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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • flow
    Free Member

    Ok, go on this thread and tell everyone they are making it up :lol:

    Free Member

    Hugor – what the hell are you on about?

    Free Member

    TJ – I know you like to always think you know best but for the past 9 months I have been suffering from CFS (very similar to FM). I would like to think I know what I’m on about after spending way too long researching the conditions.

    I am giving advice as a “patient” and a self mediator of the MJ, thats who zippykona wants to hear from surely? Not someone who thinks they know, no offence.

    Free Member

    Have you seen the price of SAAB’s now? You get a hell of a lot of car for 5k.

    Free Member

    TJ – There is not a drug on the market that will stop the pain of FM, I can guarantee you that. Even the licensed FM drugs don’t stop it.

    If you are interested Zippykona, here is what I have been going through for getting on a year.

    I’m sure your mum can relate.

    Free Member

    FM medication information

    So you may be given one OR a combination of:

    Painkillers to help with pain

    Anti depressants to help with depression and sleep

    Muscle relaxants and sleep medicines to help you sleep

    Novel medications to help with pain and sleep (developed as anti-epileptics)

    The good thing about weed is it treats all of the above, it lifts mood, relieves pain, relaxes muscles, and helps you sleep.

    The side effects from the drugs they list for these symptoms are a hell of a lot worse than smoking weed, hence the self medication.

    Free Member

    I bought some Tacx ones, then sold my bike so I can’t help you really.

    They did seem decent though, sealed bearings, and they are well made.

    Free Member

    She will be fine, just don’t get her too stoned the first time, it might put her off altogether. Also be prepared to see her laughing uncontrollably at the slightest amusing thing :wink:

    Free Member

    The second tutorial shows what can be done with layers. Not that I am that good at it yet.

    Free Member

    Are you talking about tone mapping a single RAW file as ‘not proper’ HDR? Surely using Photomatix etc with multiple bracketed images is ‘proper’ HDR.

    Yeah thats generated/automated HDR, not proper HDR.

    Your photos are excellent though.

    Flow – cool, are there any ‘walkthrough’ photoshop guides on doing it?

    Free Member

    Advanced (proper) HDR using layers in Photoshop is much better than generated HDR.

    Give it a try.

    This is my first attempt at proper HDR.

    Ramsgate Harbour[/url] by J@yK@y[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    is weed actually weed these days ?(as in good ol fashion green stuff with seeds) isn’t it all skunk which is rocket juice and cant be good for man nor beast…

    It just means you need less of it for the same effect.

    Free Member

    Flow – no offence meant as I’m sure you’re a nice chap, but this is a principle I try to stick to rigidly in life…

    Good luck with your problems, but this is where I leave the thread…


    No offence DrP but most of the fools I have met in the past year have been doctors, maybe thats why you can’t answer my question?

    Cannabis is not a painkiller. Whatever yo may think this is certainly so. It can have a use in the management of chronic pain however the side effects it has are certainly not safe. there is a strong link with psychosis for example.

    I am for a very liberal drugs policy and I understand cannabis is less harmful to society than alcohol but it is not without side effects and it is not a painkiller.

    I’m afraid you are totally wrong TJ.

    Sativex, one of the many cannabinoid based pharmaceutical drugs is licensed for use with MS to to relieve neuropathic pain, spasticity, overactive bladder, and other symptoms.

    It is also licensed for use for cancer pain.

    Studies on psychosis are pretty unreliable. They can’t decided if its cannabis that causes it, or if people susceptible to it are drawn to using cannabis.

    Free Member

    Well said Kaesae

    Afraid I have to disagree with you there, but will leave it at that.


    So you can name a more effective painkiller that is as safe to use on a daily basis as Cannabis?

    I doubt you can.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cannabis is not a painkiller.

    Yes it is.

    Californian medicinal use of cannabis is hardly going to be an objective set of studies is it?

    Why not?

    If you want to find out what medical uses there are for it, it kind of makes sense to read papers from countries where it is used for medicinal purposes.

    For teh OP plenty of conventional routes to go down first

    Just because they are legal and given to you by a doctor, doesn’t mean they are any safer. The companies who make prescription drugs only have one thing in mind, money.

    As an example when Valium first came out they said it wasn’t addictive, and (which I’m sure you know) it turned out to be highly addictive. Then when its “replacement” came out, Zoplicone, they said the same about that. Turns out Zoplicone and the “Z drugs” are just as, if not more addictive than benzodiazepines.

    You don’t hear of many people in rehab for Cannabis addiction, plenty for benzodiazepines though.

    Free Member

    The more negative side effects of marijuana intoxication include:
    Short-term memory loss
    Racing heartbeat
    Agitation, anxiety

    just because something is natural, never assume it’s not harmful

    Ahhh, so it has all the side effects of coffee then….

    You need to look at medical papers, ones from California will probably be more realistic as they use it for medical purposes.

    Free Member

    I have been using weed for CFS (similar to FM) and its helped me immensely. It chills me out, helps me sleep, and relieves the aching.

    Prescription drugs are evil, I was prescribed antidepressants which did more harm than good, the side effects were awful.

    Weed is natural with hardly any side effects, although I’m sure that depends on the user, still way less than the crap the doctors give you.

    If you can’t see her smoking it, what about a vaporiser? They heat the weed up and you breath in the vapours. Because you aren’t actually burning it, you aren’t inhaling any carcinogens. This is the preferred way to “medicate” in California where they can get weed on prescription.

    Free Member

    CG – I felt fine after riding thanks, my shoulders ached a bit but in a good way. I started weight training on Thursday, 3 days a week. Today my bum cheeks ache so badly I can hardly sit down :lol:

    I bought a book on insomnia yesterday called The Effortless Sleep Method, it seems really good (good reviews too) last night I had the best sleep I have had for a long time. Could be a coincidence though as the night before I didn’t get any sleep at all.

    Thanks Mboy, glad to hear you are doing well :wink:

    Free Member

    It doesn’t sound good does it! I didn’t mean for it to sound that way, it was supposed to be positive!

    Free Member

    I went riding for 2 hours today, it was pretty hard because I’ve not been on the bike since last time I said (for an hour) but seem to be alright tonight. I suppose I will know for sure tomorrow, not that I have been thinking about it, I don’t really care anymore to be honest, whatever happens happens.

    Free Member

    Ramsgate Harbour at night[/url] by J@yK@y[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I didn’t write it in the first place!

    FFS why doesn’t everyone just blame me for everything!

    Free Member

    Just because you aren’t familiar with the English language, doesn’t mean you should report him.

    queer? -er, -est, verb, noun

    strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular: a queer notion of justice.
    of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady: Something queer about the language of the prospectus kept investors away.
    not feeling physically right or well; giddy, faint, or qualmish: to feel queer.
    mentally unbalanced or deranged.

    [takes mental note of forum name]

    Free Member

    Yes it really is that simple. One thing that might help though is before you tap the base nuts with a mallet to release the lowers, take the base nuts off, remove the crush washers, then screw the base nuts back on. If you don’t do this you might find it difficult to undo once the lowers have been released as it will turn the rod.

    (If that doesn’t make sense now, read it whilst doing it and it will)

    Also get the low friction seals (SKF), they are much better than the older versions.

    Free Member

    14″ Five gets my vote then, they look wicked in that size.

    Free Member

    take flows advice

    Someone actually agreeing with me 8O

    Are you aware that this is a criminal act and you will be disowned by the STW massive :lol:

    Free Member

    14″ Orange five frame would be good for a 12 year olds DH bike too I recon.

    Free Member

    Yep, cos having an opinion is clearly trolling [yawn] Anyone else has the same view and its fine.

    Free Member

    Kona Stinky 24 is all I can think of off the top of my head.

    Free Member

    Obviously innocent people losing their lives caught up in mindless violence is an awful thing, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it was mindless violence.

    Free Member

    You could have chosen to respect the dead, who may or may not have been hooligans.

    I wasn’t disrespectful.

    You could have chose to have kept your opinions to yourself.

    Last time I checked this was a forum where people expressed their opinions, otherwise it would be a pretty quiet place.

    You chose not to and appear surprised by the backlash. You were either trolling or being a bellend, which was it?

    Neither, like I said, just my opinion.

    Free Member

    Thats my opinion (and its correct).

    How am I behaving like a bellend if my opinion differs to yours?

    It is mindless football violence if you actually bother to read about it.

    Free Member

    Typical mindless football supporters

    Free Member

    He said

    Frame is now roughly 8months old was in Local bike shop Cornwall Cycles Penzance (01736651671-please ring they will tell you this frame was BRAND NEW when i bought it off them)all parts were new when they went on bike, link to review is the LT1 as far as i know, and beyond grease ports and slight diff in geometry of top tube there is no difference. But thanks for your time.

    Free Member

    He decides if the question gets posted on the add. If someone is looking to buy a BLT2, I’m pretty sure they will know what they are looking for.

    Edit: I couldn’t help myself, I told him for you.

    Free Member

    lol doubt it.

    Free Member

    Shimano and Fox? I guess so.

    Free Member

    You are supposed to use no more than half a Float Fluid pillow pack when doing an air can service, so if you used more than that, it could be whats causing it.

    Free Member

    Start with 25% in the forks and shock and go from there mate.

    The rear shock PSI is normally roughly your weight in lbs, although you have a guide on there to make things easier.

    As for the forks, let all the air out, compress them and measure how much they compressed. Then work out 25% of that in mm, thats what sag you want to be looking to achieve.

    Any shock pump will work fine, no need for a RS one.

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