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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • freeride_gear
    Free Member

    I always thought 700’s were xt, 900’s xtr, 500’s deore etc.

    They are listed all over the net under that number as xt.

    They are xt.

    Free Member

    or even FOFO

    Free Member

    SDSUHO and / or IIDFO??

    Free Member

    brrraap and braaap

    Free Member

    Other news Madison have eventually sent my spokes to the bike shop!

    Did you send 2 heavies round to threaten Madison’s mum in the end?

    Free Member

    RopeyReignRider – Member
    “I think that is an appalling veiled threat IWH, saying that ‘some big men came round and the Police are involved'”

    I happen to know that this is true – IWH accidentally sent me a message about it (intended for someone else) when it happened…

    Saying what? I am “accidentally” sending you this message intended for someone else to make my self inflicted predicament seem somehow that i am a victim?

    Free Member

    Cheesyfeet – Member
    So, has the penguin got a tracking number?

    Yes c/o photoshop. 😯

    Free Member

    or the postage receipts.

    Free Member

    MTT – Member
    Sounds like a cock, and alarmingly he sees himself as a victim. Its a reflection on his appalling behaviour that people have felt the need to collect money in person. Utterly shameful.

    My sentiments exactly – what’s the problem with visiting his given address to recover the money – the supposed two guys who “turned up and threatened his mum” wouldn’t have been involved if the agreement surrounding the transaction had been fulfilled.

    Like i said earlier, there is a lot of support on BM surrounding past transactions and family issues – IRRELEVANT. He has chosen to write all that good reputation off by stringing folk along and ripping people off.

    Free Member

    He seems to have a fair old following over on BM and the users of STW don’t seem to win many fans at all. Weirdly / ridiculously biased in IWH or “Mr Wilson’s” favour.

    It couldn’t be any more clear cut could it? Money paid, reasonable amount of time passed, no goods, refund. Regardless of “personal” circumstances, these unfortunately are irrelevant issues for the affected buyers.

    As already said – his address is available, small claims court.

    Free Member

    just a reminder for anyone in Kirkby!!

    Free Member

    Dave Vanderspek – Member
    Kill them.

    That would be the ideal. Try to understand them? Empathise with them? F@~k that, i started life in a similar situation to where a lot of them have (the scrotes that nick bikes that is) and i got off my arse, didn’t turn to nicking bikes and moaning about being jobless and bored, went out to work and built myself a better life. If they cant be bothered to do the same then they aren’t worth the space they occupy. Lazy, thieving, dirty scum.

    Free Member

    the back wheel hits the seat tube in that configuration – see

    Free Member

    I think he means Kirkby in Liverpool. Which is indeed a hot bed of thieves and degenerates.

    Yes, my ASX was taken to Liverpool and the guy in custody is from Northwood in Kirkby, Merseyside. His scumbag mate died in a police chase in the centre of Liverpool (condolences to his family etc but what goes around comes around) and his other two accomplices are in for other offences, he has grassed them up but they haven’t yet admitted to the Kendal spate of burglaries, just others in Grassmere, Ambeside and Preston. Kendal CID have been amazing, in part i think due to one of the guys on the case being a Scott Genius owner 😉 Sorry to get off topic but i am hoping in a few days it will be MTBers 2 Scumbags 0. Main thing is they are all accounted for and currently expressing great concern when picking the soap up in the shower. 😆

    Free Member

    I posted on here a few months ago about my stolen Yeti ASX. Its been sighted in Kirkby, the **** that stole it is now in prison having being arrested for another burglary and admitting to mine and bragging about my bike. Of the other 3 involved one died in a police chase in Liverpool last month (very well publicised in the media) and the other 2 are in clink for other offences.

    Kendal CID are well on to mine among other cases and recon its a matter of a few days before Kirkby police spot my bike and claim it back off the guy that bought it.

    Are you talking about Kirkby Lonsdale? Don’t think there are any police in Kirkby any more if you are!

    Kirkby as in Kirkby in Liverpool mate – Kirkby Lonsdale is a stone age community project that hasn’t yet grasped the concept of trade let alone theft.

    Free Member

    The enduro is a special length shock, i had an s works with dhx air and i wanted to do the same. I think mojo can shorten the stroke (the Enduro runs a 8.5 x 2.25 rather than the usual 8.5 x 2.5 size) on a dhx coil but its all on top of the cost of a new shock. As already said, you can get the dhx air tuned for more mid stroke compression damping but i just used to crank up the propedal on mine and it seemed pretty good, certainly better than my old Bullit with a dhx which once moving in the stroke was unstoppable till the end of its travel!

    Free Member


    I posted on here a few months ago about my stolen Yeti ASX. Its been sighted in Kirkby, the **** that stole it is now in prison having being arrested for another burglary and admitting to mine and bragging about my bike. Of the other 3 involved one died in a police chase in Liverpool last month (very well publicised in the media) and the other 2 are in clink for other offences.

    Kendal CID are well on to mine among other cases and recon its a matter of a few days before Kirkby police spot my bike and claim it back off the guy that bought it.

    I cant wait! Thieving scum should all dumped in a big black pit and left to rot as far as i’m concerned, forget the social worker excuses about upbringing, boredom, area, schooling etc.

    Well done for confronting the scum bag, were you not tempted to take his head off his shoulders before the transport police arrived?

    Free Member

    Buy an Orange, particularly the 5 or Patriot. They sound like machine gun fire on even the smoothest trails and even the most ardent of blocking parties will simply sh1t them selves at the sound of its approach (reminds them of the war you see).

    Free Member

    Sack the bell, this is what you want:

    That way when you rip up the crag rats you can rev your 450cc single behind them and get tarred as an Enduro rider.

    Seriously though – i can appreciate the frustrations of the OP in terms of his difficulties with changing attitudes but why do they have attitudes that need changing in the first place? I live, work and ride in the Lakes and the general attitude of walkers is of either 1. walk in the middle of the bridleway and pretend the bike doesn’t exist in spite of the bell or polite excuse me or 2. decide for you what is too fast / dangerous or idiotic behaviour in spite of your suitably reduced pace and wide berth. The exceptions to this are generally the people who are frequent visitors / residents who have come to accept bikes as part of the landscape. The infrequent visitors who seem to think the bridleways are their sole preserve seem to be the ones with a bad attitude towards bikes in general regardless of the riders consideration. Unfortunately the infrequent visitors far outweigh locals/regular visitors (from a selfish point of view not an economic one).

    Free Member

    stop obsessing about the weight of your bike. Believe me ive been there. Built a 31lb 7 inch travel SC Bullit (XTR, 36 Floats, DHX Air, ti and carbon everything) It ended up costing £3500 and was less fun to ride than when i had 66 coils and a dhx coil on it at 35lbs.

    OK you may be on a different set up (more xc orientated) but if you spent another £1k on it (xtr cranks, xtr brakes, smaller rotors, carbon and ti everything, crossmax etc) i bet you would be lucky to shave 11/2 – 2lbs and you would make it less usable on bigger terrain – i wouldnt like to stop my 14 1/2 stone plus bike on xtr brakes and 160mm rotors at the bottom of Garburn.

    Its already been said – your at the top of the peak of benefit v’s cost and its downhill all the way now. 29lbs for a 6 inch travel bike is about as good as it gets without spending £7k on a Genius Ltd. Your an ex prop so man up and haul ass.

    Free Member

    Just a quick update. I didnt go for the Genesis. I texted the guy as i thought that was more personable than a message on ebay explaining why. I was met with a torrent of abuse that made me glad i didnt go for it and that i lived 250 miles away!

    Anyway, i picked this up from a friend of a guy at work who had just upgraded to a Cannondale Badboy:

    Its a Carerra (i know i know!!) Subway 8 with an Inter 8 Nexus hub gear and nexus hub brakes. Its only 18 months old, its mint apart from a hub issue. It wouldnt drive in gears 1-4. So, i only paid £80 for it and after a bit of digging i fixed the hub problem with a c clip and a cable adjust!


    Free Member

    Quite amusing that bit, i couldnt work that one out at all!!

    I’m not sure which is worse – a £67 lemon or a 70’s/80’s road bike. I never was a fan of the Raleigh Banana. 😮

    Free Member

    Nope, just for road training for an hour at a time on a night and turbo training when i cant be bothered to lug the Bullit in the car and hit Garburn.

    Free Member

    i think it would look ok next to this:


    Free Member

    they arent snobs, they welcome all bikes regardless of age or value 8)

    Free Member

    Ive not paid. i told the guy i wont be coming for it unless i get some more pics of the mechs and brakes as i dont know the spec. He’s ok with that as he knows nothing about it – its his mates who has moved out. I’ve spoken to both the guys and they seem genuine but thick when it comes to bikes. I noticed the back brake but he is adamant it has one – i think it may even be a nexus or similar roller brake if you look at the rear hub. I don’t like the frame either but as a training bike it would do? The other option is to say I’m not happy with the listing description and welch on the deal. There are a few Ridgeback Day’s and Dawes Giros floating about that i have an eye on, maybe again you would rather walk that ride these as well but after having lashed £3k on my SC Bullit and £2.5k on my V10 i only want something cheap to help me learn to pedal in a “non overweight way” again!

    Free Member

    mmmmm, you could be right looking at it now but it seems funny that the guy sold it as having a full rsx group (road /touring group?). I am waiting for pics of the mechs etc before i travel down and pay for it as the guy was really vague and didn’t know lot about it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ford Focus / Escort = Always has been and always will be a chavs car, regardless of list price and options. ESPECIALLY in LIME GREEN or ORANGE.

    Such a shame its out of production!

    Free Member

    As a dad i simply cant understand his actions. He knew there was more than a 50% chance he would die. He still went. I count my blessings every time i get to the bottom of the Matador at Inners but i know in my mind its HIGHLY unlikely i would die. Few broken bones maybe but to put yourself in that position with a wife and child who need you? Leave the “pushing the envelope of adventure” to the singles with no families to worry about. And for his mate to try and justify it at the end by comparing him to explorers of the past, what was he discovering? I know the old adage about “because its there” rings true but come on, that was suicide.

    Free Member

    American Muscle – WHAT. If there ever was a car that was a penis extension its every “‘Vette” or “‘Stang” ever made. Check out Steve Coogans Saxondale, the typical UK Muscle Car driver. The damn things were penned to look phallic from the outset.

    Why is it in the UK that when we see someone that has clearly made someting of themselves (even if its just hired for the weekend at £3K) they are automatically a wasteful, ill advised show off. Maybe the guy appreciates the fact that he’s able to have the best. Or maybe its a woman?

    Beautiful car, incredible piece of art meets engineering. The guy obviously has taste otherwise he would have opted for a Callaway Corvette or a Mustang GT500. 😀

    Free Member

    I would check 2 days before. Above 300m there is snow and ice in patches (was up Garburn yesterday and live in Kendal) but its melting fast and a lot warmer today. However we often get snow in Feb / early March without much warning. Hodge Close / Loughrigg was clear on Sunday and most of the other low level routes are also clear.

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