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  • We Are One Composites: Carbon Arrival, Made in Kamloops
  • fontmoss
    Free Member

    um if you dont want rude comments a bout a mate is it wise posting their half naked pic here?

    or one of her and her sis in bikinis? 😐

    im so glad i found this thread so good to see Rodman still in professional sport

    Free Member

    5-o! 5-o!

    its the names of drugs through the series’ that are awesome too:

    WMD, Pandemic etc, genius!

    Free Member

    is it just me or was the first series fricking impossible to hear? like the sound in the background was set way high and when they spoke it was quieter??

    anyway awesome stuff and well recommended

    Free Member

    countzero hold your horses son, Ive finished it you hear me, finished!

    Ha i dont even live in the UK


    Free Member

    brakes, disc brakes are awesome

    Free Member

    watched a few carbon cross forks on ebay but most have gone for silly money and only seem to come up occasionally. Plus cos it s a whopping 155mm headtube (only a smegging 56cm frame) i need a decent steerer length. I guess if didnt like the cross bike could always sell them frame and fork.

    Free Member

    love it!

    Free Member

    you can’t have disc brakes on a cross bike

    there you go 😀

    (plus gets this thread back on the front page)

    Free Member

    do i get a flight home and go to SSUK or save money for another inevitable camera purchase? decisions decisions

    Free Member

    tilt shift, google is your friend

    Free Member

    think theres a good company that train folk who were desk jockeys to be plumbers in london but as to telly ads? wouldnt touch it with yours mate

    Free Member

    35mm f2 on a crop sensor

    Free Member

    this is the chat forum, baws

    Free Member

    i can see why folk think he used reasonable force, tempers running high etc lots of pressure and why folk think he was a nutter-he is on video thumping a woman twice in quick sucession.

    but how many referees hear dogs abuse every single game, get screamed at by tens of thousands of folk every week and dont react? surely we need better training if its a case of high pressure resulting in that sort of reaction and as said, the majority of police in these videos are doing their job ie keeping the peace rather than letting rip.

    Free Member

    yeah my mojo has slumped and i dont even have the weather to blame. its a phase, like the recession. oh.

    ach well im pretty sure my mojo will return, just need to see some mud again

    Free Member

    just went for a run, been very lax lately and in a cycling funk, feels so good to get the muscles working! ta muchly this thread really prompted me to put my shoes on

    Free Member

    batman style grappling to swing from tree to tree?

    Free Member

    witness the ninja mods in training

    Free Member

    Don’t know to comment on your situation inasmuch as how you must be feeling etc but I wouldn’t stay together for the kids’ sakes.

    My folks broke up when I was pretty young, my mum, little bro and i moved back to a village in scotland (from kent) and she brought us up with help of her sis and mum. I only saw my dad once a month and i guess i did resent my mum for a long time but as you get older you realise how tough it must have been for her and you respect that decision. I also believe for her to stay in that relationship would have been detrimental, hard as it was breaking up was the best thing for them to do. For me as much as them.

    Horses for courses but I wouldn’t stay together for the kids, as said they prob know/will find out in due course.

    Free Member

    Do dogs on the trail need helmets if they bark?

    in theory yes but in practice only really applicable if they are barking

    Free Member

    i think a lot of people would probably have done something similar in the heat of the moment but whether that’s justifiable afterward is different.

    as to original question, im not sure whether they will be accepted as extenuating circumstances but if you can always try.

    Free Member

    Guess only threads you’re involved in could possibly contain anything worth reading – or might possibly be true.

    who said this thread was worth reading or was true?

    How typical of someone like yourself.

    i didn’t realise we’d met, how rude of me

    Free Member

    on the internet! why didn’t you say so!

    sweet im off to find those young horny girls that keep emailing me

    coffeeking, when we were in the sticks my folks did the same (brother had stridor) because ambulance took too long and they’d told us just to belt along to the hospital but as you say how, as a member of the public, do you know when to do which. Not in a law abiding sense as such but knowing when your actions aren’t going to prevent others receiving treatment or potentially cause more injuries.

    Free Member

    yes ta, im just typing while driving-not easy when you’re doing a ton down a b road mind 😉

    Free Member

    steve, what do you drive?

    just so the traffic cops on here have bit more to go on, so far we have:

    sales rep
    on his mobile
    immaculate road manners
    wears red and black striped jumper
    never wronged anyone

    Free Member

    seemingly oblivious to the filth and rubbish beneath their feet

    that’ll be because they’re hammered then

    Have certainly urinated outside, in the countryside not in town. I’ve even got so drunk I was sick. In the bogs, though, not in the street.

    wait, so there are bogs in the countryside for being sick in but not for having a wee? damn that’s barmy no wonder folk just use the streets

    Free Member

    i cant be arsed riding solo all that much

    bring on group and night rides in Derby 😀

    Free Member

    Wife = graduated starts work as a nurse next week
    Daughter = graduated working as a teacher
    Son = graduated hoping to get into fire management soon

    smart family! well done.

    Now drop and give me 50.

    I was a gym junkie when i worked in one but haven’t used one in couple of years, getting out for a run, swim or cycle are so much more fun. Although being able to use a weights room would be handy.

    Free Member

    They’r upping the cost of being a student almost yearly, give them whatever the student loan is now, minus whatever fees theyr making them pay, then tell them to live off that.

    that’d be pretty, pretty sweet

    Free Member

    scotsys in glasgow? i always found them pretty rude and they are no more anyway.

    changing RAM doesnt affect warranty but HDD does (except new macbook pros) and as got 2 years applecare to run id rather not

    Free Member

    i knew there was somewhere id forgotten! cheers

    Free Member

    got wilco and elbow :), ill check out the early years tho

    Free Member

    um im not a fan of muse

    Free Member

    got hold of ladyhawke last year (in my last decent music raid) and love it, great album. havent listened to doves in a while or little man tate

    ill check out the others too, im not a fan of the genius bar/recommendations thingies. snobbery or fear im not sure but i like to ask folk what they think-always brings up wider/stranger associations 😀

    Free Member

    def porridge, dry porridge with cold milk sounds like a bad idea. who knows maybe this will be the start of something new and amazing?

    Free Member

    Dan, let it go mate-they can’t decide where the north* is never mind superfluous count(r)ies whose royalty united the whole lot

    *probably the best bit

    Free Member

    i like saddles definition!

    i bewilder spanish mates when i ask them round for tea (meaning evening meal) though, they know i like a cuppa but thats taking it too far

    Free Member

    All you savverners, it’s not your fault really, you were just taught the wrong pronunciation by previous generations.

    where does this leave the great Bth/Barf debate then?

    Free Member

    nd for all I care, they probably have their own definition of north and south.

    im sure they love you too trouser monkey

    Free Member

    North starts before you get to the basque country just so you know 😉

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