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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Or the HTC is the best phone available at the moment. Maybe? Although I have a feeling that with Qualcomm announcing dual core Snapdragon mobile phone processors now shipping, that both the Desire and JesusPhone could well be eclipsed in the not too distant future!

    While Apple might be just in the lead techwise at the moment, the A4 processor does seem to be pretty perky, I just can't see them keeping that lead for very long at all.

    The interesting thing is going to be that Google have just announced that Android is going to a yearly release cycle… but when? Just before Apples to try and steal all the funky bits and say they did it first? Or just after so they can see what Apple are doing and try and trump it?

    But at least I can't be accused of following the crowd, I had my Desire on the day it was released.. ;o)

    Full Member

    ooOOoo – Member

    That's the apple way!
    Expect multitasking & video calls to suddenly be the greatest things in the world

    But I had multitasking on my old Symbian Nokia, and video calling on an even older Samsung…

    Besides, wasn't the BIG thing about 3G all those years ago that we'd all be video calling people by now? That obviously worked out well!

    So what's all the fuss about?

    Aaaah yes, Apple says it's cool now.. ;o)

    Full Member

    aracer… how about having a jey-pride ride sometime?

    I suggest a canal path somewhere.


    Full Member

    Your bike is Jones!


    Full Member

    If I had the space I'd keep a couple of pigs… and then make lovely bacon, ham, sausages, black pudding etc etc… nom nom nom..

    Full Member

    Or one of the cleverest…

    You could always email him and ask about his school etc…

    Full Member

    Well… having had to help patch up a dog that lost to a fox when I was a kid, then yes, I reckon they are more than capable of it when cornered, and a cat is quite capable of taking chunks of a dog as well.

    Neither are animals that a fox is likely to attack though… but if they are cornered then they are vicious little buggers.

    They'll quite happily kill rabbits and chickens, so why wouldn't they have a go at a baby?

    Full Member

    Well, foxes are quite capable of taking chunks out of dogs, especially when cornered, why else do you think they used to hunt them in packs? So I'm not surprised that a fox would, given the chance and if hungry, try taking lumps out of a small helpless child… they are predators after all.

    Plus, there are previous reports of children being attacked by foxes…

    And finally the police are saying they are not treating it as suspicious…

    So what part of this is not sounding right? That a fox couldn't possibly attack a child? Or that it wouldn't enter a house?

    Full Member

    Did any of you actually read the story? The fox is reported to have entered the house and attacked the 2 kids in their bedroom…

    Now, I would imagine that if a fox is bold enough, and I am sure some are, to enter a house looking for food, it won't have too many qualms trying to take a bite out of something smaller than it!

    Full Member

    Hadge… I'd definitely say a Flux would be too steep, being designed around 100mm forks and stuff. A fantastic bike, but different type of bike to a Mojo..

    A 5 Spot on the other hand… but then I don't know anyone selling a small one… in fact, I am not sure I have ever seen a small one.

    Full Member

    Before scrapping it, undo the screws holding it together and check to make sure that the shaft does not sit proud of the bushings. If it does you could probably file/grind/machine some off until the shaft fits flush against both ends.

    Or instead of grinding down the shaft, I believe the bushes are also just standard industry parts, so it should be possible to find a bush with a deeper lip on it to take up the space. I seem to remember someone on MTBR found the part number for the standard bush at some point, it might be worth having a read up on there and then looking for those.

    Definitely don't think this is something worth scrapping the frame over…

    Of course, if you don't want it… *whistles nonchalantly* ;o)

    Full Member

    The best bet would be to find your nearest independent record shop and pay them a visit… okay, you might only get a few quid, but it's far better than just chucking them in a skip…

    Might also be worth picking up a copy of Record Collector Mag and seeing what they say in there. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has a searchable database online somewhere as well!

    Full Member

    Dogs I generally have no problem with… kids on the other hand should be kept on a lead after I'd had several in the last few days just randomly swerve into my path when I've been both riding and running…

    Full Member

    The Nottingham one isn't as bad as some of the others, having been dragged round a few, and they often have some good finds in the bargain area next to the tills.

    I'd get a wriggle on through as otherwise you'll be stuck in the queue trying to get in!

    Either that, or go later… whatever you do, don't try and get there for about 1pm!

    Full Member

    I've used one of these on my Pompino before to add gears… and it works just fine.

    Full Member

    On a Saturday night… I'd think midnight was probably a reasonable time, although having been one of the noisy ones on occasion, you just don't tend to notice the time when you are having fun… but in my defence, we've always tried to keep it quiet once we've been asked…

    As the the rifle… are you sure it's a .22? I'd imagine that would get quite an interesting response from the police right now after the fella in Cumbria used one earlier this week!

    Full Member

    Another good website here[/url]…

    Full Member

    Ooooh… scrub some of that… have a look at this

    Looks like they try this on with a lot of folks… have a look here[/url] as well…

    Full Member

    Well, firstly Bittorrent is only a protocol which allows P2P filesharing, and is perfectly legal as demonstrated by the government currently using it to distribute files.

    If the software was then used for performing copyright infringement, that is not the fault of the software authors, unless it was expressly created and marketed as such. Napster got caught in this one, and got sued by the RIAA in the US and lost… and owed a lot of money.

    Think of it this way… a hammer is a perfectly useful tool, but also rather handy for breaking and entering a house! Is that the fault of the hammer maker?

    By the sounds of it, if you are stating that you did in fact download the song, then I would imagine that you don't have too many legs to stand on unfortunately, and that it would be cheaper to pay up than try to fight it in court.

    And yes, it's possible, but unlikely I would imagine, that other artists could seek the same type of redress for downloading their music.

    Full Member

    At present I believe the BPI are holding off, and if it is them I'd expect this to be all over the various techie news sites by now, and you are right, if it had been the BPI they would have gone through the ISP etc…

    My guess, as I said above, is that it is an artist suing directly through a law firm. This has happened a number of times in the UK, but I'd not heard of anything for a while… the last big one was over a computer game I seem to recall…

    But you are right, it could well be a well directed scam…

    Full Member

    Drac… that's the Digital Economy Act, or whatever it's called these days… the last government got it passed in the last few days before they broke up for the election, so it's not law yet!

    Anyway, the plans for that are a 3 strikes and you are out system, where you initially receive a letter warning you to stop, then another, and on the third strike you can get kicked off the internet. However, it's looking like some of that could be in trouble due to the Human Rights Act of all things… as I believe that it's now been decided in Europe that internet access is a human right in a modern society, or something like that. But who knows where that will all end up!

    Full Member

    As I understand it the RIAA has no recourse to do anything in this country, or any other except the US, so they could possibly sue someone from the UK in the US courts, but that seems a little extreme… not that they probably haven't thought about it! But although they might technically win, they'd never get anything out of it unless the person sued decided to go to the US for some reason…

    In this country it's up to the BPI to do the same job as the RIAA, and so far, the BPI have been an awful lot less trigger-happy about this.

    Full Member

    Which? have produced something which may be able to help… see

    Full Member

    That's in the US Drac.. although we do actually have stricter copyright laws than over there as we have no such thing as fair use over here. In fact I believe it's technically illegal to make copies of any of the music you own, even to stick on an MP3 player… but on the whole I think everyone agrees it's a pretty silly bit of law now…

    Anyway, I'd not heard of any new cases come up for this recently, and the latest I had heard was that the BPI might be sending out warning letters towards the end of this year…

    So, I am guessing this is an individual artist suing over a downloaded track?

    Full Member

    Not all Pompinos have 120mm rear ends, mine is a 135 which works just fine with normal road hubs…

    I believe the new ones are going to be 135mm as well, although disc only.

    Also, I know it's not specifically a cross bike, but the Cotic Roadrat would do the job too wouldn't it?

    Full Member

    scaredypants… thinking about it a little more, I have a feeling that this is one of those areas where I am not sure we can actually make those assumptions like that and then combine them unless both children are boys.

    Stick with me here…

    Due to the assumptions, firstly that there is an older boy in the first one, and that there is a younger boy in the second, these can only both be true if both children are boys, and that was how we got the 25% above, by multiplying the two 50% chances, so giving the chance that both those situations were true.

    If we try it with older boy and younger girl and then younger boy and older girl, combining those would give trouble as both can't be true at once, so the chances of both happening at once is zero, so if one is true, then the other is not, and vice versa.

    So, to get the answer for the probability of having a boy and a girl, you would subtract the probability of getting 2 boys from 100 to give the answer… 66%

    I think…

    This might be way out as I may be stretching my knowledge of probability just a tad here!

    Full Member

    Junkyard… you are not losing anything to increase the odds, nor is the day of the week having any effect on the likelihood of a child being born one sex or another… it's simply a matter of probability.

    What happens is this…

    In the previous problem, where we just know that one child is a boy, which gives the answer of 33%, we only know the following:

    There are 2 children
    One is a boy
    The birth rate is an idealised 50:50 split

    This means it only allows us to have four choices of how the family is made up:


    And so losing the GG option as we know there is at least one boy, gives us the 33% answer.

    However, in the new problem, where we also know the boy was born on a Tuesday, this gives us extra information and so an extra option… so that now we have the following possibly options:


    Once again losing the GG option leaves us with the remaining 4, and the maths continues as posted on the first page, giving us the answer of 13/27.

    So, by being given the additional information it means that the order of the birth for the two boys options becomes important, whereas previously, the order for the two boys was unimportant as all we knew was that there was at least one boy.

    All this means is that as we get more and more information about the children involved, then the closer and closer the answer gets to being the 50% that a lot of people thought was the answer to the original question.

    Any clearer?

    Full Member

    scaredypants… try looking at it like this…

    If you assume he is the eldest then there is a 50% chance the younger child is a boy

    If you assume he is the youngest then there is a 50% chance the older child is a boy

    That gives an overall 25% chance that the both children will be boys, which agrees with GrahamS's spreadsheets above, but this is the chance for 2 boys in the population as a whole.

    By then using the knowledge that the family has to have at least one boy, that means that we can ignore all those families with 2 girls, which is 25%.

    If we take the whole sample to be 100 families, this means that the number of families with 2 boys is 25/(100-25) = 1/3 or 33%.

    Any better?

    Full Member

    Flea… I've never seen someone bouncing about so much while still being able to play like a loon… fantastic..

    Full Member

    I believe the use of a file is the sanctioned Turner mod for this situation… but as linked above, it's all there on MTBR, you just need to find it!

    Full Member

    Sorry folks, I had planned on responding prior to this, but seeing as I got dragged away from t'internerd I couldn't get back on..

    GrahamS, to answer your question, I am not sure as I wasn't the original one to ask the question, I heard it on Radio 4's More or Less, but it looks like it's made it into the New Scientist as well… it was originally asked at a maths/puzzle convference in the US.

    However, I would guess that the Tuesday only relates to a the known boy.

    Looking through the answer myself, I can see how the maths works out. Essentially the extra information you now have means that the order of a B B family is important with BTu B being different to B BTu unlike in the original where B B was just a single result.

    Unlike Junkyard however, I think that this result is followed in the real world and would be backed up empirically. You should be able to reproduce this in a spreadsheet in just the same way as GrahamS did for the original.

    As for the 50%ers… hehehe… now, I have these three doors, behind one of them is a stack of cash… ;o)

    Full Member

    Drill through with a reasonable sized drill and then hammer a wooden stake down the hole and into the ground beneath. That way you hold the sleepers together and pin them in place to the ground as well…

    Full Member

    It was interesting that they managed to get Alastair Campbell to agree at one point that if they had known there had not been any WMD that they wouldn't have gone into Iraq, as is the line that David Milliband is following which is who AC supports for the Labour leadership.

    But, a little later on when he was arguing the case for the war, he said that even though they now know there were no WMDs, and that they information was incorrect, he still thought they were right going into Iraq…

    Is it just me, or is that a tiny little bit contradictory? It kinda points to the fact they wanted to go in whatever… and the WMDs were just a nice excuse…

    Full Member

    Sharki… if you can drop me an email I may be able to sort you out a laptop.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend…

    Full Member

    Also Heinrich Harrer… the White Spider or Seven Years in Tibet..

    Full Member

    As with others on here, I went through a similar experience about 10 years ago, and I suspect it is probably linked with me ending up in hospital with glandular fever almost 20 years ago now…

    I tended to do the wrong thing when mine kicked off… I'd feel very bad for a while, but then when I felt better I'd be up and raring to go, manage a night, or a weekend away climbing, before crashing down again afterwards and sleeping for 18-20 hours a day at times.

    In the end the only way out was to be sensible and take care of myself, not to try and do everything on the days that I felt okay, and to just learn to take things easy, although I am still pretty bad at that at times. I often know when I have overdone it as I'll start to feel a little fluey, but with some rest that usually passes in a day or so now.

    You will get better, however it's unlikely to be a fast recovery, but it will happen and you will be able to get back to doing the things you love.

    As others have said, if you need to talk my email is in my profile.

    Full Member

    Living Dangerously by Ranulph Fiennes is good, although it is a biography, it covers the first few major expeditions as well.

    If you like climbing books, then W.H.Murray wrote a couple which detail the exploits of the pre-war climbers in Scotland, climbing big winter routes in a wool jumper and with a knapsack!

    Currently just started reading Psychovertical by Andy Kirkpatrick… this guy is a nutter in the finest sense!

    Full Member

    That'll be the Curious Orange finbar…


    Full Member

    Cougar… you can install a different Android version from a downloaded ROM, when you do this all of the software is held within that ROM, and so you use that instead of anything that was on the phone previously.

    It's like a small computer, and you are installing a different operating system.

    Full Member

    Orange should be able to provide a lock code for the phone, I think that are legally required to, however they can charge for it…

    Once you have that you should then be able to do anything you want with the phone.

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