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  • The Great Singletrack Advent Giveaway – What’s Coming This Week?
  • frankconway
    Free Member

    See links below for Banshee Paradox 29er in medium; full build; reduced to £700.
    May not fit your requirements in that it’s hardtail and fully built but could free up some £££ for upgrades etc.
    pics at

    A good mechanic would give it a full service for £75 – based on a Cytech level 3 with loads of experience in Leeds.

    Free Member

    Trixter x-bike 1000; new at £1250 but nearly new/refurbed always on ebay ranging from £250 – £650.
    Should be able to pick up decent one for £400.
    Having said all if that, I have no idea what your budget is……

    Free Member

    The pedallers arms in leeds; i can arrange to meet you if you’re in the region but not planning to be in leeds.
    Let me know; email in profile.

    Free Member

    Three sets of hope grip doctors in different colours to complement specific colours on different bikes: red to match hope hubs & anodised dustcaps, black to match hubs and logo on frame, gold to match hubs/headset/anodised dustcaps.
    Don’t ask why; pointless, definitely unnecessary but i think they….look nice

    Free Member

    I have olympic bar (7′, 20kg) with plates from 20kg down to 2.5kg and a squat/pip rack and an adjustable bench (flat/incline/decline).
    All Bodymax branded 5* products from Powerhouse Fitness.
    Was intending to advertise sometime soon so this could be someone’s lucky day.
    Will include set of protective floormats if the deal is right.
    I’m in Leeds so if that works for you email me for details; email address in profile.

    Free Member

    Can’t help you much with content but, assuming you want to keep it fairly brief, you could introduce it is being comparable to a woman’s skirt – long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting…….

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Finger Lakes wineries – if you like wine………
    If you don’t, It’s still an attractive area – if you like scenery…..

    Free Member

    YGM; let me know.

    Free Member

    Agree with comments about C-word; just don’t.
    Apart from that, if you accentuate your English accent you’ll be amazed at what you can get away with.
    You could show some empathy with the cousins by using frickin’; no-one knows what it means and you will get brownie points.
    Ah yes, comments above about fanny – same word, meanings just a small distance apart but… careful.

    Free Member

    Interesting article. A few points:
    – Wiggo is being direct and open in his comments
    – Armitstead has chosen to operate outside of the British Cycling set-up, i think(?), so she’s not seen as ‘one of us’
    – Wiggo has commented positively about Shane Sutton and Jo Rowsell-Shand has been supportive of Sutton (as a coach rather than head of/director); don’t think that’s relevant but maybe it’s closing ranks to ‘outsiders’
    – elite female cyclists get nothing approaching the support the chaps enjoy; Wiggo’s comments about support from BC can only be based on his personal experience as the best of the best, BC’s poster boy and national hero. Nothing wrong in that but Armitstead would never get the same level of support.
    – it has been suggested, but not proven, that the unspecified ‘family crisis’ which Armitstead was dealing with was actually her finalising arrangements for the band at her forthcoming wedding.

    Miss one test – I guess that can happen. Miss a second and you should know you’re on thin ice. Miss a third one – everything you have worked for is on the point of disappearing down the pan unless you’re very lucky.

    One thing is for sure, the truth will never be known about this.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a hiring manager & know lots if recruiters. One page in 10/11pt font is only appropriate if you are (nearly) new in job market. Otherwise upto 4 pg at absolute max is acceptable – but only if relevant & focussed. Anything >5yrs ago might deserve a few lines but ideally s/b summarised in upto 4 bullet points; >10yrs as employer/job title/employment dates.

    Free Member

    Labour policies as articulated by Corbyn are uncosted and disconnected; my major concern is about policies being uncosted.
    I understand that opposition parties are always disadvantaged because they can’t see true costs/revenues and hypothecation (good in theory but impractical) will never work.
    All political parties have ‘die hard’ supporters who vote on a tribal basis; for that part of their supporter base the policies, manifesto, commitments are irrelevant.
    Outside of that ‘tribal’ base each party must earn the support of voters so – to answer jambalaya’s question (and btw, jambalaya in new orleans is just fantastic) – Corbyn has not submitted detailed plans for infrastructure generally (transport and trains particularly), NHS, energy and education to name only a few.
    I’m referring to detailed, costed, coherent, deliverable plans which are made available for public scrutiny.
    If only he or his acolytes would – or if friend Seumas would allow them to.
    The truth is that Corbyn will succeed as leader of minority party but that’s as good as it gets.
    From ‘gritty’ Leeds to Jambalaya in Hampstead………………

    Free Member

    In reply to ‘Clover’; my mother was Irish but lived in UK for 50 years; I was born on Tyneside and still have a (soft – in sound terms) Geordie accent.
    The number of times my mother was asked if she was a foreigner and the number of times people have said to me ‘….I don’t understand what you’re saying’ are staggeringly high.
    The level of ignorance and condescension in UK residents is amazing.
    I have travelled widely both personally and on business; I always make a point of concentrating on what the other person is saying – irrespective of which language they’re using – but in the UK that’s too much like hard work for the person on the other end of the discussion.
    I hope that the %-age of Brexit voters whose decision was based on immigration concerns was small; if not, then we’re in a bad place and I fear for the future.

    Free Member

    Disappointing that she is, too often, the default choice for Labour mouthpiece in the media.
    No positivity, no ‘vital spark’, no inspiration, no ‘message’.
    Lots of bias, prejudice and insistence that she is ‘one of us’.
    Having screwed – or been screwed by Corbyn – would be a major disadvantage in isolation but then she opens her mouth and……Diane, keep on digging.
    I’m a former labour supporter and activist but… longer. The party of my past – and my parents and their parents – has disappeared. Regrettably Corbyn and his acolytes are pursuing a very different agenda to that which made Labour a force to be reckoned with.
    Only a personal view chaps so no trolling please.

    Free Member

    How I envy you. Check out James Manning (huge beard and shaggy hair) on Facebook; he’s done loads of bike packing across Europe and is now estate manager at small country park near Dubrovnik – Mikulici Nature Park at Konavle in Croatia – where they have camping style accommodation. They also have a website.
    Croatia is lovely and I’m overdue a return there.
    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    Running two bikes tubeless – one is road/CX and other is 26′ hardtail, both with Stan’s; just remember to add more sealant every 6 months – the Stan’s syringe is perfect for this.
    No problems at all but I carry tubes – just in case – and a Weldtite ‘tubeless repair kit’ £6 from Evans which I haven’t used but reviews are all 5*.
    If you have a major sidewall problem then you’re screwed whether you ride with tubes or tubeless.
    Other than that, tubeless all the way.
    Hope that helps…….

    Free Member

    Try Decathlon.

    Free Member

    Hi, this suggestion may be a bit redundant as you’ve now gone from north east to keswick but….Crisis is national charity for single homeless and they have a set-up in newcastle (01912220622). They offer training, education and progression services; also have strong links with multiple other organisations. Without getting into detail on a public forum, if you contact them they will explain how they can help you.
    If you have email account and want to know more, send me a message.
    I’m a long standing volunteer with them.
    Good luck.

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