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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
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    Free Member

    trump has always seen himself as the biggest dog in the fight; bully, threaten, see you in court etc – all to be seen as a winner


    There is no bigger dog than the US government.

    Free Member

    trump, same as leonara helmsley, believed that the law only applies to little people – meaning those people they considered to be ordinary and of no significance; not those short in stature.

    The same people who founded them both guilty.

    She was proved wrong and the same now applies to him.

    Free Member

    Why bother with the small – irrelevant – stuff?

    Get actively involved in getting a Labour government.

    Right – as I’m (perceived to be) one of those provincial types…not from the metropolis…back to my late evening snack of wotsits, brown ale and whippet tears flavoured crisps.

    Some people don’t understand the difference between stereotyping and having a laugh – poor bastards.

    Free Member

    PCA – stereotyping…as was I; to make a point.

    Do you have anything meaningful to say?

    No? Move on.

    Free Member

    binners – if I bring my own glass, can I scrounge a glass of your finest socialist champagne?

    Also happy to bring blinis.

    Do let me know.

    Free Member

    Ernie – for clarity, I’m a long standing and active member of the Labour Party.

    Nice try by you to divert attention away from the irrelevance of Diane Abbott and perceptions of how she has/hasn’t been treated by the Labour Party.

    Face the facts, this is all a complete irrelevance.

    The Labour Party and it’s GE campaigning moves on; Diane Abbott is not a consideration.

    I’ll ask the PPC, recently elected East Midlands mayor, CLP and branch members if they have any views about Diane Abbott and let you know.

    My prediction of their response? It’s completely irrelevant – other than to those who value ideological purity above the pragmatic objective of delivering a Labour government.

    I have more important things to do than continue posting about a subject which is completely irrelevant in the context of the upcoming GE.

    Free Member

    Froth, froth, froth.

    Ernie, give it a rest; no-one is doubting or questioning her achievements and their significance.

    A suggestion – look to the future; the past has already happened so continued frothing will achieve absolutely nothing.

    IF you really want a Labour government – move on.

    Free Member

    I’ll be out canvassing – door knocking and talking with real voters – on Saturday in the Newark constituency which is where jenrick is currently squatting.

    If ANYONE mentions Diane Abbott on the door step I will be absolutely stunned – but will definitely report it here.

    It may be a hot topic in some of the coffee houses, tea shops and organic food shops of the metropolis but, where most people live, the discussion will be about anything but Diane Abbott and Kier Starmer

    Free Member

    Sentencing July 11.

    Free Member

    Guilty on 34 out of 34.

    Donald, you’ve been a very very naughty boy; no pudding for you tonight.

    Titter – as in laugh.

    Free Member

    The frothing about Abbott continues.

    I’ve been at a branch meeting this evening – with CLP next Monday.

    No reference to Diane Abbott in discussions either before or after this evening’s session – as there won’t be at the forthcoming CLP.

    I’m sure this is a big deal in metropolis central but out in the shires – where the election will be won or lost – it’s a complete non-event.

    The frothing will continue for a few days with those who think this really matters; then, business as usual.

    Free Member

    In my canvassing on Wednesday Diane Abbott’s name wasn’t mentioned once on the doorstep, talking with voters of different political persuasions.

    Out in the shires – where this election will be won or lost- there is absolutely no interest in the Hackney/Stoke Newington/metropolitan frothing about perceptions of how Diane Abbott has been treated.

    There has been no reference to her in my CLP and branch social media

    If there are any comments about her in my door knocking campaign or any reference to her in my CLP and/or branch social media feeds over the next few days I’ll post about on this thread.

    Ernie, it’s tiresome reading many of your posts which attempt to denigrate and/or imply a sense of superiority on your part but if that’s what gives you a frisson – crack on but do tell me…what are you hearing on the doorstep when you’re out canvassing?

    Diane Abbott should exit stage left gracefully now – and preserve her legacy; if she doesn’t, her name and reputation will be much diminished.

    Some matters are really important and are worthy of serious and extended discussion; this is not one of them

    I do wonder about the apparent focus of some posters which appears to be rooted in notions of ideological purity with no reference to the real world; good luck with that.

    Don’t forget to take your pragmatism pill – you’ll feel much better for it

    The labour party moves on with new focus and the news cycle just keeps trundling on

    Free Member

    To re-iterate, the whole Diane Abbott issue will blow over – not as quickly as the frothing about Natalie Elphicke but it will soon be history.

    From Peston, the most interesting piece was the answer he got from both Mhairi Black and Lee Cain to his closing question – which way will the tories move if (when) they lose the GE?

    Both said, unhesitatingly…to the right.

    So that’s the tories making themselves irrelevant for decades to come.

    Free Member

    Victoria Atkins will explain all – I’m sure (?) – on Peston…tune in to ITV now.

    Free Member

    binners, if I could give you 10 likes for your latest post…I would!

    There are too many posts on which I would summarise as saying…I want a Labour government but only on my terms.

    Sorry to piss on your chips, chaps – you will get either Labour or tory; best to just accept it’s going to be Labour – on their terms, not yours.

    Back to electoral calculus now.

    Free Member

    Three weeks ago there was ‘uproar’ about Natalie Elphicke crossing the floor to join Labour. Now, that’s not even yesterday’s news; it’s ancient history.

    Diane Abbott is, rightfully, an iconic figure; the current frothing about whether she can – or can’t – stand again will last longer than the noise about elphicke but will also die away without having a significant impact.

    There will be attempts by owen jones, momentum and others to keep this in the headlines but it will have little impact.

    For clarity – I am in no way at all attempting to make any comparison between Diane Abbott and Natalie Elphicke; the latter isn’t fit to clean the shoes of the former but the truth is…no individual is bigger than the party and the news cycle will roll on, regardless.

    Free Member

    I think it’s a valid point.

    Solution – buy elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Have done 2 canvassing sessions in jenrick’s constituency of Newark today.

    There is a distinct aversion to him, his policies and the tories; it had been rumoured but hearing it on the doorstep makes it very real.

    The seat is ripe to flip to Labour; jenrick, Reform and the independent candidate (who is independent of the local jndependent group) are likely to share the ‘traditional’ tory vote between them; Greens and LDs are relatively minor considerations.

    This would overturn a majority of 20,000+ and would see the back of a right wing poster boy.

    I’ll be doing at least 1 session a day for the next 38 days.

    Free Member

    As many above have said – don’t scrimp.

    Vi-spring regal supreme; doesn’t need to be turned and/or flipped but I do – it’s ‘kin heavy; also, ‘kin expensive.

    Kelcol – made in Yorkshire – top of the range in ‘guest bedroom’; everyone who’s slept on it have said…great night’s sleep – but that could be down to alcohol consumption!

    Silentnight miracoil in single bedroom for young grandson.

    Now looking at replacing mattress pads and toppers.

    Buy the best quality bedding you can afford.

    Free Member

    I’m looking at the options – and cost – of 20′ x 16′.

    Be aware of council regs if >30 sq mtr.

    Free Member

    Longdog – sorry for your loss.

    steve-g – LAs are very switched on to attempts to avoid care home costs so, if that’s your mother’s objective…good luck.

    As for inheritance if named beneficiaries pre-decease your mother, that should be a standard inclusion in a will; a solicitor or will writer etc should have a focus on this if there are children/grandchildren involved.

    You should check whether any of your mother’s assets would not be covered by a will; for example, a SIPP is not covered and would be subject to an ‘expression of wish’ which is lodged with the SIPP administrator with reference made to it in the will.

    I used a solicitor and also did the SIPP thing; by contrast, my ex did what your mother is considering. I asked my solicitor about the possible benefits of using a trust writer – response…no benefits.

    Your mother could ask the trust writer if they will fully indemnify her against any claim her LA could make in respect of care home costs.

    Free Member

    3 possible options:

    – sunak resigns, clearing the way for a new leader to lead the tories to electoral doom

    – GE on July 4th, independence day

    – GE in autumn (October) with confirmed date

    November/December/January are, I think, non-starters; tory loyalists are unlikely to be inclined to go out campaigning in winter and the tories will need a strong ‘ground game’ to retain a shred of credibility.

    Free Member

    TJ – you’re very much a purple man so…go for it.

    I take it you already have the essential cravats?

    You should check out House of Bruar.

    Free Member

    I think the correct response is…no.

    Matt – is your eldest still on the naughty step?

    Free Member

    That won’t do much; you need to fully dig them out.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If books are included – lots and lots.

    Free Member

    Every issue – Private Eye, New European, Observer.

    Regularly but not every issue – Decanter, The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator, Guardian ( 2/3 times weekly), The Oldie.

    Occasionally  – camera and photography magazines.

    Free Member

    Something of a pointless link kelvin.

    Free Member

    Magazine £20 and voucher for £20 does not mean mag is free.

    What it means is mag costs £20 and, if you choose to buy anything from them, that purchase is discounted by £20.

    I don’t know of any mag which costs £20 and I doubt there’s anything in this one which comes close to justifying that ‘aspirational’ price.

    So, it’s only worth considering IF you are in the market for any of their products.

    I wonder what size print run they have committed to.

    singletrackmatt – ooh, touchy

    Free Member

    So, DT, call a few solicitors on Thursday morning for quotes/indicative prices for what you think is a straightforward will.

    Your life, your family, your estate, your money, your risk of getting it wrong if DIY is not done properly.

    I paid for professional legal advice; money very well spent, in my view.

    Free Member

    My question was predicated on the other partner being principal carer for the children.

    I wouldn’t be quite so ‘relaxed’ as you about the circumstance I used as an example.

    As my ex and I had – and updated – a will when we were married with children and I’ve now finalised v2 of my current will with my now adult children and grandchildren being beneficiaries, I’ve been asked by solicitors to think about these and other related matters.

    My elder son and his partner had a son and then split up – two unrelated issues; they were not married.

    Son’s will has been structured such that his former partner has no claim on his estate; if you don’t do this properly the potential for a money/property/asset grab is there to be exploited.

    If you don’t have children/grandchildren these considerations may seem pointless; they are anything but.

    As Bill points out above, the ‘law of unintended consequences’ can easily come into operation when it comes to money and, specifically, inheritance not going to the intended recipient.

    As an aside but to illustrate my point about Bill’s post…the ex-husband of a former partner of mine whose parents had a reasonable sized estate went to their house to complain loudly and at length that the divorce had deprived him of part of his rightful inheritance.

    I’m talking about a bloke who was in a responsible ‘middle management’ role.

    TL:DR – use a solicitor; the downside of cocking-up a DIY will is too big a risk.

    Free Member

    I’m with Spin  – it’s yet more bollocks intended to grab a few headlines.

    Free Member

    To add – 10 minutes of phone calls will get you 5 quotes.

    Free Member

    Use a solicitor; a (relatively) straightforward will costs £200 – 300.

    As you have children, you should be considering an inheritance trust until they get to the specified age to inherit.

    What happens if you and partner split up, you die first and children are not of an age to inherit? Unless you make suitable legal provision for this, the other parent will inherit everything.

    Dependant on the likely value of your estate, CGT may be a consideration.

    If you’re confident you can properly cover those off in a DIY will, crack on.

    As for your mate referring to additional charges for ‘extras’, without knowing what they were and the level of complexity I would ignore their comments.

    The cost of not using a solicitor could be considerable.

    Free Member

    Considering membership on a ‘transactional’ basis – will I cover the membership cost by the discounts I (can) get – misses the point of becoming a member.

    Free Member

    A supporter of the little fella is reported to have described him as…He’s like a children’s TV programme; the more you see of him, the less you like him.

    Can’t dispute that.

    Free Member

    Congratulations to Villa for achieving CL next season.

    Free Member

    Have you completely discounted shopping around?

    Your mortgage, your money but there is nothing to lose by doing some market research.

    Barclays are some way off being the most competitive mortgage lender.

    Free Member

    You could become a mobile artificial inseminator whilst wearing hot lingerie!

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