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  • The Answer To Everything Is…
  • freddyg
    Free Member

    We took MasterG and MissG on a plane (to Sardinia) when they were about 3years and 18months old respectively. MasterG absolutely loved the take off – but asked to get off after 5 minutes. MissG was great – slept the whole way.

    As for attempting a car journey to Germany with them (now aged 4 and 2.5)? Not without an overnight stop and plenty of breaks on the way.

    Free Member

    rOcKeTdOg – Member

    RATM who?

    You know… that popular beat combo who had the last christmas number one?? Lovely boys.

    …… I'm very jealous, as I didn't pre-register. Might palm the kids off on my parents and go to download instead.

    Free Member

    why not fly?

    Free Member

    bruneep – Member

    ….. to too fat …..

    You missed one… :wink:

    Free Member

    Oh, forgot to mention that we did the independent travel thing too. Booked a couple of nights in the Swastika Hotel (I think) in Sanur, then a week's dive tour and then travelled all over the place. Fab place, really good food and lovely people.

    EDIT: Found it:

    Free Member

    We went a few years ago and loved it so much we almost moved there. We were offered the chance to invest in a diving business; the owner wanted to expand but needed some capital to do so. Then the Bali Bombing happened and tourism ceased almost overnight.

    We still wonder if we should have gone. We're still in touch with the dive centre; they found another investor and have gone from strength to strength. Really chuffed for them.

    The only experience we had of beach hawkers was in Kuta, and to be honest, it's the least pleasant place on the island – Indonesia's Blackpool for the Aussies – or so it seemed.

    Free Member

    Hello again Dr_Death.

    The second x-ray confirmed that there was no break; the second A&E Doctor was concerned with the amount of swelling and wanted to verify that the foot was okay too – the previous x-ray was of the ankle and lower fib/tib. They've potted it to immobilise it (only ligament damage) and to help control the pain.

    I've got a visit to the soft tissue clinic in two weeks booked.

    Many thanks.

    Free Member

    But if you are behind it, it is no longer a single car, it is a queue. :D

    By the way. Have you taken any further driver training since passing your test?

    Free Member


    Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. You should

    * not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake
    * use your mirrors, signal when it is safe to do so, take a quick sideways glance if necessary into the blind spot area and then start to move out
    * not assume that you can simply follow a vehicle ahead which is overtaking; there may only be enough room for one vehicle
    * move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in

    Give vulnerable road users at least as much space as you would a car

    * take extra care at night and in poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distance
    * give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions on your side of the road
    * only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right, and there is room to do so
    * stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left
    * give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car (see Rules 211-215)

    taken from here:

    Sorry TJ, but on this occasion you are not correct.

    Free Member

    mrmo – Member

    thinking, if your doing 70 and the car outside of you is doing 60 are you undertaking or are you making progress?

    rule 163 highway code

    stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left

    how many cars is a queue? and how slowly is slow?

    I asked this very question of one of the Senior Observers during my IAM training.

    He said that if the driver in the overtaking lane was doing 60 or less, he would perform an undertake if it was safe to do so. He would also give a toot on the horn and a single flash of the lights to alert the other driver of his presence.

    Free Member

    Another question (I forgot to ask the doc yesterday)…..

    As I've now got my foot in plaster and ankle immobilised, will I be okay to drive the car? I'm not into left-foot-braking, so will only use the gammy leg for clutch duties.


    Free Member


    I decided to go back to A&E this afternoon as the swelling was a little worse today.

    I am now in plaster from toes to knee for the next 4 to 6 weeks. I'm not overly thrilled at the prospect, but having my ankle immobilised feels loads better.

    Public thank you to Grantham A&E; I was seen by a triage nurse, doctor, x-rayed, back to doctor and plaster on in just under 2 hours. Top stuff.

    Free Member

    Cheers J.

    The wobble board looks a good idea – it'll be a while though, I still can't put any weight on it, although it's still only just over 2 days…

    Going to sit tight for another 24hrs. If still no joy, I'll go to the GP tomorrow afternoon.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Recently joined joblesstrackworld too. 3 weeks in and still not signed on.

    I'm in the same boat as you Jimmy. 20odd years in IT, bags and bags of experience, not got the right keywords/cv layout/whatever and over experienced for numpty jobs.

    Free Member

    We were with M&S for quite a while (recommendation from here, actually) until their premiums went through the roof a couple of years ago. Might be worth a re-visit??

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    Yup, they burn brighter and hotter, and so last less time. But it's not always that short, that's a bit mad!

    My Philips X-tremes have been on the bike for nearly two years and I do 28k a year – plus I always ride with them on. No blown bulbs here.

    Free Member

    waynekerr – Member

    You got feet like Frodo

    :lol: You were warned….

    Leg doesn't look any better this morning, although a bowl of muesli and a gallon of grapefruit juice sorted the other problem. :wink:

    Free Member

    The funny thing is, I don't feel bunged up/ready to burst – Friday lunchtime was the last time I went, and I just don't feel like going! Odd.

    Free Member

    As I mentioned… I put them in my motorbike first; I want to gain any advantage possible to make my 80mile a day commute that bit safer – see further and be seen. These made a big difference.

    I've had cheaper bulbs too. They work, but like lights for nightriding, you pay your money….

    Free Member

    I initially put a set of these on my bike. They are great. I've since put them into both mine and MrsG's cars too. Highly recommended.

    Free Member

    Cheers Dr_Death. I've been on a veggy diet since I started on the co-codamol. Hence the gas…. Years ago a coffee and cigarette would have sorted me. I don't smoke anymore so I'll go seek some senna. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell Soops!!! 8O

    Are you okay now?

    Free Member

    Wow. Thanks Dr_Death ( 8O ) et al.

    I feel a bit better, especially as you've just confirmed that what the A&E doc did was standard practice. Me and MrsG are now suitably re-assured.

    BTW – I am also taking ibuprofen as well as the co-codamol…… any advice for the constipation? :lol: (haven't 'been' since friday – maybe the jolt has rendered my digestive system so efficient that all I'm going to 'pass' from now on is gas!)

    Free Member

    ooooooh Woods 100. Not had that for years.

    I used to like Woods and Crabbies ginger wine after a long winter walk.

    Free Member

    She Sells Sanctuary – The Cult.

    The older members of our families weren't particularly appreciative. :D

    Free Member

    Thanks TJ. The triage nurse mentioned, while chatting, that 'you just know' when there's something wrong. I'm inclined to agree.

    The hosptal was great though. No complaints about speed of treatment.

    Free Member

    Cheers Phillips (although I had to google oedematous :oops: ). Back to the same A&E, QMC in Nottingham (17 miles) or the village GP tomorrow?

    Edit: I'll head over to QMC tomorrow morning then. Ta.

    Free Member

    I can't put any weight on it at all, In the above pic, I'm holding the foot just off the floor. It absolutely knacks.

    However, two week repair doesn't sound too bad, if possible. Thanks.

    Free Member

    I've got a pitch fork in the shed and can quickly rustle up a flaming torch…. Anyone up for forming a rabble?

    Free Member

    What boils my piddle is that they had the audacity to try and work the system in the first place! The position of MP is not one to be taken lightly, they are in a position of great trust and responsibility. The mindset of the type of person who would try and wrangle every possible expense is not suited to the position. To me, they're no better than benefit cheats.

    I do not want some low-life snake looking after my interests…..

    Oh. My MP is the delightful Alan Duncan. :|

    Free Member

    yes, we've got about 30cm clearance at the top so were able to build them on the floor (we've got the 200cm ones). We wanted the taller ones (240cm or something) but the ceilings in our house are just not high enough.

    Free Member

    Yep, it's internet explorer that's the problem. Opens fine in Firefox but in IE8 I get the same error.

    Free Member

    We inherited one when we moved into the current house. It hardly gets used – too cold in winter (yes, it is heated), too hot in summer – even with blinds & fans etc.

    If we had the money, we'd demolish it and either build a sun room or a proper extension with nice velux windows.

    Free Member

    Roman – Member

    Real time killer


    You git! How am I supposed to do any work now I have this!!!! I lost most of yesterday afternoon and nearly 2 hours already this morning. :lol:

    Free Member

    lol!! Not any more. Never done it since. :oops:

    Free Member

    tails – Member

    you water skiers serious?

    100%. It happenned in 1994 while I was working in Saudia. It was on the Aerospace private beach, south of Al Khubar.

    Free Member

    pegasus – Premier Member

    ……BTW I nearly managed a colonic irrigation once while water-skiing.

    I did have one on my first water-skiing experience. I wondered out-loud why all the poncey types were donning wet suits, I was convinced I'd be fine in my speedo's (this was the early 90's!), how the regulars laughed.

    After a stuttering start, I actually did okay; the time came to finish and the boat slung me towards the beach, I landed on my arse with a strange "wooshing" sensation in the rear trouser area. Less than a minute later, I had to run up the beach to the loo's. I just about made it and proceeded to have a right good clear out. More water than anything else. I felt violated at the time, but strangely pleasant (light headed) shortly afterwards. I've been curious about having it done professionally since, but can't get my head around someone shoving a tube up my hoop.

    Never tried water-skiing again though.

    Free Member

    17 months apart – not planned.

    Now the youngest is 2.5yrs old, they play really well together. It's ace.

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