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  • 2022 Merida EX Enduro: dates and deets
  • fontmoss
    Free Member

    ok, i thought using a dof preview would make it clearer what was in focus

    so mr geek tell me about split prism screens?

    Free Member

    lol yup but wanted to know when the camera registers a ‘focus’ ie the wee dot appears then what does it base it on?

    plus i have pants eyes and find it tough to tell when im tryin to get the foreground in focus and bokeh thereafter, maybe a dof preview would help

    mr s, i dont believe you, let us see your stream!

    Free Member

    i should also ask if either of you have a flickr account? im in need of direction/advice/criticism and some of the ‘rate me’ groups seem pretty crap at times


    Free Member

    hello again! i cant find your email add 🙁 mine is in my profile, fire me a mail and we’ll hook up if you’re about this week. aye bring cameras,lenses and any bike associated paraphernalia

    ta mr s too

    Free Member

    wish i had the money, id have a d90 for that

    Free Member

    Free Member

    you could have done worse, my brother emailed his mate talking about how the boss was a nazi. obviously using an automated address system the software duly summoned up his mates name and email address.

    sadly the boss in question has a similar name, can you guess what happened next children?

    that’s right! he was made unemployed

    we’ll never stop laughing at him about it

    Free Member

    yeah d90 looks very nice, maybe 6 months or a year down the line i can justify something shiny 😀

    Free Member

    no ramble sir, useful info. i think ill stick with d40 get some nicer glass, cut my teeth and see if i find my equipment limiting my pics then look at sexy bodies 🙂


    best new word this month

    btw seriously fire some advice/criticism on my flickr, its early days and i need guidance and help

    Free Member

    sorry to clarify i own a d40 just wanted to find out more of what differentiates different bodies. I think a nice fast lens like sigma f2.8 18-50 is what ill save for first, the manual e series 50 works fine just no auto or metering (which is annoying but can always plump for an £80 f1.8)

    Free Member

    hang on does a d40 auto focus with an af-i lens? hmm

    Free Member

    Know about the motor but was thinking more about features and resulting pictures. Being able to alter ISO and other features without diggin through menus would be good but ultimately i was wondering if the images would be better and why. ive been using a 50mm fixed lense (old e series so no metering or auto) and love it hardly used the 18-55 because enjoy low light opportunity the 50 affords. sadly only the new f1.4 at nearly £300 will auto with a d40. Plus i feel i already know all the settings and while itll take a while to master and really cut my teeth feels like might outgrow it. only been a month or so tho.

    anyway keep posts coming, ta for those that have posted and if anyone fancies layin into my pics so far feel free – flickr[/url]

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Dibbs if you dont want/need the arms let me know 🙂

    Free Member

    id say at what youre looking at then extra cash is better spent on a lens, theyre all going to have ‘kit lenses’

    Free Member

    bought the nikon recently and love it, friends have a range of nikons from d50 to d700 and i love the way theyre put together and organised. have a tinker in a shop and see what you get on with

    Free Member

    sorry didnt realise youd posted again! alex is teachin tonight im teaching tomorrow night and we’re away to galicia fri morn, what about next thurs? or friday followin that? we’re both free (i think) on fro avo if fancy a casa de campo pedal

    Free Member

    a couple of times meaning once on a couple of frames not more than once on one frame.

    time for bed methinks

    Free Member

    i have a couple times, no idea if it makes much dif but frames havent rusted yet (tho not seen much rain to be fair)

    Free Member

    hmm well ive flushed the brown stuff out and rebled with mineral oil and it seems to be working now, just hope whatever clown has put in doesnt damage the hoses or has left too much crap behind

    Free Member

    stay away! be warned this is for niche whores ONLY, ti 29er ss weasels only please

    ok that should mean i get a place now 🙂

    Free Member

    In Madrid near Eck, bike still not been stolen but now lack riding partner 🙁

    Free Member

    yup thinking the same but cant figure why one would be fine one sticky then they both clam up *sigh*

    Free Member

    a year maybe, they were moving earlier its just when i went back to it neither piston is moving while lever is pumped

    Free Member

    lastdon i think has a fisheye sigma, might be a cheaper alternative until decide on a focal length?

    Free Member

    hey squire, off to galicia early doors this fri but free the following friday and weekend pending gf arrangements, ecks about next fri as well i think

    Free Member

    m775, not v old. im missing somethin obvious i reckon but need a brain kickstart

    Free Member

    pad meaning piston obviously

    Free Member

    ok did all that seemed to work but now neither pad moves when pump the lever. *sigh*

    Free Member

    iain im in spain but my mail is in my profile if wanna fire me a price, ta

    Free Member

    tried the manual wb by shooting a white napkin but it failed to register-going to look into that more today. Got aperture 2 so might play with RAW images and see how I go. Ta CHB

    Free Member

    hang on im a hour ahead (off to bed now…)

    Free Member

    that looks interesing mr nutt! and isnt it well late in the UK?

    Free Member

    Jpeg, not used to/dont how to alter in aperture yet

    Free Member

    grey card? literaly a grey card to set wb you mean? had a white napkin and it didnt work 🙁 yeah pretty dark but couldnt figure out for the life of me how to stop everythin being sooo red

    Free Member

    and normally v happy with results d40 produces (tho only had it since christmas)

    Free Member

    one piston refuses to budge, its hardly coming forward at all-any ideas?

    Free Member

    try some out as suggested, i got a d40 cos it was cheap (gone up to 250 now) and used friends d50, d80, d300 and liked them all. only downside is autofocus requires newer lenses to work

    Free Member

    no im talkin rubbish, should have HSM on both. damn that would’ve been gooood

    Free Member

    actually im not sure if it says hsm on the lens, or did you mean on the box?

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