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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • fozzybear
    Free Member

    Hora, i totally agree he IS the exception that proves the rule.. he’s a top fella and nice guy but watching him cruise off in what is effectively middle ring on a 36+ lb bike guts me… going to fill his tubes with water one time i think..

    Free Member

    nope, your special Hora but we all know that already.

    Free Member

    Be careful in Lee quarry my GF left her sump and all her oil there :(

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – And the blood would be a bit of a dog (a big fat lazy one, not a trail houd) on an all day ride.

    my friend john would disagree. he rode his (with coil shock, fox 36 coil, 729 mavic’s) up cwmcarn XC and white trail on sunday with me and my girlfriend and he only runs 32t single ring on the front..

    Free Member

    selling mine soon ;) gold (it’s started putting a wear mark on my lyrik)

    Free Member

    lol, yer!!
    “go go go fast fast” (wispers) “over the edge you english pigs!!”

    Free Member

    the biggest grin i got was over the swiss side of Les gets where we were riding a walker trail.. bells on the bike we dinged as we can up to walkers (the trail was sooo smooth like llamberis walkers climb in snowdon, imagine your local walkers trail but down a big mountain).
    the red sock lot spotted us due to bells and got off the trail.
    it was here that captured Alps for me..
    in the uk you would get grumbling moaning sad red sock wearing cronies, in the alps they were cheering us on “allez, allez, allez, vite, vite!” (go go go fast fast) a wave of the hand and a “merci!” and a big ass grin that even to this day remembering that moment makes me smile.

    Free Member

    must agree though that Verbier is a lot more than les arc/les gets/morzine.. wouldn’t take a newby there.

    Free Member

    MussEd – impressive with the good lady. I have seen those photos of whistler and BC and think “noo way could i ride there” but I have spoken to guys who have been there, most say go play in the park and see how you feel it’s not all huge wooden stuff ;)

    Free Member


    I’ve never been to the alps but I’ve seen some pics in MBR and I wouldn’t take a newbie there.

    so your comments and input are based on magazines and what you have read/seen photos of and not your experience with wheels on the ground of the alps. So it’s your advise is FAIL FYI..

    she’s a newby yes, she rides GT red, we took a complete XC rider last time with us, first day he was scared but not of the riding or the trails but of the angles of everything. yes the trails are steep but once you adjust your riding you forget the issue. I mean even the fire roads in the alps are fast and scary/loose. but after a day or two that worry is soon gone.

    i did say don’t expect her to adjust in a few hours, it will take 2 days or so but she would be ok. Having been in chalets where guys come with wives/GF’s have never ridden and they get bored over the week waiting for hubbys to return they go out and play in the parks/trails having never thrown a leg over a bike or had an interest before. i can point you to a guy we met last year who’s wife had only just learn to ride 4 weeks before, she came off one day and bruised her chin bad but she was out the next day (with lots of makeup) and smiling… she loved it..

    get out there and ride it before putting input into a thread where your basing your input on a photo from a magazine.

    Free Member

    ridden Les gets, morzine, les arcs. there were no big drops on the trails, yes the DH courses had drops and jumps but i don’t remember any of the trails not being rollable.

    where have you been in the alps then trailmonkey? any particular places you know or remember that were impassable? any useful advise/experience to add to the post?

    Free Member

    i can vouch that ian TESTS things to their full use :)

    Free Member

    depending on where in the alps i would say 99% of stuff is rollable.. like a GT red loop. the only difference is it’s steeper..

    my GF will do red and black comfortably (not the ladder drop at GT but does the logs and northshore) we did most the 7stanes earlier this year and i’m taking her to les arcs and i don’t have any worries about her.

    once you adjust to the steepness of the place it’s just a walk in the park, i wouldn’t expect her (your good lady) to adjust in a few hours i expect it will be 2-3 days alps riding until my GF is happy and more comfortable. not worried about her though she will rock

    Free Member

    thank him for my girlfriends training day please.

    Free Member

    Is that bob per chance??

    for me it a alpine 160 or a tracer VP i think.

    Free Member

    we will wave to you :) we are going to les arcs on the same day..

    Free Member

    your rear looks ok from the shadow though.. only the front is on wrong

    Free Member

    yes you have your rotor on the wrong way round

    should be this way

    edit (looking for a better photo), hard to tell..

    Free Member

    Coed Llandegla was Rowan Sorrell as was parts of afan IIRC.

    Free Member

    where and where you going ian?
    we are all going to les arcs in a few weeks (we’ve had to split up this year as there are more of us going)

    Free Member

    a bath of cold water to dunk your bike in post descents :roll: and dont forget your headphones to blockout your snoring :lol: :wink:

    Free Member

    hated my bro’s LT with 160 forks in it, bb to high, slack and wandery..

    not ridden a 4x but want one… as my mess about bike

    Free Member

    there is an old fella here who retells some classic poo tails. he is pretty old and has some spare time, he also is a bit “chocks away” old army sort.. but the story’s he comes out with it’s worth listening to him.

    he tells us of a tail where he was in the desert in africa or somewhere.. they were all in tanks. they stop for water and a break. some of the lads head off for a piss, etc. he is 2nd in command of this tank div.

    the leader is a bit “you know,lads” and “whatknot” the old moustache type.

    this fella is listening to orders as they setoff.. he hears in a posh accent.
    “i said lads, somethings a bit wiffy in here!”
    a few miles later.
    “lads thats smells getting worse!”
    “i say did any of you guy shit at the last stop?” (this is how he retells it)
    “you dirty bastard, christy, you’ve shit in your boiler suit!”
    queue tank halting and the whole lot of them piling out, with leader kicking him as he ran off stumbling to get the suit off (he later had to travel in vest and shorts.

    this fella has a bit of leisure time and loves nothing more than fishing, he has an all in one suit that keeps him warm and dry even on bad days but the thing is it’s sod to get off when needing a wee etc.
    he had been fishing a lake for a god few hours and over this time he was becoming all “emotional” about needing to drop the kids off but the lake was to busy earlier. as time past and he became more needy/emotional about needing a pooh, he couldn’t last and he dropped everything and shot off to the only tree in the place, small as it was it was enough to cover him now as there was only 2-3 ppl.
    he was struggling to get the all in one off, he just rushed it off as quick as he could as the urge to pooh was overwhelming now.
    after he finished he pulled his suit up, zipped it up and got all warm again, now relieved he headed back to his rod lying by the side of the water. the day was getting colder and he was too having just pulled down his all in one he pulled the hood up to get a bit warmer only to be hit by his mildly warm pooh on the back of the head. (he said he later realised he noticed a added weight)

    he has great stories, he reminds me of the guy from dad’s army.

    Free Member

    the village idiot status is nothing new to me.. anyone who knows me knows I readily admit that :) :D

    Free Member

    LoL no idea why I put replys when I spelt it correctly later

    done, with no replies previously!

    Free Member

    jam bo

    i think they care about as much as i do…
    post somewhere else then..

    Free Member

    this isn’t earlier today, june the 8th and 9th.

    Free Member

    double post

    Free Member

    done, with no replies previously!

    Free Member

    well done Jon and Cassie.
    i’m sure that baby will be hucking before he can walk! well done on getting a ring on her finger.

    Free Member

    Jokes aside.
    personally I’m not surprised. i know/speak for two ladies that visit here (mostly to sell their stuff, one being my girlfriend) they would never post here due to trolling/attitudes/internet ego’s of some ppl.
    don’t see that changing at any point.

    Free Member

    looks ugly

    Free Member

    having run both, in damper times i run Ig on the front, now in the drier months i run a 2.35 60a high roller. i MAY even be tempted to tubeless it and run it lower pressure!

    Free Member

    WATCH the drive out. my girlfriend lost her sump down there a few weeks back..

    Free Member

    Our parts turned up today, but no contact with tony… [:(]

    Free Member

    I have known and dealt with tony before, i have paid for something off him and now he has vanished again. he keeps doing this, tony if your reading this i have one pretty pee’d off girlfriend who is £70 lighter. please txt or mail me.

    Free Member

    yes, but i mean in damp conditions things like roots were slippy to hell but in mud they just seamed to grip well..
    damp conditions?
    the ground was hard but there was a light shower before hand.

    i ran some NN down Snowdon and was with someone who had conti’s he had 3 punctures and a sliced tyre, i minced down with nothing. [:)]

    Free Member

    NN are ok, i hated MK’s, in the mud they were good but anything mildly moist or off camber they were lethal.
    NN while not brilliant at least i didn’t feel like my life was in my hands on off camber corners.
    (i was laughed at by two ppl saying MK’s off camber were lethal, they took my bike round the same corner both came back with the same statement “**** lethal”)
    i know some ppl will love MK’s and some will hate NN imo neither are good, try a maxxis ignitors

    Free Member

    Perhaps she was offering more than food?

    ROTFLOL ppl are looking at me in the office now!

    Free Member

    Heckler yer, it’s a tftuned 5th element replaced internals with a shim stack.

Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 932 total)