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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • freddyg
    Free Member

    I lived and worked there for the whole of 1994. As above, things may have changed since then.

    I worked up at the oil refinery in Ras Tanura but lived around the Al Khubar/Dharan/Damman area. I was working for a small company and was on a mixed compound of similarly employed ex-pats.

    I found it very lonely to start as the only transport I had was a driver who would pick me up for work in the morning and drop me off back at the compound at night. You need a motor to get around.

    You’ll need to keep your eyes out for the religous police (mattawa??) as they can be proper mental. Funniest thing I witnessed was one of them getting their just desserts after trying to man-handle a Canadian woman who had dared to venture out to the supermarket unaccompanied and without her face covered (she was in the wrong though as, at the time, this was decreed in Sharia Law – it may have relaxed a bit). As the was being pushed around, she reached into her bag and puled out one of those personal cattle-prod type things. He laughed at her, so she zapped him.

    I didn’t take my wife with me, but meet quite a few ex-pats who did. Unfortunately, as there is nothing to do but sit around drinking Sid (Sidiki – ilegally produced booze) many of them turned into alcoholics.

    Free Member

    My all day vape is Red Astaire by T-Juice. Absolutely delicious.

    I’ve tried loads of Hangsen and Dekang juices and found them all pretty bland; I tend to go for the more “boutique” juices now.

    If you hunt around, bargains can be had – checkout teh vaping forums for deals and discount codes (planetofthevapes and UKvapers).

    Since starting vaping as a result of the “big” thread, I have about 8 different clearomisers, 1 RBA, 1 little battery, 2 VV twist batteries and an SVD (VV & VW).

    The SVD and RBA (a Kayfun Lite+) blow the others to bits, but is too big to take to work. For work I use the twisters with a mini protank 2 and mini protank 3. Both with rebuilt coils/wicks (much better than the originals and really easy to do)

    Free Member

    warton – Member
    Man City
    Man U

    Sunderland to be relegated – they’ve done their usual spend 25 million on two average players trick…

    Newcastle to be mid table, again.

    Hmmm. Not sure where you get the £25 million from for S’lands spending. The players they’ve brought in are:

    Jordi Gomez (free)
    Billy Jones (free)
    Costel Pantilimon (free)
    Jack Rodwell (8 to 10m)
    Patrick van Aanholt (3m)
    Santiago Vergini (loan)

    I think they’ll do okay this season. They’ve got a good manager who has had a pre-season with his players rather than clearing up the mess left by the previous resident looney.

    Free Member

    I’ve just finished doing this very job.

    Take your time, get the screen nice and warm and it’s pretty straight forward.

    Oh, and take your time.

    Free Member

    mmmm ‘cheese’ strings, a guilty pleasure.

    I prefer primula straight from the tube. But not the prawn one. It’s just wrong.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t you be using smokeless fuel? Tut tut…

    Free Member

    I bought her first book and read it to my kids. They loved it! I’ll be getting this one too. Well done Miss Shed. :-)

    Free Member

    @Bazz. Thanks for the reply. I hadn’t heard of the Smoktech jobbie. How do you get on with it?

    Free Member

    Come to Barrow. I have to do the dog-shit-hopscotch every morning as I walk in to work.

    +1 on the tree decorations. What is equally frustrating, is those few who do bag their pooch’s jobbies and then leave the bags on the pavement.

    Free Member

    Trip over to Grizedale? Lots do do there.

    Free Member

    Not really my cup of tea, but didn’t turn it off. I like to hear new things. If I like it, great; if I don’t, meh..

    Free Member


    Another vape fan here. I started based on some of the information in that other thread.

    Began with a kit from totaly wicked – which was okay, but now have a load of other clearomisers and a few ego-style batteries.

    I’ve just bought a Kayfun clone from Fasttech (or Focalecig – can’t remember which!) so am in the marked for a larger mod/battery thingy.

    Am tempted with a Vamo V5 (I like the idea of variable wattage) or similar but have yet to take the plunge. TAFKAS – can you reccommend anything in particular?

    Free Member

    If you fancy a trip to St Kilda, I can highly recommend “The George”. It’s a few years since I was there, but it was splendid!

    Free Member

    theotherjonv – Member
    No, that’s clutching at straws. besides Chiellini did elbow him back…

    No he didn’t.

    Free Member

    Until last week, I’d have 2 to 3 bottles of real ale on a week day, evey day. A couple more on a Friday or Saturday night. This has been going on for 25 years.

    Last wednesday evening, I decided to knock it on the head and have not had a drop since then.

    I still feel like sh!t in the morning. :-)

    Free Member

    Tried most of the supermarket stuff – the co-op’s own wins hands-down.

    Free Member

    The pub in Denstone (The Tavern) is pretty good.

    The big Farm Shop (possibly opposite your BandB) has a really nice cafe.

    Also recommend the Rose and Crown at Middle Mayfield.

    Depends upon how far you want to drive really. There’s loads of good pubs in the area.

    Free Member

    Lidl have the fold flat ones in for about £15. Looks exactly the same as the Outwell one listed above.

    Free Member

    My wife..

    She had her gall bladder removed 2 years ago and if she eats anything containing even the smallest amount of fat, I run for my NBC suit.

    She bloody loves cheese.


    Free Member

    @binners I use a similar reverse scale with anything Mark Kermode likes. I know for a fact, it’s going to be shite.

    As for bad films – anything with Tim Robbins in it. I want to get all punchy when his face appears on the screen. There is, however, one exception to this – Shawshank.

    The Player got loads of rave reviews (even nominated, I think???) but I had to turn it off.

    Boogie Nights is the only film I’ve ever walked out of at the cinema. Pish.

    Free Member

    No issue here.

    I have a friend who recently came out at the age of 37. He’s now happier than I have ever seen him. Almost half of our common circle of friends have nothing to do with him now. Stupid people. Their loss.

    Free Member

    I love nagas; they can be fiery.

    As for your ring, it’ll be in tatters. HTH.

    Free Member

    Propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotene and some flavourings (sometimes natural, sometimes synthetic).

    Unfortunately, you loose out on the other 4000 additives found in real tabs.

    Free Member

    A kit update….

    I’ve started vaping just over a month ago now; since I started, I’ve only had one stinky cigarette. It was vile and I couldn’t finish it. No more smelly breath, yellow fingers or minging clothes!

    I’ve bought a few bits and bobs to get me going. I started with a Totally Wicked Tornado Tank starter kit – bought very cheaply during one of their price drop events. It was “okay” but not enough.

    A week later, my Tornado tank had completely given up the ghost – I wandered into a local shop to pick up a cheap emergency replacement and bought a £3 clearo with replaceable atomisers (an RT2 clearomiser from Vape HQ – single bottom coil with very short wicks (similar to a GS-H2??)). Wow! It blew me away! If this was what a cheap jobbie could do, I wanted to upgrade!!!

    The following Friday, I went to a different local shop to sample a few of their juices and walked (wobbled!) out completely off my face and £20 lighter – 3x juices and a cheap clearomiser (generic top coil two wick affair). A vast improvement over the Tornado but not as good as the RT2).

    Another week later I bought an iclear 16. Four wicks and two coils. I was a bit underwhelmed to be honest. Thought I might have a duff atomiser so replaced it. No better.

    Last Friday, I got the “shiny things” itch again, so ventured out and this time returned with a Kanger Mini Protank 2. Shiny, well made and solid. I couldn’t wait to get it home – so I didn’t. I topped it up in the car, let it sit for a few minutes then connected it to my battery…… Yeuch!!!! A really nasty experience. Like scratching the back of my throat or inhaling pepper. Vile! I put this down to the new 20mg grape juice. Got home, washed it out and tried again with something I’m familiar with (18mg ibreathe icy lime from my local garage!). Exactly the same result. Nasty.

    Monday, I invested in a 1300mAh Vision Spinner. This has helped a little, but not much. Put the RT2 on it and it’s amazing.

    Since then, I’ve done some reading and I think I experienced a ‘dry vape’ on the MPT2. Most unpleasant. Some research has suggested pulling wick fibres out amongst other things. I would rather it just worked out of the box as intended. However, yesterday, I tried reversing the rubber cap on the chimney (apologies if I have the terminology all wrong – I’m still a newbie :-) ) This has transformed the Protank mini into something I can now use. It still does not live up to my expectations, but is now usable. I still find I’m returning to my £3 RT2, however.

    I’m now considering upgrading again as I search for the vape that meets my expectations. I’m not looking to make my own coils and have baulked at the cost of some of the mods available. Something good and reasonably priced will do….

    Does anyone have any experience of the Davide King, Kanger Aerotank or the Aspire Nautilus?

    Free Member

    Moved in bloody years ago and never left. A funny, sad, uplifting and frustrating place all at the same time.

    Free Member

    Another two year order here. Thanks OP :)

    Free Member

    +1 for Gideon Coe – he was great when on in the afternoon.

    IMHO, they should never have got rid of Phil Jupitus. Despite his other job as a comic-type-person, he was great on the morning show. His passion for music really showed.

    Free Member

    Don’t use Brookson. The bastards cocked up my accounts resulting in me being fined and having to pay more tax than I had budgeted for…. £8k more.

    Free Member

    None. Go and have a good look in the mirror.

    Free Member

    3 series diesel?

    Free Member

    sharkbait – Member

    which I wash/re-use.

    The heavy duty ones (e.g. resealable jobbies from Ikea) are perfectly washable.

    Free Member

    We’re never short of tupperware-like boxes. Out Indian take-away supplies them.

    If not, then foil which we recycle afterwards.

    Free Member

    Lie her on her back and do the bicycle legs thing (plus plenty of fluid). Fruit wise, we found pears worked better than apples. Worked for my son who also had problems in this department.

    If not, a coffee and a cigarette will sort her out – works for me.

    Free Member

    I bought one in Asda about two years ago for less than £20. It is perfectly adequate.

    Free Member

    Yup. Similar experience here.

    We received a letter saying my Son was “Obese”. The measurement was taken by weight vs height. He is averagely tall, but really stocky – and as fit as a butchers dog (loads of muscle and runs everywhere). They suggested we change his diet.

    We eat only organic veg (veg box delivered is cheaper than the supermarket). Chicken and fish 4 times per week and vegetarian the rest. He has never had a McDonalds/Burger King and we make our own pizzas once a month.

    One of his class-mates (who is considered normal) is really, really skinny. We are friends with his parents and know his mother will not allow anything remotely fatty in their diet. When he comes to dinner at ours, he eats like he’s not seen food for a week!

    My Son’s is a happy, healthy, fit young lad. We threw the letter in the bin.

    Free Member

    +1 Laguna – it’s very good

    +1 4550 miles to Delhi being not so good.

    +1 Sapna as an absolute last resort. Basically used at 3am after a major session.

    It’s been a while since we tried the Memsaab, but we weren’t overly impressed. The food looked pretty (modern presentation) but was pretty mediocre in taste – mind you , we were part of a group of about 20.

    Free Member

    The Totally Tropical is nice.

    My atomiser died last night after only a week. This morning I popped in to my local vape emporium and purchased a very cheap clearomiser (£3). Wow! What a difference! Am currently sat in clouds of delicious vape without any throat burn. Bloody lovely.

    Next on the shopping list is a protank or an iclear 30s.

    Free Member

    Yeah, actually you’re right. It is a bit weak. I’ve found that with most of the juices I’ve tried so far. The only exceptions being The Alchemists Totally Tropical and this new ibreathe Icy Lime.

    Free Member

    Neal, thanks for the Decadent Vapours tip – I’ll get a Menthol juice ordered – it sounds exactly what I’m looking for.

    T’Artist. I’ve got a Hangsen juice (spearmint) and it’s quite nice, maybe a better atomiser would improve things. Thanks for the email, by the way.

    I picked up a new juice last night (this is becoming more expensive than the fags!!) at a garage in Ulverston. I had a good read of the box; it’s 50/50 PG/VG and manufactured in the UK so thought I’d give it a go (for £3.95, why not?). Ice Lime by ibreathe, it’s bloody lovely. My favourite so far.

    Free Member

    I watched the first series and, in the end, kind of enjoyed it.

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