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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • Futureboy77
    Free Member

    I’m a dog owner, and would be mortified if my dog did that (which he hasn’t) but I’m not sure why you’d bring out the bombers/wee/sausages.

    The owner couldn’t really have done anything.

    Kennel No. 5 made me chuckle!

    Free Member

    I couldn’t get a thomson post so did the same as @intheborders and bought a cheap carbon post of the bay, although I’m sure I was £30.

    Wasn’t expecting much but it’s light and nicely finished.

    Free Member

    Mountain Equipment Zeno. It’s in my pack/worn more often than the Lhotse or Tupilak.

    Free Member

    I’ve stuck with Marantz amps for years. I’ve similar musical taste to you.

    Free Member

    Jock & Poppy. 6 year old Cairn Terriers in the Cairngorms.

    Stopping for a drink of water outside Bob Scott’s bothy.

    Just below Bachnagairn after a walk to Broad Cairn and Cairn Bannoch.

    Settling down for an evening in the Hutchie Hut.

    Free Member

    I’ve fallen out of love with biking over the past few years but a gravel bike has got me back out and thoroughly enjoying it.

    Free Member

    Both mine are raw fed. I mix up pre-bought for convenience (Paleo Ridge & Natural instinct) and DIY usually from Morrisons butcher counter. DIY is super cheap once you are confident in getting the meat/bone/offal ratio right.

    Free Member

    The state of a certain element of Scottish Twitter tonight.

    “If I cannae get to the fitba, I’m no getting my booster”

    Shakes head.

    Free Member

    To the OP (I commented earlier in the thread about contacting the breeder). I’m assuming you researched the breed before buying your pup, but some observations as an owner who has been around Cairns a lot that you might want to consider:

    Digging. I’ve yet to meet a Cairn who didn’t dig. This means the possibility of your garden being a mess. It also means a high possibility of the dog being an escape artist.

    Prey drive. Even with good recall, I don’t trust mine 100% of the time. I’ll let them off in the local park etc, but if we are hillwalking where there is a good chance of prey, they are on the lead.

    Stuborness/selective hearing. It’s a notorious Cairn trait. Sometimes it can be funny and other times absolutely infuriating.

    Being vocal. Anecdotally, I think boys tend to bark more but you’ll be made aware of the postman, birds in the garden etc. The only thing that sets off my bitch is the sight of a cat but she goes mental.

    Coat care. They need hand stripped twice a year (finding someone local who can do it well isn’t easy) and they need regularly raked to remove excess undercoat otherwise you’ll find piles of it gathering around the house. If you choose to clip the coat, you’ll end up with “damp dog smell” as the coat won’t shed water.

    Fox poo rolls. Not Cairn specific but both of mine do it at any given opportunity.

    Activity levels. They may be small dogs, but mine need a lot of exercise or they get bored. Admittedly, that’s because mine have always been exercised lots.

    Life expectancy. A healthy Cairn can live for a long time (mid to late teens isn’t uncommon). That’s a big commitment when your circumstances may change (possibility of kids etc.).

    All the above being said, I love the breed and will have more Cairns in future. They love my kids and absolutely fit my lifestyle but they are by no means perfect. An uber chilled lapdog they are not. My current two are 6 and still have the same energy levels as they did when 1. They don’t slow down quickly.

    I’ll probably know of your dogs breeder and all the good breeders have big waiting lists so your pup will get a home if that’s your choice.
    If you do decide to keep the pup, you are in for a challenging time for sure but in my opinion Cairns are worth the work that you need to start putting in now (as with any dog).

    Good luck either way.

    Free Member

    You’ve had the pup for a week and I can’t see why you wouldn’t consider the upheaval a new puppy brings before you got it.

    Cairns are notoriously stubborn, so even as adult dogs they can be a challenge.

    Reading your post I’d be inclined to discuss with the breeder as they’ll have a much better chance of finding it a suitable home whilst it’s so young.

    Owner of 2 x Cairn Terriers and involved in Cairn Rescue.

    Free Member

    No stockpiling, but I’d really like a 27.2 Thomson seatpost which appears to be impossible.

    If anyone happens to have one, give me a shout.

    Free Member

    Definitely enough spacers on top. I added an extra as thought the same thing.

    Free Member

    Surely if the reason you don’t take drugs now is their illegality then if drugs became legal why would you drive under the influence (which would be illegal).

    It’s not a case of being under the influence at the time. Drugs can be detected in your system for a period of time after the effects have well worn off. TJ’s cannabis example is a good one. Say I crashed my car on the Wednesday and was tested by the police, the joint I smoked on Saturday night would still show up in my system despite not being under the influence of it.

    Free Member

    Another aspect to any liberalisation of any drugs is driving and working – needs robust policy around this. Cannabis is really tricky because its detectable long after it has no effect and indeed its actually hard to find impairment in driving after cannabis

    I’ve wondered how this could be managed. I worked in a job where drug testing was relatively normal and found it mental that someone could lose their job for smoking a joint a week or so before the test, yet someone banging in to the Class A’s all weekend would sail through a mid week test.

    Free Member

    I loved being a paperboy. My kids can’t believe I delivered morning and evening papers six days a week, plus the two bags on a Sunday round!

    I was happy as Larry strutting about with my Walkman on. Simpler times 😊

    Free Member

    Recently in the UK there was a batch of poorly made MDMA that actually had a slightly different drug in it. It was both more powerful and had a much longer time to take effect. The result was that people would take a pill, think nothing was happening when they didn’t go up after an hour. take another and so on until they all came on at once and of course that led to huge issues

    That’s been the case since E’s have been around. Anyone who inadvertently double dropped a Dove in the 90’s will know the feeling well.

    Someone in her position would under the sort of drugs policy I would like to see wpould have been able to get proper medical advice and may not even have had the MDMA in th efirst place as cannabis would be available legally. she certainly would not have taken the distalgesic which is highly toxic.

    People take MDMA and cannabis for very different reasons. I don’t think I’d fancy smoking a few joints before going to a techno night for example.

    On harm reductions with heroin usage. there is a significant issue in glasgow with junkies ODing and dying.

    I’ve seen you use the term junkies on a couple of threads. Quite surprising as a healthcare worker who has worked within addiction services. These people are human beings with an addiction. Someone’s son or daughter. Refering to them as junkies does no-one any good. Fortunately, there is a campaign being launched on this very topic.

    Free Member

    I have never seen any cocaine withdrawal despite meeting heavy users in both person and professionally.

    So you have met “heavy users”, but not witnessed an addict withdraw?
    30 seconds on a search engine will give you a list of physical and psychological symptoms of coke withdrawal that are far worse than the “Tuesday Blues” as it was put.

    Free Member

    Wrong – its the voice of someone who has worked in drug rehab, who has friends that became over users of cocaine ( and stopped instantly when they realised it was becomeing an issue without any withdrawal) and who saw a friend die from cocaine ( massive heart attack)

    Fair doos, but that isn’t the same as watching someone who has used it daily for years (an addict, not an “over user”) come off it, as I have. Withdrawal is a recognised issue and far more than Tuesday Blues. Tuesday Blues maybe a thing after a heavy weekend on it.

    Free Member

    cocaine withdrawal – tuesday blues

    The voice of someone who has never witnessed someone come off of coke addiction.

    Free Member

    Someone mentioned the ME Zeno earlier in the thread and that might be a good shout. I use one as a lighter weight waterproof to chuck in my pack during summer and it’s held up to everything that has been thrown at it. Most of the time it’s been worn with at least an overnight pack and it still works/looks as it did when new. I’ve not measured it, but it seems to fit a bit longer than the Lhotse/Tupilak jackets i wear in winter.

    Free Member

    Poor lass the BBC stuck on Stonehaven harbour wall for the Six O’Clock bulletin didn’t seem to be enjoying it much.

    I’m 10 miles south of Stonehaven and understand why. Pretty brutal for the past half hour or so.

    Free Member

    Narrowed it down to a Paramo Torres and a Mountain Equipment Superflux.
    Not tried either on and getting to a supplier is a PITA…are their sizes ‘normal’?
    I’m large in most stuff so hoping the sizing is accurate…can anyone verify this?

    I’ve had a ME Superflux for a year or so. It’s a good gilet and plenty warm enough for me. I’m a large in most stuff and the same applies to Mountain Equipment – that’s why i have loads of ME stuff, it fits me spot on.

    Free Member

    I’m in a similar situation with my eldest daughter (13) who can be pretty flakey as to when she wants to spend time with me.

    Can’t say that I get too upset about it, she’s just starting to find her own way in the world along with her social circle.

    I’ll still be here when she decides I’m cool again! 😀

    Free Member

    Pittodrie is a belting away trip. 😆

    Agreed. Although it comes second only to Arbroath in terms of Scotland’s coldest away day :)

    Free Member

    Love Aberdeenshire (lived here for about 15 years), but i avoid Aberdeen city at all costs. Pre-pandemic i was working Monday-Friday in Aberdeen. I haven’t found a single reason to visit since March 2020, other than to attend a course. Make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    Hand wash garment in a yellow builders tub with liquid soap flakes (same as techwash), rinse, fill tub with warm water and TX, splosh around and leave to soak. Rinse, tumble dry or hang to dry then use a hairdryer over it to activate the TX.

    This, except I use Grangers or Storm rather than TX.

    Free Member

    Deck graphics are thee most important thing. If it makes you smile when you pick it up you will have a good day.

    If you want to hang a deck on a wall, otherwise the graphics are gone in a decent day of skating.

    Free Member

    Just last week I bought a Nokia G10 for £100 to see me through a period of losing my contract phone and waiting on the replacement arriving. To be fair, I was quite impressed with it apart from the camera (in comparison to a top of the range phone). Nokia promise Android support for the model for 3 years and I’m sure they also plant x amount of trees for each one sold.

    I’ve just given it to my daughter and she prefers it to her older iPhone.

    Free Member

    Anyone who says they don’t like wellies haven’t walked in decent wellies. There is a world of difference between Dunlop type wellies and good quality boots like Aigle or Le Chameau. I have neoprene lined Aigles and they are the comfiest footwear I own. People says but they are just for dog walks but I walk the dog three times a day every day in all weather. The cost of decent boots is well justified.

    Fwiw, I include Hunters in the crap wellie category.

    Truth. I used to work 12 hours shifts offshore in Dunlops. I still have no hair on my shins where the boots rubbed! My Aigle boots are comfy as anything. Hunter are just a fashion brand now. I bought a pair for my daughter and they weren’t much better than a supermarket wellie.

    Free Member

    I’m on my second pair of Aigle short wellies

    Blooming comfy and feel more boot like than wearing full length wellies. First pair lasted for years despite lots of use.

    Free Member

    @stcolin have you looked at Halti Head collars? Stopped one of mine who was a puller and I know a few friends have used them with success.

    Someone else mentioned it but I feed a BARF diet and the general consensus seems be to that it can calm dogs down.

    Free Member

    OP, I’d have look to see if there are any breed specific training books as they might cater more to breed specific traits. I got one from my breed club.

    If you are interested in diet (which can massively impact behaviour), then there is a brilliant book called Feeding Dogs by Dr Conor Brady.

    Other than that, have patience and enjoy the ride.

    My two say hello!

    ……..though there I go, mentioning rotten teeth…..

    The biggest ingredient in Dentastix is cereal (corn or wheat) carbohydrates which a dogs body turns in to sugar which can lead to poor dental health. The very thing they are meant to prevent.

    Free Member

    As I said, my opinion/experience.

    It was your dog who experienced fear and confusion.

    Thanks for your unreferenced feedback though.

    It’s an internet forum, not a peer reviewed submission. I’d quite happily share some references with you, but I’d doubt you’d follow up on them.

    Free Member

    Don’t run her too much while she’s young (year 1 I’d say – but research it) or you’ll knacker her shoulders – especially downhill.
    Ours is a dog and he needed to know who was boss. We set clear boundaries – not allowed upstairs, on furniture or near us when we’re eating. I’ll get hate for this, but they need to know they are dogs. Ours used to bite the kids and my wife, but hasn’t since it bit me and I pinned him to the floor by his neck. He fought for 30 seconds and then relaxed, and has never done it since. We’d done the treats, positive re-inforcement and ‘clicker’ things. They are much happier and more well behaved when they are clear on boundaries – much like humans really. Lots of strokes, especially at bedtime – but make sure she has ‘her bed’ somewhere sensible – kitchen, porch, utility room.
    Decent, dry biscuit type food – not gooey meat. Rotten teeth are another big issue with collies.
    All just my opinion (as an owner of two very well behaved, happy collies).

    Yikes. From advocating the dominance down to sh*t dietary advice in one post.

    “The act of holding a dog down forcibly as a correction is generally called the “dominance down.” It is inappropriate, ethologically absurd, and completely counterproductive when interacting with dogs. In a nutshell — don’t do it. Ever.”

    “A common myth we frequently hear is that dry food cleans your pet’s teeth. Unfortunately, this is simply false. Eating kibble does not keep your pet’s teeth clean, no more than us eating potato chips to keep our teeth clean.”

    “Raw meaty bones (by that, I mean raw bones that still have meat on them) contain a lot of different nutrients, but they are primarily comprised of calcium and phosphorous. Calcium in particular is essential for strong teeth and bones, not to mention muscle contraction (for example, the pumping of the heart), blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, and more.”

    Free Member

    I’ve got a couple of Primaloft Gold jackets which are great, but that’s more down to the outer material. Both are Gore Infinium which makes them all but waterproof and toasty.

    I’ve always sworn by Arcteryx Atom LT for insulation but I got a cheap Mountain Equipment Transition jacket and that’s just as good.

    I’m sure the Mountain Equipment sample sale starts this week on Magic Mountain so maybe some deals to be had.

    Free Member

    Ewing the shooters friend and the major roadbliock to reform has been removed and the greens are now going to make the policy on this

    Thankfully. The response i got from Ewing when i emailed him relating to this topic was mind blowing, including him sending me a link to a pro-muirburn YouTube video.

    The SNP are now having discussions on the topic including the possibility of a ban of muirburn.

    Free Member

    I’m the same height as you and 13st and take a large in Norrona. I don’t find it overly big made.

    Free Member

    Not a woman so can’t comment on fit, but what about Mountain Equipment Rupal or Makalu? I’ve had the mens version of both and would tick most of your requirements.

    Free Member

    so we should treat offenders like they treat their victims. rather than paying millions to look after them.

    Ok. I have family member who was found guilty of murder (his wife), before being fully exonerated some time later upon discovery of new evidence.

    Should we have just let him be murdered inside when he was initially found guilty and saved the hassle?

    I wish him a very, very long and healthy life….. Spent in solitary confinement so he can spend each and every day thinking about and dwelling on what he has done.

    This for me.

    Free Member

    99% of the time I’m out I’m using softshell – usually a fairly heavy one. It has to be pretty grim for my waterproofs to come out , even in the winter ice climbinh.

    I’d never go out without my waterproof trousers (an old pair of Rab eVent ones), but i’m the same as above. In winter i’m in a pair of ME G2 pants for the grand majority of the time (eventually wore out the Windstopper ones and have just replaced with the Gore Infinium ones). Although they are pricey, they keep out the worst of it.

    If it is bad enough for the waterproofs to go on, its for as minimal a time as possible.

    If i had to replace my waterproofs now, i’d probably go for something like Deluges rather than anything spendy.

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