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  • FraserHughes
    Free Member

    have to see a man about some windows
    Bill Gates?

    Nah, I’d rather have a secure house!

    Free Member

    bigjim – Aye, I was pleasantly surprised. Don’t get me wrong it not dusty but aside from the usual boggy patches which obviously need a bit of care it is definitely firm.

    Have a good one – I’m quite jealous would like to be out again tonight but I have to see a man about some windows 🙁

    Free Member

    Can I ask that you avoid the Nail Trail/Balerno singletrack at the moment?

    I think that is fair. We rode it yesterday but walked the section you mention and a couple of the bits closer to Balerno.

    Free Member

    Does it actually make a difference if more thna 3 riders ride a trail separately or not? Or is this about smaller groups hopefully doing different routes?

    Smaller groups on different trails makes sense to me.

    Free Member

    Have a good one guys.

    I was out last night and it is actually surprising dry in most parts especially higher up – I guess the wind has been drying it out.

    Did Bonaly – Torduff Hill – Scalectrix – Harbour Hill North traverse – over Bells Hill – Den’s Cleugh (a little walking around the wettest bits required) – UP Black Hill (dry!) – Green Cleugh – Hare Hill up to Red Gate – West Kip – East Kip – Scald Law (all very dry) – down to the Howe – Green Cleugh – passed our repairs which are holding up well 🙂 – exponential – Nail Trail (again a couple of boggy bits which needed avoiding, but general reasonable dry) – back to Ed via WoL. 😀

    Free Member

    You find an empty whisky bottle in a plant pot next to where you were sitting in the garden the night before

    Nah, its not a good night until you’ve built a wall of snow and used the empty bottles as battlements 8)

    EDIT: Image fail, here is the link:

    Ooh, and you’re Gazebo is upside down obviously. I’d forgotten about that!

    Free Member

    Captain – if we meet up for a ride I’ll buy you a beer!

    Despite my plug the best advice is nedrapier’s: Get your to a good bootfitter, see what they recommend for your feet and above all try loads on….

    If you let me know where in the country you are I can point you towards someone who knows what they are talking about!

    Free Member

    If you buy your Anatom Footwear from Tiso they come with a Superfeet Energizer 🙂

    Free Member

    + 1 for Anatom, but then I would say that…

    Designed in the UK. Made in Europe.

    Free Member

    +1 for A. Solo mtb is more fun than solo road surely…

    Free Member

    Similar to Neil did it a few years ago. It is a good cross country route in nice Borders scenery but not technical and not hard. I think the link over eggs it a bit!

    I certainly wouldn’t travel a long way for it.

    If you search the forum I think there are a couple of threads on it…


    Free Member

    Exploring the Southern Pentlands[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Garry – never been up East (or West for that matter) Cairn. There is a monster track going up East Cairn, would be interesting to see if a rideable descent could be found going down to join The Thieves Road.

    Craigengar is another one I’d like to explore. There is a track up the southside marked on the map but I’m not sure what is on the ground…

    Damn, you’ve got me looking at maps again 🙄 😉 . Thinking a Listonshiels – East Cairn – West Cairn – Craigengar – West Linton exploratory ride might be in order when if it dries up again.

    Free Member

    Here you go:
    Exploring the Southern Pentlands[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Convanter’s Grave[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    "Path" from Convanter’s Grave to Crosswood[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Stile on the "path" from Convanter’s Grave to Crosswood[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    A right of way in Scotland … Hmmm …[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    The Thief’s road from Baddinsgill as mentioned above is good. Best avoided if wet though!

    You can get to the Convanter’s Grave from Edinburgh in a day, MTFU! However, I wouldn’t bother as there’s virtually no path on the group. Give me a min and I’ll dig out some pics….

    Free Member

    Cynic-al to the forum!!

    Free Member

    Nice work on the video. Even with the heavy Fish and Chip bias! 😀

    Free Member

    Sounds good Fraser … I was supposed to be joining your group for the Lawers bivvy but thankfully our driver (Roland – Simon’s flatmate) wussed out and we ended up in the pub playing Scrabble

    😆 I think it might of dawned on Roland yesterday afternoon it wasn’t going to be quite the ride he was expecting – when I spoke to him on Tuesday he was talking about taking a BBQ and wood for a fire!

    I’m sure we’ll meet you for a ride soon…

    Free Member

    Well, that was extremely damp!

    Made the Summit of Beinn Ghlass, decided the rain and wind really wasn’t going to give us a break so descented to the beallach between Ghlass and Lawers then down the Ghlass bypass path. Fantastic Singletrack despite the weather! Made it back to the car at 2am and Edinburgh for 4am 🙂

    JPR may have some photos..

    Work today will be bought to you by coffee!

    Free Member

    Not a best man’s speech, but a colleague of mine stood up at his 3rd wedding and said:

    “I see some familiar faces and some new faces … so here we go again!”

    Fair to say that split the audience.

    Free Member

    You really sure? No shelter up there and the forecast is continual rain, wind, cloud base at 550m and about 4 deg at the top. If you do it, big respect – I wouldn’t

    Aye, still going for it. I shall report on the stupidity of the idea tomorrow!

    There is a wee shelter just passed the summit at about 637414

    EDIT: Alex just saw your email, will reply. Cheers.

    Free Member

    marionheck – thinking Ben Lawers…

    Aye rain beats Midge any day!

    Free Member

    Have a Munro top bivi planned.

    Ride down at 4am, at work for 8ish….

    Think it is going to be a moist one 🙄

    Free Member

    Bloody hell, based on that second pic I’m not sure I should be allowed a shovel!! 😈

    Free Member

    I’m all up for working with the Friend’s of the Pentlands they make cracking cakes 😀

    Free Member

    ’twas a great day, my back is sore today and I think I nearly blocked the shower drain with mud when I got home!

    Thanks again TJ for organising.

    If the Friend of the Pentlands are doing something on the top of Phantoms what about us tackling the lower bit below the gate?

    Alternative, I’d like to see some drainage added to the Kirk Burn path.

    However, as Paul says I’m happy to chip in with whatever.

    Free Member

    Cheers Epicyclo.

    Might see if I can pick up a Larry second hand to experiment with then. I was thinking on a narrow rim I could squeeze a Larry through my rigid forks which might make a good winter commuter and ‘puffer bike.

    Free Member

    40mm rim, Surly Larry tyre

    Hmm, I’d assumed the Larry would only work on really fat rims (70mm+), how do you find it on 40mm? Do you think I’d get away with trying to fit it to a 32mm Sun Singletrack?

    Free Member

    That’s the same as us then, only in the opposite direction obviously. We didn’t find any wooded singletrack either but as you say it was probably in the forest near Blair Atholl – singletrack descent from Fealar to Glen Tilt was good thought.

    I reckon there are plenty more tracks to explore around there!

    Free Member

    We did it anti-clockwise, did you go along Glen Loch or via Fealar Lodge?

    Cracking route anyway, not technical but fantastic remote riding 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Looking forward to it. Fingers crossed its not pishing it down, might bring a stove for brewing up if it is!

    Free Member

    Sorry for the delayed reply. I’ll be there at 10 with a couple of non-STW mates in tow.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a job for a nice length of 953

    Would that not make it as expensive as Ti though?

    Some interesting chat here:

    Free Member

    Fergal – I think from the Bothy over to Rothiemurchus took about 5 hours.

    The singletrack down the North side of the Lairig Ghru (from about 1.50 in the video) is fantastic

    Free Member

    Any excuse to post this :wink::

    Yes, you will have to carry … alot. However it is worth it IMO.

    EDIT: Here is the route though we ended up doing it in a single day:

    Lairig Ghru – 2 Day Route[/url] by wintericemonkey[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Where is Mount Maw Fraser?

    Between Baddinsgill and North Esk, there is no track on the map but a path goes from North Esk Cottage to The Mount, Grain Heads then Mount Maw:

    North Esk upto the Borestane is a lovely climb – not too steep but very varied – think you have to take a few dabs with the gullies higher up.

    +1. Good call.

    Harperrig to Cauldstane Slap in another good one in the dry. Not to difficult though.

    Free Member

    I’ve been wondering about doing this for a while though I was considering starting from White Cleugh. From google earth it looks like there might an interesting track down to Loganlea.

    I think that is the start I mentioned.

    The “normal” descent goes NE from the summit of Black Hill. Great when dry, avoid when wet.

    I can’t remember seing anything come down straight to Logan Lea (might have missed it though), I think what looks like a track on Google Earth may actually be a steep gully. Only one way to find out though!!

    Free Member

    Back OT how about: The track starting behind Logan House to the top of Black Hill proper?

    Thats pretty easy. The track is very substantial after the trees. I normally ride through the field before the house so not to go through the property. Only worth doing if its very dry as the descent is on peat.

    😳 I’ve never cleaned it. Back wheel always spins out on the gravel, though in my defence that is on a SS 32:16

    You may have already found it but there is a vague/overgrown path to the start of the track, which also avoids the House, starting in Den’s Cleugh/White Cleugh

    Free Member

    BikePawl – well pointed out. Many of the above should only be riden when bone dry and I mean bone dry and even then only with a responsible attitude etc.

    In very dry conditions I think there is little difference between responsible cycling and walking.

    Good dedate here:

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