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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    I’ve had a look at cruisers, but aren’t they more about just skating around town, not really for riding bowls etc? They all look really narrow and short, whereas I thought wider was better for the things I wanted to do…

    I’m finding this quite confusing… (that’s not unusual for me though)…

    I definitely like the look of that Bones board, but at well over £100 it’s a little too pricey for me right now…

    As for protection, I am planning on kiting up with my bike knee and elbow pads, will get a piss-pot helmet… but is it worth getting wrist supports too?

    Full Member

    Well, having done a quick scan of t’interwebs, it doesn’t look like there is a decent skate shop local to me, and no real opportunity for a while to visit one, so it looks like I might have to do this remotely…

    So, having done some reading… which is usually quite dangerous… but I am figuring that if I don’t really care about doing tricks, and just want to ride bowls/ramps etc then a wider board is better, is that right?

    And looking good Rocketdog… now I have some kind of style to aspire to, although my beard got trimmed, by order of the management, a couple of years ago…

    Full Member

    My other half is currently laughing at me after I mentioned I had asked about this on here… she also pointed out it might not be that compatible with my recent neck surgery..

    To be fair, she might have a point there, but I’m expecting more limb injuries than neck!

    So it looks like I might need to find a skate shop somewhere, not sure there are any that local though.

    But just had a chat with the folks running the skate park, they also have BMXs there, so that might be an option too…

    But not a scooter!

    Full Member

    If it’s not threaded, then take all the top caps off, and you should be able to remove the top bearing… that usually does the trick…

    Full Member

    How old?

    Are you sure it’s not a threaded headset?

    Full Member

    Work are pretty used to me, and others, being broken… I’ve spannered myself in the Alps, my boss has done the same, the big boss did his elbow on Jacobs Ladder…

    And I was fully planning on wearing most of my body armour for it!

    To be honest, just cruising around the park and playing on the quarter/half pipes would be good enough, am not expecting to be doing massive jumps or anything…

    Full Member

    Strava heat map is your friend…

    Full Member

    While recovering from spinal surgery recently, and being rather bored, I did an edX course on python programming run by MIT which was very good and did quite a bit on OOP which, while I kind of knew what it was beforehand, I didn’t really understand it. The course actually explained it very well, and you do graded assessments to see if you understand it.

    I think it was called Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python if you are interested.

    Full Member

    Definitely real, although it is easy to confuse ADHD with Attachment Disorder as they often lead to similar behaviours, but generally attachment disorder is a lot less well known than ADHD and isn’t something which is usually ‘fixed’ with drugs.

    The biggest difference between the two is the likely cause, as I understand it, ADHD is generally being down to genetic/medical reasons, while Attachment Disorder is due to inconsistent/bad parenting or mistreatment of the child during its first few years.

    Full Member

    A De Buyer Mineral B black iron pan… if you can get one of those to warp I’d be very impressed… but they do weigh quite a lot!!!

    Either that, or just browse Nisbets for something which is induction compatible.

    Full Member

    martinhutch…. well I got it… :D

    Full Member

    mol… how were you hoping to figure out what was draining the current from poking around in the fusebox?

    Surely you’d just use the current clamp on the wires to/from the fuses, instead of the fuses themselves…

    I am presuming you have a wiring schedule for the car at this point.

    Full Member

    Mol… it’s a clamp type, you open the jaws and put it round the cable, you don’t need to disturb any fuses.

    Full Member

    It’s bad enough trying to measure mV in our power lab at work, let alone 0.1mV!

    If there isn’t another way, eg. pulling fuses etc, then try and get hold of a clamp type current meter. I’ve just had a quick look and Maplins do one for about 30 quid which claims to measure down to 10mA DC.

    Full Member

    I bought an Echo Bearcat chipper/shredder off eBay a couple of years ago, just the baby one mind, which is gravity fed. But pretty much everything you put into the chipper chute gets grabbed and pulled through the machine… only really have to push though anything with lots of side branch that drag too much on the chute sides.

    I think one with a powered feed would obviously be better, but for only a few hundred quid I’d be surprised to get one like that anywhere!

    Full Member

    Did anyone ever find out if there was a cure for brittle knees?

    Full Member

    Only 180?

    So that’s only one cake every two days for a year… what could possibly go wrong with that? :D

    Full Member

    Having just been given a 25kg sack of the loose stuff I’m following this thread with interest…

    I fear it might take a while to get through!

    Full Member

    Spent a day in Samoens in July last year, and really enjoyed the blue/red trails we rode, although it was all a little confusing as some of the routes didn’t seem to be well signposted, and the trail map was a little hard to follow! It didn’t help that there was a load of building work going on at the top of the first lift which wasn’t shown on the map!

    The thing I remember most was that the trails all felt quite natural, and while no single feature was massively hard it was just continuously difficult through the technical sections. They felt very different from the trails we rode in the PdS area.

    Now just trying to think if we saw other people riding, and I think there might have been a couple, but certainly nothing like the number of folks out in the main PdS area.

    As such I think I’d be a little nervous riding on my own as if you do crash badly then it might be a while before you see anyone else.

    Full Member

    Persiana by Sabrina Ghayour is another good one…

    And will back up the Ottolenghi recommendations as well, although not all the recipes are Middle Eastern in origin, they are all very tasty!

    Full Member

    Depends on the forward voltage of the LEDs, so the whole 9v won’t be dropped across the resistor, so that will change the amount of current actually drawn.

    Then, the power in the LEDs will only be the forward voltage of the LED multiplied by the current.

    So, if Vf for the LED is 1v then 8v will be dropped across the resistor. This will give a current through the resistor of 8v/92 ohms which is approx 85mA. So, the power in the LED is then Vf multiplied by the current, so 1 * 85mA, so would be approx 85mW.

    Full Member

    mintimperial – Member
    They do still make up surnames: two of my mates got married a few years back, and instead of hyphenating or changing only one of their names, just sort of smushed them together into a new name, fairer that way.

    I was just going to say exactly the same thing…

    They didn’t happen to get married and have a party in a Lake District YHA by some chance did they?

    Full Member

    I’d suggest getting yourself down to the local library. We are currently getting through about 15 books a week with our 6 year old, plus the ones he gets from school as well, and there is no way I’d want to be forking out for all of that lot… plus the house would soon be very full of books.

    By using the library we’ve read so many brilliant books, most that I have forgotten the names of, but our current favourites are anything by Oliver Jeffers.

    Oh, and Dog did it! Pfffffffffft….

    Full Member


    Why would it not be the case? If the car wasn’t written off the insurance would still be valid. There might be a fee to change the vehicle etc, but you still have paid for cover for a year.

    When I was looking into buying the old car back off them and repairing it myself, all that was required was a new MOT to get back to fully comp, before that they were perfectly happy for me to drive around in it with just third party insurance, as long as it was roadworthy of course.

    In any case, that was how it worked with Direct Line.

    Full Member

    Well, you have to keep paying for the rest of the year as you can’t now cancel the policy, but you can put another car onto the insurance policy.

    I went though all this last year when I was trying to buy back a car which got written off after hitting a deer. In the end I accepted a higher offer for the vehicle, but the new car we bought was put straight onto the same insurance policy.

    Full Member

    I find the Storyville docs on BBC iplayer always worth a look.

    Full Member

    On Marquis Drive itself, or the car park opposite the Tackeroo campsite would be the easiest…

    Full Member

    Okami… it’s just ace…

    Full Member

    I think the premium for our Collie X has just gone up to about £95 a month… I know!

    He is 14 years old and we’ve been claiming for the last couple of years for liver and pancreas problems, plus atheritus meds, along with all the testing and everything that goes with it.

    I reckon we are just about still up on the deal, even with these premiums, but it certainly is painful to be paying out that amount every month. The thing is, he’s a member of the family and so want to do the best for him…

    Full Member

    But if I ride to the trails from my house , do I still have to pay?

    Full Member

    A man with a power?

    Full Member

    My favourite pan is our De Buyer black iron frying pan… it’s just brilliant, and without much looking after I expect it to outlive me by a long way!

    I’ll never get a non-stick pan again!

    We’ve got one of these.

    Full Member

    I think I must be in the old and curmudgeonly camp, but please learn how to lead and set up belays before taking someone inexperienced out onto a crag, I’ve seen some right horrors in the past. It’s not so much the not knowing what you are doing I have a problem with(see below), it’s the taking, and having responsibility for, someone else when you don’t know what you are doing which is the thing which concerns me.

    So, as some above have suggested, get a bouldering mat and have a fun day playing on some problems, although I have no idea where the easy bouldering, or any bouldering to be honest, in the Lakes would be…

    Also, please don’t top-rope. It’s fine for climbing walls/sport venues but shouldn’t be allowed out in the real world… but that’s probably another argument altogether.

    Full Member

    Along with the Richard Bertinet book linked to above, another excellent book is Bread Matters by Andrew Whitley.

    We currently use a variant of his overnight method, where we mix everything up and knead it the night before, and then leave it to do its initial rise in the fridge overnight, before knocking back and proving the next morning.

    Full Member

    The last one I did with an Evolution Rage 3 sliding mitre saw… I’d probably not suggest that as a sensible way to do it… but it was very quick… :OD

    Usually just a hacksaw, old towel and a flatish surface though…

    Full Member

    Now, it might have dried up a little since Thursday evening, but from the amount of mud I was covered in after an off-piste ride I’d say it’s not far off winter conditions in places…

    Other bits were dry though… but it was a bit of a lottery!

    Full Member

    Hold on, I seem to recall it was the UK government that scuppered the naval search and rescue in the Med back in 2014… so am not entirely sure you can blame the EU alone for that one!

    Full Member

    ninfan… you do realise that there are EN standards which aren’t also ISO, just like there are ANSI standards for the US etc…

    Also, wasn’t part of the reason brexiters wanted to leave the EU to stop ‘undemocratic institutions’ telling us what we can and can’t do? Doesn’t this also stand for the ISO? Are you going to campaign to leave that next too?

    Full Member

    theocb – Member
    Protectionism at the cost of a country outside the club is not something to be championed though is it? The EU will be working hard to create something acceptable for all.

    So why is it acceptable for the UK to only think about itself and essentially put two fingers up to the rest of Europe, but not for the EU to do the same?

    The argument seems to be that it’s perfectly fine for us as a country to do something which has massive effects to others, not just in Europe but also around the world. That we can do all this stuff in our own selfish self interest, but when the other countries look to do the same thing and protect themselves from the mess we have started then people start to complain that it’s not fair etc…

    That sounds dangerously like a ‘do as I say and not as I do’ type argument!

    Full Member

    Martinhutch… I knew someone would know where to find it… :o)

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