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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • flowerpower
    Free Member

    Can’t answer about full mapping… but I use a Vivoactive 3 with the DWmaps widget on.

    DW maps can be added onto quite a few lower priced watches, it enables you to plot a route on a smart phone or laptop, then it syncs with the watch to give a breadcrumb trail route. I work away a lot and find perfect for plotting a quick route during the day, to run straight from work wherever I am. But it isn’t good enough to set of across a moor / hillside with no other navigation…

    Free Member

    Nah, my other half likes beer, or whisky.

    Not entirely sure why you are calling him a ‘lady’ 🤔

    Free Member

    I failed. Am gutted to be honest 😔

    Was going well and feeling the benefits, then last week I was travelling abroad for work, with my boss and visiting suppliers. Early flights, moving hotel rooms daily, late hospitality… it opened my eyes as to how much these work trips take over your life while you are away. I feel a bit annoyed with myself that I didn’t make time, I think a big part of it was ‘not wanting to make a fuss’ or to having to explain why I wanted an hour to myself. But I wish I had – feeling really sluggish and unhealthy when I got home.

    I will continue, but I probably need a new goal to keep me going. It’s my birthday at the end of Jan, so maybe I’ll look at using that as a target.

    Well done everyone who is keeping it up. I’ll be a bit more prepared next year.

    Free Member

    I’ve been feeling good this week, I know there will still be bad patches, but I think I’m beginning to see the fitness benefits. Managed my first good, proper, long run which I actually did for enjoyment rather than the 30 minute minimum I have been doing.

    I’ve also been travelling for work, so had to resort to my fall back pilates DVD one evening, up for an early morning swim today. Next week might be a bit of a challenge as I have 3 days away with a supplier. Usually long days with lots of hospitality… but I’m actually looking forward to having to make a bit of time for a run in the evening. 😀

    1/4 of the way there 👍

    Free Member

    Doh… phone double post randomness

    Free Member

    ^ I was just about to post something similar.

    For those of us new to this I think that the initial ‘novelty’ is wearing off… but I’m still determined and I know that I’ll be glad in the long run.

    It is making me think of ways to include exercise into my life, rather than seeing it as an extra thing to do. Cycling the 10 mile round trip to the supermarket with my BOB instead of using the car, nipping out for a lunch run at work and doing ‘exploring’ bike rides rather than pushing the speed / miles are all helping. I’m also including one yoga or pilates session a week to break things up.

    On the plus side I’ve lost a couple of lbs and must be toning up as my jeans fit better. I also like feeling physically tired at night, but I am trying to listen to my body and keeping things short when I need to. As always the hardest bit is getting out of the door, once I’m started its generally better than I expected!

    Like the OP I lost a friend a few years ago, she was also doing the thing she loved, so at the end of the day I’m grateful that I still can go for a cold, wet, tired run… even if I don’t realize it at the time 👍

    Free Member

    Dr P – It shows workouts, hikes etc in the recent activity, but it doesn’t include that time on the leader board (just swim / bike / run).
    A good job really – because with 9 hours hiking alone last week I would have knocked you off the 3rd position ;)

    But I’m not bitter… 😋😘

    Free Member

    If it helps I can do the Stockport to Perth leg on Friday 18th Oct. I will check this thread again closer to the time to see if it’s needed (will be working in Wilmslow, live in Clacks).

    Free Member

    ^ good going!

    I had a great ride yesterday. One of those evenings following a long day at work, rubbish weather, couldn’t be bothered… normally I would have sacked it off, but not wanting to ‘fail’ so early in the challenge I pulled my old, rigid, single speed, rockhopper out of the garage and aimed to do a minimum 30 minutes along the cycle path.

    90 minutes later I was soaked, filthy and grinning like a loon. The cycle path ran into the golf course, which led to a lovely rooty section of forestry and down to the reservoir. Pretty much all off road from my door, tracks that I haven’t thought to explore before – loved it :)

    Today’s wet lunchtime run however… not so good ;)

    Free Member

    I tried to squeeze a quick lunchtime run in today, but was distracted by worrying about being late back for a meeting… Checked my Strava upload later and saw I was 6 seconds short 😢 (29mins 54secs)!!

    Sitting in bed, typing this and feeling guilty. I’m going to have to get up and do a star jump or something 🙄😄

    Free Member

    @monkeycmonkeydo – I’d second the ‘meetup’ website as a good place to look. Lots of different activities at various levels, and it is much easier to keep motivated if you’re meeting other people. Most groups are non profit making, run by volunteers and are usually cheap / free to join.

    Another thing that works for me is a pilates or yoga DVD. I’m fairly rural and struggle to get to regular fitness classes, so once you get the moves sorted, a DVD at home can keep you going. There might be other fitness type DVD possibilities?

    How about skipping? Not sure I could keep going for 10 minutes though… never mind half an hour 🤔

    Free Member

    Really enjoying this so far. I have decided that my morning / evening dog walks don’t count (for me), so finding ways to fit in extra exercise has been good.

    So far I’ve had a couple of lunchtime runs, a night ride, session of Pilates, a cheeky kayak and a ‘s/s & bob’ supermarket ride. Nothing epic, but all things that I probably wouldn’t have bothered with otherwise.

    Just hope I can keep the motivation going with dark nights and winter weather…

    Free Member

    Oooh, I’ve seen this thread just in time 😊

    I’m in… Need some motivation as I was doing this in the spring and it’s fallen away with holidays and summer and wine 😔

    Great way to honour your friend, thanks for including us!

    Free Member

    R4 now.


    Edit: Broadcasting House visited Grinton.

    Free Member

    Mines always been low. Now in my late 40’s it’s about 48 or 49.

    I never realised low could be a problem until recently, although it does explain why I’ve always been quite good at fainting :/

    Free Member

    Morzine / Avoriaz advice please…

    I have been landed with organising a trip for 12 walking / biking friends. Not everyone knows everyone and I had a tall order to fill: Catered Chalet, big ski area, twin ensuite rooms, ski in ski out…

    I have found somewhere that nearly ticks all the boxes, but its not ski in / out. It is near the bottom of the Podrains lift and they run a private shuttle door to door…

    How ‘bunged up’ does the Podrains lift get in a morning? Is it possible to ski back down at the end of the day (snow permitting)? How much of a ball ache is it going to be being 500m from the lift without a bus…? Any experience? The private shuttle only runs 8.30 to 10.00 and 16.00 to 18.00.

    If it was just for myself and close friends I’d do it without a problem… but for the folk who wanted easy / quick access – am I totally missing the mark??

    Any info would be great as I need to book soon…


    Free Member

    Ohhh… I’ve got one of those too… but a black version.

    I got her as a 9 month old rescue. Not socialised or house trained. Allegedly a collie x kelpie there is definitely something pointy in there too as her nose and hunt instincts rule.

    As Funkrodent says, now approaching 6 years she is much calmer. Through a lot of hard work she is now reliable with farm stock and will come off squirrels  rabbits etc when called… but I still have to be very careful with deer.

    Keep at it, don’t give up on the lead thing. Training classes are a big help. Keep trying to refocus the chase onto anything you can. You can get realistic looking ‘rabbits’ on a draw line, or to throw. Find something (if possible) that interests her. Mine was never bothered about food rewards when out, but now if she is stopped from chasing a rabbit she will do a token stick chase, just out of frustration. If you can get to this stage it helps hugely as it redirects the adrenaline that seeing a rabbit releases.

    No advice on the lawn, sorry. My other dog is ball obsessed so the lawn is cut to shreds from ball chasing.

    Free Member

    @ oldtennisshoes

    Hadn’t considered that, thank you. I’m probably a bit too south (muckhart / dunning) for your contact, but I will have a Google of other options.

    This place is rented, so I could possibly stay an extra week if needed. Was partly the inconvenience –  time already booked off work, work appointments make down south the week after. But also I have limited finances, a gritter sounds expensive.

    I was just wondering if it was worth trying to salt the steep bits, or if that made no difference unless it was used (thinking about the outside lane of a motorway). Also didn’t know if I could salt on top of the snow, or if it would need doing before the first fall… it’s only a Luton van, a big one wouldn’t get round the corners.

    Will keep an eye on the forecast before I panic too much…

    EDIT – Aye, I guess the estate might help, though in the past they’ve been better at pulling stuck vehicles out, rather than doing anything to clear the track in advance .

    Free Member


    What is the best way to try and keep a steep farm track clear?

    I am the only house / user of said track, but I am moving house and have a van booked for Thursday morning. It is fairly steep with a few turns, about a mile in total from the main road. In the snow at the end of January I couldn’t make it up in my Mitsubishi 4×4… (Perthshire)

    Do I get a few sacks of salt and put it down? Will salt alone keep it clear or do I also need to keep driving it? Any ideas welcome…

    EDIT – I love snow too… just not this week.

    Free Member

    I did this for a few months last year, for a time I was without a car.

    First week I did on the fastest / most direct roads. Was shattered by the end of the week. Made a stupid move and ended up unconscious in a ditch – but very lucky!

    After that I found a quieter route, actually didn’t take any longer as the lack of traffic meant I kept moving better. However through winter I found it really hard, and would occasionally get up earlier to make a ridiculously long detour by public transport, just to avoid riding.

    I didn’t want to go near a bike at the weekends.

    Just to put this in perspective – I am a middle aged, slightly unfit, female – you may well make a better go of it!

    Free Member

    ^ thanks, but looking for rigid.

    Free Member

    Hi OP,

    Can I ask where you found it at that price?

    I’m feeling the need to move out of 26″ and for my standard Highland tracks / riding into munros that looks ideal!

    I can only find them at £750 up.

    Free Member

    If you’re renting out your flat in Edinburgh city centre, won’t the income more that cover a small rural flat / cottage to rent (where ever you choose…).

    It fairly easy to be accepted with animals if your signing a 6 month contract (well – I’m two dog / one cat / one person and find old farm / rural cottages are generally happy accommodate pets)

    Free Member

    Good luck with the thundershirt, hopefully that will solve it.

    However your post is slightly reminiscent of what happened with my old dog, except in her case she was diagnosed with dementia. Basically the vet explained it as (at times) she couldn’t remember where she was, familiar walks now seemed new and scary, she couldn’t remember how long we had been away… or if we generally came back… Once she had the diagnosis, we tried her on some medication, but it didn’t help much and I decided that it was time to say good bye.

    I sincerely hope this isn’t the case with your fella, but thought that it was worth mentioning.

    All the best.

    Free Member

    LPG tank here – but I had exactly the same issue.

    Except I didn’t have anywhere on the property that did satisfy the new regs (including eye line from the road for filling).

    Sold the house in November last year – position of the tanks wasn’t mentioned.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Just a random thought… but did she change her address on her licence each time you moved.

    I got a double whammy a couple of years ago when I was fined for a motoring offence, then also charged with not having my address updated on the licence.

    It was actually dropped in the end, and I don’t know if it could have led to a charge of ‘invalid licence’ as such?? It’s just that you mention moving a couple of times.

    Free Member

    Hmm… rural cottage, central Scotland.
    With the cold weather at the start of the month, and holidays at the end… December saw me buying 2 pallets of wood pellets @ £256 each. Admittedly they will keep me going into January… but that’s £512 on top of stove wood, just to keep the place habitable :roll:
    Hopefully moving down into the village (with mains gas) in the near future.

    Free Member

    Heavy rain here in central Scotland yesterday means that the water filters up the hill got blocked. We (neighbour / landlord and I) cleaned them out, but the burn is still in flood, so they are badly silted up.

    To avoid getting an airlock in the system, drinking water is on strict ration… good job I stocked up on wine… :-)

    Free Member

    Cheese always with mince pies, they’re just not quite as good without, regardless of make. Especially those with really short pastry.

    As with Christmas cake.

    Think it’s a regional thing (Yorkshire here) as I often get strange looks…

    (Or maybe I just deserve strange looks.. ) :wink:

    EDIT – Although Wensleydale not cheddar for me

    Free Member

    Not a credit card as such (prepay) but Monzo is great when trying to budget. The phone app splits your spending categories, you can set budget for each month / category, and good exchange rate (no fees) abroad.

    Misses your fundamental request for a credit cards… but hey this is in the true STW style – ignore the question, recommend what you have :oops:

    Free Member

    ^ using COUNTIF to sum, but just set that up as a test for the other problem :-)

    Free Member

    Thank you :-)

    I really appreciate the help. Sorry Fifeandy I missed your edit with the link first time around.

    Free Member

    @bails – there could be a huge number of product lines – upto 10,000.

    The product lines are all on one sheet

    Each line will have a category (lights, trees, general, cards) and the qty for each of a A,B,C,D,E grade store.

    The store grade are on a different tab, and will vary.

    The third tab is the order. I would like to populate this for each product line, for each shop. But in a way that if the grade are altered the order alters accordingly…

    @ charliemungus & twisty – I can try another level of ‘if’, but it is just getting so ‘clunky’ I was wondering if there was a better solution.

    Thanks for the input so far :-)

    Free Member

    @leffeboy – yes, I used the one in the profile, have tried again, as the sheet I emailed has my existing formula in… Struggling to copy that onto the google sheets.

    Free Member

    I think that this should share a test doc.

    It is all part of a bigger spreadsheet, but this should show where i’m trtying to get…

    Product Info – this is a huge table of data, have just created the relevant columns
    Order – This is the sheet I am trying to populate
    Grade tables – these are also variable.

    Hope this makes sense…


    Free Member

    Leffeboy… I will email a test sheet to you. Feel free to share it if you don’t mind.

    Free Member

    ^ :lol:

    Lillian?.. pissed on her way to meet Matt / find Justin?

    Free Member

    I have / had the same problem on a house i’m selling.

    I had just lived with it, but got a damp report done by a specialist firm before marketing it as I know buyers would question it.

    It was as above identified as salts from the chimney breast, they quoted for removing plaster, applying a treatment / block and replastering. Wasn’t expensive, but I haven’t done it as it would then require redecorating. However the folk who bought the house just knocked the value of the quote off the price. Maybe worth looking at when you get round to decorating the room. It isn’t an issue to just live with it if it doesn’t annoy you.

    EDIT – just read the title properly… I’m definitely not an expert.

    Free Member

    ^ Go on… you know you want to…


    Free Member

    TheDoctor – Member
    We had

    How many ex King James Knaresborough pupils are on here…

    What year?

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