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  • Review: Polaris Aquanought Waterproof Hip Pack
  • funkrodent
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    Sounds great and finally a reason ti justify zuckerburg’s squillions. I mat even withdraw my lawsuit…

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    Just followed the link on previous page re Welsh eateries. Holy cow batman! As far as I can see, if you’re visiting Wales and intending to ingest anything whilst there, take your own sandwiches or pay the consequences. That said, FWIW the cafe at Coed-y-Brenin was excellent last time I was there. Great burger (if a tad pricey, but a local cow helped in the making of it so that’s nice) and when I asked for a large tea the matronly (but nice matronly, like the nice, saucy fat blonde one in the Carry Ons, not the uptight brunette with the equally advantageous rack) woman behind the counter put two teabags in! Haven’t checked if said cafe was on aforementioned Welsh eateries whack list, and don’t think I will either…

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    Just googled Litespeed warranty. Thread, after thread, after thread about their effectively worthles warranties. And its been going on for sometime too. Here’s a link – A sad state of affairs. I’ve just bought a Turner on the basis of their excellent customer service. They warranty their frames for two years. That seems a reasonable amount of time. If you’re using it regularly and there is a defect, its going to become clear fairly soon. As I understand it, they had problems with the 2009 1st generation 5.Spot and they sorted it quickly and cleanly and actually enhanced their rep as a result. IMO its a real shame when these family-owned businesses get bought out and the suits trade on the brand equity whilst simultaneously defrauding it. FWIW there are a few comments on here about Marin and how good their customer service is. They were recently bought out by a private equity outfit. I have hear nothing whatsoever to indicate that this ha effected their customer service, but I will be watching with interest to see if it does. I’m all off to email Litespeed about their warranties!

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    I wouldn’t pretend to know half of what most of the guys on here know. But i have spent the last four weeks researching a similar decision. Budget obviously plays a huge part and opinions are hugely divided. Some guys I know who do a lot of mountain biking swear 100mm travel is all you need unless you’re going to Scotland. Others swear by 140mm XC/AM bikes, others tell me 29ers are the answer. Certainly less travel means you need to be a better rider. Another truth is that more suspension usually means compromises in pedalling efficiency, particularly uphill. My research led me to brands like Turner and Ibis, both of whom do acclaimed 140mm travel bikes (5.Spot and Mojo) , that (apparently) climb like goats, descend superbly and are more than capable of going to scotland/alps etc. i say apparently because i’ve pushed the button on a frame without having ridden one. sometimes you just gotta do it. However the general sentiment seems to be that a well thought out, well-built and well ridden 140mm frame is more than enough for the vast majority of people, whatever the terrain. Good luck!

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    Topeak Pocket Rocket DX11 works for me. It’s optimised for road bikes and has a smooth and easy action that stays that way even when the pressure is getting high. Takes many, many strokes mind, but it’ll get your tyre good and hard. Fnaaarggh fnaaargh, woot!

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    Thanks guys. ComradeD, loving that frame. I was going to go for the red, but whilst I was procrastinating someone else got in there first an snapped it up. C’est la vie. For what its worth, Wiggle seem to have withdrawn the 5.Spots, but they’re still doing 2010 Flux and Sultan frames at under a grand. Martin, you’re absolutely right. Spoke at length with Pete at Psychlosport in Harrogate. Given that he knew that I wasn’t going to buy the frame off him he was very generous with his time and he said pretty much what you’ve said. Guys at merlin were also very useful and generous with their time. With the weight thing, you’re absolutely right, the weight of the frame – taken as a percentage of the overall weight of complete package incl rider – is less of a factor for a 16 stone rider than for a 12 stone one. Now I have a real incentive to lose a bit of weight I guess and just the tool to help me do it :D

    Full Member

    Well, just pushed the button on the 5.Spot. An X-large frame on Wiggle (I know), at the frankly ridiculous price of £977. They have others, though I just rechecked and its now saying discontinued on all the 5.Spots. Still advertising 2010 Flux frames at £928 though. Grab ’em before they’re gone? Gonna build it up with revelations, hope/mavic wheels, slx group. Can’t wait. really hope this bike lives up to the incredible testimonials on here, mtbr, pinkbike etc. Can’t believe I’m committing this amount of the hard earned sight unseen, but life’s too short. Will post some pics when its done and let you know how I get on. Thanks for the thoughts and advice, its been enormously helpful and really appreciated.

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    My missus has spent the last 12 months dragging me and the kids around a range of our finest youth hostels, and seeing as I know jack about bikes compared to most on here, it’s nice to have something that I consider myself to be a bit of an expert. First up, they supply you with a thin foam pillow + case, mattress, sheet and duvet. I always take an extra pillow (but if you’re on a bike, maybe not an option). Also if it’s cold you may want to take a blanket or somesuch as the duvet’s are on the small side of single. If you’re tall, you may wish to consider the fact that the vast majority of their beds are all for 6 foot max and have rails around three sides. I’m 6’4″ and have to put the mattress on the floor. Some of the hostels serve meals, some don’t, you’ll need to check, but if they do you can usually get something edible for less than a tenner. If you’ve got kids they often do deals where you can get a family room for £25-£35 a night, worth checking on their site. You definitely need to bring your own towels!

    Full Member

    Thanks Daveosaurus, so to clarify, you’re on an XL frame? Let us know how your ride goes! Cheers

    Full Member

    Afternoon all. Am vacillating between Spot and Flux. Impossible to get a test ride though and the main issue for me is the “short” spot frame, otherwise I’d go for it like a shot. The XL frame in both is the one that I can go for (that’s what’s available right now) and in fairness according to Turner I’m in the right size range (6’3″). But before I shell out it would make sense to try and see one of each in the flesh. So are any of you guys out there a) riding an XL 2009/10/11 or 12 flux or spot, b) based in North or Midlands and c) happy to let me have a gander at your bike and maybe ride it round the local carpark (or somesuch) to get a feel for the sizing. Happy to take care of the beers if so! Thanks, let me know

    Full Member

    Should add re my previous post, the size I would need to look at is XL. Cheers

    Full Member

    Hi guys, struggling to see way forward in 5spot v flux conundrum without at least sitting on one, but can’t find anywhere with test bikes. So, any of you guys a) based in north or midlands, b) have a 2009/10/11/12 spot or flux and c) would be prepared for me to have a look and/or a quick spin (round carpark or somesuch). Really want to get a feel for position etc. In return happy to stand a round or three….let me know, cheers!

    Full Member

    Mr Mellie, ’twas indeed me. I need to make a decision soon as the lack of sleep is starting to gnaw at me. The XL flux frame is very similar dimension/geometry-wise to my hardtail, which I’m dialled in to. The more I think about it, the only real concern I have is the weight issue (me not the bike, when you’re my size the weight of the bike is less of an issue). If I was confident the Flux could handle a fat sod like me I’d go with it as I like the responsiveness of something that is firmer and I’m used to the steep head angle anyway + I like burning up climbs. In an ideal world I’d test them both, but having seen both frames they seem almost identical and I guess if the Flux failed on me its covered on warranty. Think I’m leaning heavily towards the flux in truth…

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    Don’t know if anyone is still keeping an eye on this, but just in case! I’m umming and aahhing between a flux and a 5. I’m 6’4″ and 16 stone and have a hardtail. Was going to go for the Flux, but then found my forks won’t fit. So thought if I need new forks, might as well go for extra travel and get the 5, particularly as I’m a big guy. Concern is that the 5 seems a bit cramped and I like a longer frame. Will the Flux (2011 burrito frame) put up with my weight? Like clockworkarmy above, I like to ride Coed, Llandegla etc

    Full Member

    Thanks guys. have looked at the Sultan, but am desperately trying to keep a lid on costs for the build and the thought of shelling out for new wheels/tyres etc gives me the willies. Concern is about the 5 being a bit cramped. Its Reach and effective TT are shorter than the Flux and way shorter than a “short” bike like the Transition Bandit (any thoughts on them by the way?) With the way my riding is going I can see that the temptation to throw whatever I get off ever larger drops will be very real, which I suppose discounts the Flux?
    5 Spot is 1.5 degree slacker head angle and 1 degree seat.

    Full Member

    Sorry to butt in on your thread guys, but I’m on the cusp of either buying a flux or a 5.Spot and am torn between the two. In brief I’m 6’3″, weigh 16 stone (I know) and mainly like to throw my bike around on red/black run in places like Llandegla and Coed-y-Brenin, though I am also looking at doing longer distance rides in peaks and pennines. I’ve been riding a Cannondale hardtail. Totally sold on Turner frames, but don’t know whether greater travel/slacker angles of 5.Spot would be better for someone my size. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
    For what it’s worth, I’d stick to black on the build side, but ultimately its all a matter of personal taste. Cheers!

    Full Member

    Inteesting discussion. They certainly polarise opinion. Given that this is really about the eponymous five, my thoughts are that the five is an excellent do-all bike. is it the best climber? No. is it the best descender over rocky terrain? No. Will it twist and turn round the tightest singletrack at the fastest possible rate of knots? Probably not. But if you want a bike that will do everything to a good standard and iron out the imperfections (some would say steamroller everything) then it’s the one. personally I like something that means I have to pick my lines and live on my nerves a bit more, but its horses for courses. At the end of the day it does what it does (a bit of everything), well.

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