me. The dressing to impress thing is just that, it is a very visual display, but then when men are attracted either in a polite and pleasant way, or even in a laddish prat way, the cry goes up that the response is sexist, perving or whatever. Seems a bit wayward to me.

    Bear in mind I'm rather older than most STW'ers and my blonde and dare I say rather attractive daughter might well be one of those that is attracting the attention. Its then me thats going "whoa young lady, do you know what you are doing going out dressed like that?"

    PS: Before the obvious …. NO!

    Free Member

    Sorry Nickc theres none of that type of woman in my neck of the woods……. I live in Ipswich 8O

    Regarding wanting paying, whats the difference between the nice meal/wining/dining scenario, and paying for a prostitute? Personally I reckon ones much more honest than the other from both male and female viewpoints, but thats another story.

    Back to the original point. Surely getting the glam on is about finding a mate, thus sex, thus portraying oneself as a sex object. So thats the point surely?

    Regarding my personal contribution, apparently farting, picking your nose and scratching your nuts doesn't work……..

    Free Member

    Wake up and smell the coffee nickc. Don't know where you live, but wander around any town centre on a Friday/Saturday you may find that you clearly identify the occasional sex object wandering about.


    Free Member

    Double post shocker !

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