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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 16: Continental Argotal Tyres
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Nope miketually, if they just knock 15% off the ex-VAT price, and then add the VAT onto that you get a smaller figure.

    So, if ex-VAT price is £100

    Knock 15% off that and it gives you £85

    Then add VAT on @ 15% and you get £97.75

    Full Member

    miketually… maybe a stick through the spokes would work too..

    Full Member

    Pook… muuuuaaaaahahahahahaha

    Full Member

    devs… sorry for being so ignorant, but can you explain to a relative moron like myself exactly how you plan to keep an aircraft stationary by just using a rolling treadmill?

    Full Member

    I found a pen and some sweets, but no money…

    Full Member


    Three men go to a hotel and pay the bellboy £10 each for a room for the night. The bellboy then takes the money down to the manager to pay, but the manager says it’s only £25 for the room tonight and gives the bellboy £5 to take back to the men.

    He takes the change back to the men, who tell him to give them each £1 and take £2 as a tip, so they each have paid £9 for the room.

    But, and this is the problem, if they have each paid £9 for the room, plus the £2 for the bellboy, when you add it all together you get £27 + £2 = £29… when they originally pay £30… so where has the extra £1 gone?

    Or something like that…

    Full Member

    Of course 10x – x = 9x

    If I have ten x’s and remove one x, I have nine x’s… how is that not correct? It’s simple algebra surely…

    Full Member

    It can never be 1 in 100 even at the very beginning if there are 100 employees, as they can rule themselves out immediately.

    That only changes if they are the person everyone is trying to guess, in which case the odds are 100%!

    In this case, and you know if the correct name has been chosen or not, it will depend:-

    Correct name not chosen, their own name still free:- 1/74 or 1
    Correct name not chosen, their own namt not free:- 1/75
    Correct name already chosen:- 0

    Full Member

    Well.. I meant it as a recurring.. that’s what the dots were for… unlike those ones which are meant to be an elipsis, but I can’t remember what the alt+code is for them.

    Full Member

    50%… :o)

    Full Member

    pk-ripper.. so close… you got the 33% bit, but once you take away the other door, the only door remaining must have a probability of 66%.

    Full Member

    Genesis Croix de Fer…

    Which will hopefully be my bike2work bike this year… unless they put the prices up, and then it won’t…

    Full Member

    Yes, or at least 66% of the time it does… :D

    Full Member

    miketually… nope.. I think I only got 2 replies, and one of those was from me!

    Full Member

    You should always switch as you get a 66% chance of winning if you switch…


    Didn’t I post a Monty Hall thread a couple of hours ago though?

    Full Member

    If I ever have kids they are gonna hate me for just giving them letters for names though…


    Full Member

    Drac.. I know it’s hard to believe, what with arguing maths on an internet forum, but lets assume that I have a child X, that child could either be a boy or a girl. Now assume I have another child Y, and that child could be a boy or a girl.

    Now, that gives us four combinations:

    X B B G G
    Y B G B G

    As you can see:

    the chances of having boy/boy = 25%
    the chances of having girl/girl = 25%


    The chance of having boy/girl (irrespective of order) has to be 50%

    Full Member

    Drac.. order doesn’t matter as long as you take into account that it it is twice as likely that two children are boy/girl as it is for them to be girl/girl.

    So, if:-

    the probability of having girl/girl = x


    the probability of having boy/girl = 2x

    total sum of the probabilies = 3x


    probability of the woman having boy/girl = 2x/3x = 2/3 = 66%

    Full Member

    There’s always this little one that I heard on the radio the other day:-

    A trader enters a bank where everyone else is doing exactly the same trade, and that trade has a 50% chance of making a profit. The trader knows of a trade that has a 75% chance of making a profit.

    But in order for the individual trader to get his bonus, two things have to happen: the bank has to make a profit and the individual trader has to make a profit.

    So, for the trader to get the best chance of getting his bonus, what should he do?

    Full Member

    stumpy… you were so so close, but then you mucked it all up in the last paragraph…

    Full Member

    Drac… so what about:-

    “The train will be arriving at 15:00”?

    Surely in your examples the difference in meaning is all down to the about/at difference…

    Full Member

    mrmichaelwright… that works to the tune of Postman Pat you know…

    Full Member

    Woooot.. do I get a prize? :D

    Full Member

    Cheat… you already knew it!

    Full Member

    Black iron is what you want… just season it properly (or just cook in it a lot and don’t wash it unless you really have to, wipe it out with an oily tissue) and it’ll be non-stick and last forever. If you manage to muck it up then just scrub it well and start again, and you can still use metal implements without fear of scratching them. They are dead cheap as well, my current one only cost 5 quid from a catering supplier…

    Full Member

    If the forward speed equaled the conveyor speed, then if the aeroplane is stationary, then so is the conveyor. For the conveyor to have any speed at all, then the aircraft must have forward speed…

    If the aircraft has forward speed, then it must be moving through the air…

    Now follow that through.

    As for the attempted kite analogy, well, unfortunately it’s incorrect.

    D- (must try harder) :wink:

    Full Member

    miketually.. it’s because they ‘know’ better than everyone else of course… :D

    Full Member

    Smee… I’m sure the children do! :D

    Full Member

    devs… it’s a conveyor that matches the plane speed in the opposite direction, so your scenario 2. Unfortunately you are wrong in that you think it won’t take off though.. :D

    mboy… so certain again huh? :wink:

    Full Member

    No worries mboy… now I wonder if there is a smug smiley? :wink:

    Full Member

    One could ask the same question… :wink:

    But I am in bed at least, just wish I could sleep…

    Full Member


    And next…

    Full Member

    Explanations are just so passe don’t ya know…

    Full Member



    Full Member

    Merlin’s Rock Lobster 853 is a penny under £300 at the moment…

    Full Member

    druidh… that certainly hasn’t happened yet in mine, and it has stood up to a soaking for about 8 hours when walking one year in Scotland… my rucksack even gave up that day. Thank god we were staying in a bothy!

    Full Member

    The £250 one would be the the full on mountaineering jacket… you propably want to be looking at something like the Velez smock, although it’s still not cheap at about £150ish… but then that’s right in with Goretex and the like, and it’ll last you for years too..

    Full Member

    For cold and wet it’s the only thing I’d go for, in fact, it’s pretty much what I wear riding all winter and the only place I really ever get a sweat patch is on my back where my hydration pack sits, but I get that whatever! And it’s kept me dry in many a downpour… have even used it in the Scottish highlands in winter and it worked amazingly…

    They last as well, mine is coming up for 8 years old now, and still going just as well as when I bought it. It’s got some small holes in it, but due to the way it works they make no difference whatsoever… and if you rip it, you can just sew it up and it works just like new!

    Full Member

    There’s something in the region of 30-odd miles of singletrack in Sherwood Pines if you can find it…

    It’s not hilly but it is very twisty, turny in places, and quite good fun.

    Full Member


    That’s just a link to the wikki about it, but it lists some of the people who use it to make stuff on there as well, with Paramo being the main one.

    It does have the disadvantage of it being quite warm to wear, and being the sweaty bugger that I am, it does make me sweat, but it’s also amazingly breathable, and it will even dry you off if you wear proper wicking base layers under it… not something that Goretex or eVent would ever do.

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