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  • fontmoss
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    anyone would think this is a bike forum

    Free Member

    I have a nice selection of glass.

    yes. yes you do.

    yeah glass is first priority. hows the sigma 28-70? nikon 16-85 is awesome range but id want a 2.8 🙁

    -bought a cheap 28 already got a 50 so once ive used those properly ill have an idea of what fixed lens to put proper money behind

    Free Member

    dr sam! mail me

    Free Member

    not there but mine is in my profile, ta

    Free Member

    ahh ok, i may get a set of cotics then and finally finish this blloody cross build

    Free Member

    come on, someone!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    id prefer the 18-50 constant 2.8 but thats another 100..

    Free Member

    i think i possibly may have represented myself? im looking for an upgrade from my d40, it wouldn’t be for a while but i was wondering what people thought of different bodies. i def dont have specific projects to shoot for, a quick look on my flickr should assure people of my (lack of) quality!

    Free Member

    just looked at the price of a d2x. ahem maybe i should clarify the draw of the d200 is the compromise between price and performance/control

    having said that away from ebay there are a couple of d2xs for about 500

    god thats prob still too much :'(

    Free Member

    id prefer good quality throughout the range to be honest and not sure id sacrifice lesser image quality at higher iso for better images at lower iso its just that i find myself taking a fair amount of pics in low light and on the d40 i feel that with care pics at 800 are fair but at 1600 tend to be pretty bad. if you wouldnt mind id be interested to know more of what you think of the respective bodies though, email in profile if thats more convenient btw

    Free Member

    ohhh! email sent to them, ta for the info

    dammit just missed out on a 24mm lens, bugger pipped me to the post

    Free Member

    having handled a d300 i really want one 🙁

    id settle for a d200 though 😉

    Free Member

    my friend tommy has a d700, although to be fair his pictures were stunning before as well


    Free Member

    he is 😉

    Free Member

    out of interest how does the d200 compare to the d300?

    Free Member

    btw added you as a contact, hope you dont mind 🙂

    Free Member

    id go for d300, no experience of d90 and 300 but mate has 80 and 300 and loves the 300 because as said feels so much better to handle. Id considered getting a d80 but after playing with a 300 im saving those pennies-difs in sensor may not be massive but the fact you can alter settings so quickly (theres a button to alter whether dynamic focus on the body rather than in a menu!) and build quality would steer me to the 300. pics may not be that much better (more of a user interface issue there methinks) but it should last a long time and do justice to any lenses you buy.

    Free Member

    id say look at the priv schools youd be sending them to and look at the state schools youd be sending them to in particular speak to the head teachers i reckon thatll give you a much stronger sense of what will happen in the 6 years your kid will be there. some priv schools will be pants and/or run by idiots and vice versa, id say i prob agree with roundedness of comp schools but im not prejudiced against them, jst comparing my experience to my mates (all of whom are not from where i live btw)

    bike analogy: would you buy a bike based solely on brand or go and try some out?

    Free Member

    i concur mr conker, now which glass…..

    Free Member

    btw mr wright im planning on selling the 18-55 and getting prob an 18-105 if youre interested

    Free Member

    yeah but tbh the d300 is a pipedream, the d700, well the d700 is something to think about when i have alone time

    i may steal my mates d700, totally worth it

    Free Member

    yeah id find 35 bit wide for portrait, ok im def going to keep a lid on my body buying-first a 24 old school manual lense then something with a bit of length maybe sell 18-55 and get 18-105 VR or ideally something fast and then look at the ever so sexy f1.4 50mm 😛

    then a d300

    then a wide angle lense…..

    Free Member

    the lens motor issue is bothering me less and less as i dont use auto on the 50 and at times frustrating its not the end of the world. plus the lenses id prob want are af-s or i wouldnt use af-s (like on a wide angle)

    think 50mm 1.4 is a case of diminishing returns and also i think it may be a metal body and dif construction. id seriosuly consider one seein how much i use a 50 but ill prob get 24 maybe trade in the 17-55 and get an 18-105 vr just so have somehting bit longer and then start saving for a beastlier body

    Free Member

    no its not the af-d either, its an old e series ie proper fully manual never an autofocus 🙂 it doesnt even have a meter reading (tho would on d300)

    i love it to bits tho, metal body and best of all lent to me by a friend, the real question is whether i get an af-s or af-d f1.4 when the time comes…

    Free Member

    lol! lookin at results of that test i dont feel as drawn to d80

    which is a good thing…

    now to take some pictures 🙂

    Free Member

    yeah id heard the d40 pips the d80, i wouldnt use 2 wheels at the mo as my 50mm is a fully manual so aperture is adjusted on the lens itself

    and gf isnt impressed by my spending more cash, ah well ill cut my teeth on the d40 and start saving for a d300

    Free Member

    yup. damn.

    gf not impressed (bike obsession + existing debts = not chuffed)

    tho is the d80 better in low light than d40 or comparable? thats what would really swing it for me

    Free Member

    oh no

    just played with a d80. its nice.

    so now theres: auto bracketing as mogrim said, better results at ISO 1600, LOTS more steps in ISO (200, 250, 320, 400 instead of 200 and 400) quicker access to controls, kelvin wb setting AND it feels nicer in the hand. oh god

    Free Member

    and theyve admitted that? youd want to keep that quiet

    “and it eliminates errors from crap lenses.”

    “wow thats incredible, how?”

    *shrugs shoulders*

    think ill stick with d40, maybe buy afs 50mm if really feel need for auto and save the pennies for an uber body like 300 or whatevers on a good deal in 6 months

    Free Member

    yup stuck my singlecross frame on classifieds!

    still, think might hang fire with d40-set up function button to adjust ISO, white balance is impressive left on auto and i dont really need a wee lcd to show me settings (im going to ignore ability to auto focus with more lenses and better performance at ISO 1600!)

    Free Member

    thats the sort of moderating view i need! yup d40 def a great camera, need a cold shower to stop thinkin bout others

    Free Member

    saw the 35 but for the sake of auto focus its prob a bit much for me, an old AI 24 or 28 lense lets me play around with a cheaper lense until i really know what ranges and lengths i use.

    ive played with 24 and 28 on the 17-55, doesnt seem a huge dif but maybe ill plump for 24.

    Perfect: “I decided to get my own camera so you don’t always have to share yours with me darling”.

    now this is i like! shame money was motivation for splitting the cost, plus a new from shop camera has warranty..

    Free Member

    yeah d80 would be nice, although d40 is mine and my gfs, hmmm

    d90 is beyond the budget for now

    btw is there a big difference between a 24 and 28mm fixed lens, id assume not but thought id ask?

    Free Member

    yeah i had thought about getting a d80 because it’d be easier to alter settings, use more lenses autofocus and the ability to use it in lower light
    but now thinking im better buying lenses and saving up for something a bigger leap from d40 than d80 so see a real jump in continuous shooting, viewfinder etc. and as mr wright says newer cameras are awesome compared to older pro issue cameras not to mention cameras and lenses from back in the day

    Free Member

    ive got one mr wright-thats the one i was going to sell to you 🙂
    id be interested to hear what you think of the d300 though, esp in comparison to d40

    new 35mm af-s lens released looks interesting, tho ill prob stick to cheap(er) and cheerful old school fixed lenses for now

    Free Member

    ta doug, havin played with camera again i wonder if im relying too heavily on ‘registering’ a focus with the camera. i shall endeavour to find out

    Free Member

    lol, yeah used the dof for first time earlier and that was indeed the reaction but ill give it a proper whirl soon

    yeah got a 50 1.8 albeit an e series old school one (very nice build tho, metal and everyfink)

    the 2.8 nikon 24-85 looks nice, so many lenses so little time! ill prob go for a 24 fixed until i can save up some cash for something in the 300 quid range, 24-85 would probably be a more useful range than 18-50 tbh

    Free Member

    yeah had a look and not sure how id get on with it

    hmm i shall have a shot of mates dof preview see what it does for me.

    thinkin bout a fixed 24mm old nikon lens next as cant afford a sigma 18-50 f2.8 but any recommendations or suggestions welcome-im more interested in portrait and low light stuff than having a zoom (though id like to get something like the f2.8 80-200 nikon or even the cheapish 55-200 at some stage)

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