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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • franciscobegbie
    Free Member

    I got myself a Tama Iron Cobra last year off Ebay, for about 60 or 70 quid.
    It’s fine, though quite heavy feeling. It has some adjustment available to it, but to be honest, I can’t be bothered faffing with it too much.
    My brother has a Pearl Eliminator, which I’ve had a go on. It seems quite nice, but the changeable cam thing just seems like a faff too far.

    Free Member

    Ignore the head and enjoy the cycle to school with your daughter.
    If challenged, smile sweetly and cycle away. Pull a wheelie for extra points.
    Then continue to ignore the head.

    Write letters and ask for risk assessments if you like, but really, what business is it of theirs how you get your kids to school?

    Free Member

    Wellgo B54s on CRC for 20 quid.

    Free Member

    Dundee is a great place. If you dont fancy that try Cumbernauld or Irvine.

    If you do decide on any of those, you could fit Drumchapel in easily, as it’s fairly near both Cumbernauld and Irvine. Spend a day there, you won’t soon forget it.

    Free Member

    I got completely soaked within 20 minutes of going out one too many times.
    I robbed the old crud guard off my old bike and no more wet backside! Whats not to like?

    Free Member

    I’m at the end of week 3 with the mancough. It’s rallied a bit, thanks to the bloody cold weather.
    I’m caught in a vicious circle of being knackered all the time, falling asleep in the evening, then being unable to sleep at night.
    I got up for work this morning, made a coffee, sat down and promptly fell asleep with the coffee in my hand. :o

    Free Member

    Severe flooding from the snow melt might have shorted his electricity out.

    Bears. It’ll be bears.
    Or Pirates.

    Is the guy in question just a private seller? Or is he running a business?

    Free Member

    The waste pipe out of my kitchen has a bit where it runs horizontally. This froze solid the other week.
    I fired up Mrs Begbie’s hairdryer and blew hot air down the plughole for 10 minutes. That sorted it.

    Free Member

    Ah, the same arrogant snobbery that makes politicians think it unreasonable for them to travel anything other than 1st class, or best still in a publicly funded helicopter.

    I think the smug superiority of some of these replies is pathetic.

    I worked with someone who has told me he was a big fan of ‘self achievement’ and saw people at the bottom of the heap as scum. Until he was made redundant. He said how that made him change his mind about other peoples lives after he had been struggling himself for a few months, never mind struggling on years of low pay. Remember folks, it might be you being spat on next by the ‘socially superior’ you once thought yourself on a par with.
    Yes, but getting the bus is still rubbish. Every bus I get on round here is slow, busy, expensive and completely filthy.

    Free Member

    I’m into week 3 now.
    Took a couple of days off last week, which didn’t really help.
    I don’t feel too bad really. A bit of a cough still, but I may have made a mistake and went back to thai boxing yesterday evening. Fed up doing no excercise, you see. I then spent much of last night lying in bed listening to my chest rattling.

    Free Member

    engraved hip flask?

    With a Mint Sauce engraving!

    Free Member

    No we just take the pee out of his cr*p 4×4’s subtly trying to get the message across. At the end of the day he knows its not right so he’s got to live with that if there’s a accident because the bin was empty. I’m not going to get into a neighbourly dispute over it.

    There you go then. If you haven’t called him a selfish c*** directly to his face, you aren’t doing it right.
    I think you’ve left it too late for that now, and will need to go directly to torching his 4×4.
    It’s the only way to be sure.

    Free Member

    walk that off…you’ll be right.

    Free Member

    We all ride like that up here.

    Free Member

    Someone on here must know someone who works for Bluewave.
    What must it be like having Baggs as a boss? The mind boggles!

    Free Member

    It might just work. If it doesn’t, he’ll be too drunk to care and may quite possibly have turned himself into a broadcasting legend.

    Free Member

    grumm – Member

    Q: Ever used one?

    A: No, thought not

    Yes they’re expensive but so are most things on a mountain bike. It’s honestly one of the best biking purchases I’ve made.
    I take your point, and am glad you are having a good experience with yours. However, until such time that I have a spare £200 lying around, I won’t be rushing out to buy one.
    Things are expensive, but some things more so. In the big list of stuff on your bike that breaks/wears out, my standard seat post is pretty low down the priority list. The dropper variety just sound like more hassle, more expense and less reliable.

    I take it these things are new technology then? Hence the price.

    Free Member

    Kesa Gatame

    Free Member

    Just having returned to MTBing this year, after a long time away, I’d never heard of these things until a guy showed me the one he used at Carron Valley.
    Initial reaction? Can’t you just lower your seatpost with your QR? Is the 5 seconds of time you save worth the £200 you’ve spent on that, plus all the extra maintenance hassle?
    Now, I can see the use of remotely operated ones, but my god, the price! £250 for a Reverb? Really? People think thats ok?

    Free Member

    If you have a note of your product key, then any old XP disk will do.
    We do it all the time in our workshop.

    Free Member

    To be boringly sensible, at 8, a kit may not be best. Some sticks, a practice pad and investing in lessons with a good tutor might be the best way to go.

    Free Member

    £499 for a DTXplorer, with throne and sticks from my local drum emporium.

    There are cheaper ones available. Session Pro and the like.
    Ebay is always good too. 2nd hand drums can be a whole new world of cheapness.

    I think, like buying a bike, the best thing to do would be to go to some LBS…er, LDS and have a look, a try and a chat.

    Free Member

    And plug headphones in.

    Have a look for a Yamaha DTXplorer.

    Free Member

    Ice age you say?
    Better look out a jumper, I suppose.

    Free Member

    I was thinking Drumlanrig on Sunday myself. But as you say, the fear of getting stranded is putting me off.

    Free Member

    Nowhere, by the looks of the weather. Local trails are under 6 inches of snow. Roads are a nightmare, so a road trip somewhere less snowy looks doubtful.

    Free Member

    The Second World War by Keegan is good. A bit less of a narrative history, but not too dry.
    With the Jocks is excellent. Doubly so for me as my Grandad was with the KOSB’s in the war.
    Stalingrad and Berlin are both outstanding. The events Berlin read like something out of the old testament.

    Free Member

    +1 for rosstraining.
    Used a couple of routines off his website to prep for judo comps.
    Spew inducing, but you wind up with insane cardio, if you do it right.

    Free Member

    Not quite as cold round Mugdock on Monday, but still lovely. Cold, clear, trails firmer than they’ve been and just getting down below zero as we finished.
    It’s to be cold all week, so next Monday night’s ride should be even better.

    Free Member

    emsz – Squats and milk!

    Free Member

    think i’ll get an air horn.that should make them hear you and move.had a group of walkers in the middle of the hills on sunday growling at us for trying to pass them and one woman says”no bells lads” if id came up behind her and started ringing my bell she’d have jumped out her skin.why not just move to one side and let us pass without making a fuss!!its not THEIR path!!

    I remember them.
    I was at the front, and had slowed right down. I was about 20 feet away from them and called out “excuse me, on your left,” only to have the nearest 2 walkers jump right over to the left of the path!
    Everything was friendly enough though, we all said hello etc, it was just that one comment about the bell that made me chuckle.
    Whats the difference between ringing a bell and calling a polite warning of your presence?

    Free Member

    Spent 4 hours up the local hills. A great ride today, found some new trails and only came off once! :D

    Free Member

    Malwarebytes, Adaware and Spybot.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a techie for years. Waaaaaaay back when I was a baby techie, I was told that it’s always a bit of a risk updating a BIOS and not to bother, unless it really needed done.
    I only really learned that lesson once I’d bricked a customer’s laptop by trying to flash the BIOS.

    Free Member

    Ha! I had an off very much like that just yesterday.

    Free Member

    It starts on FX next week!
    I am more excited than is dignified for a grown man.

    Free Member

    When you logged in the day you noticed your stuff had gone, were you on the work’s network?
    Had you logged into the works network at all after moving your stuff around?
    And when I say logged into the works network, I mean there, on their premises connected directly to their LAN, not over VPN from home.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The bike Santa brought me, way back around 82.
    I was hoping for a BMX, but wound up with a Raleigh Arena 5 speed racer.
    This is the root of my crap jumping ability…

    Free Member

    Did a wee local loop in the Kilpatricks.
    Hellfire Corner up to Loch Humphrey, then down to Overtoun. Did plan on doing Hellfire Corner twice, so I could loop a nice downhill in over the top of the hill, but once was quite enough.

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