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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • Futureboy77
    Free Member

    Rawhide is nasty stuff for dogs. Mine just get raw, meaty bones.
    Duck/chicken necks or lamb ribs are favourites plus the odd treat from the local butcher.

    Free Member

    Fracap or Danner 👍🏼

    Free Member

    Its a tricky one. If they have good mitigation measures in place ( and I don’t mean stuff that is there to look good I mean proper measures) then its hard to argue going back into the office really is more dangerous. thats why I suggested actually looking at the mitigation in place and comparing it to the guidence

    No doubt it’s tricky. I’m still WFH with the odd very limited day in the office and i don’t think we will be back FT anytime soon. I work in O&G industry and even with everyone tested pre-mob and proper mitigation measures in place, we are still seeing cases getting out there in numbers.

    If you apply the same to an office which doesn’t have pre-testing, i’d argue against going to an office unless necessary.

    Free Member

    As said above, bones in their diet for good dental hygiene. Mine get a raw chicken wing/duck neck/rib etc. every day and a meaty bone for a treat once or twice a week. Both dogs have never needed their teeth cleaned at 6y/o. I’ve never fed kibble.

    For those feeding Dentastix, have a read of this and make up your own mind:

    Free Member

    The act does cover notifiable diseases, but where it gets muddy is they took covid off the list last spring, presumably because it wasn’t practicable to deal with that much paperwork

    C-19 remains notifiable under RIDDOR:
    You should only make a report under RIDDOR when one of the following circumstances applies:

    “a person at work (a worker) has been diagnosed as having COVID-19 attributed to an occupational exposure to coronavirus. This must be reported as a case of disease”

    Its a PITA. If we have isolated cases, then no problem, but where we have had multiple cases on site and these have proved to be close contacts, then it can only be concluded that they were exposed whilst at work so reported under RIDDOR.

    (Just checked the RIDDOR guidance and it was last undated 30/06/21)

    Free Member

    I recently bought a mountain equipment zeno as a summer waterproof. Light, waterproof and not very expensive.

    Free Member

    @countzero you are pretty much bang on but you don’t want to fill the recess. The paint sits in the recess if that makes sense. You want some depth rather than the paint filling the recess. You definitely don’t want the paint sitting flush with the surface.
    I’ve painted the draft lines on vessels using the same technique (on a much different scale).

    Free Member

    Want and need are two completely different things, same as being in power and being the opposition, it’s easier to promise jam tomorrow

    Good point.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a conundrum with the greens. In general, I quite like them and I think they are a good influence on Holyrood.
    I just can’t agree with their thoughts on energy transition. They want to almost immediately end exploration and wind down North Sea production, and I don’t see anything about how this equates with the fact that domestic infrastructure is not ready to support that. From memory, around 85% of domestic heating in the UK is gas fired and only 10% of last year’s new car registrations were electric. This has to be addressed before ceasing the supply.

    If we shut down the NS, we will be importing O&G for years if not decades to come, which comes with additional issues other than its potential for increased environmental impact.

    Free Member

    Apologies, I didn’t realise that.

    Free Member

    OOooh … campaigning for the adopted country (party) 😂

    Whatever floats your boat. I was merely pointing out that if such rampant anti English feeling exists within SNP voters (as per the post I was replying to), then how come many an English person either has joined, or voted for SNP/pro-indy parties (as have many other folk who have made their home in Scotland)?

    Anyway, I’m out as not wanting to derail a thread.

    Free Member

    I just can’t get into the blue painted face, anti English Xenophobic attitude that most SNP voters I’ve met seem to have.

    Strangely, I was out leafleting during this campaign with a fellow SNP member, who happens to be English. There is also the English for Indy group.
    I’ve seen one or maybe two examples of anti-English behaviour that appeared on social media. These examples were rightly derided as being the actions of a handful of absolute loonballs by indy supporting folk.

    Also, I’ve been on a few marches, and I didn’t see anyone with a blue face. Maybe a few bairns with little Saltires painted on their cheeks mind you.

    Free Member

    How did you repaint the bezel? Looks like a very neat job.

    Tamiya acrylic paint and a very fine brush. Let it dry and wiped off any excess paint with nail varnish remover and cotton buds.

    Free Member

    Gave my old Ti Seamaster a bit of TLC at the weekend. Took it off the tatty looking bracelet, gave it a good clean and repainted the bezel markers.
    I’ve had this for around 20 years and it’s been all over with me, including a good few years working offshore, so it’s not been molly coddled. Sadly, I’d loaned it to my dad a few years ago and he was wearing it when he passed away, so it holds a lot of sentimental value.

    web photo hosting[/url]

    Free Member

    For someone whose normal taste is bulky dive watches, I’m really enjoying this watch. I’d never heard of the Actus range (also marketed as 5 Actus). Apparently it was the JDM “young, activity line”.
    The serial number on this one matches my year and month of birth. In decent nick for its 44th year, keeps good time and still has a decent lume.

    Free Member

    New (to me) watch day. Dagaz Typhoon. 484 of 500.

    Free Member

    And automatic for me – NE15 perhaps?

    Not likely, the NE15 has been discontinued by Seiko and apparently it’s as yet unnamed replacement is to be much more expensive.

    Free Member

    @Cougar – you are the reason I’m not bothering with this forum anymore. Insults for doing something different with just cause has become reason for a smarmy reply and I’m sure you were once a mod.

    I’ve been on here since just after the go-far days but can’t be bothered anymore.

    I liked this place and I hope the good regulars keep it up.

    No flounce, I’m just binning it and going back to riding my bike.

    Free Member

    So you wouldn’t want to fill your dog full of, say, C18H32OS7? Or C21H20O6? They sound really scary.

    Garlic and Turmeric provide health benefits.
    FWIW and I didn’t expand further in my initial post, but I regularly worm check the dogs and they have always come back negative. I also don’t give my dogs annual boosters, as I get an annual titre test done and both dogs continually display an acceptable level of antibodies which remain from their initial round of puppy vaccinations six years later. This is accepted by kennels, the insurance company and my Vet.
    I also raw feed, which is again, supported by my Vet.

    Not sure why you are having a go with this. It’s subjects that I’ve researched with my dogs interests at heart and I believe they are detrimentally pumped full of unnecessary chemicals. I also ensure that checks and balances are in place by titre/worm testing them, so am doing so responsibly.

    It seems as you think I’m doing something negative by actually researching things rather than blindly following. For example, the vets push annual boosters, but their own guidelines and the manufacturers state every three years.

    Also, to add (and maybe I’ve been lucky), other than the tests above, the initial puppy jags and getting spayed, my dogs have never required a vet due to illness or poor health.

    I get my method (which I’m not alone in following) maybe required a bit more effort, and I don’t judge anyone who goes down the “normal” route, but I don’t see why you are criticising me, for something which works for me and the dogs.

    Free Member

    What are you doing to protect them against the harmful effects of 5G?

    Nowt, because I’m not a tinfoil hat wearing loon ball. Apologies for merely offering an alternative – I don’t say it was better, but it works for my dogs and I’d rather my method than pumping them full of IMO unecessary chemicals. Others think differently and that’s up to them.

    Free Member

    @dannybgoode – it’s only harmful if ingested in large quantities and really beneficial to dogs in small quantities.

    Free Member

    An alternative point of view…

    Flea treatment – I don’t bother with it and would only treat if fleas were present (which they never have been). I don’t see the point in giving chemical insecticide/pesticides (which have been shown to be harmful to dogs), on a monthly basis on the off chance the pick something up.

    Worming – Regular garlic in their diet, along with golden (turmeric) paste, pumpkin seeds and dried rabbits ears.

    Don’t get me started on the sham of annual vaccination boosters! ;-)

    Free Member

    George Monbiot putting my local MP Andrew Bowie to the sword on the BBC of all places was glorious viewing.

    Free Member

    In my book, a decent cable is way better than cheap stuff from Screwfix, but when you start spending silly money it’s the law of diminishing returns.

    I use Chord Company RumourX and I like them.

    Free Member

    All asbestos was removed from my sites years ago, so not 100% au fait with the regs, but without checking, I’m pretty sure that any work which results in the accidental disturbance of asbestos becomes RIDDOR reportable.

    Actually a quick check on Croner:
    According to the HSE website, situations where asbestos exposure is likely to meet the above definition includes where work is carried out on asbestos containing materials (ACMs) without adequate control measures and:

    the use of power tools on most ACMs

    work that leads to physical disturbance (knocking, breaking, smashing) of an ACM that should only be handled by a licensed contractor

    manually cutting or drilling asbestos insulating board

    work involving aggressive physical disturbance of asbestos cement, eg. breaking or smashing.

    The HSE states that “if these activities are carried out without suitable controls, or the precautions fail to control exposure, these would be classed as a ‘dangerous occurrence’ under RIDDOR and should be reported”.

    I’m sure your employer wouldn’t want a RIDDOR dangerous occurrence on their stats (regardless of the moral argument) should a slate dislodge and drop on to the ACM

    Futureboy77 – Senior QHSE Advisor

    Free Member

    Yep agreed, but the OP is in a bad place just now and doesn’t need grief from us

    Fair enough point, but it’s also worth noting that the dog isn’t exactly in a great place either through no fault of its own.

    Leaving this thread now.

    Free Member

    Yeah awful tone. Some truly horrible judgemental opinions here.

    I made my comments as a dog owner/lover, a parent and also as I’ve not alluded to before, someone involved in a rescue/rehoming charity for dogs.

    I do feel sympathy for the OP. Having to give up Buddy must have been heartbreaking. But I also think it’s a situation which could have entirely been avoided with decent stewardship of the dog, especially with kids in the mix.

    I know how hard it can be to re-home a dog with bite history (which this dog now has) and that makes me quite sad knowing the back story as it just seems to me that dog reached the end of its tether. I’ve fostered a couple of dogs with a bite history and they were cracking dogs, but it took a long time to find them a home just because of their past, which no one knew the true circumstances behind. Just that they had bit.

    Hopefully with the current demand for dogs, Buddy finds a more peaceful home.

    Free Member

    Sounds like your son is out of control not the dog…I can understand what you’ve done but I can’t help thinking you could have done more to stop your kid being a little well as giving the dog a safe space to escape to

    This for me. Said as someone with two kids and two dogs and the dogs were part of the family when the kids were the same age as the OP’s son. If the kids were being too lively or I couldn’t be in the same room, the dogs went to a safe place (either the kitchen, the garden or their cage). It wasn’t difficult.

    Free Member

    No doubt a difficult decision.

    It’s the dog that I have most sympathy with in this situation mind you. It’s lost all it’s ever known because it reacted to being taunted (repeatedly by the sounds of it).

    Free Member

    The three cars that I had in succession of each other:
    BMW E30 325i M Sport
    BMW E30 318is (the baby M3)
    BMW E30 M3

    Free Member

    Its not that black and white.

    Our dog has always been allowed up on the sofa. However bad behaviour is not. eg Our son would be sat next to Mrs FD giving him a cuddle. Dog would get jealous so she knew our son would get straight off the sofa in an instant if she got a bit nippy at him (not even biting just get slightly playful/aggressive). That is not acceptable in any shape or form so she would be taken out of the room. it continued until he was brave enough himself to confront her and stop her doing it.

    Of course positive reinforcement is the way to go, but some behaviour is just not acceptable and cannot be altered by positive reinforcement. The first few times she got up on the sofa and just sat with our son rather than trying to get him off she got massive praise.

    No, it’s not always black and white and positive reinforcement is not used for unwanted behaviour. I also said…

    or removing them from any situation where the behaviour is unwanted.

    Which sounds like exactly what you did. It’s two sides of the same coin. Reward good behaviour and remove from situations showing undesired behaviour until they learn there is no benefit in doing it.

    Anyway, don’t want to derail thread any further.

    Free Member

    To the OP, I hope your son recovers well and you manage to work things out with Buddy whichever decision you make.

    There is a heck of a lot of outdated thinking on this thread regarding Alpha dogs and pack behaviour which has been pretty much debunked in recent years. In fact, the Professor who coined the term “Alpha” in regards to wolf packs has retracted it himself in recent years.

    Talk of not letting dogs on the sofa because it elevates their pack status is nonsense. Mine get to lounge on the sofa quite happily (on my say so), because they are social animals and enjoy the company and contact. I don’t think two dogs lying on their backs legs akimbo i.e. completely submissive and at their most vulnerable, is in any way challenging me or my kids status.

    I may be wrong, but it reads to my like lots still advocate basically putting a dog in its place rather than properly training them through positive reinforcement, or removing them from any situation where the behaviour is unwanted.

    FWIW my kids are big enough now and know how to handle the dogs, but when they were younger the kids and dogs were very seldom left unattended. Not because I didn’t trust the dogs….

    Free Member

    I will have to weigh up living with a wonky watch or potentially ruining it trying to fix it. Can bezels be removed easily? I have a case back opener.

    It’s been a doddle to remove the bezel on all the SKX’s I’ve had. Cover the case with tape to prevent scratching and a small thin knife between the case and bezel to pop it.

    Free Member

    Wee Krankie is a joke. Stirring up the usual anti English pish disguised as anti Tory pish.

    Firstly, the “Wee Krankie” pish is playground humour at best.
    Secondly, as a card carrying member of the SNP, I could assure you their is not a jot of anti English “pish”, as evidenced by the English Scots for Yes group.

    Free Member

    Jeez, just checked back in to this thread. Some great tales/memories!

    Free Member

    Aside from the fact a dog should never be left for 8/9 hours a day (although employing a good dog walker could help with that), two pups for company doesn’t always work as intended. I’ve got a dog and a bitch (same breed/different breeders) and at times they can be friends. Other times they barely tolerate each other, and occasionally just avoid each other. It’s never a given that they will get on.

    I’ve no experience of Collies, but my ex has just got a Collie/lab rescue pup and its energy levels are off the scale.

    Free Member

    I worked 3&3 and 2&2 for years before I took a desk job onshore. To be honest, I much preferred it to the 9-5. If another opportunity arose for me to go back to equal time, I’d snatch it.

    You definitely get much more quality time at home working an equal time rotation. Obviously this is offset by missing the occasional birthday/Christmas/special occasion.

    Like for like, I was financially better off too, as there are less expenses (i.e. Food and accommodation is taken care of for half the year).

    Free Member

    Ya bawbag/fud/dobber. All interchangeable i.e. shut yer puss, ya dobber.

    Yer a riddy.

    Puss like a skelpit erse.


    Free Member

    We supply Riley & Uvex (don’t have the model numbers to hand).

    FWIW – these were picked after trialling dozens of different types with the workforce and getting feedback on all.

    Free Member

    Cheers Fossy, I tried to do it online with my Gateway ID, but apparently I’m not able too. I’ve printed off the paperwork and will get it done asap.


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