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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 5: Lazer Kineticore Helmet
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    According to t’other half’s podiatrist the best thing to do is get inner soles which correct for any foot issues and then just buy whatever running shoes fit the best.

    I think that in most cases, most people will do just fine in whatever running shoes they buy. It’s only if you are doing a lot of running, or have a particular issue, that you’d need to be more careful.

    Now, knowing if you have a particular issue is probably the tricky bit!

    Full Member

    Get it to room temp and then just pan fry it, season, and then lob in a lump of butter near the end and keep basting that over the steak..

    Or do it in a similar way to cooking rib of beef…

    In a low oven first, about 75C until the whole lot is up to about 56C.. and then flash fry on a searingly hot pan afterwards… 😀

    Damnit, I want steak for lunch now!

    Full Member

    Pilots have autopilot, and another person checking everything they do. Train drivers don’t.

    Oh yes they do… pass a red signal and the train stops pretty damned quickly! Are there any lines left now without some kind of train protection? I thought it was all rushed in after the Clapham crash…

    And on the underground, all the drivers do is press some buttons and the train drives itself to the next station.

    On the whole, what you are really paying train drivers for is knowing what the hell to do when it all goes tits up… which is pretty much what you pay airline pilots for these days too..

    Full Member

    big_n_daft.. I think the point they were making was that the terms of these deals are longer than the length of our current parliament, and so who knows what might get happen then! And lets face it, I doubt the company is going to be worse off if they can help it!!!

    Full Member

    The general opinion seems to be against these sorts of deals…

    Think of it the other way round, if you were a company, would you be offering these sorts of deals unless there was a good return?

    Also, they were talking about this on the radio the other day and it was stated that some mortgage companies won’t touch a property with this sort of deal in place. Obviously, if you are never going to move then that might be fine…

    The other point that was raised was what happens if the government decides to reduce the feed in tariffs? Who takes the hit then?

    Full Member

    Rich… the question was to you about what these critical time requirements, as in, just how much power do you think you need in how short a time?

    Yunki… that’s correct as Hi-Fi uses different laws of physics to the rest of us.

    At least that would explain things… 😉

    Anyway, enough of this… I have a thesis to finish writing, and this isn’t helping!

    Full Member

    Energy storage elements might have an impact on time critical requirements, yes?

    What time critical requirements are these?

    But essentially no in this situation. Unless you are pulling serious power, in which case you might need to worry about the line inductance a little.

    But if it’s all this critical, how do you get this perfectly clean supply?

    Sorry if the analogy is poor, I’m no design engineer.

    Aaaah, so what did you do there?

    Which Hi-fi products are your PSU designs in? I have no idea if Julian Vereker ever designed a 10kW supply, they aren’t too commonly required in consumer electronics!

    No audio kit I’m afraid, but I am a power electronic engineer, but I guess as I don’t actually design for audio kit that means I know nothing eh? 😉

    Full Member

    It’s bad because you make power supply input filters up with energy storage elements, which both absorb and release energy as required. They just don’t work like a filter on a tap do.

    The thing is, if you design a power supply with very little filtering then you need a clean supply for it. Where do you get this clean supply from?

    The one thing if probably is good for, is to use to justify a certain design philosophy to people who don’t understand… 😉

    And yeah, let me know when he’s designed a 10kW PSU and we’ll have a go! 😀

    Full Member

    RichPenny, with bad analogies like that please tell me that you didn’t design the power supplies!


    Full Member

    Rather than listening to other people with very limited knowledge of electronics but apparently boundless cynicism telling me how stupid I am.

    Aaaah, of course, everyone who is at all cynical about this has only a limited knowledge about electronics.

    Does anyone who is cynical about those power balance things only have a limited knowledge about how they work too?


    Full Member

    Well, I guess no-one here can explain why the cables make a difference, and certainly not the big changes some people seem to claim.

    So, how come so many people stand up for this claim, yet on another thread anyone who states that a hologram can make them perform better gets shouted down?

    It seems that placebo is a perfectly good explanation for one, but not the other.

    Neither seem to have any effective basis in science beyond that.

    Of course, if someone can explain the effects… I’m all ears…

    Full Member

    molgrips… the impurities in the cable are already taken into account by the resistance, in fact, that is what effectively defines the resistance of the material, along with electron availability/mobility and fun and games like that.

    As for the R, C and L being the source of this issue, I’m not convinced. I’d be more inclined to agree if the values of each of them weren’t so darned tiny for a length of speaker cable, and also if the differences weren’t so small between cables. Now, while the cables will most definitely have a filtering effect at some frequency, the point where they’d have this effect is so far outside the audible spectrum that it shouldn’t make any difference, up in the MHz range as far as I can see. There is a possibility that some tiny phase differences might creep back down towards the audio spectrum, but it would be in the region of less than 1 degree of phase difference, which would be difficult to resolve. I’d guess moving your head by about 1mm would make more difference!

    There has to be more to it than this…

    Full Member

    Does anyone actually know what specifically it is about different cables which makes one sound ‘better’ than another… I’m quite intrigued.

    Is it to do with the stray resistance, capacitance and inductance?

    Or are all high-end amps like the Naims with unstable output amplifiers? Actually, I’m a little intrigued about this as well, what does it actually gain them to do this? Apart from selling more speaker cable obviously? Is it less distortion? Greater bandwidth? Flatter frequency response? Anyone?

    Also, with this kind of setup, does it mean you have to always use exactly the same length of cable for all installations?

    Full Member

    Chrome for browsing if you don’t want Firefox, although its not that bloated, plus you can run handy little plugins.

    iTunes could be trickier… are you wanting to migrate an existing iTunes setup to it? If so, you might be stuck with it…

    If it was me, I’d just stick Lubuntu on it and go from there.

    Full Member

    They were talking about this on Moneybox on R4 the other day, as there is a change to the law coming where financial advisors will no longer be able to be paid by the commissions from the products they sell, and will have to be paid for by the person seeking the advice…

    The general opinion was that unless you are already rich and want to do something more creative with your money, or are in a more unusual situation, then it’s not worth it as it’ll cost a couple of hundred quid to see an IFA.

    Full Member

    RSP Cooper… ooooh, lovely…

    Mine’s just about a year younger than that when they started rolling out the factory Coopers, and certainly doesn’t look as shiny as that!!!

    Full Member

    Somehow I don’t think mine would get an MOT at the moment… I can see through the floor.. and through the scuttle panel.. and a little through the roof..

    It also has 4 flat tyres…

    The engine still runs though…


    It’s my project for this summer… although I seem to remember saying that for the last 6 years or so!!

    Full Member

    Am glad I stumbled across this thread… I’ve just put some kmfdm on which I haven’t heard in a loooong time, and it’s got me digging through some old tunes…


    Ooooh.. and I just found a copy of Probot too.. excellent..

    bravo.. I was at that gig at Poppies gig at GCH, I think I might have even worked it! Saw them again when they toured back in 2005.. cracking gig even if they did keep forgetting the words!!!

    Full Member

    I’d be very surprised if there isn’t some thought put into the fatigue life of a bike frame as there is obviously no point in designing a beautifully light frame which rides wondering yet fails after a short period of time due to fatigue.

    I’d imagine that it’s just one of the large number of variables that needs to be juggled in order to create the frame, and not a specific design aim for a designer though…

    Full Member

    lodious… oooh, they’ve changed the design since I bought my wet stone.

    Full Member

    I think roller sharpener is another name for the water sharpener.

    Nope, the water sharpener is a double sided rectangular water stone which you sharpen by honing.

    The roller sharpener is the one which you just drag the knife between two ceramic sharpening discs.

    As a point of note, for Global knives they recommend using a ceramic ‘steel’ if you are going to sharpen your knives that way, as a normal steel could well be too soft for the hardened steel used in Global knives… although the Global one is eye-wateringly expensive, there are other cheaper versions about…

    Full Member

    Charlie.. I was just going along similar lines, but..


    For the 2nd guy to survive, he’d also have to give away all the gold (99 to 3rd guy and 1 to 4th guy), so he’d accept anything greater than 0…

    Full Member

    I’d say the split goes like this:-

    Oldest gets 16.66666 bars
    Second oldest gets 33.333333 bars
    Third oldest gets 50 bars…

    The youngest two get nothing..

    Full Member

    m_f… but order is significant as you said…

    odds of the balls being drawn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then 6 in that order

    Therefore, the first ball drawn has to be a 1, giving odds of 1/49.

    If order wasn’t important, as in the normal lottery draw, then that first ball can be any number from 1 to 6, giving odds of 6/49.

    Edit: drat.. beaten to it by miketually…

    Full Member

    Well yes, that should be obvious… but that didn’t seem to be what m_f was trying to say…

    Full Member


    It must be 50/50.

    I had a similarly daft argument once about the Lottery when I said that the odds of the balls being drawn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then 6 in that order are identical to any other set of numbers.

    No they are not…

    The chances of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 being drawn in any order is the same as any other set of numbers, but if you add the fact that order is required as well, then it lengthens the odds quite a bit…

    Full Member

    TJ… if you are completely unaffected by brands and branding, not marketing here mind, why do you keep going back to DMs? Or every time you go shopping for new shoes you try on all the other pairs available, and then go back to DMs because they really are the comfiest? Or do you just buy them “because they last well and are conmfy when on my feet for 12 hrs”.

    You have built up in your mind a brand image, an idea that DMs are comfy and long lasting, as that is what you said earlier in the thread.

    You buy DMs because they are DMs, because the brand says to you that they are long lasting and comfy.


    Anyway, just curious mind…


    Full Member

    Charlie…. drawing as in vector graphics? Or drawing as in Photoshop stylee?

    For vector graphics there is Inkscape.

    For photoshop stylee there is GIMP.

    Both very good…

    And both free.. :o)

    Full Member

    Build a rapid prototyping machine yourself and then make the bits?

    Have a look at RepRap…

    It might be the cheapest… but am not sure it will be the quickest though…

    Full Member

    It’s not absolute rubbish, I know food and I know that turkey is god awful. It’s only eaten at christmas because the yanks told you that’s what they do!

    Sorry, but that’s utter bobbins!!

    Turkeys were first brought over here in the 16th century… around the time that the potato was first brought here, so Yanks didn’t even exist then!

    At first turkey was a luxury, and goose was the traditional meat served at Christmas… mostly I think because pretty much everyone had them! I think it was Henry VIII how was the first monarch to have turkey for Christmas… after which it become very fasionable.

    So if you want to blame anyone for us eating turkey.. blame Henry!

    Oh, and if you buy a properly reared bird, and cook it properly then turkey is lovely, and tastier than chicken.

    My main reason for not eating it more often is that they are big, even the smallest is about 10lb, and it’s only available from out local farm at Christmas. Then, because they have grown up in a field, they have massive legs… which are great when boned and rolled with stuffing inside before roasting…

    Full Member

    Have a looky here…

    The paragraph about 3 or 4 down is where it starts talking about distance..

    Full Member

    Well.. if you could make a perfect mirror then no… as it would reflect all of the energy, and not absorb any.

    I suspect that making a perfect mirror might be a bit tricky though!!

    Full Member

    That’s what I was thinking with the tights!!

    And hopefully it’s too late for him to change his mind now… plus, I have two independant witnesses, one a pedestrian and the other the woman in the car behind.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the offer thomthumb.. I may well take you up on that offer.

    I’m still waiting for the PC to phone me with all the details of the incident number and the like, but I have the witness details, and the drivers details. The driver has also admitted it was his fault, to me, the witness and the police… which should make things easier! Hopefully!

    And I hope you recovery goes well too…

    Anyone know what Endsleigh are like to deal with?

    So, are we thinking that it might have been a bad idea to enter Kielder? Is it cursed?

    Full Member

    The ambulance bods did an excellent job.. and apparently, as of Monday this week, all the readings/details they took are now accessable online by my GP.. which is rather good! They’ve took a record of everything that hurt at the time…

    I’ll see how the knee feels later, once I’ve tried to ride home!!

    And no chance of giving up.. I’m booked in for the Kielder 100 next year! Gulp!

    Full Member

    I was having similar issues with one of my bikes, 27.2 seat post and a bolt up clamp like you too, not matter how tight it would always slip… I ended up changing the seat clamp to a Salsa Lip-Lock and have not had a problem since.

    I think it’s because the insert that the bolt screws into can turn a little as you do the clamp up, so you can do the clamp up tighter.

    Full Member

    You can check the cars MOT status from the Directgov website… although that probably puts you through to the DVLA website, I forget, but all you need is the details on the cars V5.

    Full Member

    Google is your friend…

    Full Member

    Marigolds*… buy a pair and chop the hand part off, leaving you with a handy rubber tube to use as a gaiter…

    *other rubber gloves are available…

    Full Member

    If you have a multimeter, plug the element back in and measure the voltage across the element connectors with the switch in various. This will at least tell you if the switch is working properly.

    Also, any chance of getting to the thermastat to measure voltage across that? Or measure the resistance? If you can get it out you can try setting the temp low and dropping it into boiling water to see if it opens correctly.

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