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  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Have a look here

    And it looks like a 24Seven Hardtrail.

    Full Member

    I don’t think the argument being used on the other thread was so much that if walkers and climbers are causing erosion, then we should be allowed to as well… I took the argument to be more that if the environment is so sensitive that people riding bikes there is going to cause a massive environmental impact then surely walkers and climbers should not be there either.

    As such, if it’s acceptable for walkers and climbers to be there, and also for there to be numerous guidebooks and routes published, then why is it not acceptable for bikes to be there? But that is just rehashing the argument from the other thread.

    As for the littering thing… it’s not just bikers that are messy, walkers and climbers are just as much to blame. Go for a walk along Stanage after a busy weekend to see the amount of crap that gets left behind. Walkers are as bad, I’ve found all manner of stuff on the tops of hills. So it’s not something that’s exclusive to us.

    Full Member

    motiv.. A and D are equal for n = 0… 😀

    Full Member

    A & D are equal when n = 0.

    For the second part, you just need to go through each combination, do the equation and work out the value of n.

    There is a shortcut, but just giving you that straight off won’t let your kid learn anything from this…

    Full Member

    For the B & C part…

    If B = C


    (n-7) = 2(n + 2)

    You should be able to rearrange and get the result quite easily.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Cougar… that is bread so you’ll have no trouble making a proper loaf, although that recipe does have a lot of yeast in there.

    Full Member

    Just taken two sourdough loaves out of the oven… it’s hard not to just dive straight in as they are sooo damned tasty. Recipe for those is just flour, water and salt. It’s amazing what those three ingredients can achieve!

    Although I think I might be taking this a little too seriously as I’ve just ordered 40kg of flour! 😀

    Full Member

    Lapsed climber here too… riding bikes took over and then after separating my shoulder I just kinda stopped.

    I do keep planning to start again, mostly to get back into climbing the frozen stuff.

    Full Member

    A friend of mine is in International Rescue… no idea what she does for them though.

    That’s not really much help is it though…

    Full Member

    When I did it in August last year… it was still a swamp at the top then, so doubt there would be any chance of it being dry now!

    Full Member

    At a guess they both use the same tubesets so are always going to look pretty similar although the headtubes are different. But things like forward facing seat tube slots are pretty standard on all UK designed bikes aren’t they?

    Plus the Kili is UK made and brazed, while the Sanderson Life is made in Taiwan and welded.

    I think the Kili looks fantastic and would love one, but at £750 there’s no way I’d buy one… I paid that for my custom singlespeed not that many years ago!

    Full Member

    PP… Oh I don’t? That’s nice of you to tell me… 😉

    In that regard, I’d struggle to justify buying anything more that a spesh 2011 stumpjumper. I feels exactly like my 5year old 5spot, but its lighter.

    You mean Spesh have only just managed to match the suspension feel of a 5 year old Turner? 😉

    Full Member

    PP… are all 4-bar suspension designs the same then? 😉

    Full Member

    Khani.. Ventana made about 150 of the very first Turner frames.

    I’d be happy with either Turner or Ventana, the build quality if fantastic on both. My 5 Spot is coming up for 6 years old now and still going strong…

    Full Member

    I’m not sure a bowline works with two different ropes does it? The knot relies on the both sides of the loop being loaded to hold.

    Likewise, the sheet bend doesn’t work when tying a loop like a bowline, as the pull on both sides of the loop will pull the knot apart.

    So, the bowline is for tying a loop, and the sheet bend for tying two ropes where the pull is on each rope in opposite directions.

    Full Member

    Nice one Smarty… hope it tastes as good as it looks..

    Full Member

    Smarty.. it’ll be a cracker I am sure…

    The Fopster… actually, it’s entirely possible to do the bulk of the work making a loaf in the evening, and then shape it, plonk it in the tin and put it in the fridge overnight to prove. Next morning you take it out of the fridge, stick the oven on and when it’s up to temp pop the loaf in. Easy, although you might need to get up a little earlier than normal.

    Alternatively, mix it the night before, leave to rise in the fridge, shape it and put it in the tin in the morning, put it back in the fridge, then cook it that night.

    If anyone wants a good book on bread making I can heartily recommend “Bread Matters” by Andrew Whitely.

    Full Member

    Am using Dropbox myself, although am only using it for a few 10’s MB of stuff, but it’s very handy for writing stuff over multiple computers.

    It’s also rather nice that it saves all the changes so that you can see all the times a document has changed, and then go back to a previous version if you need to.

    Full Member

    The Panasonic is still generally considered the best. Mines about 8 years old now, and I used to use mine a lot, but now make it by hand. Due to the longer fermentation process used when making it by hand it tastes soooo much better. It’s quite therapeutic doing the kneading as well.

    My sourdough is pretty darned good as well and I ride a SS… 😀

    In all, it only takes about 30 mins of actual work to knock up a loaf, the rest of the time is just rising/proving/cooking time. You can even prove it overnight in the fridge ready to put straight into the oven next morning…

    Full Member

    Just checked the online menu… they have a dish cooked with Naga chilli if you fancy some heat… 😀

    EDIT: Ooops.. wrong Bilash Balti.. who’d have thought there would be two!

    Full Member

    rewski.. that’s just wrong!!!

    Just try not to think about her and John Major though…

    Full Member

    I always like a good Patia, hot and sour, although it really does depend on the restaurant…

    Full Member

    But surely all riding should be responsible riding wherever you are…

    In some respects I think making a very big thing about responsible riding in a single location could tend to make people less worried about it everywhere else. It shouldn’t just be something which is highlighted in certain areas, it should be all pervasive.

    For my two-penneth, while I would not want to see hoards of people riding the Cairngorm plateau, I see no problem with responsible access. Likewise I don’t want to see hoards of walkers up there either.

    Full Member

    Dobbo… that’s to support the Word Famous Artist Terrance Best… you’d think he be able to make a reasonable living selling his paintings though, especially as they go for $28,000, wouldn’t you!!

    Full Member

    Firstly, are bottom bracket shells always sat central on the frame? Or are they ever offset? Does the drive side of the shell always sit in the same place? I’d say no, and that BB shells are always sat centrally, in which case the end on the BB shell for a 73mm BB will sit 2.5mm further out from the centre line than for a 68mm BB shell.

    In that case, if you use a 68mm BB in a 73mm BB shall the chain line will be 2.5mm out, which you won’t be able to correct with spacers.

    Doing it the other way round may be possible using spacers, ie, using a 73mm BB in a 68mm BB shell.

    Obviously, if my assumption that BB shells are always mounted centrally is incorrect, then this is wrong!

    Full Member

    Exploding ostriches being thrown from a rolling car…

    Or I might have dreamt that.

    Full Member

    Orange 5 certainly won’t ss without a tensioner…

    The Cove G-Spot had a BB pivot, no idea if it still does though. The Kona A does as well, although that’s only 100mm I think.. but that’s about it I think.

    Full Member

    The ones that came with my Roadrat seem to be perfectly okay… not had any issues with mine although it’s not done many miles off road so no idea how good the sealing is.

    Full Member

    Just watched it iPlayer… looked rather mad… but is there something wrong with me for thinking it also looked like fun?

    Full Member

    I think you are both talking the same thing… the only benefit to the employee with a pension salary sacrifice, aside from the child benefit thing, is the NI saving on the amount of salary which is sacrificed. There is no tax saving as the pension contributions are taken after NI but before tax.

    Salary sacrifice for other things, like bikes/cars/etc, attract savings on both NI and tax.

    Full Member

    I use the pension salary sacrifice at my current company, and will be doing so with my new employer as well.

    I chose it initially for the NI savings, but now it will help keep my salary below the upper tax threshold, which as there is discussion about kids in the future would allow us to keep child benefit.

    Neither of the companies have had any splitting of the companies NI savings though.

    Full Member

    Cool… will drop him a line.


    Full Member

    You made a bike gnarr? You going soft in your old age Mike? 😉

    Bad luck about the Inbred… they didn’t fancy the cargo bike then?

    Full Member

    Try and find a Nalgene bite valve, especially the ones with the magnetic clip, they are the best bite valve I have used.

    Look here

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s not illegal to sell the kit, just use it without a licence. They do seem to like to ignore that on the websites though.

    See here[/url]…

    Full Member

    Firstly, if you are in the UK, you do realise these are illegal don’t you…

    As to why it’s lost power… to be honest it could be a huge number of different things. I’d probably try taking it apart and cleaning all the dust and stuff out for a first thing. If that didn’t work I’d check for any component damage on the board or try a new power supply.

    It could always be interference, but that’s harder to sort out. What happens when you turn the unit off?

    Full Member



    Full Member

    For an extra £60 I’d be looking at the current offer on the Boardman Comps at Halfords…

    And the Kona Blink on Merlin looks like a good deal as well… especially with the VIP discount.

    Full Member

    Virgin email uses the Gmail engine… so to all intents and purposes it is Gmail… 😀

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