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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Denis… what banks were you transfering money from and to? If they aren't part of the Faster Payments system then money could take upto about 10 days to appear in the other persons account.

    Full Member

    Not sure whether it is actually illegal or not, but there is a UK company making and selling mobile phone boosters..

    See here[/url].

    EDIT: Although looking at the Ofcom site it would appear to be a no-no…

    Cellular enhancers / boosters / repeaters

    In the UK the use of any radio transmitting device is required to be either licensed or specifically exempted from licensing under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (WT Act 2006). For mobile telephones, the use of the spectrum by the network operators is licensed to cover the use of transmitters and repeaters, while user devices (i.e. handsets) are covered by a general exemption.

    Repeater devices transmit or re-transmit in the cellular frequency bands. Only the mobile network operators are licensed to use equipment that transmits in these bands. Installation or use of repeater devices by anyone without a licence is a criminal offence under Section 8 of the WT Act 2006. Any person found guilty of installing or using such devices without a licence would be liable on conviction to a fine of up to £5000 and/or up to 51 weeks’ imprisonment (Six months in Scotland and Northern Ireland)

    Anyone wishing to improve coverage in a particular area is advised to contact their network provider.

    Full Member

    Trail_rat… that should be

    1/Ks = 1/Ka + 1/Kb

    So, if you have two springs, length l, with the same k so Ka = Kb therefore

    1/Ks = 1/Ka + 1/Ka = 2/Ka

    Therefore for the combined spring

    Ks = Ka/2

    From this we can say that if you double the length of the spring, you halve the spring rate.

    And by the reciprocal of this, halve the length of the spring, double the spring rate.


    Full Member

    Brant… it's called sous vide, and is an excellent way of cooking all sorts of different meat.

    We've recently discovered that our deep fat fryer temperature control goes down this low and is perfect for doing it.

    Full Member

    Berm Bandit – Member

    funkynick – Member
    BB… Is this not the section that you should read?

    Nope, I think the relevant bit is the bit where the act defines what constitutes a public venue as quoted above.

    Now go and read the section you quoted again, and properly this time… ;o)

    The definition of 'place of public entertainment' that you seem to be relying on only applies to Section 25 of the Act. It does not set the definition of 'public' for any other section in the Act.

    Full Member

    BB… Is this not the section that you should read?

    19 Infringement by performance, showing or playing of work in public

    (1) The performance of the work in public is an act restricted by the copyright in a literary, dramatic or musical work.

    (2) In this Part “performance”, in relation to a work—

    (a) includes delivery in the case of lectures, addresses, speeches and sermons, and

    (b) in general, includes any mode of visual or acoustic presentation, including presentation by means of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme of the work.

    (3) The playing or showing of the work in public is an act restricted by the copyright in a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme.

    (4) Where copyright in a work is infringed by its being performed, played or shown in public by means of apparatus for receiving visual images or sounds conveyed by electronic means, the person by whom the visual images or sounds are sent, and in the case of a performance the performers, shall not be regarded as responsible for the infringement.

    Full Member

    Just finished mine as well, and they only want £30 here, and I was expecting it to be £50/5%… cracking!

    Full Member

    Are you stuck in Derby? Or can you drive a little way? If so you have the Peak District just up the road.

    Or if you can't get that far, then I'd suggest having a look up the Amber Valley around Belper/Crich etc

    Full Member

    Solo… have you tried connecting the phone to a PC as a USB drive and looking on there for the Sync software on the phone itself? That's where they put it on the Desire, and I find it very hard to believe that HTC would do anything different for the Wildfire.

    And trawl through the app-market? You do know you can search there don't you? Just type in GPS or maps and you'll get a nice list of different software. It really isn't very difficult you know… 🙂

    Full Member

    I didn't think it was possible to patent an idea or a concept… I thought the whole idea about a patent was that it protected a particular design to achieve a purpose.

    If someone else thinks of another way to achieve the same result then that's patentable by them.

    But I don't think you can just patent the idea for a bike lock per se.

    Full Member

    Solo… I've not had any problem with Astro myself, but you could also look into SwiFTP which allows you to set the phone up as an FTP server on your WiFi network, and then you can move bit about quite easily using your PC.

    Glenh… I just had a brief look at the AppInventor, and ooooh.. it does look very promising… now to try writing some mapping software using downloaded OS map tiles… :o)

    Full Member

    mac… if you drop me an email then I'll send it to you there as well…

    Full Member

    My other half is currently working through the Nebosh Diploma with RRC (Rapid Results College, or something like that). They seem to be pretty good and on the whole she has been very happy with them. Mind you, they aren't cheap…

    I can ask her for some more feedback on it later tonight if you want.

    Full Member

    What you want is a balloon bed[/url]… weighs just 100g and packs down to the size of a tin of beans.


    Full Member

    ziggy – Member

    They seem fairly successful in headsets, been on FSA for years, cranks are entirely different load levels though.

    What headsets use tapered roller bearings? The FSA ones, and all others I have taken apart all use angular contact bearings, which are not the same as tapered rollers…

    I can't see how using tapered bearings is going to help here, the slightest bit of crud that gets in there is going to cause problems as the rollers are going to have to lift over it, or push it around inside. This is unlike a ball bearing where the crud usually gets pushed to the sides…

    Full Member

    Looks like a v-brake rim to me with the flat sidewalls like that.

    Also, a quick google on that rim brings up various links that suggest it is made in all sorts of sizes and is used for BMX and cyclocross… neither of which would be really using discs.

    Full Member

    Or ride in maybe?

    Full Member

    I don't even remember one on the Monkey… maybe I was riding better than I thought that day!

    And agreed… a cracking little ride…

    Full Member

    I meant walk up the hills… not down!


    Which drops are they? I had to walk the Weirwolf drop as I so knackered I could hardly walk at the time, so thought riding that might be tempting fate a little!

    Full Member

    Greg… you are obviously peddling too much…

    You should just get off and walk the hills like I do!


    Full Member

    I'm not what they are doing is against the rules at all…

    You are allowed to ride with others, as long as you maintain your seperate kit and supplies.

    Also, you are allowed to send pre-arranged supplies using commercialy available means… the rules even suggest using the US Post Offices.

    Now, whether what they are doing is against the spirit of the rules is another question, but I can't see anything specifically in the rules that would stop them.

    In which case, who's up for an STW attempt next year? Slowest attempt maybe?


    Full Member

    Come on Graham… all of those apply just as much to the iPhone as to any other smartphone for extending battery life, obviously apart from those features that the iPhone doesn't have.


    Full Member

    *cough* Newton *cough*

    Full Member

    What about the iPad? That seems to be a product whose success is almost entirely bought about by zealotry! If anyone else had brought it out it most certainly wouldn't have been as successful as it has been.

    So, I wouldn't discount the amount that Apple zealotry played in making the iPhone a success. But, it is also that same zealotry which lead to the creation of Android in direct competition to it. So without the Apple fanbois we'd certainly not be where we are today…

    Full Member

    Graham… come on, you must know as well as I do the almost religious zeal of a large number of the Apple fans, which is why they tend to have the reputation they do and also why they gained the fanboi tag. Unless of course you too are caught up in the Jobsian reality distortion field… ;o)

    And while Google is a massive company, you've got to agree that they do not tend to inspire a similar level of adoration in their fans.

    A lot of the fans pushing Android are not doing it because it's a Google product, but because it's a free product, free as in speech that is. It's the same sort of group that have championed Linux for the last however many years. And while this group has it's fair share of zealots they tend to be obsessive about free speech and open source software more than anything else.

    This is probably the biggest reason for a lot of the techie clashes about the iPhone and Android as the fundamental philosophies behind the two systems are just incompatable. iPhone is the model of a closed source tightly controlled environment, just like Mircosoft wanted but failed to achieve. Android is open source with all the good and bad that goes with it.

    In the end, you pays your money and takes your choice…

    Full Member

    I'd best not call it the JesusPhone then…


    Full Member

    It's not like the iPhone 4 hasn't been around and working for a good while… and two have been lost by Apple employees who were out and about, and found their way to various websites…

    And I doubt Apple would release anything that wasn't pretty well tested. They might screw their customers in other ways, but that's not normally one of them!

    Full Member

    forge… at present the iPhone 4 is probably the better phone, but will be more expensive to own, both in initial cost and paid for apps.

    The Desire, while not being quite as good, will be the cheaper to get hold of and most of the 'required' apps are free.

    That just about sums it up I think.

    Full Member

    pallyally… it's horses for courses at the moment. Both Android phones and the iPhone can do a huge amount to be honest it really won't make that much difference whichever one you get.

    But, I would certainly be looking at the higher end Android phones to be comparable to the newer iPhones.

    Full Member

    Well true… and the power requirements of the current fancy-pants displays as well.

    Full Member

    This was reported in the tech news a while ago… someone did some testing and found that by just walking from warm to hot environments and vice versa could trigger the moisture sensors in iPhones.

    Full Member

    Lets face it.. for most people who own iPhones now are unlikely to change even if they do prefer an Android phone purely down to the fact that they have spent a reassonable sum of cash on apps and various docks and the like. If someone have an investment in all of those it'll have to be something very special to get them to move.

    And while Apple might be ahead for the time being, give it 6 months and Android will be taking another leap forward. Also, as the number of users grow, so will the number and quality of the apps.

    I daresay HTC will bring out something akin to the Evo in this country, which jumps them ahead of the iPhone in terms of tech, and once the dual-processor Snapdragons get into phones, that will be another leap forward as well. Come on, whoever here thought they'd be using a phone with a 1GHz processor, let alone a dual core one!! I'm quite interested to see what Motorola will do with it this time…

    At present I'd say the biggest thing holding back all mobile phones is the battery tech!

    Full Member

    It just seems that the phone gets slower when there are more processes open and less memory available. I know it shouldn't make a great deal of difference, but I find that killing the unused processes does speed the phone up, quite a lot at times.

    Full Member

    glanh… I turn off the widget so don't have it running as a continuous process, then just run it when I need to free up some memory.

    Call confirm is quite handy if you keep managing to accidently make calls…
    Beebplayer is good… if you can find it as it looks like it has been removed from the Market.

    Full Member

    Dolphin HD for the web browser… it's a lot better than the standard one.
    Astro File manager
    Advanced Task Killer
    SwiFTP to allow your phone to act as a wifi FTP server

    Full Member

    Nope, Desire ships with 2.1. HTC have yet to announce a date for 2.2 to be released, but rumours put it at the end of June. Then, it'll be however long it takes for the networks to update it and send it out… so next year maybe?

    Although saying that, once it's available on the BTC site you could probably just download it from there and install it anyway…

    Oh, and I use MyTracks at the moment, and I really must get my copy of ViewRanger transfered to my Desire for proper OS mapping.

    Full Member

    I have to say it all sounds very erm… 'European'.. ;o)

    But thanks for the reports, and good luck for the next few days.

    Full Member

    The other half has the Advantage Gold account and that really helped when we got out mortgage with them… and saved us about £500 or so in fees…

    Other than that, I don't think it's generally worth it unless you use all the extras.

    Full Member

    Just over the hill in Borrowdale is Shepards Crag, which has some nice low grade routes especially on Brown's Slab, and then there is the classic Little Chamonix for a bit of easy multi-pitch fun.

    Full Member

    Hold on jambo… as style over function goes, surely it should be the Apple peeps who fall into that camp… while wearing their sisters jeans and riding fixies… ;o)

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