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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Curricula is correct as the plural of curriculum…

    Now, as to whether you could argue that a single document containing all the different parts of ones life should be ‘courses’ and not ‘course’ is another matter!

    Full Member

    andrewh… well, you have the conservation of momentum just about there… kinda..

    Now you just need to understand that it’s got pretty much bog all to do with this, as the aircraft has a source of forward thrust that does not rely on the ground one little bit. The ground can be doing what the hell it likes… moving backwards or forwards, the plane will still take off…

    Full Member


    juan… unless there was more than one CV, then it’s curriculum, not curricula…


    Full Member

    andrewh… so, how do freely moving wheels have any effect on the body of the aircraft, and stop it moving forward?

    Full Member

    uphillcursing… you’d kinda hope that the engineers who designed the wheels made sure than the wheel bearings weren’t so draggy that they stopped the plane taking off…

    Full Member

    andrewh… so if it has a groundspeed of zero, then the treadmill is not moving?

    Also, think about this, what is the mechanism by which the treadmill is stopping the aircraft moving forwards even when the aircraft is producing thrust?

    Full Member

    It’s got nothing to do with being superior to others… that just comes naturally.. :wink:

    It’s because in maths, exactness is important, and that is easily seen by the original question and differing answers. It’s because there is a definite right answer, and that by trying to explain it to those who do not understand, that maybe they will learn something…

    Learning stuff is always good… I learn new stuff every day…

    Full Member

    What if you can’t work out the question in your head? How will you know which machine is telling you the right answer?

    Well in that case, how can you tell if any machine is ever telling you the right answer?

    And not just machines, what about people too?

    I’d suggest that if you can’t tell which is the right answer, you are not qualified to ask the question? :wink:

    It was always drummed into me when at school, and beyond, that the calculator/computer is there to help, but it does not, and cannot, do your thinking for you. You still need to understand what you are asking it to do.

    Full Member

    No, it tells us that we have two different answers. They could both be wrong.

    But one answer is correct, and we know which that is…

    Or are you still actually arguing that the answer could be 0?

    Full Member

    Yeeesss, but if you recognise that you need to change the input depending on the machine you’re using, then you’ll recognise that calculating the equation isn’t as simple as some are making out.

    Surely all that proves is that one of the devices used to do the calculation is wrong.

    In which case I’d take it back and complain!


    Full Member

    ebygomm… I have no idea what you could mean…


    Full Member

    As I said earlier… and in agreement with Graham and the others just above…

    Without convention there is no mathematics.

    I could work in gribbles and farks but without there being some convention that allows you to interpret what those mean, then it’s pretty much all meaningless.

    Oh, and it doesn’t tell you where the parentheses are, they could be added in but are wholly unnecessary as the precedence of the operators already contains that information.

    Full Member

    Conti Vert Pros obviously…


    Full Member

    Blimey.. maybe this Talisker is making me talk sense for once!

    Full Member

    glenh… tease! :wink:

    andrewh… maybe the subtlety was lost there…

    What I was getting at is that mathematics is nothing without convention. You can clearly do what the hell you like personally, but unless you can convey that meaning to others then that meaning is lost.

    So, in that sense, convention is everything.


    Full Member


    *deep breaths*

    What you seem to be trying to answer is, can an aircraft ever take off will no forward speed, just the effect of the propwash over the wings. I’m fairly sure the answer to that question would be no.

    But that is not the situation here.

    There is nothing stopping the prop pulling the aircraft forwards. The treadmill is just a distraction.

    Unless there is some way for the speed of the treadmill to influence the aircraft, which has non-driven, freely-spinning wheels, then there is no way for the treadmill to stop an aircraft taking off.

    Full Member

    glenh… well, as it’s only convention, then it doesn’t make any difference then, just as I think I’ll start using j instead of i for all my complex numbers…

    Oh, hold on.. ;o)

    Full Member

    Elfin… does this mean that your Mac is *gasp* wrong?

    Full Member

    Oh god noooooo…

    uphillcursing… it has nothing to do with that. The way the aircraft moves forwards is by forcing air backwards, either by the use of a prop, or a jet. The wheels are merely there to reduce the coefficient of friction between the fuselage and the ground. If the wheels provided any motive force then how does an areoplane fly once it leaves the ground?

    Full Member

    The MD/DM and AS/SA bits are a bit of a funny in this anyway…

    For multiplication and division, they are actually of equal precedence (essentially being the same operation), as are subtraction and addition (snap), and so those are evaluated from left to right.

    Full Member

    Mussssssssssst resissssssssssssst….

    Full Member

    Elfin.. just believe your Mac.. after all, it can do no wrong.. ;o)

    Full Member

    Hold on Graham… was that the answer in base 26?

    Full Member

    Aaaaaaaargh… andrewh… scuzz.. etc…

    Firstly, the treadmill only moves if the aircraft, or it’s wheels, depending on the question, moves… so, a stationary aircraft would be sat on a stationary treadmill.

    Next… uphillcursing, unless there is some kind of aircraft which propels itself through it’s wheels, it doesn’t matter how it’s powered…

    And finally, dear god please stop me reading and responding to this thread… I thought I got over it the first time this appeared!!!

    Full Member

    jools… always open the other door… that’s all you need to know!

    Full Member

    Is that rotational speed or forward speed HH?

    Full Member


    On a bicycle

    In a wind tunnel

    will it make any difference if the wheels are 26in or 29in?


    Now where was that video of the ostriches and the rally car?

    Full Member

    druidh.. stop it, you are being naughty!!!

    Next you’ll be telling me not to swap doors when offered the chance too!!

    Edit: mike… snap!!

    Full Member

    What’s infinity times zero then?

    That’ll be undefined…

    Infinities are buggers like that…

    Full Member

    Ta… I’ll have a look there..

    Full Member

    Looks like that’s all booked up for the week we are looking at, but thanks for the suggestion.

    Full Member

    It’s very worrying when something like this has more people picking the wrong answer!

    To agree with those above, the answer is 26.

    It’s just unfortunate that there isn’t an additional 1 at the front of the list, then it could have been in RPN… :D

    Full Member

    Ewan… yep, your book is wrong.

    The new Vic Line trains can’t be automatically driven from a control centre. There is an Auto driving mode, which drives the train at it’s optimum speed profile between stations, but this mode requires the the driver the initiate the run, and it is the train itself which is doing the driving. There is some fairly hefty computer power in the cabs these days!

    The control centre does have some influence over the train, but that is only by the control over the signalling, so it has the ability to make a train stop, or impose speed restrictions, but it does not have any actual control over the train.

    There are also a number of other driving modes where the driver does actually fully drive the train using the traction/brake controller…

    Full Member

    Ewan… I can say with absolute certainty that the Victoria Line trains have drivers, both the old ones and the brand spanking new ones. I had a small part in the build of the new Victoria Line trains, and spent a lot of hours testing them up and down the Victoria Line itself.

    Full Member

    Have you contacted the guys at Dingley Dell[/url]? They make lightweight pizza ovens and are based near Birmingham I believe…

    If they don’t have anything suitable then I am sure they will be able to give you some pointers at the very least…

    Full Member

    Unless you noticed a large drop in performance, I’d just give everything a good clean, change the top bushes along with with the foam ring and oil seals, maybe have a bit of a tidy up of the worn stanchion areas and then stick in some new oil and put it all back together.

    Then just keep using them, but check them reasonably regularly…

    Even though they are worn, there is nothing wrong that will stop them working as forks.

    Or, if you are like the person who sold me some Rebas, stick them on the classifieds as being in perfect nick and then refuse to do anything about it. That was a few years ago now, but after some fettling from me they are actually still going strong.

    Full Member

    You’ll be fine on both FTD and the Monkey… there’s nothing really challenging on the normal routes on either…

    I’d give the black bits on the Monkey a miss though, especially if your mate isn’t very confident… while they might not be massively technical, they still take a bit of bottle to ride…

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the answers above about the expansion of the universe being faster than the speed of light are correct…

    Anyway, the answer to the question is that we can ‘see’ it, it’s just that it’s been red-shifted out of the visible spectrum into the mircowave spectrum. This is detectable and is known as the Microwave Background Radiation and was discovered in the 60’s I think.

    This red-shifting has been caused by the expansion of the universe, causing the wavelength of the light to be stretched. This is just the Doppler effect on a much grander scale!

    If the universe had expanded faster than the speed of light, then we would be outside of the influence of the light from the big bang, and therefore would not see this background radiation.

    Full Member


    I’m doing my PhD at Nottingham, which is where I did my MSc as well, also in power electronics.

    I’m afraid I know little about the networks and supply side of the game, being an inverter and drives kinda guy, so a lot will really depend on the subject of the PhD and whether it’s likely to be interesting to industry, or whether it’s a purely academic piece of work. You’d really need to take a look at the subject and decide if you think it’s going to be relevant in 3-4 years time…

    Also I’d say that if the stipend for the PhD is 20k a year, it’s being sponsored by industry, and so it’s likely that you will be able to look for a place with the sponsoring company once you complete. Oh, and unless things have changed, that will be tax-free as well… :o)

    Full Member

    turin… when you say electrical power engineering, what do you mean? Generation/distribution or power electronics?

    Anyway, I’d say the answer is that it depends a lot on which Uni it is at, and what the subject of the research is.

    I’m just writing up a PhD in power electronics and it was that which got me my current job…

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