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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • flow
    Free Member

    It will massively improve it. The afr is unbelievably ****.

    Lol spot on.

    Free Member

    They don’t do a 17″ Five AM.

    Also the AM has different TT lengths compared to the Pro this year.

    Free Member

    The Five Pro has a 67 degree HA with a 510 axle to crown. The Five AM has a 66 degree HA with a 545mm axle to crown, a difference of 35mm. Surely that makes the Five AM slacker than the quoted HA of 66 degrees on the Orange website.

    Definitely feels more than 1 degree when you ride them thats for sure.

    I would just stick with the Five Pro, Alpine is heavy and not really necessary in this country IMO.

    Free Member

    One quote I read today seems to sum this up quite well …..

    “It is important to remember that offence is taken and not given. Sometimes offence is taken when it was not intended, in which case it is fault of the person who took offence, and the speaker is not involved at all.

    So what if you don’t find Clarkson funny ?
    So what if you don’t like Top Gear?
    So what if you find some things he says offensive ?

    He has the right to say things that you may or may not find funny.
    He has the right to say things that you may or may not find offend you.
    He has the right to make TV programs that you may or may not like.

    Grow up and stop moaning.


    Free Member

    Couldn’t care less TBH, I don’t take anything he says seriously.

    Free Member

    However, I would think it likely that somewhere among the Top Gear demographic there will be a number who think it’s OK to despise and resent cyclists because Clarkson said something “funny” about them, and who go on to treat cyclists on the road a bit less considerately because of it.

    What a load of BS

    Free Member

    No loss

    Free Member

    one of our best comedians by far.

    Michael Macintyre makes him look amateur.

    Free Member

    “He’s not even a real hamster” Genius

    Yeah real clever that one

    Therefore effectively scotching any rumours that they’re a bunch of whining, prissy, permanently-outraged lefty pussies with no sense of humour

    A bit like the majority of people on here then

    Free Member

    Yeah you’re right mate, 3 minutes of nothing funny and I gave up.

    Free Member

    Stewart Lee is a bell end. About as unfunny as you can get.

    Free Member

    Because he slept with Jemima Khan.

    And has more cash than you would know what to do with

    No, really? You’d swap places with him?

    He has possibly the best job on TV, yes I would.

    Free Member

    derekrides – Member
    I bet he’s weally worried about what a forum of folk who worry about meeting their exes, wonder why their seat tube breaks when they centre punch it, argue endlessly about bollox, read the Guardian, ride with only one speed, love tight fitting spandex, have the sense of humour of a physics teacher, pour their heart out over all and any minor swerve life chucks at them to a bunch of… well all of the above..

    Yep I bet he’d be really concerned.

    Spot on

    Nah, he’s got better things to worry about. Like why he’s still a fat ugly ****, despite having all that money.

    Jealous much?

    Free Member

    Oh look, its the three wise men, right on cue :lol:

    Nice bike TJ, no wonder you don’t wash it, I would try and keep the decals as dirty as possible.

    Free Member

    You are supposed to use the matching Shimano 10 speed chain

    Errrr, no you’re not.

    Free Member

    £65 to put your saddle down 3 and a bit inches, special.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Who in their right mind would pay the £300 RRP on them?

    Free Member

    Clarkson is replaceable

    Without him Top Gear would flop.

    Free Member

    Personally I find toddlers breastfeeding disturbing. There is no reason whatsoever why they should’t be off milk and eating proper food by then.

    Free Member

    2009 viewing figures, couldnt find 2011.

    You lot are miserable bar stewards.

    Free Member

    Think you will find he was joking. Hard to believe I know but some people actually have a sense of humour

    Free Member

    Pretty impressive that

    Free Member

    I don’t even know why they still sell the Five AM to be honest. They designed the Five around a 510mm axle to crown, brought out the Alpine and were supposed to be doing away with it.

    Free Member

    I have a Butcher already, just wanted to see if the 5 will offer me anything different

    Ahh it will mate, as long as you stick to 140mm you will love it.

    Free Member

    All the best to him

    Free Member

    What a load of waffle, the Five is far from flexy, and I have ridden or owned most bikes you mention for comparison.

    Sounds like you are trying to justify your Lappiere purchase to me, but secretly you regret it and actually want a Five.

    I’ve only ridden a 2011 Zesty, and apparently they have sorted it out this year by changing the leverage ratio, but the rear suspension was awful. Flex is the last of your worries when you are wallowing along like you are riding an un-damped spring.

    Free Member

    Ahh, you will see what I mean then.

    If you need 160mm you would be better off with an Alpine.

    Free Member

    You’re missing something.

    17″ frame instead of 18″ (they didnt do them in 2011) 10 speed (which to swap to alone is stupidly expensive), kashima 32 RLC’s, kashima RP23, lighter wheels, better brakes, proper geometry, all for £200 more than I sold my old one for.

    Free Member

    I bet its stolen.

    Either that or the bloke is a BMX’er who swapped it for 20 B&H and a bottle of White Lightening with his mate.

    Free Member

    Did you get 50% off them forks because it looks like you left the shop without the travel.

    Free Member

    Like Fortunateson09 says, it makes it ride like a sack of shite.

    I had a Five AM (Fox Float 36’s) as my last bike. It was fine on the way down, but it handled nasty on the flat, and going up was extra crap.

    I reduced them to 140mm after a while which made it a lot better, then sold it and bought a Five Pro because I was basically carrying an extra pound in weight on the forks for no reason.

    Free Member

    I had Float R 36’s on my last Five and they were bloody good, no problems whatsoever.

    Free Member

    True but would you want to take the chance.

    Do you keep your TV, PC and the rest of your valuables in your shed too, just in case someone breaks into your house to steal them?

    Free Member

    But this is a better option than them breaking in to your house to steal them.

    Break into a shed or garage with no one in it, is slightly different to breaking into a house full of people, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    The bike shop mechanic’s position is that MTB’s are built to be dirty, but not to be continually immersed in water – so unless I re-lubed and greased every bearing on the thing each time I washed it, I was better off just leaving it dirty.

    That is absolute bullshit, what a tool. I actually can’t believe how thick some people are.

    So you are better off leaving you bike covered in mud and shite that obviously is no good for bearings, seals or anything else, rather than washing it off with clean water. Yeah ok.

    People always say to me “bloody hell your bike looks like new”, well yeah, I look after it by washing it and maintaining it, whereas they mostly don’t. Their bikes ride and look like shite, yet they wonder why.

    Free Member

    The solution is simple, don’t leave your bike in the garage or shed.

    Free Member

    You should be consuming 1 gram of protein per 1 lbs body weight per day.

    I recommend this because its the highest quality whey you can get, and not full of sugars and other crap.

    It cost pretty much double the price if you buy other branded whey isolate.

    Free Member

    Make a list of the upgrades and phone around to get the best price. Once you have the cheapest, go to the closest Orange dealer and tell them that ____ shop said they would do it for ____ much. They will probably match the price, if not try the next closest.

    Free Member

    where do i stop?!

    Its French, thats where you stop.

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