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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    I’ve managed to sort out both of my wheels with 717s now, with a lot of faff, but can I get my girlfriends to work? Can I ****!!! So gave up on them in the end and converted my other wheels with wider rims instead, which was a LOT easier… I’m gonna try some different tubes next to see if that helps on hers.

    And I had a sneaky look in Aldi yesterday to see if they had an compressors in, but no… I’ll keep any eye out in the future though.

    Full Member

    Oooooh.. good idea greasy, that might seat everything a little lower… will look into that one. Cheers

    brownpants… I’d use Stans if I could afford them!

    Will screwing them down as tight as I can again and see how I get on tomorrow…

    It’s about now I’m wishing I had a compressor and not just a track pump!

    Full Member

    bakey… just join in, everyone is kinda weird, but in a good way.. :D

    Full Member

    Aaaaaah.. gotcha… and yes, that is me just behind you, but it took me a while to work out what the hell I was wearing as I don’t have any red tops with white cuffs… then I remembered it was the bandage I had on after my slight Dyfi excursion…

    And this is really spooky, but that pic shows my race number as 37 back in ’06 and I’ve just checked, I’m number 37 again on the ’09 list on the website…

    I’m kinda freaked out by that… especially as that’s how old I am…


    Full Member

    Planet X Uncle John

    Full Member

    Can we have a Solitude owners meet too? :o)

    Tommid… I apologise now at being crap with names and faces so say hello when you see me.. :oops:

    Full Member

    Oh… I was expecting deviants, I was at SSUK ’06 after all, just not that kind! :wink:

    Full Member

    I’ll be all on my todd after everyone else who was supposed to be going (you know who you are) are washing their hair that weekend, so was going to reply to this thread…

    But having seen some of the replies I am now not so sure… 8O

    Full Member

    It might just be the angle the pic was taken at, but that really looks like a shopping bike!

    Full Member

    Ummm.. so is there no camping from Friday evening this time?

    Full Member

    Drac… the leaflet says phone the flu info line, and then phone the Docs or NHS Direct, with the flu info line pretty much just repeating what the leaflet says.

    Mike.. well, the other half had a bit of a sniffle… does that count? :wink:

    Full Member

    Well, I did say a possible pandemic!

    Gary, I did look on the NHS website, and on Direct Gov, and even downloaded the leaflet that we are all going to get delivered… there’s some info about what to do if you have been to Mexico or the US and are feeling ill, but nothing specific if you haven’t been there. Any further suggestions?

    Full Member

    So Gary, what is the current advice for someone who is feeling fluey having been away for the weekend with a bunch of people from all over the country while there is a possible flu pandemic on the horizon?

    I’m certainly not saying I am too ill to go to work, and I have said above, I would have gone in at any other time, but with lots of be alert stuff being pumped out by the government shouldn’t it be treated with at least some caution and ask for advice?

    Full Member

    As I said, normally I’d MTFU and get into work, full to the brim with paracetamol and strepsils…

    And so far, every case you hear about in the UK doesn’t seem to have been any worse than a normal cold.

    Maybe 999 is the answer… :wink: or International Rescue?

    Full Member

    Had thought about that, but I’m crap at racing!!

    But seeing that other thread about essentially the same issue, I’m kinda tempted by a cargo bike, but have nowhere to put it!

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t rule Notts out, the engineering department is pretty good, although I come from the sparky side of things, but I think the spanner lot are pretty good too..

    Plus, the riding isn’t that bad straight out of the door, plus you have the Peak only 45 minutes away, and accessable by public transport…

    Full Member

    You are in a very similar situation to me, and I hadn’t thought about a cargo bike… hmmmm… that’s a possibility…

    Not sure where I’d keep it though, and it certainly wouldn’t be making many trips in to work!

    Full Member

    I think that would be a very good way of damaging myself.. letting me loose on a BMX to ride a track or jumps!!

    Full Member

    grumm… on R4 last night they did comment about the thousands of Iraqi deaths, and made a point of stating that to read them out would have taken over 10 hours…

    Full Member

    The latest version of Sports Tracker has a map in the background now, although I’ve not tried doing anything fancy with it… like zooming out and stuff..

    Full Member

    I love baking cakes, brownies, bread, allsorts… made one of my friends wedding cake and even got given a Kitchen Aid by t’other half for my birthday… but I have to be very careful as I tend to end up eating most of said cakes and brownies, which certainly isn’t very good for the waistline!

    T’other half also reckons my brownies are the best in the world… and I might have to concur!

    Ooooh, and this weekend I’m going to experiment with making scones and cake in a charcoal oven while camping… :o) fresh scones for breakfast anyone?

    Full Member

    I’ve got a 6210 Navigator and use Sports Tracker quite a lot, and have found the accuracy to be surprisingly good for a mobile phone! It’s had it’s odd funny moment, but then it’s a phone with a GPS tacked on and slung into my pack along, not a full on GPS strapped to the bars, but I’m more than happy with it…

    You can’t really use it as a GPS and follow a track, although you can get software, ViewRanger, which does do this…

    Full Member

    For basmati I saw this recipe, and it works every time…

    Use 180ml of boiling water for every 100g of rice (900ml/500g)

    Using a pan that can go in the oven, heat a little oil and then add the rice, stir it about a bit and then chuck in the boiling water.
    Cover and then stick in a 150C oven for 15 minutes.

    Perfect rice every time… even doing 4kg of the stuff for a big meal…

    Full Member

    I’m just about to give this a go using the ghetto tubeless method.. go a google for it, there are several sites that give you instructions on how to do it.

    So, I’ve bought some BMX inner tubes, some Stans ‘milk’ and I’m ready to go… it’s a darned sight cheaper than using any of the kits.

    But if you have tubeless rims then there’s no need for the BMX tubes, just get the correct values for the rims, use the ‘milk’ and that should be it.

    More than anything else I’m looking to stop getting punctures… so we’ll see how that goes.

    Full Member

    There’s a few groups who ride round Nottingham way, our lot tends to ride from the Broad Oak in Strelley on a Thursday night, usually meeting at about 6:30pm, although location and times do change sometimes…

    We’ve not been too good at doing it over the winter though, but now spring has well and truely sprung things are starting to get going again.

    Drop me a line if you want and I’ll stick you in touch with everyone on the email list…

    Full Member

    Longer to wear out? How is this a good thing for SRAM? They’ll make stuff that wears at a reasonable rate to keep you happy, while making sure they do wear out so you have to buy replacements…

    The only upside for SRAM would be if more people starting buying their stuff because it was 8 speed rather than Shimano 8/9 speed…

    Full Member

    Finally persuaded my other half a while ago to get rid of her sofa saddle after it ripped and all the gel leaked out! She wanted another but I managed to get her to come to the bike shop with me. After much umming and aaahing, using the arse-o-meter etc she bought one of the womens specific Spesh BG saddles…

    She loves it now, and even agrees that it’s more comfortable than her old sofa one even though she swore blind at the time that she’d never be able to fit on one of those narrow(?), thin(?) saddles!!!

    Well worth getting them down a proper bike shop to have a go on an arse-o-meter… they will find the saddles different for the first few rides, but then get used to them…

    Oh, and it’s worth trying to make sure they are sitting properly on the saddle… ie. get them to roll their hips back and take the weight on their sit-bones, rather than their girly-bits… it’s something most blokes don’t need to worry about as things get in the way, but have noticed a few girlies, who are new to cycling, have made this mistake.

    Full Member

    epicyclo… it’s probably a good idea to make sure all the bases are covered, after all, you never know how sneaky the organisers are going to be or how technical the course is…

    I’d make sure you have a good grounding in general beer techniques, and then follow it up with some more specific training in your areas of weakness.

    Full Member

    Well, I think I have spent more time drinking beer than riding bikes so far this year… so that should set me up nicely for a podium finish I reckon!! :wink:

    Full Member

    I’d go for either the Nikwax Tent Solarproof stuff, or Grangers Fabsil… have heard good comments on both…

    Full Member

    You can get the bushes and seals from CRC… then just give it a go… what have you got to lose?

    As I understand it, it’s most likely the top bush that needs replacing, which should be relatively easy. I’m thinking about doing this on my rattly Z1 FRs…

    There is a rather expensive set of tools that help with the job, but the instructions I saw on MTBR implied that it could all be done without them, they just make it easier.

    Full Member

    Do a trawl of as many online shops as possible to see if they have any seconds/clearance models as I picked my last one up for half price just because it didn’t have any manuals or CDs with it!

    But as Gold says, in the end it’s all going to depend on exactly how much you plan on printing as the toner cartridges could end up costing way more than the printer itself if you get through a lot of them…

    Full Member

    I did it on 32:16 a few years ago and it was almost all rideable… the only section that I couldn’t ride was a steepish bedrock climb that was rather wet and slippy… but then loads of riders with gears needed to get off and push up that bit as well!

    The one thing I would have changed on the bike was the 80mm Pace forks which were way too noodley for the Dyfi…

    Full Member

    Was there on Saturday as well, and wasn’t the weather fantastic!!

    Finally managed to ride the whole loop as one, without popping off and doing something else part way round, and had a blast… that first section is fast as you like… decided to slow down after that as I would just blow my legs up at that pace!

    Also stopped and had a look at the wall rides… I don’t think I’ll be doing that for a while!

    Full Member

    Assuming that the compressed lengths of both the 130mm and 140mm forks is the same, then there should be no issues with coil binding using the 140mm spring in the 130mm forks. The only time you need to worry about that is if the compressed length of the 130mm fork is shorter.

    You would have to be careful that when the modded fork is in a fully extended, uncompressed state, that the extra force of the longer spring does not cause problems over extending the fork…

    Oh, and it might be a bit of a git to put together!

    Full Member

    I’d say there is a distinct difference between them asking for a reciept to cover the fuel you actually used for the trip, and them asking for fuel reciepts to cover the entire amount you will get paid.

    One is just claiming back the VAT on the fuel you paid for, the other sounds a little like a VAT fiddle to me!

    Full Member

    Does such a place exist in Derby? :wink:

    Full Member

    No no Rudy, you are missing the point of the question… would it ever be possible to convince you that it wasn’t a conspiracy? And to do that, what would the sort of evidence be that would be required?

    Full Member

    Just wondering like…

    Rudy… is there any evidence that could/would convince you that it wasn’t a conspiracy?

    In other words, what would it take to make you believe the official line?

    Full Member

    You can do them yourself for the price of the bearings, and I even think the instructions are on the Hope website…

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