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  • G
    Free Member

    Sounds a lot like someone somewhere had it in for them. Very sad indeed.

    Free Member

    Beware demanding higher standards in public life than the population generally apply to themselves, it always ends in tears when you do.

    Better to have a proper system of checks and balances in place IMHO, on the same basis that my old man (who was a central London copper), always used to say, “it isn’t against the law to break the law, its against the law to get caught!”

    So on that basis what the **** were the Commons Finance people doing passing all this, and whats going to be done about keeping an eye on these beggars in future?

    Free Member

    Mike, may I recommend the Brown diet…..

    The Brown diet I hear you say…….. thats right, you only eat stuff that is brown, burgers, bread, etc etc. Absolutely never anything that is green or red , just brown.

    Apparently you end up properly bound up, and consequently are full of shite and have a permanent strain grimace on your face !!!

    Boom boom tish (cheap shot I know, but I just couldn’t resist it)

    Free Member

    Hi Stoner.

    Thanks for that, had quite a good look at the numbers, and it does seem to me that there has been consistent growth of the use of Statutory instruments in the law making process since 1911 where the figures go back to. If anything there has been a plateauing in recent years if you take the overall picture into account since 1911, i.e. a slowing down of growth.

    I think the real punch line is content and intent, and that one is always going to be very interpretive and at best circumstantial if seeking a conspiracy on the part of Government.

    Free Member

    See here :- The Institute of Electrical Engineers Part P page[/url]

    The close proximity of the harmonised wiring regs, (voluntary from 31/03/2004 and compulsary 31/3/2006) and Part P (compulsary 1/1/2005), is being used to date work done and liable for part P.

    There are specific regulations for garden and external work, which require a higher standard of installation and safety.

    Check it out on the link.

    Free Member

    Not accordng to the NICEIC fella who trained us in this aspect. The introduction of the unified colour scheme is what enables them to identify what was done when.

    Think about it if nothing was registered at all, and there was no indication as to what was done when how would the rules be enforceable??? It is the telltale.

    Free Member

    Rubbish! Beckham does at least have some saving graces 😉

    Free Member

    I had two points one re Europe and our membership, and the other re UKip et al.

    Firstly re Ukip etc. The point is their policies are entirely negative, ie say No to Europe, not say YES to a Swiss free trade zone style economy.

    Secondly re Europe generally, I just get sick to the back teeth of the naysayers, and feel that its about time that we just got on board and tried to adress issues as a europeans rather than Le Beouf Roti and frankly making ourselves look stupid.

    Regarding Brown and his Stalinist tendancies, I hear what you’re saying and actually am interested to take a look and think it through, but it needs to be on a like for like basis, otherwise it is invalid.

    In a broader context, my issue with the current political arrangement are that any analyst will tell you that the vast majority of the people sit in the middle of the road politically, seeing valid points on both sides of the argument. Regretably our current system generates a pendualum swing from one extreme to the other, and as a result we wobble through life neither being one way or t’other. That is a throwback to balancing the demands of the aristocracy and the commoners when it all started off. If nothing else the current sceanrio just emphasises the extraordinary need that we have for real change.

    Free Member

    I’ll think you’ll find that the raw data, along with the detail behind it don’t actually support your original premise.
    I fully understand the issue with the data, but you are firstly not comparing like with like, I understand why you haven’t done it, but it would be more approrpiate to consider the 1st 12 years under thatcher with the first 12 under labour, to make a reasonable comparision. Having done that you would also need to take a detailed look at the legislation for reasons as stated by mogrim above. There are circumstances where legislation is of necessity reactive to circumstances rather than any desire on the part of the party in charge. 9/11 etc being just one such example.

    Regarding the twunt at UKIP, I watched him too. I don’t have the time to highlight the flaws in his argument, but suffice to say if we are thinking of taking the Swiss model, I suspect we need to sharpen up our Banking act a tad, wouldn’t you say?

    Free Member

    Ditto what el-bent, kimbers and mogrim said.

    Fraid you have to look behind the headlines to get a true picture.

    Free Member

    as above. Blue & Brown = yes, Red and Balck = No

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member

    We’ve had too much of that already.

    since 1997, an average of 270 laws a year passed. Over 98% of them by statutory instrument: undebated!

    and that doesnt include any laws enacted in the European parliament by which the UK must also abide.

    If you don’t mind me saying so that a completely pointless and misleading statement without something to compare it to, say from 1979 to 1988 for example.

    Stoner: Did you not spot this? I’d like to see comparative stats if you wouldn’t mind. Interesting to compare I reckon.

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member

    We’ve had too much of that already.

    since 1997, an average of 270 laws a year passed. Over 98% of them by statutory instrument: undebated!

    and that doesnt include any laws enacted in the European parliament by which the UK must also abide.

    If you don’t mind me saying so that a completely pointless and misleading statement without something to compare it to, say from 1979 to 1988 for example.

    Regarding this business with Europe, am I the only person that is sick to the back teeth of people whining about what is for us a fact of life? Not happy? Well do something about changing it, like taking an active part in the democratic process for example. Of all the Ukip’s and what have you’s to date, not one has been able to answer satisfactorily the question, “and when you’ve got us excluded from the European market what are you going to subsitutue for that trade?”

    Free Member

    All new circuits must be part P compliant, and the tell tale is whether you have used the new unified colour coded wiring. Basically if its cable (Twin and earth stylee) and the insulation is colour coded red and black for live and neutral you can wire away to your hearts content with no repercussions whatsoever. If however, the wiring you are using is the new blue and brown colours, then it must be Part P compliant. You will not explode or be turned into a pillar of salt, however when you come to sell up your arse is right royally in the air.

    Free Member

    Unless she was shagging away in public on holiday, a) how do you know she actually shagged said party? b) how do you know if she did that she didn’t use protection? c) how does other party from holiday group know so much about it? d) any danger that there may be some malicious intent in the rumour mongering? e) how do you know that Peter isn’t aware of it and happy with it? etc etc etc.

    Sorry too many loopholes in this, I’m smelling Troll …

    If not mind your own business

    Free Member

    Righto Ernie, got where you are coming from. Sorry didn’t spot the bit about you having been there. Glad you sorted it without slapping her.
    just so you don’t misunderstand me, I’m not in any way defending infidelity, basically what happens in someone elses relationship is none of my business. However, I do not accept the long line of posts on here that seem to think that beating up a woman is acceptable in these or any other circumstances. As I said seems incredible to me that so many appear to disagree with me on that. Apparently you are not one of them, which is fine with me.

    Free Member

    Ok so the next step then is are you then saying that its OK to batter the snot out of the woman and stab her after 30 years with the best man?

    Free Member

    Its a bit like claiming to be a bit pregnant, you are either unfaithful or you’re not. Once you’ve accepted that principle its only a question of degree before under that premise you are whipping some kid because she walked out of the door without her husband.

    Can you not get that simple point ernie? Either she has been unfaithful or she hasn’t. So where do you draw the line?????

    On the talking bollox front, see if you can think of a well known saying with the words pot, kettle and black in it.

    Free Member

    Someone help me ……..

    I reckon you are past it ernie, but I’ll do my best.

    The point is that the thread is about punishing a woman for adultery. All I am saying is firstly, that I don’t agree with that premise, and secondly, what makes it acceptable “to beat up your woman?”

    In my eyes its never acceptable, because once you cross the rubicon you are on a short and slippery ride to where the Taleban are. Simple really.

    PS: Trolling is posting with the intent to extract an emotional response, if anyone is trolling its you lot going on about how its OK to bash up yer bird.

    Free Member

    Every bleeding thing provokes a reaction on here!

    Free Member

    Maybe, but its still not acceptable to batter the snot out of someone and stab them, just because you’ve lost the plot. The point I return to is where do you draw the line??? Shes been shagging the best man for 30 years, Ok so what if its only been 5 years? Acceptable or no? Then how about just the once at a party? Thats alright then is it?

    Free Member

    You are either faithful to your partner or you are not, there is no middle ground in the context you are citing.

    I just don’t think that either is an excuse for an assault. I find it extremely alarming that almost without exception people on here apparently do find it excusable to beat and stab a woman. The point I was making and still am is where then do you draw the line?

    Free Member

    Done both many times. Toll roads win every time. Sitting in a car is sitting in car ultimately regardless of what sort of road you are on. Unless you get some perverse joy out of it go for the quickest option. Trust me.

    Free Member

    Yep thats the one 😉

    Free Member

    Oh in that case use the bombers….

    Free Member

    Donk, I’m sorry I disagree with you. You are either faithful to your partner or you are not, there is no middle ground in the context you are citing.

    Free Member

    Steady TJ, just to make it clear to everyone it wasn’t me and I’m not a girly…..well at least if it was I must have been properly battered..

    Personally, if I felt that strongly, I’d tell G how I felt. Sounds a lot like she has a drink problem, and brushing it under the table isn’t the action of a mate. Tell her straight, but be supportive. It may not sort it, but cumulatively there is a good chance she’ll wake up to what is being said, especially if others in your group do likewise.

    Free Member

    I’ve posted my views on violence on another thread. (walk softly but carry a big stick basically). i.e. I have no issue at all about defending myself, but I never actually look for trouble so to speak.

    Frankly I am absolutely amazed by what is being posted on this thread. 30 years with the best man or 5 minutes pissed at the office party, whats the difference? Its a bit like claiming to be a bit pregnant, you are either unfaithful or you’re not. Once you’ve accepted that principle its only a question of degree before under that premise you are whipping some kid because she walked out of the door without her husband. I’m quite sure most people on here would not tolerate the “Sharia Law” type of attitude to women that seems to be prevalent with the Taleban. So frankly there is no acceptable excuse for it here.

    As far a Neanderthal goes, then if not wanting to hit anyone but prepared to stand my ground makes me so, then so be it. Neanderthal is what I am, and proud of it.

    Free Member

    Walk softly, but carry a big stick is the philosophy.

    If I had a modicum of protection within the law then I’d happily dispense with the stick. No desire whatsoever to have a ruck, and walking away was what I did in the scenario described above.

    Free Member

    Smacking yer bird about is never acceptable behaviour under any circumstances, if she has a go at you physically its fair enough to defend yourself, but that apart no way.

    Much better to take revenge cold. I particularly liked the one where the cuckolded husband had Christmas cards printed with a picture of his Mrs taking part in a sexual practice rather frowned upon in polite circles and sent them to all of her family and friends. I suspect that the aftermath of that may have far outlasted any temporary pain from a kicking.

    Free Member

    Rich Penny : My personal outlook is that kids need a clearly defined set of boundaries from which to operate. That gives them confidence and a sense of security in how they relate to the world around them. Unfortunately, for reasons that totally escape me many parents don’t provide that for themselves, let alone their kids, so whats your suggestion as the way forward pray tell? I believe allowing them to run wild has been proven as unsuccessful over a very lengthy trial period.

    In the meantime I’ll go my own sweet way neither looking to receive nor deliver violence, but perfectly prepared to stand my ground should I consider it appropriate in the circumstances in which I find myself at any given moment.

    PS: The last time I took the path of non violence was when one of my employees decided to attack me. Given the fact that there were no witnesses and that he was twice my size, half my age, and had served time for assault on a previous employer, I decided that my best option was to get somewhere where it could be seen. Rather than run I walked (manly pride). All the time he was hitting me with such violence he actually broke bones in his hand. The upshot? I was arrested for assault. When he eventually admitted that I was covered in bruises had a broken nose, concussion and no marks whatosever on my hands whilst he had a broken hand, and no other injuries of any description he did see the flaw in the argument that I attacked him and then pleaded guilty to ABH, Theft and Deception, (which was not telling me that he had a criminal record, which was, incidentally for repeated instances as above). He was sent to Crown Court. The sentence? A conditional discharge. From that time forth I have no faith whatsoever in the legal process and I have promised myself that that was the last time I would ever turn the other cheek.

    You of course are free to make your own choices.

    Free Member

    a 32 year old bloke twatting a 15 year old kid seems a bit wrong!

    Shouldn’t that read, a society where a 15 year old feels that abusing a 32 year old with impunity is acceptable behaviour, seems a bit wrong surely?

    I was a total shite when I was a ween. Right up until a neighbour stopped me for riding my bike on the path, he asked me what I thought I was doing, I told him minding my own business. The next thing I remember is picking myself up off the floor as he walked off up the road.

    Do you know what? I was really careful about who I was gobby to after that, and in a way it helped me to realise a few home truths that needed realising.

    Free Member

    My understanding of the reason that they didn’t drop a third was a) the Japs made contact and telegraphed their intention to surrender after the 2nd was dropped, b) the Yanks only had two bombs ready to go at the time. If you check the history of the sinking of the USS Indianaoplis, the eye witness reports of the deck cargo tend to support that theory.

    Quite simply, the Japanese could have surrendered at any time they chose. They chose not to. It was war, and in war shitty things happen, especially if you overplay your hand. Much of the overplaying was in respect of how the emperor would be treated post war, again their choice.

    Free Member

    Yep I do put it like that.

    Clegg clearly knows what he is saying and what the likelihood is of anyone listening to him or taking it seriously. He could say that the moon is made out of blue cheese and get as much notice taken of him.

    Just think in terms of how the rules stand, and any piece of legislation being fully debated, challenged in the House of Lords, amended, the amendments getting debated and then challenged again. Quick law is almost invariably poor law, simply because its been railroaded through without proper thought and study. (think Dangerours Dogs)

    The man is self evidently talking utter tripe. Much as DC is. However, the furore being whipped up does lend itself to hot air being expelled rather than clear thought being had.

    Free Member

    Utter shite! 7 weeks to get legislation through parliament to completely change the parliamentary system. Good job there is less than no chance of it coming to fruition.

    Yet again we have the Limp Dems displaying a complete lack of political nouse at a time when they should be benefiting from the other two parties embarrassment. I despair!!

    Anyone seen a credible opposition? I’m sure I used to have one, but I can’t remember where I left it…..

    Free Member

    its sad no one will listen to him, as they are all on half term

    Surely he knows that so is this another piece of

    well-judged rhetoric free of substance and conviction.”


    Free Member

    stilltortoise are you in the Taleban by any chance?

    Free Member

    16% ……. Nothing else to add! 8)

    Free Member

    buzz-lightyear – Member

    G: My GFs grandfather’s story is identical. He told me quite a lot about it before he died. It was a hell of a thing.

    Not in the Royal Scots by any chance?

    Free Member

    I also think there well may be a credible opposition post election. Depends how many people wake up to the fact that Cameron is a least bad option as opposed to a good one and stand as independants. Shame the lib dems haven’t found themselves yet though.

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