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  • FraserHughes
    Free Member

    Fergal – a traverse from West Kip to the Flot is worth while but only if it is bone dry, its not lambing season and its done early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid as many walkers as possible. Unfortunately this makes it very difficult! Also don’t expect to stay on the bike on the ups, they are seriously steep in places. Al suggested loop is probably the best way to do it.

    Back OT how about: The track starting behind Logan House to the top of Black Hill proper?

    Deeper into the Pentlands Spittal Farm over to North Esk Res., and then North Esk Res to the top of Mount Maw.

    Free Member

    Mine is about 22lb but then its got no gears and fair bit of carbon.

    Exploring the Southern Pentlands[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    As pixelmix suggests I’d just replace bits as you break/wear them out. Wheels and tyres probably make the biggest difference but obviously aren’t cheap!

    Free Member

    Do you lot really think the rotational direction matters?

    No, just trying to explain it. I’d be more worried about ripping the leg off a fork not designed to take a disc mount 😉

    Fair play though interested to see if it works!

    Free Member

    And the rotor is on backwards…intend rotation is marked….see no reason to change that even if the caliper is mounted on the from of the right leg….rotation is chosen so the top of the disc spokes sweep crud down and out, rather than up and collect where spoke hits braking surface.

    Its a centrelock rotor. If it was the NDS the rotation would be right but when the wheel is flipped to put the rotor on the DS the rotation is then wrong, but can’t be changed like a 6 bolt rotor.

    I give this a better chance than the rear one. Though the consequences of failure are potentially higher!!! 😯

    Free Member

    Fence needs attention too

    Free Member

    Bump for the evening crowd!


    Free Member

    22lb according to my bathroom scales. Though I’m not sure they accurate as think it is probably a bit more that that.

    Free Member

    Regarding Clubbiedean I think it’s not about trail-centre-ising or sanitising that corner more returning it to something like its original state. I don’t know if you rode it 3 or 4 years ago but it used to a nice flowing corner, with a narrow natural bridge in the middle – more in keeping with the rest of the trail.

    I accept trails change but I’m not convinced the current condition is particularly sustainable as the corner it is colapsing and narrowing further. Personally I would like to avoid bridges/northshore and just straighten the entrance/exit a bit to make it more rideable and maintain it in current state as apposed to deteriating further.

    Free Member

    IMHO Black Hill, Phantoms then Pistachio are priority. Other bits that come to mind are:

    – As mentioned “the corner” on Clubbiedean. Also on Clubbiedean the bit between the bridge over the outlet and the first plank suffer pretty badly this winter.
    – The top of Maiden’s
    – The continuation of Black Hill/Den’s Cleugh. Not sure what if anything could be done here.
    – What condition is the bit of path near at the end Green Cleugh near Lover? Last time I was there with was a wee while again it wwas falling in the burn…
    – Boggy crossing at the start of Red Road

    Obviously we won’t have time for these in the 2 days, but if a regular Trailfairies like gang can be put together I think it would be good to get them on the agenda.

    TJ – how much of a lead do the Rangers want to take? Are they going to tell us where, what and how they want things rebuild/reinforced or are just planning on letting us loose with shovels and some hardcore? Do they plan to say add drainage ditches to Black Hill? Either works for me just interested what their chat was.

    Free Member

    Aye, that’s a point. I can volunteer a Freelander for portage of materials if required. Though to be honest I can’t see us getting that close with damaging the trails we are repairing!

    Free Member

    Good work Jeremy. I’m in for both! Will also mention it to a few folk not on here.

    If someone reminds me the week before I’ll even knock up some flapjack…

    Free Member

    Also on the signage I don’t think it needs to be aim directly at cyclists. Walkers gradually widen paths by going aroudn the boggy and wet bits.

    I think they should highlight to all users that paths are fragile and easily damaged when wet.

    Free Member

    Which is Pistachio? Sure I’ve ridden it but don’t know the name…

    Free Member

    TJ – my thoughts exactly on the signage – needs to be well worded to avoid Nannying. Anyone got any old pics of the Pentlands we could do a before/after showing some nice flowing trail and then the now damagad mudbath?

    I actually think a few bits of Northshore/Bridges might be the way ahead in certain areas. There are bits of paths which have natural water courses crossing and never really dry. Might be a H&S minefield though!

    Free Member

    Cool. my email is in profile if you need.

    I was wondering about signage too, the current 3 colour system is a bit too rigid and doesn’t have flexiblility. I’ve ridden “Red – unsuitable for bikes” trails in conditions I’ve have no quarms with and have seen “Green – suitable for considerate biking” trails in conditions I wouldn’t ride them.

    Something with more information on the issues and things to consider may be better. If people actually read it 👿

    Free Member

    Jim – count me in. I’m sure I can rope in a couple of other folk not on STW in too.

    Pub meet to discuss before you go to PHRP?

    Free Member

    TJ – I’m up for that. Do you know the rangers?

    The continuation of Black Hill i.e. round to Logan Farm is also looking battered.

    Free Member

    Druidh – agree, we need to be responsible at all times.

    I think there are 3 things to consider before riding:
    – Is it legel? Not usually too much of an issue in Scotland.
    – Will it cause excess/undue damage/erosion? i.e. not riding Black Hill when it is a mud bath
    – How will it affect other land users including the farmer/landowner and walkers (including to a degree their perseption of Mountain Biking). i.e. not flying down Scald Law on a sunny Sunday afternoon in summer or riding certain trails during lambing or shooting season

    Free Member

    TJ/Stu – glad to hear it was discussed, I just wanted to raise the issue really.

    If Harbour Hill was avoided I think that helps. There is still a perception issue though that we have to consider, if we ride bits of it do we open ourselves up to people copying and riding bits we wouldn’t? Also how does it look to the farmer?

    How slow is slow on a mountain bike? I think often we are going faster than we think.

    Regarding walkers. Interesting issue: with dogs (even on a lead) I think Harbour Hill should be avoided. Without dogs and with a responsible attitude I think it is okay.

    I’ve had a couple of conversions with the farmer from East Kinleith and never had any bother but I know he has a bit of a reputation.

    6 to me is a largish group, but then I’m a loner! 😉

    It’s all good discussion! The more people are thinking and talking about responsible riding/access the better. Cheers guys.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a good ride.

    On point though: I’m not sure Scalextric should be riden during lambing season. I was speaking to the farmer at Easter Kinleith last week and he said he had a few lambs seperated from their mothers recently. He was very happy when I said I’d stopped riding it at the end of March.

    I know a lot of the Pentlands is covered in lambs at the moment but I think Scalextric is unjustifable at present as it cuts right through the middle of 2 fields close to the farm which have a lot of lambs in. Routes along fence lines (Black Hill) or higher ground (Red Road) are IMHO better choices especially for large groups.

    Apologies if I’ve just openned a can of worms!!

    Free Member

    Here is the video. Slightly different route, we did Braemar – Lairig Ghru – Glen Feshie – Braemar. Long day with lots of carrying but some excellent riding.

    Free Member

    Tubes are ‘given’ to mates

    Just like pints are bought – we don’t really count how many / who did last

    It all works out in the end – that’s why they’re my mates and that’s why I ride with them

    My thoughts exactly, tubes are part of the communial “parts bin” which changes hands regularly for beer:

    Bang, tssssss
    “Bugger, forgot a spare tube”
    “Muppet, no worries. There you go”
    “Cheers, first round is on me”
    “Cool, mines a pint of Tradewinds”

    Simple 🙄 8)

    Free Member

    My Scandal didn’t have V-brake mounts, do you mean Inbred?

    Actually the new Inbred doesn’t either:

    Free Member

    A full circuit of the Lairig Ghur and Glen Feshie is worthwhile trip:

    Free Member


    From the On One website:

    “Uses a proven old school geometry not a million miles from Joe Murray’s classic Kona’s these frames ride really well with 80-100mm travel forks although we’ve seen plenty with upto 140mm.”


    Free Member

    “No nob jokes? Better not mention the father in law to be then… “

    There’s the making of an openning line…. 😈

    Free Member

    Option 1 unfortunately, as mine does it too. Sometimes it freezes though which is fun 8)

    Free Member

    Another vote for Exotic Carbons.

    Mine are perfect for my canal towpath commute and local Pentland’s rides.

    They’ve been round the red at Glentress a couple of times which was fine, and the Black @ GT once which was pretty hard going!

    Free Member

    Snowy Commute @ Minus 14[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Apologies for the bad phone pic – also was trying not to remove my gloves!

    Free Member

    You take up less space sitting on the bike than standing beside it. Its easier for a walker to pass it you sit on the bike and tuck right into the railings.

    I would never try to overtake anyone tho – just pedal across at walking speed. and always give way to walkers


    This is exactly what I do. I ride it twice daily on my commmute and have never had any abuse or comments from walkers.

    Free Member

    Daily Mail and/or Jeremy Vine? 😉

    Free Member


    SS was actually really good for this route, most of the steep ups are too rocky to ride anyway! Also most of the descents are very rocky, almost trials like, so the instant power of the SS was great for that.

    If I did it again I think I’d probably go for 32:18 or similar rather than 32:15 though!

    Free Member

    There is probably 10km of carrying/pushing in the Lairig Ghru between Linn of Dee and Rothiemurchus and then another 5 or 6km to get back through the mud from the end of Glen Feshie to Linn of Dee.

    Free Member

    For those interested here is the route on Memory Map. Original it was planned as a 2 day effort, but we decided to MTFU and do it in one big day:

    [/url]Lairig Ghru – 2 Day Route[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Go on then:

    Inbred on Top of Black Hill, The Pentlands[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Inbred on Top of Black Hill, The Pentlands[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    @clubber: I assume so. To be honest its not mine a friend sent it on and I thought it NEEDED to be shared.

    The jockey wheel came off his chain tensioner on the way to work, and this is what got him home, so it does work! Though as said I think long term wear will be an issue…

    Free Member

    If you weren't meant to drink and ride why can you open beer wih SPDs?! 🙄

    Mmm .. Beer[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Night riding in the rain is awesome, but night riding in the snow is even better!

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