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  • Futureboy77
    Free Member

    My little un is around the same age as B Junior and loves the zoo and play area at Camperdown Park in Fundee.

    Although Blair Drummond Safari Park takes it to a whole new level! :D

    Free Member

    Nope…the world needs oil.

    Free Member

    Yup, i showed up as non-negative for opiates. The sample was sent away for lab analysis and came back ok.

    I'm quite involved in arranging and facilitating random tests at my work now so have quite a lot of dealing with Industrial Doctors. Quite a lot of over the counter medicines can cause non negatives with the dip test, but this is usually sorted out in the lab.
    Also, i quoted the poppy seed thing to the Doctor and was told that you'd need to eat tonnes of the stuff before it would have any effect.

    You'll be right!

    Free Member

    Pfft, here's mine!

    We are the Mods!


    Free Member

    For your company, yes, for others – quite possibly not. Think of a Jaguar engineer commenting on a Mercedes…

    Assuming that is aimed at me…i'll quantify with an earlier statement:

    I've experienced the safety attitude and performance of most operators and BP are up there with the best (although admitedly, none are perfect), within the regions i have covered.

    You really have no idea do you? Keep surfing dude and ignore the reality of the world around you!!!

    And sorry for not specifically naming you in my "qualified" list earlier – it clearly hurt your feelings

    Actually, i didn't notice. I'm quite secure…so don't worry 'bout me! :D

    Free Member

    I think a lot of people here are keyboard warriors who just love to try and one up people behind the safety of their keyboards while they try and avoid doing their IT admin jobs.

    I think if you go back to an earlier post, i stated that i'm a Quality, Health, Safety & Environmental Advisor for an oil exploration drilling company.

    Makes me quite possibly more qualified to comment than you….no?

    Free Member


    They have a terrible safety track record

    Really…or just more high profile in comparison to others?

    No, they actually really do have a terrible safety record.

    Admittedly as a British Company they probably take a few more hits than US companies, but it is still a big difference.

    That article refers to one operating region. BP are obviously multinational.

    I've experienced the safety attitude and performance of most operators and BP are up there with the best (although admitedly, none are perfect), within the regions i have covered.

    I don't think that most people understand the fact that the rig which drilled the well did not belong to BP. Therefore, one of the barriers to prevent this (blow out preventers) was not under BP's direct control.

    I also don't think that the public have any idea (understandably) of drilling and completing wells, especially the challenges of deep water.
    I've been involved first hand and believe me, it's a challenge.

    Offshore drilling and the hazards it presents can only truly be appreciated if experienced first hand and the majority of people who put petrol in their car are blissfully ignorant…until something like this happens.

    Free Member

    They have a terrible safety track record

    Really…or just more high profile in comparison to others?

    They even cut corners on contractor costs

    A business reduced it's contractor costs. Strange!

    BP deserves to be shut down for this.

    What about the drilling company who own the rig and associated well control equipment (which failed) and the other contractors who carried out work related to well integrity?
    What about the ordinary people with money in pensions invested in BP. Should they suffer?

    The is a huge inherent risk in drilling for oil – and everyone who fills their car with fuel shares that responsibility. Including you Surf-Mat.

    Well put!

    HSE Advisor(Oil & Gas Exploration)

    Free Member

    Yeah, three incidents in 6 months.

    Your mate will get used to it!!! ;O)
    Lost count of the amount of times i've been woken by alarms. As long as it isn't the prepare to abandon!

    Free Member

    question is are you happy to make profits off an immoral, corrupt corporation with an abysmal attitude to health and safety and environmental concerns

    Obviously you have never worked for BP! Having worked for various operators over the years, they are up there with the best.

    Offshore oil & gas E&P is inherintly hazardous IMHO BP are being hung out to dry. Transocean owned the rig and blow out preventer. Another company did the cement job (which failed) and another contractor would have run sub sea safety valves. All barriers which should have prevented the current situation.

    The law suits are going to interesting!

    Never let reality get in the way of a good story though.

    Theres a rig sunk off venezuella at the moment, very similar circumstances and equipment. They were just lucky and the valve worked. Its barely made the news outside industry magazines.

    Ditto the recent well control incidents west of Shetland

    Free Member

    I've got the Denon system above.
    I was kind of forced in to it as having a toddler and expensive B&W's on stands didn't mix, so the old Arcam set up was retired!

    I wouldn't say the Denon matches a full set up, but for a wee set up at that price, it's hard to argue with. I certainly am happy enough with it for the money. Nice sound, easy to set up and pretty unobtrusive.

    Free Member

    Nice one! More of a Lammy man myself…here are my babies!

    Free Member

    That seems like my only option ourmaninthenorth.


    Free Member

    I have pointed it out as has the HR girl (stating that it's not legal). Trouble is, the big boss is a yank who thinks he knows better.

    Looks like i'll pack my stuff up this avo and not bother coming back!

    Trouble is that it's a close knit industry i work in so could have consequences in the future!

    Free Member




    Free Member

    Steelsreal…i feel for you mate. In the space of a year, i have:

    Got married
    Become a Dad
    Lost my Dad
    Got made redundant
    Had a disaster of a house move
    Started a new job then got head hunted back to my old work.

    Hopefully 2010 is a bit more settled.

    Free Member

    I have a large Swift F&F that i would part with – never been ridden.

    Drop me a line if interested (stevencro(at)gmail(dot)com)

    Free Member

    Me. HSE Officer for an oil & gas drilling company.

    I can't be bothered entering in to the other thread! :lol:

    Free Member

    John, i'm sorry for your loss mate.

    My Dad died two weeks ago. He went to work as normal and collapsed with a massive stroke. He was only 59 didn't smoke, didn't drink and was a keen cyclist. I didn't get my chance to say goodbye properly.

    The only thing getting me through this is keeping busy and looking out for my Mum, Sis, Wife and Baby. I feel as if i've not had my time to grieve yet. I'm dreading it hitting home when it finally does.

    Free Member

    StevetheBarbarian, as a Stonehaven resident, i’d say avoid The Ship and go to The Marine (only a few doors along). The food is much better! ;)

    When are you up these parts?

    (sorry for the hijack)

    Free Member

    nice one mboy!

    Got told i was to be made redundant a few weeks ago.
    My boss tried his best to keep me but no joy. I found another job and told my boss this morning…he just found away to save me!!! :?

    I had to take the new job, but felt pretty bad letting my boss down.

    Not sure what the moral of that story is….other than the fact there are still some jobs out there!

    Free Member

    Yeah…watched that with the wife. Pretty wild! 8O

    Kinda made me cringe with embarrasment thinking of some of the states i got in as a yoof!

    My mate now works as a rentacop in A&E. Some of the abuse the medical professionals have to put up with is unreal.

    Free Member

    The Criffel Inn….nice rooms and run by bikers too.

    Free Member

    BruceWee – I’m shorebased now, having spent the best part of 10 years on the rigs.

    Free Member

    As a QHSE Advisor…i’d say thats debatable!!!

    Free Member

    Barney_McGrew….spot on!

    If anyone wants to talk about perspective, i spent last night with guys who were first on the scene of the crash. A far more informed and dignified point of view than some of the drivel spouted here.

    BruceWee…it’s obviously a long time since you have worked in the UK then.
    Living conditions on the Noggie rigs may be better, but there safety performance is worse than the UKCS.
    I work for a Norwegian company btw.

    Free Member

    Good man Smee…cheers

    Free Member

    I really don’t understand this thread tbh.

    A couple have lost a child and are grieving. They made the news over something that was entirely avoidable.
    It will be out of the news just as quickly as it entered the news. Let it go.

    I think the thread title (FFS, have a word…) should apply to some of the posts here, rather than be directed at the parents, press etc etc.

    Free Member

    Cheers folks.

    It’s a position within the Oil & Gas industry…salary tbc.

    thisisnotaspoon, no beer is a good things as i could do with loosing a few pounds! :wink:

    It’s a big descision as i have a 1 month old daughter to consider. Better to be away earning a good wage, or be at home earning a lesser wage (or no wage at all)???

    Free Member

    Nothing at all to do with “The HSE” but obviously company policy.

    It’s standard practice in many high risk industries, including my own. If the IP hasn’t been up to no good, why worry?

    Re TJ’s comments on invasion of privacy. What about a co-workers rights? You have a duty of care to those who are affected by your acts or ommisions. I’d rather not have a stoner co-worker operating plant/machinery!

    Passive smoking staying in your blood stream for weeks is falacy btw.

    Free Member

    Armstrong is a total c0ck…end of discussion!

    In my opinion, i reckon he has cheated but obviously it’s never been proven so i can’t comment.
    What gets me is his attitude to other riders, journos etc.

    Free Member

    Some good old school stuff in Rumour Records…The Old Skool Masters i think the series is called.

    Free Member

    mastiles…i feel your pain mate. My Wife is also under the cosh so to speak. The situation is muddled even further by the fact the other two girls in her department are also pregnant!
    We both work in the same office and i’m entering my consultation period. Not nice for the wife’s stress levels (or my own).

    Just as an aside for those who rubished the “last in, first out” comments:
    “Your employer can look at all employees’ length of service with the company, and select those with the shortest service (the last ones to join).” Taken from the Government Website – It is possible as long as certain criteria are met.

    All the best…Fight the Power!!! :?

    Free Member

    I went with a few mates a couple of years ago.

    The castle is well worth a visit if that’s your thing. Other than that…drink and women occupied my time! :lol:

    When we were there, there wasn’t a huge amount of stag doo’s evident. Either it was a particularly quiet weekend or we were just lucky to avoid them.

    Free Member

    “Can you not ask road bike questions on a road bike forum?”

    Jeez….it’s all bikes!!!

    Free Member

    Back on the road bike after neglecting it last year.

    Getting more of a buzz from the roadie than the mtb just now (so much so that i’ve found myself thinking about a new Colnago!!!).

    It’s all just bikes though….two wheels good! :D

    Free Member

    …….another vote for Endura. They seem to last an age too.

    Free Member

    peajay, my Seamaster started losing time like yours and gradually got worse.

    A service sorted it out and it’s been fine since (18 months or so).

    Free Member

    Good stuff robdob! :-)

    I’m in my consultancy period just now but reading between the lines, it looks like i’m gone! Not ideal when the missus works in the same office (and may be a goner) and she is due our first kid in a couple of weeks!

    Oh well…plent of time with the baby for me (and hopefully a few cheeky rides too!)!!! Gotta look at the positives!

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