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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • fluffykittens
    Free Member

    The Enlightened are the best faction to join – we have beer and cake ?

    There are portals in lots of places – including some at trail centres.

    Free Member

    I got a pair of Northwave Celsius boots last winter which kept my feet toasty warm and dry and no cold spots from the spd’s either. Northwave also do Goretex boots with more insulation in them than the model I went for.
    Northwave clicky link

    Also you can get knee length Sealskinz which might help to stop water getting in the top.
    Sealskinz knee high link

    Free Member

    Will give you the cost of tolls for a given route.

    NB don’t know how up to date prices are.

    Free Member

    There’s one on offer at Aldi today for £30

    No idea what it’s like though.

    Free Member

    +1 Google maps navigation thingy. You can even download map areas if you think that you won’t be able to get a data signal.

    Free Member

    Some dry cleaners do clothes repairs and alterations.

    Also you could ask in your local haberdashery shop, as quite often they will know local people who do repairs and alterations.

    Free Member

    Using the superhub in modem only mode here.

    Got a Linksys WRT150N wireless router with DD-WRT flashed to it, and set it to auto find the most clear wireless channel.
    Beware flashing with DD-WRT can totally brick your router, so make sure that you fully understand what you’re doing first!

    Free Member

    +1 DBAN

    Free Member

    Stayed in one of the cabins for the Coed y Brenin enduro a couple of weeks ago, and it was fine. (Actually, as it was my first enduro, I thought it was bloody great compared to camping!)

    Free Member

    +1 for My Tracks, battery lasts loads longer, can save as .gpx file to export to Strava, Endomondo etc.

    Free Member


    I did the 30km one and logged total distance including back to the car park as 39.6km!

    There’s a Strava segment of the 30km route that comes out at 36.9km.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9″, 31″ inside leg and am very happy with my 18″ C456 with 70mm stem.

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9″ with a 31″ inseam and have happily ridden Mr Fluffykittens’ 18″ Scandal, which probably had an 80mm or 90mm stem on it.

    Having ridden an 18″ C456 all summer (has same effective top tube, about 1″ less standover) if I personally was going to get a Scandal then I’d definitely go for the 18″ version.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an older version of these Diadora shoes which are brilliant. They are quite vented though, but I’ve got a thin pair of Sealskins that I wear with them if needed.

    The Diadora ones have a proper stiff sole, whilst my old Spesh Sonoma pair are quite bendy – depends whether you want them to be good on or off the bike!

    Free Member

    Looks like the weather will be fine tomorrow, coolish temps, main thing might be the wind gusts of up to 25mph.

    Free Member

    If she’s eating more dry biscuits then she’ll need more water!

    Is she going outside at your new home as much as she used to at the old place? If she isn’t then less puddle etc drinking opportunities.

    I feed my cat just on dry biscuits (vet’s recommendation) and always make sure that she’s got plenty of water. My kitty gets through about a pint of water a week, maybe more in the height of summer or winter (radiator hugger). I give my cat bottled water as she’s a bit precious about the tap water. But as female cats are a bit more prone to cystitis, which she’s had a couple of times already, getting the bottled stuff from Lidl works out cheaper than the vets bill!

    Free Member

    I find an Ortlieb A6 Document Bag[/url] works well, plus you can use a touchscreen through it.

    Free Member

    Cute kittens 🙂

    But we need more kitty photos.

    Free Member

    I’m in the UK & can’t sleep. Perhaps you could sing me a lullaby… 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d go for AMD over intel if you’re mainly going to be using linux – that way you can use the 64-bit versions of linux.

    I got a motherboard bundle from Novatech[/url] about a year ago with an AMD 890GX chipset mobo, AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor, 4Gb RAM, USB 2.0 & a couple of USB 3 ports. I stuck the nVidia GeForce 9500 GT graphics card from my old PC in there and it all works fine. In fact I first booted it up with the HDD with the Ubuntu install that I’d had in my old PC and after about an extra 30secs of thinking it ran with no problems 🙂

    I’ve been running Ubuntu 10.4 and Vbox with WinXP on my new hardware without any issues (asides from the usual ones with Windows 🙄 ) as it supports hardware virtulisation.

    Free Member

    Try having a look at Minx[/url] for inspiration.

    Terry[/url] do some nice looking stuff.

    Personally I quite like Pearl Izumi[/url] for more technical clothing.

    Free Member

    I do come across casual sexism in real life, as well as on here. Mostly I try and ignore it, sometimes I point it out when I become fed up of it.

    The thing is that this is a thread about sexism (largely sexism against women), mainly being discussed by men, some of whom seem to need enlightening as to what the female perspective on the matter is.

    Also just because some types of sexism can be viewed as casual doesn’t mean to say that it should be acceptable.

    Free Member

    Yes.. although the nature of “inadvertent sexism” is rather subtle I think. It could be simply habit or conditioning, simply repeating what is commonly heard – aka the ‘everyone else does it’ defence. Is it actually sexism, or just carelessly offensive nonsense talk?

    In my opinion it is still sexism, and I hope that it becomes as unacceptable as casual racism has.

    In some ways this can be worse due to its pervasiveness and also if a women mentions that she finds it sexist she can then be portrayed as humourless, when the slow, relentless grinding down of this type of sexism is far from funny.

    Free Member

    There’d be no women here with it just full of geeky technical bike talk if we can’t talk about anything else.
    Ooh, was that sexist?

    Yes it was, and no, putting in an emoticon doesn’t make it ok. Nor does the fact that this type of comment has appeared regularly through this and other threads make it ok.

    Free Member

    Personally some of the hate filled bile i’ve seen posted on mumsnet, makes this place look like a beacon of respectfulness.

    Agreed that there are far worse places on the internet, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t try and improve the environment here.

    Free Member

    enfht – Member
    FluffyKittens, your name betrays your standpoint and weakens your argument

    I fail to see what point you’re making here…

    Free Member

    Fragile PC twazzocks get an icon against their names, much like stw premier members.

    Only if we can have another icon for misogynists.

    Free Member

    Sue_W and emsz sorry to hear that you’re leaving.

    +1 for Elf, thank you.

    Free Member

    Well I won’t be riding by The Ridges then…

    I had thought about Swinley but I mainly wanted to do stuff from the door of my folks house rather than having a car faff first!

    Free Member

    Thanks cinnamon girl 🙂

    I’ll go exploring round there and see what I can find.

    Also is there some stuff by Finchampstead Ridges?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    +1 for Audacity

    Free Member


    She didn’t lay the egg! I was taking a photo of egg for a friend and kitty decided to ‘help’! 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Was using Frontline until we had a really bad flea situation a few years ago.
    Vet recommended Stronghold[/url] which is veterinary prescription only but does all internal and external parasites – fleas, worms, ear mites etc. which works well for my kitty (pics in a mo).
    Downside is that it’s ~£20 for 3 months worth…

    Free Member

    Might be worth looking at the CIS[/url] stuff as some contractors want you to have a CIS card.

    WRT self-assessment for tax, pretty much all the info about claiming deductions is on the HMRC website but you might have to hunt about a bit for it, also their phone helpline is pretty good as long as you don’t try to call <24hrs before tax return deadline!

    Free Member

    @ splashback

    Oi, I’m not Andy – he’s Mr Fluffykittens! Thankyouverymuch 🙂

    Free Member

    @ splashback

    Go for the X2’s then you can get the pretty pink ones, dahling! 😛

    Free Member

    Apparently we’ve got some old Hope brakes that we can let you have cheap… 😉

    Free Member

    Can we have some pics of “The Unnamed Kitten”?

    The kittenwar site is great 🙂

    I knew somebody that named their cat Yoni, but I was too young at the time to get the joke…

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