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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • freddyg
    Free Member

    The emissions limit isn’t in response to changes by HMRC. If I was a higher band, the imposed ceiling would be removed.

    The Merc looks nice, although there’s nothing under £25k.

    Free Member

    db – yes it does, see my cheeky edit above. Any additions, however, take it over.

    EDIT: :oops: apologies

    Free Member

    The ED’s easily meet the CO2 criterea – but start above the £25k ceiling, unless I opt for a 1-series, but they’re too small.

    Free Member

    V60 is possible, the V70 is out of my range unfortunately.

    EDIT: Correction – the V70 Business edition is on the available list. Adding anything over the standard config takes it over the P11D limit – £100 for a grocery Bag Holder!!! FFS….

    The Mondeo… hmmmm…. I have a ‘thing’ about Fords. Irrational dislike (possibly borne out of buying a cut & shut Escort when I was a lad)

    The Superb is a late entry – I’d almost disregarded Skoda’s as I wanted an Octavia VRS; couldn’t have one because of the emissions criterea. Then spied the Superb. But a 1.6D?? I’ve spend the last three years driving around in a pretty rapid 320D.

    Free Member

    I used to like The XX :( Not any more. Thanks Binners. ;)

    Free Member

    most “R’n’B” (and I don’t mean Rhythm and Blues)
    most boy-bands
    bloody gangam style!!!

    Free Member

    Get a go-pro hero3.

    Easily hold their own on Vimeo.

    Free Member

    Thank you for sharing that – I’ve been there before and feel I’m slipping down that slope again. Your post has given me a poke and told me to get off my arse and do something about it. Sometimes it just seems easier to wallow.

    Free Member

    I like simple watches that tell the time and the date and that’s about it really.

    So buy a simple watch that tells the time and the date. £10 Casio +1

    I think, like sharkbait, I am also missing something.

    Free Member

    Gonalston, Notts

    Oooooh, that’s not too far from me… Worth a visit??

    With regard to done-ness. I use the base of my thumb as a rough guide:

    Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your first finger – don’t squeeze! No pressure to be applied, just move your thumb into position.

    With the first finger on your other hand, press the fleshy pad at the base of your thumb – that’s what the steak should feel like when it’s cooked rare.

    Thumb to first finger = rare
    Thumb to second finger = medium/rare
    Thumb to third finger = medium
    Thumb to little finger = ruined

    V hot pan. Turn once. Don’t fiddle with it. Add butter/garlic on the turn and baste. Rest under foil while veg/chips are finishing and eggs cooking – 10 minutes rest isn’t a problem.

    Oh and as for eggs with my steak? Yup, but for me, they’ve got to be poached. Nomnomnom.

    Free Member

    Becky – I’ll lend you my children if you like :wink:

    Free Member

    My pleasure – I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting stuff to read with my kids.

    Free Member

    They’re causing no harm

    Apart from cutting down saplings and being abusive….

    However, as mentioned above, more info is needed regarding the ownership / access rights to the woods.

    Free Member

    Read the preview and think my kids might like it!

    1x copy purchased.

    Many congratulations 8)

    Free Member

    The first of the family phone numbers I remember is “Charnock Richard 397” I remember my Mum used exactly that phrase to answer the phone.

    Free Member

    Are you leaving the lid open?

    Free Member

    Dalton Zoo (South Lakes Wild Animal Park[/url]) is well worth a visit.

    I worked in the area for the last 2.5 years and my kids (currently 5 & 7) loved the place. Have a look at the website and try and time your visit for the feeding sessions – Penguins, Tigers, Giraffes & Lions were very good.

    Free Member

    Can I add my name to the list of those interested in spare track/cars etc? <cough> “My Son” has just developed an interest in Scalextric too.

    Free Member

    It can be done.

    In 2004 MrsG and I (pre-BabyGs) spent almost 3 weeks in Mauritius for under £2k including spending and a full weeks worth of scuba diving.

    Find a scheduled flight, then look for independent cheap accommodation. We ended up with a 2star duplex apartment tied to a small independent hotel. It was basic but spotless.

    Free Member

    I’ve done it before – but not since the mid 90’s when I was younger and carefree. I’m having palpitations at the thought of doing it (with wife & kids in tow) now!

    We never book anywhere more than a week in advance using that internet. Always save a few £’s (not that much any more) and enjoy the spontaneity and lack of planning required.

    Free Member

    <cries some more>

    <signs the Liverpool Care Pathway forms>

    <pays the child next-door a shilling to take them to the Post Office>

    Free Member

    Go for a couple of beers then sit down for a curry ‘not too late’. On Saturday it was 9.30pm.

    Last time I went for beer & curry, I was ready for home and my “comfortable trousers” by 10pm.

    I might sign myself up for the Liverpool Care Pathway right now.

    Free Member


    Thanks CFH


    Free Member

    You start writing letters to the rights-of-way officer complaining about young ruffians on motorcycles. :|

    Free Member

    Too far from a wall for me to pop in on a whim too.

    I like the idea of being able to pop round the back of the garage for the odd hour when I fancy it. Also, looking around (at some of the earlier links on e-bay) it doesn’t look too expensive to knock something together.

    Thanks for all the advice folks. Some good stuff here.

    Free Member

    only a Holland’s will do!!

    Bleurrrghhh…. Mediocre stuff <- a bit harsh really

    Having said that, at least they’re pretty consistent. When working in Barrow-in-Furness recently, I created a Pie-Chart where colleagues could post reports/reviews of their favourite pies from the many local independent purveyors of pie based loveliness. Hollands were used as the baseline.

    Free Member

    <Watches with interest>

    I opened CTF’s for both of my kids (against the wishes of MrsG) and set up a direct debit for a monthly payment; not a huge amount, just a few £’s a month.

    According to the last statement, both accounts are currently worth less than has been paid in. Joy.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a free-standing double garage with two walls accessible but hidden from public view. I was thinking of doing exactly the same!

    The walls are single-skin brick but with a very rough exterior. I would like to be able to plug the wall with threaded thingumys so I can move the holds to create new bouldering/traverse problems. Any pointers as to what thingumys I could use? Also, should I render the wall so as to prevent knuckle shreddage?


    Free Member

    If it’s the commute that’s killing you, and the job is “just” retail shop work. Get something closer to home – a bar job will pay similar to shop stuff.

    I loved working in a pub when I was younger – the only stress was the mental arithmetic – but you don’t even need to do that any more. Get to chat to loads of people who want your attention.

    During the day, you can work on your business start-up idea.

    Free Member

    The Waterboys (first three albums) have recently been added to my in-car collection. Big music. Nice (but a bit depressing at times – Red Army Blues etc.)

    Free Member

    I’ve flossed 2 or 3 times. I find I can’t get the stuff between my teeth.

    I rely on brushing until my gums are in shreds and gargling with bleach*.

    *When I was a kid, I spent a few weeks on summer with my Gran who insisted I brush my teeth with domestos. I kid you not. She was proper mental though.

    Free Member

    So very sad to hear the update. We lost two so feel your pain.

    On the positive side (and it might be too soon or too raw to say this) but now you know it is possible to conceive. Take time to grieve; you both need to.

    We now have two beautiful children who mean the world to us.

    Free Member

    thx118 – I’m at work at the mo so haven’t read the whole thread. Which speakers did you decide upon?

    BTW – I have some old Bose speakers for in the back room. Hifi (2 channel) as well as 5.1 in the front room. The Bose speakers are perfectly adequate for what I want – background music while pottering about/friends around for dinner. Sound quality is reasonable, but it’s not a listening room.

    <don’s flame proof jacket :) >

    Free Member

    802.11n wifi was fine for streaming FLAC audio for me. Not a chance with HD video though. I tried the 200Mb powerline adapters and they were fine with SD video but struggled with HD. I’ve just changed over to 500Mb and all is good in the world 8)

    Edit: Incidentally I had better video results with the slower 802.11g than I did with 802.11n. pparently it’s something to do with the broadcast frequency and it’s ability to penetrate objects. ‘n’ will travel further with a clear line of sight, but put an object in it’s way and it degrades very easily.

    Free Member

    She could also already be on the pill unknown to you…. What effect would doubling the dose have?

    Free Member

    45 years old and still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.

    I’ve been in IT almost 25 years and hate it. In the early days when I was actually helping people and making life easier for them, I loved it. As I’ve progressed up the ladder, I’ve become far removed from directly helping people and more and more documentation based. I’m supposed to be a “consultant” but am under constant pressure to find new initiatives and openings – basically glorified sales; it just isn’t me.

    I echo entirely MrTalls comments above but I fear I’m too late to change. All I want to do is either cook for people, drive an HGV or chop down trees. None of which, unfortunately, will keep our family in the manner we’re used to. Plus if I die in service, the missus and kids will be seen right :|

    EDIT: I didn’t really chose this career – Outsourcing and TUPE moves pushed me here.

    Free Member

    Double post

    Free Member

    Not going to be of much use to you, but get as much history on the car as you can.

    I have a lease car through work and it’s about to be replaced (April). I am looking to buy the car off the lease company as it’s been ace and I know that everything has been looked after properly – it’s done 96k and will be comfortably over 100k when it goes. It’s a 2009 BMW320D btw.

    Free Member

    Your first stop should be this list of printers that support Airprint.

    My printer isn’t on there. I tried to get around it by using an app, but it was just rubbish.

    Free Member

    And it is true about UK-brewed lager. The generic ones are generally pale imitations of their continental versions.

    Yes. For example, as mentioned above, Stella. When I-were-a-lad I went to Sunderland Poly and there used to be an offie specialising in imported beers – I don’t know if it exists now, I haven’t been back for 20 years!

    They stocked all sorts of interesting stuff and were probably the reason why I don’t remember much of my time there! One beer they did stock was Belgian Stella – it was sold in gold cans rather than the white one’s were used too. Bloody lovely it was too.

    Another beer I discovered in that shop was EKU28. One of these was an interesting way to start an evening.

    Paulosoxo – +1 for Double Maxim. I spotted it in a supermarket recently and it was a shadow of its former self. Oh how I miss Vaux’s beers. Samson. Sunderland. :|

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