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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    No no no… it's ice cream!

    Full Member

    It's alright Simon, I used to help design mixing desks… I know nothing either…


    Full Member

    I think this thread is a perfect example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing…

    And as much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with sfb..

    I am now off to through myself off the nearest tall building!


    Full Member

    If you are changing the spider, just remember to budget for a XTR BB removal tool as well… as that's what you need to take the lock ring off… oh, and a bl**dy great spanner, as well a nut and bolt to hold the whole lot together. It was a pain to get apart as you can probably tell!

    Full Member

    What you want is one of these[/url]!!!!

    Full Member

    I've got the Lyra's on my Road Rat, they seem to be made pretty well and definitely work, but I haven't really had the bike long enough to discover any problems.

    Full Member

    According to the Middleburn website they come in both 1/8 and 3/32, so you'll have to make sure you get the right one.

    I use one on my SS and I've got no complaints about it at all… does exactly what it says on the tin.

    Full Member

    Is there a treadmill involved at all?

    Full Member

    PeteT… is that the median or the mean?

    I suspect it's the mean, and therefore will be massively skewed in favour of all the city boys and the actual median wage, which gives a far better view of what actual wage levels are like for the majority, will be significantly lower than that.

    Full Member

    Well.. Clueless is just a modern reworking of Taming of the Shrew… so at least the story is okay… I have to admit rather liking it too.

    And I have to admit to rather liking The Princess Bride… in fact I've even read the book!

    Full Member

    Best way to extract the juice is to make a mini cider press using wood/mdf, some long bolts and hessian, then chop up the apples, make up a 'cheese' and squash the hell out of it!

    It's usually enough to let it naturally ferment as well, as there's enough natural yeasts in there, but you could add sugar/yeast if you wanted to.

    Then, once you have the cider you can then make some apple jack by freezing it, removing the lump of ice and repeating until it won't freeze any further… such a simple distillation technique… :D

    Full Member

    A Kirk? I've got a blue one sat behind the sofa at home…

    Full Member

    Road Rat?

    Just got mine the other day and it's rather nice, although the other half does describe the colour as 'poo brown'!

    Full Member

    With gears I find that I just have more wrong gears to be in… :D

    Full Member

    As I understand it, you can let a listed building fall into disrepair and ruin, but if you want to do absolutely anything else with it you'll need permission from English Heritage…

    Full Member

    All sounds a little suspect to me, and am guessing that there is more to the story than meets the eye..

    Full Member

    I thought the various fork manufacturers rather frowned on these types of racks as it can cause uneven loading of the dropouts/fork legs and lead to failure…

    I seem to remember a front page story on the old site about this.

    Full Member

    Just had a sausage and bacon cob… with shite sausages and crap bacon, but it's tradition damnit!

    Now I feel a bit queezy…

    Full Member

    Oooooh, I like the idea of this… now just to work out where the hell I can go bivvi which is nice and still close enough to be able to ride into work the next day!

    Full Member

    Hold on, just how big is the suppliment industry? It must be multi-billion dollars a year, so surely they can pay for their own research on this? Why do they have to wait until someone else does it?

    Oh, it's not because they already know the outcome is it?


    Full Member

    Not far from me there is a sign to White Post Modern Farm… for ages I used to wonder what a post modern farm would be like, especially a groovy white one…

    It was only a while ago that it dawned on me that it could actually be 'White Post' Modern Farm… as it is, it turns out to be a farm park type place for kids to go and stroke animals…

    Full Member

    I always like the National Trust campsite in Langdale although I am not sure about lighting fires… not that many campsites seem to allow it these days…

    But, to make up for that you are only spitting distance of the ODG… :D

    Full Member

    When I started my current job I didn't have any choice as to whether I cycled in or not as I didn't have a car, and with it being a 15 mile each way commute I found it very hard at first, but it did get easier. The problem as has been said before on this thread was that it left me at the weekends really not feeling like going out on the mountain bike, which for me pretty much killed the main reason for me commuting by bike… to get fitter to ride the MTB more…

    I then swung completely the other way once I got a car and didn't ride the bike in for ages… only now am I getting back into riding into work once again…

    Full Member

    Sideways Cycles do… as do Shockwave in Nottingham…

    Full Member

    I'd missed most of this thread, but would just like to add that there were dig days for the xc trail, as I went to 2 of them! They took place during the spring of last year but each time I went there was only 1 or 2 other people who turned up plus Becky the ranger.

    But there weren't really dig days as I thought they would be, we didn't dig out and lay a trail properly, it was more just clearing leaves off a pre-planned path where they had taken trees and branches out.

    Actually, thinking about it, am not sure if all the bits I helped with are even in the trail now!! I'll have to go for an explore next time I am there and see if I can find them…

    Full Member

    Just out of interest, but isn't the path across Harter Fell just that, a path? And isn't this the same hora who disagreed with anyone riding cheeky trails the other day?

    I think we should be told! :D

    Full Member

    There was a thread on MTBR a while back where someone had posted links for zip files containing the technical and service manuals for each years 'zocchi forks…

    I used them when I needed to change the bushes in my Z1s earlier this year.

    Full Member

    I'd recommend the campsites around Edale, Barber Booth and Upper Booth… I've stayed in most of them over the years and they've all been pretty good.

    North Lees, which is mentioned above, is a very quiet campsite and you get frowned on for making any noise at all after about 9:30 in the evening, it's mainly full of serious climbers at the weekend and they all get up at the crack of dawn. But if that's your thing it's a good little site, and well situated too.

    Full Member

    I use Web Systems in Bulwell (Nottingham) although I have never bought a PC off them, only bits as I build my own, so don't know how good they are at that sort of thing, but they always seem pretty friendly when I go in.

    Other than that I just tend to order off websites like eBuyer, Dabs and Aria.

    Full Member

    When I went, which was a few years ago, we didn't even think about it until we got there, and then there was a mad panic to find something suitable… in the end we used triangular bandages as one of the folks I went with was a paramedic and he had a big first-aid kit in his car!

    Oh, and it was quite possibly one of the most alcoholic days of my life!!!

    Full Member

    I know.. but, assuming you do actually pay VAT on the finance figure, you have £1091.

    To work out the exc-VAT figure for that value you need to divide it by 115 and then multiply it by 100.

    That gives £949 as the exc-VAT figure for that if VAT is at 15%. If you take VAT as being 17.5% then you get £928.

    Full Member

    It's not 15% of 1091 though, that's the figure with 15% added so you need to multiply 1091 by 100/115 to get the exc-VAT figure…

    Full Member

    Aaaah.. in that case you are getting stiffed for it, and that's got to be by your company as we have our work scheme through Halfords and there is no finance charge…

    Oh, and whoever worked out the VAT figure has got it wrong, it looks like they are using the 17.5% figure…

    Full Member

    I'm not sure how your figures add up… according to what you have put up above you're paying the £927.46 over the year out of your gross salary, so that means that you are paying the VAT, but not paying for the finance charge.

    Full Member

    cuckoo… so if that incident had happened on a bridleway your thoughts would have been different?

    Hurtling round a blind bend without any view of what's coming is a stupid idea, it's got nothing to do with it being a FP!

    Full Member

    Aaaaah Mike, and I thought you were going to be talking about your hands!!

    Liz's bike had crap levers and cables on for a while which were very hard to move, but with LX levers and new cables they are silky smooth again, so XT stuff should be fine. How long have the cables been on for? And have they been lubed at all during that time? Might be worth looking at fully enclosed cables…

    The other option is a gripshift, but then she's obviously not getting on with that either!

    How free is the front mech? Does it move smoothly?

    Oh, and fancy getting out riding soon?

    Full Member

    Can definitely recommend the Montane as a lightweight jacket or even lighter weight smock. Both stuff down really small and weigh next to nothing.

    Full Member

    Joe… ooooh, now that is definitely close enough for me to get to, and I can challenge you for last place!! Cheers for pointing those out to me and thankfully they are just far enough away that I can get a little fitter, and maybe enjoy the run a little more!

    See you there…

    Full Member

    nosemineb – unfortunately I live in Nottingham, so getting to many fell races will be tricky, and Grassington is just a little far for a 1.2 mile race! I say race, it’s more about just surviving for me!

    Besides, you are probably only looking for someone to make sure you don’t come last… ;o)

    Full Member

    Did my first ever fell race on Saturday up in Yorkshire… and quite comprehensively came last. I saw the leaders on the return leg before I’d even made it half way!

    By ‘eck it was hard work, and I thought my legs were going to give up after the climb to the mid-point. It took me about 50% longer to complete the course that I would have done doing a similar distance on flatter trails, but then I am slow and fat!

    At the time I swore I would never be doing another one again, but now I am trying to work out when I can do another, and how much running I’ll need to get in to do slightly better!

    Oh, and I used my normal trail running shoes, but would definitely go with some proper fell running shoes for next time…

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