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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    There was some stuff about withholding pay on R4 on Friday lunchtime… might be worth listening to as they were saying something about additional rights kicking in if pay is withheld, and then being able to claim any additional charges/fees etc which are a result of not being paid…

    Full Member

    Only just seen this… missed this round, but looking at round 2…

    Be interesting to hear people’s thoughts on it…

    Full Member

    I had a disc in my neck replaced about a year ago… it took about 6 months before I braved doing anything on a bike, and about 8-9 months before feeling like doing anything technical… but aside from being a little more wary of some of the more technical bits, I’m happily riding again.

    In other words, don’t give up on riding the bumpy stuff completely… it did feel like such a long time though!

    Full Member

    The suspension thing can be tricky… in the end it really depends on what sort of trails they are riding…

    I resisted getting my littl’un suspension for as long as I could… but considering some of the stuff he was able to ride at the time I decided that it would be worthwhile. Which is how we ended up with the Frog, as their forks are able to be set up for kids weights.

    And it’s actually made a huge difference in his ability and confidence in what he can ride now…

    Full Member

    My littl’un went from a 24″ Islabike up to a 26″ Frog 69 MTB when he was about 8 1/2… his riding was pretty good before but it really helped him improve… plus he’d been nagging for ages to get s’pension forks!

    Anyway, the Frog has been brilliant, so would definitely recommend, although as pointed out above, it is 27.2 seat post and 1 1/8th straight head tube if you are planning on doing any serious upgrading…

    But by ‘eck is he growing up fast… it’s only been about 9 months since we bought it, and it was a teensy bit too big for him then, but it already looks like he’s got about half the seat post showing… I can see the questions starting soon about a new one already!!!

    As for any other bikes, just thinking about what bikes turn up at the kids bike skills… the Whyte kids bikes are really nice in the flesh… not seen the Saracen or Virus… a couple of the kids are on nice Orbea bikes, but they might be 24″ now I think about it…

    Full Member

    My son had a Sidetrack, which was pretty good, especially as it looked very similar to my helmet, and so helped getting him to wear it…

    He’s now 9 and has a Bell Oran… slightly more xc oriented but a pretty decent helmet with reasonable ventilation band won’t break the bank.

    Full Member

    A kiddo’s rugby festival… so am hoping that the sun stays out and the forecast wind doesn’t appear…

    Full Member

    Typical… what a great way to spoil my birthday… ba*****s

    Full Member

    I’ve used Stormsure repair glue for repairing various things before (tents, paddling pools, inflatables etc)… it’s a pain in the proverbial to work with as it’s so sticky, but it claims to be good for repairing wellies and the like as well, so maybe worth looking at…

    Full Member

    For two independent outcomes, the chance that both outcomes are true is the multiplication of the two chances.

    In this case the testing system needs both parts to be available, the two availabilities are 0.7 and 0.9, and so multiplying these together gives 0.63 or 63%.

    Full Member

    #78 ordered…

    Full Member

    Fisherground in Eskdale does, although it’s not very ‘north’ in the Lakes!

    Full Member

    I can’t see the link here at work, but is it the same one as this?

    If it is, I think the only non-lego parts are the wheels and tyres…

    Full Member

    There was someone on Radio 4 the other day talking about Delayed Gratification, which is a slow news type thing, where they look at what has happened in the recent past and analyse it… sounded like it could be interesting as they are able give a little more perspective vabout events.

    Might not be what you are looking for, but sounded interesting…

    Full Member

    Did anyone else laugh at the irony of the PM saying there might be a second commons vote for MPs if the deal doesn’t get passed first time?

    I’m a little confused as to why letting tha MPs vote again would be democratic, but letting the people vote in a second referendum would be anti-democratic…

    Full Member

    Am doing coding at my son’s school using micro:bits… the kids love them. They are a bit easier to get to grips with than Raspberry Pi or Arduino as they have buttons and leds built in.

    They are about £15 each I think.

    Full Member

    One person with leather elbow patches is as good as the next

    I thought that was geography teachers….

    Full Member

    It is only 1/2 if you fix the order…

    We did this a couple of years ago, but at that point it involved children… not buying them obviously, but in that question the answer depended on how the question was asked/answered…

    If for example in this question the wife had said something which fixed the sex of one of the dogs, by saying the biggest was a boy, or something like that, then the probability of that dog being a boy is 1. At this point the people saying the answer is 1/2 would be correct.

    However, the question is specifically worded to avoid that answer, it is a probability trick often used to demonstrate how sneaky probability can be. So in this case the wife’s answer does not tell you anything specific about either dog, just about the pair of dogs in general. All you know is that one dog is a boy. So is it the biggest dog? Or is it the smallest?

    Without the wife’s information the chances that both dogs are boys would be 1/4. Does everyone agree with that?

    So, starting from there and then taking the wife’s information into account, it tells us that out of the 4 options, we can ignore the one which has no boys. So, how many options are now left?

    Out of those that are left, how many of those have two boys?

    Full Member

    We have a ‘small’ number of cook books at home, and one of the best we have for cooking curry is Rick Steins India book.

    The Curry book mentioned above is also very good.

    Full Member

    A couple of the kids at my lads Go Ride group have the Hope Academy bikes, and they are very nice indeed…

    My lad has one of the Frog mountain bikes, the same type as the Bike Club hire. It’s really very good as well… although we bought his as it didn’t seem worthwhile doing the rental as he is on the largest one anyway. Some friends do the rental for their kids, and so far the support has been pretty good for them. The only issue they have had so far was a damaged frame when it arrived, and they had a new one in a couple of days.

    Not sure what the second hand bikes will be like, am not sure they have really been running long enough for many bikes to have come back…

    Full Member

    Is the output from the front light 6V AC looped through from the dynamo? Or is it a rectified DC signal?

    If it’s AC, then you might need to also find some way of rectifying it… or use anti-parallel diodes but depending on the hub this may pulse the LED’s at slow speeds.

    Also, if it is AC, then you’ll not have the benefit of the standby function of the main light, and so as soon as you slow down or stop the rear light will go out…

    Then, if it’s rectified, then it’s unlikely to be at 6V out of the front light, and more likely to be approx 3.8V…

    I’d say a little more information is needed.

    Full Member

    Nerd… my suggestion would be to take the MPC apart and have a good look at the mating part, take photos, post on here etc… some scale would make it easier to identify.

    My guess is it was used in the unit as the connector is quite robust and can be used for blind mating… I think it is probably a coincidence that it was also used for SCSI.

    The PCB is, if you are lucky, just a pin to pin but I wouldn’t be that surprised if it wasn’t 1 to 1, and some tracks were crossed over etc…

    Full Member

    If you look on the link in the OP’s second post then you can see the angled edges on the end of the connector…

    At 6:00 in this video you can see the mating half…

    Full Member

    It looks a little like an old centronics connector… they used to be used on old printers and the like when parralel interfaces were all the rage!!

    That comes in a 50-pin size…

    Full Member

    A few years ago after I hit a deer when on holiday up in the Lakes I ended up in an argument with the insurance company about the valuation on the car when it was written off. Initially I accepted an offer on the understanding they would trailer the car back to me, and I would buy it off them and fix it back up.

    However, after they changed their minds about getting the car back to me, I then complained about the valuation… I was happy with the original offer if I didn’t have to buy a new car, as I knew it covered the parts I would have needed, but the original offer didn’t cover the cost of buying a similar car…

    I ended up getting a call from the assessor who then went looking for similar cars, and agreed that the original valuation was too low. I eventually ended up with a valuation which was at about the mid-point for that model and age of car.

    So OP, definitely speak to the insurance company again about it.

    Cougar… I am not sure that they take any notice when you stick in the value of the car, as I am fairly confident that if you put a value which was 10 times the amount the car is worth they wouldn’t pay out on that!! I don’t think it has any bearing on premiums either… so have no idea why they ask really!

    Full Member

    They didn’t steal it, you just haven’t invoiced them for it yet.

    It’s okay, I have 6 years before I need to send the invoice…

    Full Member

    Apparently the debt is liable for 6 years… as laid out in the Limitations Act 1980…

    Full Member

    Had something similar with a German website, and initially had it down as some weird scam… so had to go through all my PayPal history to find where they had messed up and not taken payment.

    I agreed to pay, but then they started wanting the money via a bank transfer, which would have significantly increased the costs… got to the point where I had to tell them that they could come and collect it and have the item back before they agreed to let me pay with PayPal again… even then it was through some strange account as their normal PayPal needed to be coupled to a sale through their website…

    Eventually got it sorted though… although after all the hassle of trying to get it sorted I did feel a little miffed… it was only for about £20 as well!

    Anyway OP, just pay the money you owe them, am sure it won’t be as much hassle as I had!

    Full Member

    Rugeley is okay, but as st said, it’s a pretty typical Midlands town which has lost its big employers, so can be a bit run down in places, but generally isn’t too bad. Don’t expect a brilliant high street though…

    When we moved nearby we looked at a few places in the town, but ended up in one of the local villages, which are all pretty nice around here.

    And as for the Chase, it’s so much more than the Dog and the Monkey… I ride with people from work who have been all over the Chase, and we are still finding new trails… it’s ace!

    Full Member

    Recently stayed at Fisherground in Eskdale… really enjoyed it there, the only downside for us was that it was also the week that the weather broke over the summer and so it rained every day for the week we were there… but can’t really hold that against the place!!! Currently planning on going back next year…

    You don’t park directly next to the tent though, so had to walk about 10m from the car to the tent.

    Full Member

    Had my C5/C6 disc replaced about 2 months ago… had about 3 months of near constant pins and needles/burning pain in my arm before I decided to get it looked at… the MRI showed the disc compressing my spine very clearly.

    Have only just been given the nod to be able to start exercising again, and only been on the bike twice so far, but I have to say being pain free on the bike is just brilliant!

    Full Member


    It’s hard work doing it part time isn’t it… and I only did that bit when I was writing up!!!

    I finally finished writing up my corrections at about 11pm on my 40th birthday… after taking far too many years to finish and almost giving up a number of times. I was just so relieved to have finished it that I can’t actually remember if I really celebrated it or not…

    What field of engineering was it in? If it’s power electronics then we’ve got some jobs going… :o)

    Full Member

    Hey Andy… would certainly be interested depending on price etc… so if you can drop me an email/message…

    And have a quiet road outside the house, so will practice there… the neighbours already think I am slightly odd, this will just confirm it to them!

    Full Member

    Spud, if I remember what P is like you’ll be getting a board pretty soon then!!

    Then we just need to persuade Rob to start again… :o)

    And yep, all doing good here… although nobody ever warned me that an 8 year old would be quite such hard work, so we are knackered most of the time!!! :oD

    Full Member

    Just to clarify… I am not expecting this to be easy… I am also not expecting that I’ll be able to skate like the people in videos…

    What I would like to be able to do is hang out with my son at the skate park, play about on a board and have some laughs.

    As for riding bowls… most of the local skate parks are bowls… or at least have a bowl as a large part of them, so being able to drop in and cruise around a bit is pretty much required!!

    Now, I know it would be easier to use a scooter… or a BMX (although I have plans for that anyway as there is a local(ish) pump track now)… but I’ve always wanted to learn to skate, it was something I wanted to do as a kid but never quite managed and I now have an excuse.. :oD

    And yes, I am aware of at least some of the etiquette at the skate park, having an 8 year old there helps with that!! They aren’t the busiest parks in the world either, and we’ve been there before where we were the only ones there! I’ve also scooted around on a spare scooter on occasion. And finally, I don’t plan on taking a board there until I can at least get around on it without too much trouble!!

    Thanks for all the suggestions folks… I’ll have to check out some of these YouTube links and try not to get too excited before breaking myself on my first time out on a board!! (This outcome is quite likely according to my other half!!)

    Full Member


    I’d looked at one of the Mini Logo boards, but wasn’t sure why that was any different from something like one of the D Street cruiser boards like the Beetle…

    Full Member

    Hey Spud…

    Long time no see… hope everything is going okay and MrsSpud is all good.

    To be honest, little T isn’t so much bugging me to get out, he’s far too interested in playing himself! But if I am going to be spending as much time at skate parks as I currently seem to be, I need to at least enjoy bit too… :o)

    And yes, I do have a bit of a history of breaking myself, so as I am a bit of a liability already I am sure this won’t actually make much difference!

    So does this mean you’ll be following suit too…

    Full Member

    Isn’t that straight out of Black Mirror…

    I’m not sure quite who in the police to report it to, but hasn’t there been some official interest in online blackmail stuff recently after a number of young suicides?

    Full Member

    I keep suggesting to him that he might really want to skateboard, but he’s having none of it at the moment… but then he is only 8! Am not sure his friends at school would think he’s very cool if he stopped with the scooter!

    Obviously the best way to make him think skateboarding is cool will be to see his dad doing it!!!!

    Full Member

    Have just signed up to MAS… it looks like the STW for skateboarding!

    Cool, so something like that Z-Flex would be a good choice…

    How about this one?

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