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  • flow
    Free Member

    Doctors who go against the grain and think for themselves, who have helped hundreds of people when they where failed by the system get their right to practice taken away by the GMC. Now thats bollocks.

    Free Member

    Advice based on personal experience is bollocks

    That is whats wrong with modern medicine. The patients symptoms or personal experience mean nothing if tests and studies say otherwise.

    Now that is bollocks.

    Free Member

    Then what’s your problem.

    I’m not the one with a problem mate, if you read through the thread you will see I am giving advice based on personal experience and TJ is trying to tell me I am wrong in one way or another. I don’t think he even knows what he is arguing about.

    Free Member

    I have already read about it in depth, I have mentioned/linked to it on this thread many times.

    Free Member

    You are correct bwaarp, thats why they are licencing cannabinoids for medical use.

    Free Member

    KMC do not make Shimano chains.

    Free Member

    NW – you and Nacho are right, it dos effect everyone differently, it certainly isn’t for everyone. Its worth a try though!

    Free Member

    The chair is a killer

    Free Member

    You mean like I did Kaesae, what a crazy idea! :wink:

    OP if it works, don’t expect anyone to believe you.

    Free Member

    Slik are very good, better made than the equivalent Manfrotto, they are awful.

    Free Member

    What type of pain does the OP’s mum have then?

    Neuropathic or myofacial, either way it will help.

    It will also lift mood, help her sleep, reduce muscle spasms, and relax muscles, all very common issues in FM.

    Like I said its helped me, getting a bit bored of saying it now.

    Free Member

    Your right, I’m probably not. TJ has bored me to death as usual, I don’t know why I let myself get drawn into his factless debates.

    Free Member

    Thanks almightydutch, usually someone is pretty quick to tell me how wrong I am.

    Free Member

    I am a registered nurse with decades of experience and a fair few qualifications including post graduate courses in pain control.

    My sister is a nurse of 20 years, she knows no more than me about FS/ME/FM, let alone the effects of cannabbinoids on pain.

    Its hardy something a nurse would study in depth.

    You have been given several references to negative studies.

    Errr, you haven’t contributed anything, as usual.

    Free Member

    Hi, all, years ago my Hope Mini brakes really hated being upside down.

    That means they needed bleeding. When stored upside down any air in the system will make its way to the caliper making them spongy as hell.

    Avid are notorious for this.

    Free Member

    TJ – find me some evidence it isn’t an analgesic and we might get somewhere.

    So far you haven’t contributed to the thread at all, only disagreed.

    Jusnkyard – TJ is as much of medical professional as I am a “stoner”.

    Free Member

    Why do you think morphine, when used correctly, is addictive?


    Because it causes psychological and physical dependence, and tolerance.

    Whats your point?


    Cannabinoids are effective analgesics in animal models with non-opiate mechanisms predominating. There are many anecdotal reports (Grinspoon & Bakalar, 1993) of benefits in bone and joint pain, migraine, cancer pain, menstrual cramps and labour.

    Five small RCTs (Table 3) show that THC is significantly superior to placebo and produces dose-related analgesia peaking at around 5 hours, comparable to but out-lasting that of codeine.

    Results: Fifty patients completed the entire trial. Smoked cannabis reduced daily pain by 34% (median reduction; IQR = ?71, ?16) vs 17% (IQR = ?29, 8) with placebo (p = 0.03). Greater than 30% reduction in pain was reported by 52% in the cannabis group and by 24% in the placebo group (p = 0.04). The first cannabis cigarette reduced chronic pain by a median of 72% vs 15% with placebo (p < 0.001). Cannabis reduced experimentally induced hyperalgesia to both brush and von Frey hair stimuli (p ? 0.05) but appeared to have little effect on the painfulness of noxious heat stimulation. No serious adverse events were reported.

    Pain reduction was significantly greater with cannabis compared to placebo (median difference in pain reduction=3.3 DDS points; effect size=0.60; p=0.016, all completers included; Figure 4). The results were consistent for the ITT analysis (p=0.020), and for the comparison based on the first week of treatment alone (median change in DDS pain =?4.1 and 0.1 for the cannabis and placebo arms, p=0.029). There were no evident sequence effects: the degree of pain relief achieved with active cannabis did not differ significantly according to whether it was administered during the first or the second treatment week (mean reduction in DDS points, 4.1 vs 0.96; p=0.13).

    Free Member


    So it isn’t an analgesic, even though there is evidence to prove otherwise?

    And you think opiate based drugs are safer to use long term than cannabinoids?

    There are no proven long term side effects of using cannabis.

    Keep them coming Dr TJ :lol:

    Free Member

    Yeah smoking it is slightly different, there have been at least 85 cannabinoids isolated from the cannabis plant, restricting it to just THC is a bit, well, restrictive.

    Free Member

    Hardly a revolution, HIT has been talked about for decades.

    Free Member

    Monday: Cyle to/from work (8 miles total), 1 hour of badminton at night
    Tuesday: Cyle to/from work (8 miles total), 5k run, punchbag workout, weights & sit ups
    Wednesday: Cyle to/from work (8 miles total), 1.5 hours of Karate varying levels)
    Thursday: Cyle to/from work (8 miles total), 5k run, punchbag workout, weights & sit ups
    Friday: Cyle to/from work (8 miles total), Rest + beer
    Saturday: 2-3 hours of karate + sparring.
    Sunday: rest, maybe 5k run, maybe bike ride

    If I were you I would be more worried about over training

    Free Member

    TJ – if its not a pain killer, why is it being licensed for pain?

    Also opium based pain killers are no doubt more effective, they are also highly addictive and a lot worse for you. Hardly something you can use long term.

    It is also an analgesic so you are wrong again (I’m starting to see a pattern here)

    Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and some other cannabinoids, either from the Cannabis sativa plant or synthetic, have analgesic properties, although the use of cannabis derivatives is currently illegal in many countries. A recent study finds that inhaled cannabis is effective in alleviating neuropathy and pain resulting from e.g. spinal injury and multiple sclerosis.

    I haven’t given any bad advice, I have shared my own experience, stated some facts, and shared some evidence.

    You really are a strange chap.

    Free Member

    Er, so Big Pharma, nasty exploitative Big Pharma, who have seen a gap in the market, are now selling you cannabinoids?

    Yeah more than one.

    Free Member

    Crikey that is seriously old, things have moved on since then. Sativex is on the verge of being licensed for cancer pain.

    Free Member

    This is hilarious.

    What a load of BS.

    Free Member

    That is awful, no offence.

    Free Member

    really? I suspect LOCO knows rather more about forks than you do

    Yeah really.

    They are fitted to more bikes that RS’s are, there are obviously going to be more issues, don’t you think?

    Free Member

    Edit: Flow my scrap bin tells a different story.

    Fox are fitted to way more off the shelf bikes than RS

    Free Member

    Rock Shox are just as bad!

    Free Member

    Of the 4 or so (not a massive amount I agree) stoners that regularly smoke more than once a day, who started at school, all of them are **** up. 2 have been sectioned, one is just a zombie drone, one is freaked out.

    Yet some of the most successful musicians, artists, etc in history smoked weed religiously. You have no way to know if your friends would have turned out that way whether they smoked weed or not.

    The fact that people think its fine to take antidepressants everyday, yet find it wrong to use something that nature has provided for us just goes to show how brainwashed people are.

    Free Member

    TJ – in the nicest way possible, watch that video and STFU.

    Free Member

    Take note of what they have to say at 6:35

    Free Member

    Wake and Bake!


    Free Member

    Well said Kaesae.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say marijuana had no side effects. It has far fewer, and less severe side effects than Amitriptyline for example, which is probably what she would get prescribed if she went to a GP.

    If you knew anything about GP’s, medicine, marijuana, or CFS, you wouldn’t be so quick to rubbish my advice/experiences.

    Free Member

    No because I read what you wrote and noticed the way you rejected everything that you didn’t want to hear.

    I didn’t reject anything, I started the thread to get peoples opinions and listen to experiences.

    I have no problem with you doing daft things to your own health but I have a huge issue with you giving bad advice on health related matters

    I am sharing my experience, its not up to you to decide if I’m right or not.

    Why is it bad advice exactly?

    Do you think using prescription medications, some addictive, with hundreds of side effects is fine, but using MJ isn’t?

    Because its not legal in the UK?

    Edit: I read the NICE guidelines, about 8 months ago.

    Free Member

    So you think I just thought “I know, I will just start smoking weed” without researching it?

    I think you will find there are a lot of people that use it for CFS.

    It was clear from that “CFS” thread that you simply wanted somone to validate your “illness” and like on this thread you simply refused to listen to anything that you did not want to hear.

    So because in the beginning I didn’t know WTF was happening to me you came to that conclusion.

    I listened to everyone in that thread that put forward any information. I would and still am willing to try anything to relieve the symptoms, why wouldn’t I listen?

    I don’t see why you always come across the way you do, are you that rude and miserable in person?

    Free Member

    What were you using it for NW?

    Free Member

    I don’t even remember you commenting on the thread TBH TJ, my bullshit filter must have been on.

    Using cannabis to self medicate for “CFS” is crazy. Were you using cannabis befoer you developed it? the first thing I would suggest is you stop.

    I started using it for CFS, why is that so “crazy”?

    Like I said it lifts my mood, relives the aching, and helps me sleep, whats so “crazy” about that?

    Free Member

    TJ no offence but I have dealt with my fair share of “medical professionals” in the past 9 months and I can safely say that means nothing.

    Being told what something is like at medical school is nothing like going through it yourself. Most general practitioners have very little knowledge about CFS/ME/FMS.

    I’m glad you find it amusing, I don’t.

    I hope you don’t ever have to find out what its like.

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