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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • forzafkawi
    Free Member

    It occurred to me that as the whole episode was so negative, they just might be leaving the door open for a more upbeat 4th series…

    Free Member

    I was pretty disappointed, it was so downbeat. The dream cottage was burnt down, Becky was in tatters, Lance and Andy were at loggerheads and even the great ending to series 3 was spoilt because the gold wasn’t theirs after all. Dreaded watching it and wished I hadn’t now. Mackenzie should have left it where it was.

    Free Member

    Does anyone know when the prizes usually get paid? Mine should go to a nominated NS&I account but it’s still not there.

    Free Member

    I won 3x£25 after all which showed up when I logged into my account. Turns out I was using the wrong account number in the checker. That was the first month’s draw I was eligible for.

    Free Member

    I got an email (which looks pukka) saying I’d won but when I go to the checker it says not. Anyone else ever experienced this before?

    Free Member

    Freedom of speech does not mean a right to a platform.

    Yes, if you are so arrogant that you are totally convinced that you have a monopoly on truth and what is right and wrong.

    We’ve fought wars against people with that sort of mentality and thankfully we’ve always managed to overcome them.

    Free Member

    Yeah, let’s just silence those we don’t agree with. That’ll make the World a better place.

    Free Member

    I have to agree with wobbliscott for the most part. I was out a few weeks ago when the lock down was first introduced and saw hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of cyclists in the sunshine on all manner of BSOs. Out yesterday in cool, overcast, windy conditions on the same course and never saw one, not even a committed cyclist. Having said that seeing anyone out cycling on a sunny day has to be a positive thing.

    Although there has been a lot of rhetoric I can’t see councils wanting to spend much money on cycling infrastructure on the back of the financial crisis we are creating either.

    Free Member

    I’ve read all of this thread and found it enlightening and confusing at the same time. If I see a person of colour am I supposed to see the colour of their skin and treat them accordingly (how would that manifest itself?) or see the colour and treat them as anyone else? Should my behaviour be different for people I know as opposed to those I just meet?

    I would hate to patronise anyone assuming they were automatically disadvantaged based on the colour of their skin.

    Free Member

    Aye. This time last week if I went for a walk up to the park I’d see like three cars go past. After they announced easing the lockdown, the Saturday before the Monday it was due to start the same road was like the bloody M6.

    We’re doomed, aren’t we.

    Not if the proportion of people who have actually contracted the virus but are asymptomatic are to be believed. It would be interesting to see how many people involved in the UK protests fall victim to the virus now. I’m guessing they were mostly young people though who will have little or no reaction so not much will be made of that. It would be ironic if Barry Gardiner came down with it though!

    Free Member

    Yeah, 100pc in agreement with you – I was just trying to add another voice of sanity and point to the evidence so people can judge for themselves, sounds like you know more about this than me anyway.

    You’re doing an admirable job of catching up mate, keep going!

    Free Member

    True, but there have been studies into Vitamin D deficiency and infectious respiratory disease in general and it was found to be a factor:

    It’s quite a punt with people’s lives to rule out a cheap/free action that has no downside and has been shown to reduce ARIs from 60pc to 30pc.

    outofbreath, I agree. As I said previously there is a lot of evidence out there and the solution as you say is very cheap and easy. Not something drug companies want to hear obviously or many others who refuse to see the evidence.

    Vitamin D deficiency across the World is a huge problem not just in terms of covid-19 but in many other diseases. It is a Global scandal that such a cheap and easy fix is being overlooked. The ironic thing is that the lock down is/was just making matters worse by forcing people to stay indoors rather than getting out into the sunshine.

    Free Member

    Because there is no evidence of a causal relationship I imagine

    No, it’s because of your refusal to see it. You haven’t got an X-Box by any chance have you?

    Free Member

    No link to Covid19 but taking Vit D is a good thing?

    There is no money to be made from vitamin D which is why there are very few definitive studies being done. Mostly it is anecdotal evidence which is emerging but if you watch particularly the Dr Robert Heaney video I linked to the evidence is pretty compelling, not just in terms of covid-19 but for all causes of mortality.

    There is growing evidence that a lot of coronary heart disease is as a result of calcium deposits in the arteries which vitamin D3 in conjunction with vitamin K2 can reverse. Many doctors dealing with covid-19 are mystified as to why so many patients are dying from organ failure including heart attacks as opposed to pneumonia as would be expected. I think the situation with covid-19 is more complicated than just vitamin D boosting the immune system to fight the disease directly.

    Vitamin D deficiency can take several months (depending on dosage) to build up the 25(OH)D3 level in the blood sufficiently to reverse a lot of the health problems caused by the deficiency. Even a large part of the medical profession do not understand the optimum blood serum levels of vitamin D necessary to combat a lot of the health conditions.

    The problem with designing a randomised control trial for covid-19 and vitamin D is that you would have to identify two groups of individuals who have not had the virus and supplement one group whilst giving the other a placebo and then tracking the covid-19 outcome in the whole group when infected allowing for all other co-morbidity factors. Near impossible I would say.

    Free Member

    I watched a few mins of each before I got bored, still not seeing any evidence of a causal relationship between covid and vit d.

    I wonder why?

    Free Member

    Sorry I dont want to find it myself, I wanted you to point me at the causal evidence.

    Watch these if you can be arsed.

    Free Member

    Come on its not rocket science

    A poor choice of words on my part, it’s a lot more complicated than just putting a rocket into space. The cure is VERY simple though, everyone just take 5000 IU vitamin D3 per day plus 100 mcg vitamin K2.

    I’m sure in decades to come historians will look upon this period of history as the medical (and nutritional) dark ages where profit was more important than health.

    Free Member

    Care to explain the causality?

    Plenty of research and references online from eminent doctors and scientists if you care to look regarding a) Vitamin D deficiency effect on the immune system b) Vitamin D deficiency on all populations due to lack of sun exposure.

    Point B is exacerbated by people of colour living in Northern latitudes as malatonin in their skin cuts down vitamin D absorption from the sun.

    Dr Robert Heaney is a good source as is Dr Michael Holick. Several good videos on YouTube have been taken down in recent weeks due to the Covid Stasi there seemingly objecting to even doctors posting about combating covid-19 with vitamin D. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I’m not sure why this should be as vitamin D deficiency is the underlying pandemic which is adversely affecting EVERY ethnic group.

    The vitamin D deficiency issue could also be another factor why old people in care homes are being adversely affected. It’s not just because they are old. They’re shut away indoors and receive no vitamin D supplementation. You virtually get no vitamin D from your diet unless you eat very specific foods and even then you need to eat a lot of them.

    I would seriously urge everyone to look into vitamin D deficiency because for at least 4 months of the year in Winter in this country you will get no vitamin D from the sun even if you sunbathed for the whole day. The sun is just too low in the sky. Another reason why any sort of virus including influenza, seems to attack the population in Winter.

    Free Member

    The BAME problem with covid-19 is hardly rocket science. Dark skin in Northern latitudes means even less sun/vitamin D than the white population. Look at how the Somalis in Sweden are suffering too. But of course, it’s so easy to blame depravation and prejudice.

    Free Member

    All By Myself – Eric Carmen or Celine Dion
    I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself – Elton John (track on Honky Chateau)
    Someone Saved My Life Tonight – Elton again

    Free Member

    Maybe the remoaners will finally see that the EU is a complete and utter waste of money and Brussels is only interested in preserving their own gravy train rather than helping any of its members in dire need like Italy and Spain.

    Free Member


    Make no mistake this isn’t going away because you won, once this country has been messed up by the consequences of brexit, it will be our turn.

    That’s what cracks me up about you guys, you are all so certain you know what’s what but you didn’t see Brexit coming and you didn’t see Boris either did you?

    I don’t know how it’s going to turn out but there’s one thing I do know – you have no idea either even though you think you do.

    Free Member


    I have read it, and you clearly say that you are open to the world, as are many brexit supporters, who are misunderstood by remainers, however the only salient point in defense of your argument is that during your extensive travels you have found remainers are blinkered to the UK’s older generations mistrust of Germans for starting two world wars apparently within living memory.

    Have I got that right?

    I’m not sure I put it quite that starkly and have already apologised for over-exaggerating the depth of the mistrust of the Germans. My argument is that there is still a large number of people who were either alive during the war (not old enough to be combatants) or who were directly related to adults who experienced that period (which I was). I don’t think that feeling is going to go away any time soon with the amount of documentaries and films that are continually broadcast which was the whole point of this thread in the first place as far as I can see.

    I don’t mistrust the Germans other than I don’t agree with their policies within the EU which is why I voted out.

    Free Member

    Cougar and slowoldman – I’m sorry you can’t be arsed to read the whole thread just as I’m sorry I can’t be arsed to repeat myself.

    Free Member


    Nazi Germany was better than the EU currently is. Right. Shall we end it there?

    Do you seriously think that? You must be a bit touched.

    Free Member

    The UK just did not suffer enough in WW2 .

    OH, MY, GOD! Hands up who voted remain and agrees with this absolute bollocks? I agree, it is way too easy to spout complete gibberish and not be called out for it.

    I do agree though, attitudes would have been very different if we had been invaded by the Germans, especially in the Jewish community. On the positive side there would have been no EU so not all bad…

    Free Member



    am describing the attitude of the nation as a whole

    The nation as a whole has an inherent distrust of Germans , really?

    Please don’t lump me in with this nation, they sound like a right bunch of bigots !

    I agree. Probably an over-exaggeration on my part to claim that and I could have chosen my words more carefully so I apologise. I was trying to express a general feeling that I sense amongst probably the older generation in response to the original premise of the previous poster. Not one that I realise many younger generations may subscribe to but I think you’ll find many older citizens also do not really think like that including many who voted leave.

    It may come as no surprise to you that I don’t know anyone who voted remain other than a friend’s daughter but none of whom I have ever heard express any rabid hate (or distrust) of foreigners. We freely travel to foreign countries and spend money there, drive foreign cars and some even own properties in other European countries. The reasons for voting Leave are also varied as far as I can tell just as I am sure the myriad of reasons for voting Remain were.

    Free Member



    When I talk about “our inherrant distrust of Germans”, I am describing the attitude of the nation as a whole

    Many of whom buy and rejoice in buying cars made by companies owned by Germans, sportswear owned by Germans, food companies owned by Germans, use gas and electricity from companies owned by Germans, buses owned and run by Germans, trains owned and run by Germans.

    I agree wholeheartedly. You think because people vote to come out of the EU that they hate everything foreign and just live on fish and chips? That’s what gets me about the remainer attitude or at least the majority which seem to be expressed on here and other social media. You think that we all subscribe to one mind-think and that we just hate foreigners are and are mindless bigots that want nothing to do with the rest of the World. I find that just an amazingly exagerated generalisation which can’t possibly be true even if you want it to be.

    In the same way I can’t possibly believe that all Remainers are Oxbridge educated intellectuals who have a monopoly on the truth and are absolutely convinced that they know what is best for the country and how Brexit is going to pan out in 20+ years. Or maybe you do…

    Just stop with the petty, herd insults and start thinking for yourself.

    Free Member

    By all means place the second in that category, but this is a gross oversimplification of the state of the European powers at the the turn of the century in respect of the first. That you don’t know or care enough to find out, but still feel that it’s OK to telegraph your ignorance* in public says to me at least, lots of the Brexiteer mentality which you’re trying to declaim.

    *in the true sense of the word, not the pejorative.

    I did/do know that it was a gross oversimplification to say that Germany started the First World War but the fact that they were the major opponent for the rest of Europe means that in most people’s minds they are “the baddie” in this scenario and you can’t escape that fact no matter how liberal you think you are. I also realise that the way the allies treated Germany after that war sowed the seeds for the Second World War. That still doesn’t excuse the fact for what ensued and why the attitude towards Germany from many nations still prevails today.

    My father fought and was wounded in the Second World War. My uncle (his brother) was killed in the same war. My grandfather fought in the First World War (and survived). I have no opinion about Germany or the German people either way. Live and let live I say. I just don’t hold with the EU as an institution and feel it has been foisted upon us by stealth.

    Call it Little Britain if you like, I prefer to think that it opens us out to the World and welcome the opportunities that brings outside the confines of the EU.

    Free Member

    I feel sorry for you lot. You can’t see past your own bigoted, little World. When I talk about “our inherrant distrust of Germans”, I am describing the attitude of the nation as a whole that the previous posted alluded to, not my own personal feelings or opinions.

    I like the French, Germans and Poles etc. a whole lot better that you lot. But you just don’t want to admit that to yourselves do you? Much easier to label people like me as a racist bigots who can’t stand foreigners to justify your own one-sided view of the World. I’m actually embarrassed for you that you can even believe let alone exhibit such tiny minds. I’m just thankful that you are in the diminishing minority that keeps getting knocked back.

    Free Member

    I think the fact that Germany started not one but two World wars within living memory may have something to do with our inherrant distrust of them. “Lest we forget” may refer to remembering those who fell but why so many died is still something which is very pertinent to many especially those who had parents and relatives who fought in the last war.

    I don’t think it’s such an odd perspective and understandable why the Germans have a different one. I’ve been in other countries like Crete where they suffered at the hands of the Germans and the emnity is still plain to see, even for a Brit. I’m sure the Jews have another perspective altogether as well.

    As someone who voted for Brexit what I find bizarre is that remainers just don’t get it. They want to dismiss us a raving, bigoted, ignorant Nazis which is plainly just not the case. Argue for your cause on the merits of staying in the EU if you must but you basically lost the argument on the basis of your own ignorant hubris and just resorted to generalised insults. Then you wonder why you lost so badly at the general election.

    Free Member

    Any rejoice – IDS has just got a knighthood.

    And the Quisling Bercow has been passed over, hopefully forever. No doubt he’ll crop up on I’m a Celebrity at some time bleating “Order!, order!”

    Free Member

    Yes, for example the truth was a nice bloke turned up with some bread and fish and shared them around with a few people.

    Pity he didn’t teach them to fish, they’d have been set up for life then.

    Free Member

    Simply put I find it amusing how “some people” still look to events of 70 years ago in reference to current political and moral values.

    Yet you think it’s OK to start a provocative thread on exactly that theme.

    Free Member

    This was in my grandson’s cracker:-

    How do you cut a big wave?

    With a sea saw.

    Free Member

    Eight in our immediate family and since 2008 we have run a “Secret Santa” scheme where each person buys one (or more) present for one other person limited to £20. I organise the secret list based on a spreadsheet so you don’t buy for the same person for several years and you don’t know who had bought for you. I do it a couple of months before Christmas so you’d think I’d remember who bought for me but I usually don’t.

    It’s worked out pretty well so far with everyone usually getting something useful as you only have to concentrate on buying one decent present.

    Free Member

    Keith Lemon
    Russell Brand
    Alan Sugar

    Not inexplicable at all.

    Free Member

    Braindead shite for Generation XBox.

    Free Member

    “In tests no ibuprofen product is proven to be better”. That’s because they’re all the bleeding same!

    Free Member


    Basically it was the thickies and feeble-minded who don’t understand what they are doing

    Don’t forget the terminally selfish and nasty, and sadly decent people who’ve been misled in their droves. Which category do you put yourself in? Seriously, as you only feel able to join the political discourse from the safety of having won, how DO you justify voting for the dishonest, self serving, nasty bunch of **** that you did? Have you got a friend who’s a nurse in Leeds hospital by any chance?

    It’s supercilious people like you that make people like me feel that they have to come and let the World know that not everyone is as misguided as you. Who made you Lord high and mighty?

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