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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • franki
    Free Member

    I think it’s a reasonable price…

    Couldn’t disagree more, but then I don’t go and see “big” bands.

    Same here. I don’t like the impersonal nature of big gigs and why should I suddenly start paying twice the price I’ve being paying for tickets to see a band for years, just because they’ve suddenly been noticed by the mainstream?

    Free Member

    Not yet. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve got dodgy knees, but since riding nothing but SS, they haven’t got any worse. If anything, they probably cause me pain less often than when I rode a geared bike. I get cramp less too.
    It may be to do with using strength and standing up more – as I used to get very tight muscles when granny ringing it up steep stuff on a long ride and then I’d sometimes cramp on the descent.

    Free Member

    Or maybe that sort of thing is to dance music, what One Direction are to bands?

    Yes, you could say.
    David Guetta (way too mainstream for my tastes 😕 )is the butt of a lot of mickey taking from more underground dance musicians & DJs. There’s probably a bit of jealousy in there – he’s done alright for himself after all and he probably is no more deserving than a great many others to be fair to the guy, but there are many producers & Djs that put a huge amount of effort into what they do on stage. Look at Richie Hawtin / Plastikman for example – his set up is mind-boggling.

    Free Member

    Ticket prices for popular bands are ridiculous.
    I’ve been to three day festivals for cheaper than that. You’re getting a couple of hours tops and probably an hour support? 🙄

    Free Member

    You probably cause automatic recommendations lists on ticket websites to catch fire. “You liked this, so you’ll probably like, wait, wut?”

    LOL! Yeah, I like a varied range of music, that’s for sure – as long as it’s heartfelt, got some meat to it and doesn’t have X-factor style vocals!

    Free Member

    I know the “real music” lovers find the laptop performance photo hilarious – and there are some “press play” merchants out there for sure, but in the main dance music is about the quality of the tunes, not how they’re delivered. Most punters aren’t bothered if there’s a DJ or “live” act playing, tbh. You can’t even tell most of the time anyway from the dancefloor. The line between DJ & live performance (or producer set) is very thin these days, with the equipment available.

    Free Member

    feeling the music resonate through your chest is not reproducible at home

    Indeed. Not if you have neighbours anyway!

    Free Member

    I used to go to see shedloads of bands years ago, mainly thrash metal / hardcore and indie, until I discovered techno & trance in the early 90s. After so many all night dance music parties, I must say I’ve lost a bit of my appetite for “proper” gigs.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some amazing performances since then (Shpongle, Gong, The Damned, UK Subs, Soulfly, Elbow, The Divine Comedy, The Misfits, Feeder, The Family Mahone – to name a few that spring to mind), but I get irritated by the waiting between acts, the going off and coming back on malarkey and how long it takes for the crowd to warm up, plus the sea of phones filming the whole show. I still enjoy live bands – at smaller gigs and festivals, but I feel like I don’t quite know what to do anymore – I’m used to just turning up at a place where the music is already thumping and people are dancing straight away.

    Free Member

    Some good insight there. Thanks Deadkenny.

    Free Member

    they will be round with the pitch forks, there is only one kind of valid mountain biking and it’s the kind I do.

    Don’t you come round here with your new fangled ideas and fun clap trap.

    I don’t really think that’s the case, but for me, the appeal of Penmachno was that it didn’t have the new-style trail sections and feel of a trail centre. I’m happy to ride them, but it’d be nice to have at least one trail centre that didn’t include them. What’s wrong with the odd low-key waymarked trail, sympathetic to the countryside and offering something away from the bike-park experience?

    Free Member

    I must jump in among the haters, I’m afraid.
    I’m sure the new stuff is fun, but it doesn’t fit in at Penmachno. It looks an eyesore (admittedly it’ll run and weather-in,) and is the kind of man-made stuff I go to places like Penmachno to avoid.
    CYB has it’s share of this Llandegla-esque trail too, just down the road and I can see why – lots of people love the BMXy stuff and they need the business to keep all the infrastructure afloat, but the appeal of Penmachno was always the: getting changed out of the car boot and off into the hills – with the bonus of some route markers, old school style. I’m clearly not alone in thinking this, going by the posts so far.

    Free Member

    Lame. 😥

    Free Member

    Dotty is a little beauty! Great photos! 😀

    Free Member

    I find some greyhounds have a higher prey drive than others.

    Yeah, we take him to the RGT sponsor weekends and while waiting to be let off in the paddock for a run, he whines & cries – especially when he sees other hounds running. He can’t wait for his turn and goes like a rocket when we let him off in there. He was quite handy in his day, so I expect some have more of a desire to run & chase things than others. I’ve seen Greyhounds pictured with cats, but there’s no way Arthur would ever get along with one!

    Free Member

    I was on TV in an episode of Heart Of The Country in the 90s, filmed while on a mid-week guided group ride with Gerry McGarr of Year 2000 in the Forest OF Dean.
    The whole deal was that MTBing was a healthy way to escape executive stress.
    My brother came off pulling a jump right in front of the camera and they kept it in the show. Next time I met Gerry it turns out there had been complaints that we looked too reckless… 😆

    Free Member

    I have a rescue Greyhound so don’t know so much about these kinds of breeds as puppies. My wife always wanted a Whippet, but stumbled upon a RGT roadshow in town and after meeting a few, decided we must have a retired racing Greyhound.
    The adults sound pretty similar behaviour-wise from what I’ve read here. My only concern with a Whippet would be the possibility of serious injuries if they go tearing off with no regard for their own safety. My hound has stitches in at the moment from a collision last week chasing a cat he spotted at the bottom of the garden. I guess having said that, Whippets are probably hardier than they look. Greyhounds certainly are tough as old boots, despite their appearance.
    I love him to bits though. With people Arthur’s such a gentle friendly dog. He’s not too keen on other breeds (especially small ones) and will chase cats & rabbits as soon as they move. If you always bear that in mind, it’s no major problem, but most sighthounds will never behave like a normal domestic dog, from what I hear from other owners.

    Free Member

    I went to see his tapestries when they were on display in Birmingham.
    They really are amazing up close.
    Fantastic programme too. Loved watching the creative processes behind his work and how the ideas manifested. 🙂

    Free Member

    Not quite, but I have had my nostril blown shut by a side wind on the top of the South Downs


    Free Member

    Not me, but my brother decided to take a bit of air while bombing down Worcestershire Beacon (Malvern Hills) some years ago, while there was a huge crosswind from the West. As soon as his wheels left the ground the wind took him and he was down with a very long and deep gash in his shin.
    Looked like a hospital job to me, but he just ignored it and carried on riding, filling the wound with dirt. 😆
    He’s sporting a decent scar from that one. 😉

    Free Member

    I love it! Best drama I’ve seen in ages.
    The accents are certainly better than in the first series, but there’s still some work to do. 😉
    I find it hard to think of it being set in Brum though, when a lot of it is filmed at the Black Country Museum which is about a mile from my house.
    I still consider myself a Brummie (I was born in Edgbaston) but I live in the Black Country now.

    Free Member

    Yeah. Bit blowy, but nothing major.

    Free Member

    Sad news.

    Free Member

    He does sing in a very American style.

    Free Member

    Roche should be a great addition to the squad!

    Free Member

    I could happily live without coffee, so does that count?

    Same here. Not fussed about coffee at all. Hardly ever drink it.
    Tea on the other hand…

    Free Member

    I cycled out to Malvern to watch the pros at the Malvern Hills Classic one year when I was still tripping on LSD from the night before.
    I wouldn’t say it necessarily had a positive effect on my performance… 😯
    It was a nice enough ride, but I was happy to blag a lift home afterwards.

    Free Member

    +1 for the Surly Tuggnut!


    Free Member

    Isn’t there something on the homepage where some firm have just built a 13 speed cassette

    Yep. 🙄

    Free Member

    Must admit, I’ve lost interest in trying to keep up with MTB technology. I think they are making a mistake changing things constantly in the hope that people will be fooled for long into believing that they must have the latest new kit. It’s certainly pushed me the other way.
    Just look at all the different standards for headsets and axles for a start. Makes it almost impossible to swap your components over to a new frame without a massive spend.
    I used to do most of my own spannering too, but now if you buy a specialist tool for a BB or suchlike, by the time you need to use it to replace a component, they’ve stopped making that type and you need new tools. Cheaper and easier to take it to a shop these days.
    The price of bikes has gone insane too. I never used to consider anything less than XT equipped, but now you’re looking at a Deore level spec. on what was an XT price bike not long ago. Forks seem to have doubled in price too.
    Probably sound like a miserable old git, but I’ve sunk enough money into the bike industry over the years and I feel like we’re being shafted. I don’t mind spending a chunk of money on a quality bike, but there should be a decent lifespan before all your parts are obsolete.
    It’s time we had some long-lasting standards again.

    Free Member

    You’re never too old to wear Converse! 🙄
    Just bought myself some new orange ones this summer.
    (I’m 43 – not that that makes any difference.)
    My 16 year old way-stylish daughter is more than happy to be seen out with me in them! 8)

    Free Member

    The Chronicles Of Riddick.

    Free Member

    As for BMX/bike park features, they are only likely to get added if enough people ask for them.

    I realise to a growing number of people, that’s what MTBing is about, but it’s never appealed to me. I’d rather have murderous climbs and proper narrow, technical singletrack descents.

    Free Member

    I ride trail centres on occasion and there are some great ones, but I don’t like the way many of the trails are heading these days.
    I love the Penmachno / Hopton style, but loathe BMX track features that typify places like Llandegla and are starting to creep in at CYB.
    The term “Bike Park” sends shudders down my spine – and not in a good way. 😉

    Free Member

    Really? 9 speed cassette and chain every 2-4000 miles? £30? Hardly a fortune!

    Don’t forget chainrings, jockey wheels, front & rear mechs, cables. I’ve destroyed plenty of these over winter time, especially with snow & salt slush.

    Free Member

    SS is the way if you commute all year round IMHO.
    Saves me a fortune on worn out parts and means you can’t take it too easy.

    Free Member

    Maybe, like me, RS doesn’t want to ditch all his CDs? Maybe he likes to keep them, own them . hug them and love them like his little friends..?

    Me too. 🙂

    Free Member

    I bought a shelf unit from Argos that holds over 700CDs.
    It does the job, but could do with being stronger as the shelves are bowing a bit. I’m also now using Benno towers from Ikea, so I can add more as I fill them up.

    …looks like Ikea are doing GNEDBY towers instead now. 🙄

    Free Member

    Some good-looking machines in this thread. 🙂

    Free Member

    All the pubs I’d set foot in near me, have closed down – so no local here. 🙁
    It’s either a very long walk or bus / taxi ride to any half decent boozer.

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