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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • G
    Free Member

    The definition of article is correct but you did cut the definition off in its prime

    I’ve just spent an hour on the phone to the HSE helpline discussing just that very point, and apparently my reading is correct, in that an assumption is not acceptable, therefore if I bring in a car and it contains less than 0.1% of a substance of very high concern everything is cushty. However, if that substance is in a gear knob and I then import that as a spare I have to know and have to have dealt with it in advance. Ergo I have to go through the process for everything that passes through my business regardless of that definition, components, spares, finished goods, packing tape, absolutely everything!

    Personally, I am a partner in a small business importing and distributing products, and employing 5 people, two of which are part time. We are still reeling from the ROHS regulations, the net result of which was to ratchet up all our costs by 15% with no discernable benefit to anyone.

    What I don’t quite grasp is how such a far reaching and costly piece of legislation can appear over the horizon and we ahve not heard a dicky bird until today!

    And breath…..


    Frankly does my bloody head in, and quite honestly I’d love to have the twonk who came up with this, which is apparently to track done a whole 15 substances and eventually do something about them.

    Free Member

    If you don’t mind me asking Lobby, how big is your company?


    Free Member

    You reckon ?

    Generally, it applies to all individual chemical substances on their own, in preparations or in articles (if the substance is intended to be released during normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use from an article).

    Items defined as being an article are and I quote again

    a car, a battery and a telephone.

    So I presume from that that these items are deemed to fall within the scope of REACH, (as otherwise who in their right mind would use them as examples of things that do?), so the way I would read that is that as everything is either a chemical, a preparation or an article as defined by the HSE website that the legislation therefore applies to absolutely everything which is either manufactured or imported in volumes greater than one tonne per annum.

    In which case thats rather a lot of work frankly!


    Free Member

    That works if you’re going to allow each country to pollute the same amount. That seems a rather less fair way of doing it than a per person calculation.

    Doesn’t matter who does it. I don’t think global warming respects national boundaries, but that response does demonstrate the futility of all the arguments, and the reason why collectively, we, the human race will nto be able to sort the issues out.

    Free Member

    The simple fact is that the whole debate is utter crap. The real, the one, and the only issue is population. Regrettably, telling people to stop shagging tends to preclude politicians from staying in power so it doesn’t get a mention, except, interestingly in China, where of course, as we all know they are an evil regime without a care of any sort for the environment, human rights, or anything else…. right ?

    So in this context, a small population that flies everywhere will have virtually no impact on the environment, whereas a huge population all of whom fly occasionally will. Likewise a small population consuming resources hell for leather has little impact…… get the picture?

    So going all the way back to the actual thread, the way forward is for all of these protestors to be voluntarily speyed, thus making a real, lasting and ongoing contribution to the worlds environmental issues in a positive way.


    Free Member

    **** me this is unreal!!!

    Right you lot, if you really truly care **** off and set up the International Brigade of Suicide Mountain bikers, have affairs with fit Arab birds and then go off and herocially and pointlessly blow yourselves up somewhere without doing any damage to anyone else, or if you are that way persuaded get your knob sorted out with a BIC razor, and have an affair with some fit Jewess and then go off and pointlessy get yourself blown up by some foreign nutter on a mission to resolve the world problems by pointlessly blowing themselves up…..

    In the meantime Tanky, great wind-up, but now verging on boring, Zokes, properly glad you’ve joined the ranks of the working classes, (not to be confused with the working class [singular], which you have yet to aspire to)…. I’m up for a C2C reunion on a Martini basis…. i.e anytime anyplace anywhere.

    Thinking about a trip West with my lot sometime soon (like two to three months), or alternatively can come alone with soft southern bedwetter ways to sink you feckers with ale and bawdy tales, if you would prefer to handle just one of me between you!

    Free Member

    To be brutally honest, I actually don’t care that much. Frankly I’m much more concerned about Russia cutting my gas supply off.

    Anyway back to ruling the world….. All hills will now be one way.. Down only, Ileagal drugs will be legalised and available on the NHS at prescription charge levels, dentistry will be back under the umbrella of the NHS, and check ups will be free. Dentists will only nominally be paid for removal of diseased teeth. Packaging materials will be heavily taxed, those deemed unnecessary for any practical reason by double. Products which are produced with low longevity/high obselescence will likewise be heavily taxed. Sport and diet will receive more attention on the school curriculum and Airline tickets will be sold on the basis of gross passenger weight including luggage. Anyone weighing more that average with their luggage will have to buy an additional seat so their lard doesn’t encroach into mine personal zone!

    Just wait for tomorrow !!!!

    Zokes : Couldn’t agree more. When would be good for a reunion? Re the return of G, evilzone pi$$ed me off more than the mods on here. Only way to show solidarity IMHO.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member said :-
    For those who think that the Palestine/Zionist problem can resolved as easily as the Northern Ireland question, I fear that you are deeply misguided.
    Quite apart from anything else, there is the little problem of almost 5 million Palestinian refugees in the world.

    Yes, that’s 5 million people driven off their own land

    So of course theres no Irish people who had that happen to them then?


    Anyway moving on to more important issues Day 3 : One set of free tyres per week on presentation of your bike at your local bike shop. Chain Reaction and Wiggle nationalised, whilst all local bike shops are to have free coffee and cake, plus fit serving birds that talk endless shop whilst leaning their ample cleavages over the counter. DIY lessons for all females, including special emphasis on the significance of doing all major DIY jobs around the house whilst sending your partner off riding to the proof of female equality, All dual carriageways to have the nearside lane turned into bike lanes, the establishment of the annual M25 both ways bike race, one lap clockwise followed by one lap anticlockwise……… still going…….

    Free Member

    Without wishing to spin the roundabout again, I do believe that is a case of both sides going “you first, no YOU first, No you , No You”……etc etc ad infinitum and that ends up with sleeves rolled up and them both rolling around on the ground playground bullies having a punch up.

    I reckon the best way to resolve these things is to internationally enforce a law to the effect that anytime a country wants to go to war the children of all their politcians and their extended familes must enlist in the Infantry and be the first to go into action on every occasion that military action is deemed necessary.

    Pretty sure most conflicts would not get past go and certainly would not collect £200.

    Thinking about it, I should rule the world. We’d have more singletrack, no tax on bike bling, free Stella and Red wine on presentation of an empty camelback with dirt on it, special holding pens for women with PMT, with very high walls and soundproofing, and thats just on day one! Then on Day 2 we’d abolish the FC and replace it with the Singletrack forum, then we’d make all kids learn how to hold a several hour long conversation on appropriate tyre choice……….

    Vote for G…… its the way forward, you know it makes sense!

    Free Member

    and so we continue to go round in a circle……

    One things for absolute certain, the conflict will be resolved when its resolved, in a room around a table bit like Northern Ireland was. How about we jump the intermediate stages and get to the table bit straight away, then everyone can bugger off and ride their bikes which IMHO is a great outcome.

    Oh and by the way my previous post was written with tongue barely in cheek.

    Bless and good night


    Free Member

    All extremism is crap and all extremists are c**ts and should be stabbed to death whilst they are still suckling at their mothers breast, then they and their mothers should be boiled in oil as an example to the rest of you feckers……… that and rendering them down after would solve population issues and the fuel crisis simultaneously, and is obviously the way forward that any of us right thinking and God fearing folk would come to if we gave up the triple sins of sex drugs and alcohol and rode our bikes religiously every sunday …….Am I right?….. Can I have an Amen on that?


    FFS Tanky when are you going to stop winding people up and get over here to the flat lands to ride your bike? We’ve got a round of Thetford Winter Series Race at our place on the 25th, and I bet I can persuade the old snuffler to let you sleep in the spare room that weekend, and then we can get right royally pi44ed and everything! 8)


    Free Member

    No issue whatsoever, but can I still be on the team to go round to evilzones house and stamp on people faces? no special reason except I don’t like geeks who are that gutless that they can’t do their badness face to face, preferring to hide in cyber geek space

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