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  • forzafkawi
    Free Member


    Posted that earlier cougar. Very strong correlations noted in labour swing with education and work.

    Very strong correlations noted in Tory swing with lack of education and age.

    Oh I understand what you guys are saying now. Basically it was the thickies and feeble-minded who don’t understand what they are doing that made the difference for the Tories. But wait, weren’t these the same morons who put Labour into power in the past? Splitters…

    Free Member

    The same reason (albeit less severe these days) that white people don’t get racism and men don’t get feminism.

    Well speak for obviously superior self molgrips. I think you mean some white people and some men. Dealing in absolute generalisations is what is wrong with the majority of this forum.

    Free Member

    It won’t be, but we will be voting for the politicians who make the bed, instead of getting the ones another country choses.

    That’s the whole point of independence.

    “Another country” – That just about says it all, you lot must get indoctrinated in school with this nonsense.

    Free Member

    Personally I would be sorry to see Scotland, NI or Wales leave the United Kingdom. My father (now dead) was Scottish and I still have a lot of relatives up there and spent many happy holidays there in my youth, less so in recent years. I have always thought of myself as British and apart from the odd football match have never really rooted for England and have always supported the home countries against foreign opposition.

    I’ve never really understood the fervent hate of the English that I sometimes see from Scottish or Irish quarters apart from the obvious historical background that should be overcome by now surely? As far as I can see all political assemblies have a toxic element that goes with the constant struggle (and abuse) of power. What makes anyone think that Scotland will be a bed of roses if they gain independance and control of the North sea oil etc. etc?

    You don’t think Nicola Sturgeon just wants a little bit more power?

    Free Member


    What makes Scotland the exception? Why is our desire for independence questioned?

    Your “desire for independance” is in the minority though as ably demonstrated by the last referendum 45%-55%. Do you think leaving the EU will overcome that defecit?

    Free Member

    Well if Brexit is the calamitous, damaging shit show that the remainers claim it will be then Labour should walk the next election with the country in financial ruin

    More likely is that another entity will be held up and vilified as responsible for Britain being unable to prosper.

    Well we have been overdue another recession for quite some time now. Maybe another EU banking default like Italy which has been teetering for a while now might trigger something.

    Free Member

    It’s about time the BBC were taken to task, especially for their pathetic interpretation of The War Of The Worlds

    Free Member



    forzafkawi I can’t see the Scots being dumb enough to be out of the EU and independant of Britain as well.

    Cheers for that, i can’t see how the english are dumb enough to elect a turkey slaughterhouse to lead them into xmas.

    I am pro indépendance and pro EU/pro immigration rather than a closeted narrow minded brexiteer.

    Jibes aside I can’t see what Scottish independance would achieve? I can understand why the Scots would prefer to be part of Europe but can’t fathom your isolationist attitude to GB (or is it just England?). I just don’t see the majority voting to go it alone in another referendum.

    Free Member

    Homelessness right here in the UK went up during austerity, as did poverty and in-work poverty. It was better in this country before austerity. I don’t think you need to look elsewhere for your arguments.

    I’ve no doubt you are right but what was the fundamental cause of Tory austerity measures? Was it maybe the Blair/Brown governments putting an end to the cycle of boom and bust? Didn’t exactly do us a lot of good did it trying to bankrupt the country. Yes, of course, we should have just thrown more money at the problem that would have solved it.

    Could you possibly suggest what is the excuse for Germany, France, Spain et al in this regard as well?

    Free Member

    It’s funny that it’s just Tory voters that get conned. Where did all the demented OAPs who were confused about the original referendum and would now change their vote go? To the polling stations that’s where, to finish what they voted for in 2016.

    Free Member



    I can’t see how the SNP can be denied another ref on this result, 48 out of 59 for a nationalist party “is we want independence and we want it now!”

    Actually I think it was more a “we want to stay in the EU” type plea more than anything else. I hope Sturgeon does get another referendum and gets her arse handed to her on a plate again. I can’t see the Scots being dumb enough to be out of the EU and independant of Britain as well.

    Free Member

    I mean, I don’t necessarily disagree with that, but it’s no worse than how your average Tory voter has been brainwashed by the media & jolly old Boris (on a massive scale!!) At least the students have been brainwashed on the side of good, not evil 😂 Or maybe they just care about each other/the future?!

    Tory voters don’t get brainwashed, they just grow older, get a bit of money in their pockets and realise where the country’s best interest lies. I think Tony Blair did a brilliant job of getting a shedload of millenials into colleges and universities who wouldn’t normally go but who identify with Corbyn. They will hopefully learn in time.

    Free Member

    Somehow people have managed to get the young/students really engaged brainwashed here which is very encouraging for the future. Just a shame it couldn’t have been replicated elsewhere!

    Fixed that for you

    Free Member

    What really pisses me off is the superior attitude of many “liberal progressives” on this thread. The hand-wringing which is going on now that the poor unfortunates living rough on the streets are going to be forsaken or the foreigners who are going to get their comeuppance at the hands of the racist, fascists now in power.

    Please could you possibly point me at any socialist/liberal/democratic government here or across Europe who has in the past or is now doing anything to overcome this Europe-wide problem?

    I did a web search, Finland apparently. I suggest you all sell your BMWs and Audis and book your tickets now.

    Free Member



    At least the tactical voting kept things respectable :+)

    Time to stop moaning and making excuses for many of you I’m afraid.

    And you don’t think that traditional Labour voters in “leave” constituencies, pissed off that their MP was holding things up and voting Conservative were not voting tactically then?

    Free Member

    Brilliant result. Britain comes to its senses and rejects the Corbyn Communist abyss.

    Free Member

    I’ve recorded all three episodes but based on the opinions here I won’t waste my time watching them. I’ve been a fan of the book since I read it in my teens and have been waiting (50 years) for someone to take a simple, classic story and film it honestly. How hard can that be?

    Free Member

    WOTW was not great, but it was not intended as a direct interpretation of the book, and why should it be?

    Then why call it The War of the Worlds? You’re just trading on people’s expectations of something else.

    Free Member

    How hard can it be to take a simple, beloved, classic story and just film it? Everyone from George Pal, Steven Spielberg to the current BBC effort have just ballsed it up.

    We need Peter Jackson to make the pukka, definitive version!

    Free Member

    And once again Vettel comes over to squeeze Hamilton at the start. When are the FIA going to do something about that or are they just waiting for an accident to happen?

    Free Member


    Bar for 6 points, bad luck and cheating team mates, Lewis would have had 8 championships by now. He was so close in his 2007 rookie year with Alonso and again in 2016 only losing to Rosberg due to cheating (Monaco) and bad luck (Engine fail).

    I agree but there’s always ifs, buts and maybes in any great sportsman’s career

    Free Member

    It’s difficult to compare drivers from different eras but in terms of all-round driving ability compared to those around them I guess Jim Clarke, Ayrton Senna and Lewis Hamilton stand out. You could maybe include Juan Manuel Fangio in that list too but I don’t quite go that far back!

    The first two as we know had their careers ended prematurely by fatal accidents so may well have achieved a lot more than they actually did.

    An interesting point was made on the qualifying program on C4 comparing Schumacher to Hamilton. Schumacher had outright #1 in the Ferrari team whereas Hamilton has always had to fight his own teammate in an equal car.

    Free Member

    Hornswoggle – to cheat or deceive

    Free Member



    Programmes like this do annoy me though*, there were 24 versions, damn near every country in the allied forces flew them, (and even more post war) they flew in nearly every role from Photo Recon to Ground Attack, even a float plane version…What do we get…Battle of Britain for an hour, every else crammed into 20 mins.

    * i know it’s not a programme for plane nerds, but is it too much to ask that they look slightly past a couple of months in 1940?

    I agree, I found the program very disappointing

    Free Member

    Can anybody point me to the earlier Peloton thread with the pictures of millionaire numpties in their loft apartments? I’ve done a search on STW but can’t seem to find it.

    Free Member

    The bomb ALWAYS gets disarmed with one second to go. Oh! the tension…

    Free Member



    Dave is driving a truck load of monkeys to deliver to the Zoo when his truck breaks down, he calls the AA who say they will be there in 6 hrs. Luckily he sees his pal George, who whilst a bit thick, also drives a truck, he flags him down and says “If I give you £50 will to take these Monkeys to the zoo for me?” “sure thing says George and loads up and sets off for the Zoo. A couple of hours later Dave sees George heading back the way he came, still with the monkeys. He flags him down again and says “I gave £50 to take the monkeys to the Zoo….” “I did” says George “but I had some change left over so now I’m taking them to the Museum”

    Some of the names in this story have been changed to protect the innocent/remove any racism/cultural stereotypes of people from certain geographical regions

    Were any animals harmed in the telling of this joke?

    Free Member

    A man walks into a doctor’s surgery…

    Doctor: “What seems to be the problem?”

    Patient: “I’ve got a cricket ball stuck up my arse!”

    Doctor: “Owzat?”

    Patient: “Now don’t you start!”

    Free Member

    Cars that supposidly have come some distance yet have water droplets dripping from the exhaust because they have just been started for the scene.

    Airbags which don’t go off when the car crashes unless it’s for comical effect.

    Matthew McConaughey’s character was an Apollo astronaut in Interstellar but the youngest one ever was Charlie Duke born in 1935 which would make him 84 now let alone the 10-20 years in the future when Interstellar was set. Why the hell didn’t Nolan make him a space shuttle pilot I don’t know just because he wanted to make some stupid inference about the moon landings being a hoax. I couldn’t get over that and ruined the whole film for me.

    Free Member

    The benefit for me is when the remoaners finally STFU but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

    Free Member

    Seriously though, what **** would buy a Peloton bike? For £2k you could get an A1 Zwift setup with a smart trainer and 1/3 the ongoing monthly cost. If you didn’t already have one you’d have a bike you could use on the road as well.

    Free Member

    Forget Peloton, save the poor donkeys!!

    Free Member

    I saw The Lion King last night and was really impressed. I spent the whole film trying decide if it was CGI or live action or a mix of the two. If you liked the original (as I did) then you should like this.

    Free Member

    Leaf blowers

    Free Member



    A nmkl pjkl ftmch

    What’s a nmkl pjkl ftmch? 🙂

    Free Member

    Stopped watching at 10 minutes. The fuzzy transitions between scenes to try and make it seem real was just plain annoying and the dramatisation was pathetic.

    I was 14 years old when I watched the moon landing live and like millions of others was just enthralled. This is just a pale immitation of the actual events. I’m hoping some of the other commemorative programs are going to be better than this. Bravo BBC, yet another reason to ditch my TV licence.

    Free Member

    I’m four minutes into watching this and the editing style is **** IRRITATING!!!

    Free Member

    A bit of a drive from St Austell (30 mins?) but worth a day out and free to enter, you only pay for the activities. Check about booking activities before you go though because things like the aquapark get booked up quick as we found out and had to go back.

    Free Member

    I abandoned halfway through episode 3. The BBC’s patchwork quilt of multi-cultural, disabled and sexually orientated characters is nauseating in the extreme. If my wife wasn’t addicted to the Sony Crime channel I wouldn’t have to contribute to the making of this PC drivel.

    Free Member

    There are at least two other advantages with managing your own pension pot through an ISA as well. If you change jobs (and who doesn’t these days?) you may be able to transfer your work pension pot but you usually take a hit on that. Alternatively you could also end up with two or more smaller (usually frozen at some point in time) pension pots. With an ISA you get no such problems, it just continues to grow with the contributions from your new job.

    The second advantage with an ISA is you can choose to retire when you like. If your self-managed ISA pension pot has reached a certain capital level and will give you the income you need then Bon Voyage!

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