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  • funkynick
    Full Member

    Or just get one of the many backup and restore apps installed on your old phone, use that… some even backup to the web… and then install the app on your new phone and restore from that. That way you get apps, data and everything else…

    Worked perfectly when I got my new phone a couple of months ago.


    Full Member

    freeagent…. I was at that gig as well… they were supported by Suicidal Tendancies and Testament, and sharing the headline with Megadeth…

    Absolutely brilliant gig… loudest I have ever been to I think, ears were ringing for days afterwards… and got utterly mashed in the mosh pit too… those were the days!!! :o)

    I think I have the t-shirt still too!

    Full Member

    Another vote for using the Owners Direct website… I’ve just booked an apartment for a few days near St Jean D’Aulps through them and the choice on the website seems to be a lot better than anywhere else I looked, with stuff going from silly expensive to reasonably cheap.

    No experience of staying there though as this will be the first trip to the area…

    Full Member

    From the guys who went out on Thursday night, they said that the Dog/Monkey were okay, but anything off-piste was a mud-fest…

    Full Member

    Oooh, missed that thread…

    And I must have been lucky then… as I managed to get one earlier. :)

    It might be worth checking in the stores, as that’s where I got mine.

    Full Member

    To echo some of the other posters…

    Did you really expect anything different? Think about the location… it’s in the Midlands with no mountains in sight, and I’d say with the prevailing geography they’ve done a bloody brilliant job.

    If you just wanted something a little more gravity oriented, then you maybe should have gone to Stile Cop…

    Full Member

    It might be a problem with the network chipset… there are some weird and wonderful ones which aren’t well supported.

    If you type ‘lspci’ on the command line, then look through the list which comes up for something called the network controller… then do a search on that and see if there are any issues with Ubuntu.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    This is one of those non-cases where it’s nothing really to do with the activity itself, but more a case of a company not following it’s own procedures. This sort of thing seems to happen over and over again…

    Anyway, I’m more aggrieved by the fact that the OP thinks climbing is an ‘extreme’ sport! While certain elements of climbing are indeed quite dangerous, climbing per-se is no more dangerous, and probably a great deal less dangerous, than a great number of other more ‘normal’ sports, unless you think that rugby or football are ‘extreme’ sports that is!

    Strangely enough, the one thing that probably has made climbing more dangerous over the years is the introduction of ‘safe’ places to climb like climbing walls… but then that’s another argument altogether!

    Full Member

    It would be interesting to know what the exact figures are for a case like this…

    As surely it’s actually cheaper for the council to employ someone on these terms, as they would then not have to cover the pension and employers NI contributions for that person.

    Obviously, this would then be offset to some extent by the smaller amount of tax paid by the individual, but would this even out?

    Full Member

    pdw… I think you must be following me, you gave me the original suggestion to go there a few years ago on UKC! It was after we went and were chatting to your Mum that she said that it must have been you who tipped us off!

    I still remember the first morning we woke up there, after getting there in the dark, to be greeted by that stunning view down Buttermere… ace!

    When you speak to her next, say hi from Nick and Liz for me… :o)

    Full Member

    Have a look at Crummock Water Cottages[/url].

    T’other half and myself have stayed there for the last few years when we go up to the Lakes, and have always found it to be just about perfect. I can’t recommend them enough.

    Of course it helps that it’s just down the road from Whinlatter, and walking distance from the Kirkstile Inn… :o)

    The cottages are normally let out for the whole week, but if you give Joan a call and she has something free, I’m sure she’d be able to help you out with a shorter stay, she’s always been very flexible for us.

    Full Member

    As the sky at night is mainly black, space can’t be infinite, otherwise it would be all starry white due to the infinite number of stars.

    Well, actually it is… okay, it’s not starry white and there aren’t an infinite number of planets, but the ‘light’ from the big bang/stars is there all across the sky. It’s just that this light is from so long ago, and we are accelerating that the light has been doppler shifted back into the far infra-red part of the spectrum. This light can be detected, and is known as the Cosmic Background radiation, and it’s essentially constant in whichever direction you look.

    Full Member

    When you do the cut, it’s not actually important to get the cut exactly square apart from in aesthetic terms… the end of the steerer doesn’t mate with anything. Just make it neat and clean off any burrs that you get.

    Full Member

    Brain-hurty is good… just remember that! :D

    If there is no drive from the prop to the wheels, then the prop just acts like a sail to begin with. The wind pushes against the two ‘thin sails’, and this is the initial thrust needed to start the vehicle moving slowly. But as it starts moving the wheels start turning and this then starts the prop turning.

    The idea being that this vehicle is supposed to be ‘sailing’, so all thrust should come from a ‘sail’. In this case it just so happens that the sails are rotating, but they still act as sails.

    The harder one to grasp is that they plan to try using this vehicle to travel upwind at a faster speed than the opposite wind speed!!

    Full Member

    Pretty much yes…

    You’ll need to chop about 5mm down from that line to allow clearance for the top cap to tension everything up nicely.

    But, do make sure you check it, and check it again… it’s an expensive mistake to get wrong!

    Full Member

    TJ… why would it not start if the prop doesn’t drive the wheels?

    And why would it start if it does?

    Full Member

    mol… do you know anyone called BA, or maybe Hannibal or Murdoch… just get them together and lock them in a shed. I’m sure they’d come up with something!

    Full Member

    TJ.. yes they are attached, but only so the wheels drive the prop, all forward propulsion comes from the prop itself, not from the wheels.

    Full Member

    If I remember correctly, in that faster than the wind machine the wheels drive the prop, but the prop does not drive the wheels… just like a bike freewheel…

    As for the exhaust turbine idea mol… I would imagine that the back-pressure created by the turbine would cause a loss in efficiency greater than any power that could be recovered. For instance, the design of the exhaust is such that they use the speed of the currently evacuating gasses from one cylinder to create a pressure drop at the exhaust valve of the next cylinder to help draw the gasses out. Any increase in pressure here will lead to less efficient emptying of the cylinder, and thus a lower efficiency. I understand what you are suggesting, but it is already essentially what happens, and sticking anything else in the way causes problems! This is what happened when catalytic converters came along…

    I believe that engines using turbos actually suffer a little from this issue too, as the back pressure from the exhaust turbine causes less than complete evacuation of the cylinder, but they more than overcome this loss of power by cramming in more air/fuel mix into the cylinder.

    Full Member

    Clueless is ace…

    As is the Princess Bride… (and the book is even better!)

    For low budget sci-fi I’d suggest Dark Star for the connoisseur… or maybe Hardware…

    Full Member

    The one ending in .iso and it should be about 362Mb… so quite large. It’s a CD image which can be burnt directly to CD.

    The smaller file in there is a checksum to guarantee the download, but unless you know how to do that it’s not much help, so just ignore that bit!

    Full Member

    If you have access to another computer I’d suggest going here[/url] and downloading the iso, then burning it onto a CD.

    Then, boot that CD and it will run a clean version of Linux with the BitDefender AV software on it… that should be able to do a full system scan without the virus being able to do anything about it!

    Full Member

    Bit rusty here, but isn’t the dominant eigenvalue the one with the largest absolute magnitude?

    In which case, this can be either positive or negative, and in this case, the calculated value is negative.

    As above, am not sure there is anything wrong.

    Full Member

    For the Greeks to drop out of the Euro, they’d have to convert back to the Drachma and then devalue, and anyone with Euros in Greece would see the value of those dramatically drop.

    So if the Greeks even threaten to actually drop out of the Euro, then everyone with money in the Greek banks will rush to move it to another Euro country which is safer. Thus causing a run on the Greek banks, and so their entire banking system could collapse.

    If I was Greek it would be this that I was more worried about!

    Full Member

    The Rubiks cube machine was on telly a while ago, it was made by some of the guys at ARM, who design the processors in the phones… which is why it’s running on an Android phone.

    But more cool than everything else, is the guy who levitated frogs… I believe he even got an igNobel prize for it too, and then subsequently went on to win a real Nobel prize as well!

    Full Member

    Surely there is no spoon…

    Anyway, it’s a paradox… of similar making to the one with the book that lists all books which don’t reference themselves.

    Full Member

    aracer… I can’t be arsed to read the physics on this right now, but I am intrigued to know what is happening when I felt my bike to be rather ‘weird’ at the back end. This was cured by tightened up the spokes in that wheel, none of which were loose, but there was uneven spoke tension.

    Is it because it was uneven?

    Full Member

    ernie… just as an aside, I think you’ll find that we have a reduced 5% rate of VAT on some stuff too.

    So while maybe the headline VAT rate needs to be at least 15%, there are reduced rates, as well as zero-rated bits too!

    Full Member

    rprt.. I’m not sure HH was actually agreeing with you though. :wink:


    There is one thing we know for absolute certainty, unless, as suggested earlier, we are indeed in a simulation… but even if were are, would it matter?

    Right, the one thing we know for certain is that the probability of life on this planet is 1. We exist, there can’t be much argument about that. (TJ? :wink: )

    So, that means that the probability of life occuring at least somewhere in the universe is 1… (that’s us for the hard of thinking)

    Given that, I’d say that the chances for there being life on any particular planet are not infinitesimally small, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

    So the question now is this, which of these is more likely:-

    a) that the probability of life existing on a particular planet is exactly the right number for there to be only a single planet (ours) in the entire universe with life?


    b) that the probability of life existing on a particular planet is any other number than the one above?

    I know which I am putting my lottery money on this week!

    Full Member

    It might be worth reading the actual advice from the Health Protection Agency here[/url]…

    Surprisingly, the Daily Wail has gone completely overboard… which is most unlike them!

    Full Member

    Dangerous? You have to be kidding me!!!!

    I took some folks round not that long ago, and one was riding a touring bike with drops as it was the only bike he had and he managed just fine, so I’m sure a 120mm XC bike will cope!

    Full Member

    Is it definitely coming from the boiler?

    When we moved into this house, the central heating would make one hell of a racket… that turned out to be that some of the thermostatic radiator valves had been installed the wrong way round! This caused them to hammer like mad…

    If you have thermostatic radiator valves, it might be worth turning them all up to full and seeing if this cures the issue…

    Other than that, it’s could be air getting into the pump somehow… where abouts is your boiler? Up or down stairs?

    Full Member

    Just be careful.. the Park crank tool I have came with two different sized ends, one for Octalink/ISIS, and one for square taper… you need the smaller of the two for square taper.

    Full Member

    Rob, we told you at the time, that’s not a lump.. it’s your c***…


    Full Member

    Oh dear god… *bangs head against a wall*

    Full Member

    At least with the iPhone method you have a complete backup of everything on the phone to restore to ifwhen it all goes wrong.


    Full Member

    Aaaaaaaargh… you can’t ignore the wheels… the aircraft wouldn’t be able to take off irrespective of whether there was a treadmill or not without wheels (or equivalent)!

    Nope, that’s it, you have to be trolling now.. *sticks fingers in ears* lalalalalalla

    Full Member

    Simple, Euclidean geometry works for flat space, but does not work for curved space. So it works within the bounds of it’s own rule set…

    Now, just because it was thought the rules for Euclidean geometry were thought to be universal for a while, which was then proved to be false, does not invalidate the rules, it just gives a more precise definition of them…


    Full Member

    Neutrinos regularly travel at faster than the local speed of light, so maybe they have just discovered that what we think of as ‘the speed of light’ is just another localise speed… :D

    Non-euclidian geometry isn’t ignoring the rules… it’s another set of rules entirely. All of Euclid’s theorems are true for well, flat space I guess you could call it, which is a good local approximation to the real world.

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