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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • flow
    Free Member

    The first I recon. Baggy shorts are far from warm.

    Free Member

    What Xcracer said, I think that is the key to getting better too.

    I remember you telling me that ages ago on this thread, after a while I realised you were right.

    Getting out of that way of thinking isn’t easy, but once you do it makes a lot of difference.

    I went from being worried about doing anything in case it made me worse (and it did make me worse), to riding off road for an hour within a month.

    Free Member

    flow – thanks for the update and to hear how you are dealing with it. Good luck with coming off those pills, did you ask your GP for guidance with this? Was there absolutely no difference with changing your diet then, seem to remember you made big changes?

    They did at the time, most noticeably cutting out sugar. I know know this was because Mirtazapine causes problems with your blood sugar.

    It can also cause muscle and joint pain, and although it was not what caused it in the first place, I am 99% sure it is what is causing it now. Every time I drop my dose I see an improvement. I also think it is possibly causing sleep issues now.

    I asked two doctors about coming off Mirtazapine, they both told me I was on the lowest dose, 15mg, so I can stop straight away. Thank god for the internet, thats all I can say! There are countless people who have been put through horrendous withdrawals because their doctors have misinformed them about coming off antidepressants.

    I cut down a quarter of a tablet at a time, and currently take a quarter. Next drop is in about a weeks time where I will be taking half a quarter. I have had minimal withdrawal this way, only slight insomnia.

    I am hoping and fully expect to be back to “normal” by summer, and have planned a trip to the alps with my brother for a weeks guided riding.

    Free Member

    Well the thought was there :lol:

    Free Member

    You’re right Grum, but I think he has been in that situation if I remember correctly.

    Free Member

    No, you will need a reducer headset.

    Free Member

    Flow, sorry just picked up this thread and suffered from the same symptoms as yourself, are you still suffering? whats the latest?

    Well I have come a long way and learnt a lot about myself put it that way.

    I have been out on my bike a few times which was nice. I managed an hour off road which at times I thought I might never be able to do again TBH.

    I am currently weaning off Mirtazapine (AD) which I asked the doctor for last year to help me sleep. I have had quite a few side effects from the drug and if I could go back I wouldn’t have started taking it.

    I gave up my strict diet. I eat what I want, when I want.

    My sleep is kind of better now, although weaning off that poison isn’t doing it any favours. I currently sleep best from between 6 or 7 in the morning, to 1 and 2 in the afternoon. I have tried going to bed at the same time every night along with all the the other things you are told to do, but my body has decided that this is the time I sleep, and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. Its better than not sleeping at all though!

    I still have a way to go till I would class myself as being “better”, but I remain very relaxed about it and don’t let it bother me.

    I totally understand what Bushwacked is going on about and would like to know a bit more on how you go about correcting things if at all possible (you have my email address).

    I’m not going to entertain the depression thing. If you met me you would realise I am far from depressed.

    Depression is helped by exercise, CFS is made worse, that’s all I am saying.

    Free Member

    More info please, glad to hear you are doing well.

    Free Member

    Hey flow – good to have an update. One thing I would question though is using an HRM – are you not putting pressure on yourself?

    Yeah might be taking it a bit serious using a HRM to be honest. Although the idea was to use it to keep within my limits, I have found when riding I became pretty set on staying in zone 2. Probably should be taking it even easier.

    Sounds like your doctor is finally getting there!

    Next year’s gotta be better!

    You would think so, but I thought it wouldn’t get worse in 2010, then 2011 came and shafted me good and proper!

    Free Member

    Thanks mate, I will give it a try, sounds reasonable.

    How are you getting on?

    Free Member

    20 min in HR zone 2 between 124 – 156 bmp roughly. I been keeping it at the low end of that though. A few hours after I am properly knackered but can’t sleep.

    I did that yesterday and last night was sleepless.

    Free Member

    When not focusing on the symptoms was first mentioned, I thought it wouldn’t work because I was sure non of it was in my head, now I can see where you are coming from. It starts in your head (stress, anxiety etc), then becomes physical.

    I’m not sure how to tackle the exercise problem. It makes me feel better and tired at the same time, but it stops me sleeping.

    Maybe I am overdoing it?

    Free Member

    Hows everyone doing?

    I have made a bit of progress. Because I have taken quite a few antibiotics over the years for tonsillitis, my mum suggested drinking Kefir, a pro-biotic drink you can make at home to replenish my gut flora.

    I remember reading about it on Dr Myhills site, she recommended it to so I thought I would give it a go. It has made quite a big difference! I have only been drinking it for a week but my stomach is much more settled and it has really helped with the aching which is strange.

    Did you know that your gut flora make up 70% of your immune system?! I didn’t till last week, quite amazing really.

    I have been riding my bike a bit, 20 min at HR zone 2, but it makes me very tired in the evening and strangely I can’t sleep at night, any ideas why?

    I had a full body massage just before my birthday which was amazing. I felt really rough for a few days after though, all my original symptoms came back with a vengeance. She said it was called a “healing crisis”, mobilisation of toxins from the muscles or something. It certainly felt like one!

    I have also been seriously pushing the PMA to the limits. This has made a big difference too.

    It seems like through the whole thing I have been a month or two behind Bushwacked, which is pretty encouraging. Reading your posts are giving me an insight to what I might be feeling like next month :lol:

    Free Member

    “Flow” and “Flow corners” are different, obviously, but if you want to misquote to try and make a point then go ahead

    Read it again

    AGAINST 29ers
    Flow – not possible to pump terrain, flow corners. especially tighter ones.

    FOR 29ers
    Better flow, less nervy

    I think you is wrong

    Free Member

    To you flow- Instead of hiding behind that keyboard i offer you to come out riding with us? Please accept this and then you can gladly slag us off after you’ve had a go yourself, are you up to this? We can meet you in hebden bridge on friday at 1pm, be a man and accept the offer?

    I would love to, sadly I live 298 miles away. I will post a vid up of me riding though, show you how real men ride, I’m not hiding anywhere.

    Free Member

    So “flow” and “flow” are different, just like traction and grip yeah? :lol:

    Free Member

    If you think that is decent riding you need to get out and ride more. I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks this either.

    Free Member

    Afan sucks

    Free Member

    Opposing sides of an argument contradicting each other? Who’d have thought, eh?


    AGAINST 29ers
    Flow – not possible to pump terrain, flow corners especially tighter ones

    FOR 29ers
    Better flow, less nervy

    Plus traction and grip (both in the for section)are the same thing, leaving not many reasons to buy one.

    Free Member

    The for and against arguments totally contradict each other, what tard wrote that!

    Free Member

    Well by fitting a non-standard shock bushing outside of what is recemmended by the manufacturers you may well have invalidated the warranty and you could be on your own I’m affraid

    He would be on his own if he didn’t. They are useless.

    Free Member

    It’s not about jealousy. I could buy iPads for my kids, but I won’t until they have a real need for it and will appreciate it.

    It’s certanly not about inadequacy. I believe my parenting is better for this approach, not inferior.


    Free Member

    Win the bike arrange to meet and take a pair of these to own him with.

    About all they are good for :wink:

    Free Member

    Try harder?

    No, just speak English.

    Free Member

    Does sense title not make.

    Free Member

    If collection is an option bid enough that no-one can outbid you. Two choices either turn up to collect with some big mates or tell the police and meet them at the address.

    Do that

    Free Member

    You need to try them out. Some suit round heads, some don’t.

    Free Member

    Looks crap if you watch the vid

    Free Member

    Our 11 yr old will be having around £650 spent on her in total. So what, its a couple of days wages. It’s all relative.

    Nice way to teach a child the value of money that, plus a bit of willy waving in one post.

    Well done you.

    Free Member

    Flow, you dont like tubeless, 29ers, dropper seatposts and now bright colours? What do you like?

    Obviously you need to pay more attention.

    I want to try a 29er, would like a dropper post (that isn’t going to break) and I thought tubeless was more hassle than its worth. I also like bright colours, but like NW said, when thats built up it will look shit.

    Shocking I know, but some people actually have different opinions.

    people with taste / sheep, it’s all the same thing

    We just call you tasteless.

    Free Member

    especially if it pisses off the dullards.

    So thats what you call people with taste

    Free Member

    How much is yours worth?

    They are thankful for whatever they get, we don’t need to spend a shed load of cash to show how much we love them.

    I’m hoping they will grow up to be financially independent, and not expect everything to be handed to them on a plate like most young people now a days.

    Free Member

    Why on earth would you?

    Tell the world you got it cheap off the internet.

    On one

    On what?

    A Joke bike with a crap name..


    Free Member

    £400 on a present for a 10 year old is ridiculous.

    Free Member

    That was very emotional

    Free Member

    This is why it is more hassle than its worth.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, yesterday I succumbed to a white baguette and wished I hadn’t cos it’s really affected me! Normally only have wholemeal bread. Lesson learned.

    What are your symptoms then?

    Free Member

    my bike weighs 33lb

    What kit you running on it? Sounds about right though, 33 lbs is heavy.

    Free Member

    She doesn’t listen to what other people say, just wants to talk about herself, talks over people, makes faces and snide comments… A combination of sarcasm, and having a go at her when she goes too “Daily Mail” makes life bearable for 24 hours tops. When we invite her for a couple of nights she always tries to stretch it further. I guess I love her, but I sure as hell don’t like her.

    Sounds like my girlfriends grandmother, about the same age too, I can’t stand her.

    Free Member

    Nope, another blood test soon and then medication will be increased yet gain. Could take a year or so to get the levels right.

    Bloody hell, that’s a long time!

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