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  • flow
    Free Member

    Slightly major update.

    I finally figured out last week what was causing me to ache and have restless sleep.

    Last week I noticed my aching was slowly getting better, and I would have hours or days pain free. I had been doing some stretching, and initially thought this might be why.

    On Monday I was feeling pretty good all day. About 30-40 minutes after eating dinner I started aching really badly. I thought it was a bit strange so I did a quick bit of a research and found that it was most likely something to do with blood sugar.

    I thought I would give it a few hours and not eat anything to see what happened. After a while the aching gradually died down. Roughly three hours later the same thing happened even though I hadn’t eaten, so I quickly made myself egg on toast, ate an apple and drank some fresh orange juice. Within 15 min the aching had stopped.

    Armed with this, next morning I made an appointment with my doctor, I thought we might finally be able to get to the bottom of things.

    I told him what had happened expecting him to want to find out why it was happening. Instead he told me I wasn’t diabetic (not that I thought I was) as I had already had my blood sugar levels checked. He refused to do any more testing, and gave me the same old “its all in your head” blah blah blah.

    Pretty pissed off when I got home, I decided I might as well change doctors again. There was one pretty close that was supposed to be really good, so worth a try.

    Whilst waiting to be registered I did some more research. I found that chronic stress and high/low blood sugar go hand in hand. Basically cortisol, a stress response hormone produced by the adrenal glands also regulates blood sugar. If for whatever reason your cortisol levels are messed up, it will severely affect your bodies ability to keep your blood sugar int the correct range.

    Whilst I was at it, I also found out that my muscle twitching, which has been so bloody annoying was due to an electrolyte imbalance.

    One of the symptoms of unstable blood sugar is muscle and joint pain. Also the number one cause of insomnia is unstable blood sugar.

    So finally I got to see my new doctor. I explained all my problems over the past six months, and told her my conclusion from my research.

    She agreed that my current symptoms were most probably blood sugar related, and arranged some more blood tests. Finally I might be getting to the bottom of things!

    So since then I have been eating a low GI diet, trying to keep my blood sugar stable. I have found that if I eat something with fat, carbs and protein before bed, I can pretty much sleep all night.

    Its been pretty difficult to be honest, eating six small meals a day makes you hungry! You would think it would be the other way round, but it actually speeds up your metabolism.

    Sorry for the waffle, I have been banned for 7 days and been wanting to tell you lot for ages!

    Its not all good though, I got tonsillitis again on Friday, damn it!

    Edit: I also feel pissed off for the rest of the people out there who have been told they have CFS/Fibro/ME.

    If I hadn’t been so determined to get to the bottom of this and accepted the diagnoses of CFS, who knows how I would be feeling in 5-10 years time.

    Free Member

    I’ve got some Evo X2’s, they look sooo damn nice.

    I originally ordered M4’s on my Five but changed the order after demoing one with X2 Evos. They are definitely powerful enough.

    Free Member

    TJ – I’m going to tell you one last time.

    Read this again and tell me where you have gone wrong, I have even highlighted it for you.

    Do a CBT for £90 and get a 125cc bike, much safer than a small wheeled moped.

    Because the OP is talking about a 50cc scooter

    To which PP said

    That’s mid information at best, poor advice would be a better description.
    Please tell me
    A) how many miles you’ve done on scooters (I’ve done a good 20000-30000 at the very least, and probably 150000 on motorbikes)
    B) why a 125 bike is any safer based on your knowledge

    I get sick of anti scooter bias by people that don’t know a thing about them.

    My reply

    Because generally they accelerates quicker, stops quicker, have bigger wheels so are a lot more stable, they can go faster so you are not always being overtaken – which is dangerous.

    Free Member

    There seems to be a bit of a failure to appreciate how a company like Nicolai works amongst some posters. Just because a frame is expensive doesn’t mean that the company is working on large margins or awash with money. You’re paying for something that is handcrafted in Europe rather than for the expensive marketing campaigns of the big multinationals. Lower priced frames may well have the same margin but the profit comes from larger volumes

    Sounds like he should have bought an Orange to me, won’t get that trouble with them.

    I’m definitely never going to buy a Nicolai after reading this thread.

    Free Member

    hilldodger, you are wasting your breath mate

    Flow – just chill the fk out. If you disagree, state your case nicely. Otherwise f off. Simply dishing out abuse over a small technical point is not nice.

    Then don’t come on here telling me in wrong with your nose between TJ’s bum cheeks.

    Free Member

    You are so thick its comical.

    My reply would be wrong if the thread wasn’t about a 50cc scooter, but it is, dont you get it.

    Free Member

    This is what the debate was the first place, not what is or isn’t a moped.

    I said

    Do a CBT for £90 and get a 125cc bike, much safer than a small wheeled moped.

    Because the OP is talking about a 50cc

    To which PP said

    That’s mid information at best, poor advice would be a better description.

    Please tell me
    A) how many miles you’ve done on scooters (I’ve done a good 20000-30000 at the very least, and probably 150000 on motorbikes)
    B) why a 125 bike is any safer based on your knowledge

    I get sick of anti scooter bias by people that don’t know a thing about them.

    My reply

    Because generally they accelerates quicker, stops quicker, have bigger wheels so are a lot more stable, they can go faster so you are not always being overtaken – which is dangerous.

    TJ – You keep talking mate, no one is listening.

    Free Member

    flow – Member
    A 50cc scooter is a moped,

    No. A 50cc scooter is a moped.

    Thanks for clarifying that Northwind.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Remember PP and myself actually have the experience of riding

    And what the **** is that about, I have had a bike licence for 7 years, 5 of them I was riding a bike everyday because I didn’t have a car.

    Stop talking shit

    Free Member

    I don’t think so. I know the difference between a moped and a scooter and I’m not even slightly into motorbikes.

    A 50cc scooter is a moped, are you TJ’s love child?

    Free Member

    Hasn’t ‘moped’just become a generic term for any small scooter/motorbike now? a word like hoover?


    Which is why I said

    Do your CBT and a 125 bike instead of a 50cc moped/scooter whtever the **** you want to call it.

    They accelerates quicker, stops quicker, have bigger wheels so are a lot more stable, they can go faster so you are not always being overtaken – which is dangerous.

    Free Member

    Forgot to say I joined the gym. I’m starting swimming tomorrow to get my blood pumping a bit, then in the sauna and hot tub for relaxation afterwards.

    Free Member

    Sounds like whoever is servicing it doesn’t have a clue TBH

    Free Member

    I find the most effective words are off and ****, but not in that order.

    Free Member

    Why don’t they just leave things alone, there was nothing wrong with standard tapered stuff.

    It can be adapted to fit current Giant models with tapered head tubes, but this involves swapping out the top bearing, headset cup, spacers, stem and fork.

    Ahhh, nice and simple then.

    Free Member


    I’ve spoken to a few people and they say it all started with at least 2 major (if not 3) stressfull events.

    Thats why I think its related to your adrenal glands.

    My body was f*cked.

    From the 4/7/2011 – 19/8/2011 I rode 411 miles on sportstracker, which was way to much for my body at that time.

    I had insomnia, aching muscles and joints, tingling/itching under the skin, night sweats, palpitations, shivers/felt majorly cold, anxiety mixed with depression, brain fog and all sorts of strange symptoms.

    Writing that just then and thinking how I am now, I have come a bloody long way in a short space of time.

    I’m now just left with aching and slight insomnia.

    Free Member

    Glad your still managing to stay positive though Mboy, I know exactly what you mean, its damn hard and doesn’t take much to get stressed at all.

    Can anyone think of what may have caused their PVF in the first place?

    Yeah definitely, a hell of a lot of emotional and physical stress. This is how the story goes without going into too much detail.

    I started a job and absolutely hated it whilst going through a very rough patch with my GF, then my dad passed away, and I lost the job.

    Then small things really stressed me out. I sold the car and was really stressing about getting another one, we got a parrot and was stressed about that, then I got a virus which lasted 2 months. From here on it was a very steep slope.

    When the virus passed it left me with really bad insomnia and other strange symptoms, and I stupidly thought that riding my bike everyday (physical stress) with no sleep wouldn’t do me any harm.

    We went to Scotland to visit my GF’s family and whilst there I went to the doctor. He gave me some sleeping pills, result I thought. I slept like a baby the whole week, but still felt ill.

    I had also booked a Five Pro for the day at GT. I wanted to make the most of it so I rode the black, red and blue in under 5 hours. I didn’t think anything of it because I was sleeping from the pills.

    Then we got home, I stopped taking the tablets and got the mother of all withdrawal. It was like withdrawing from Heroin (apparently so I have read) This is when I was at my worst. After that its pretty much a blur of illness.

    Free Member

    Errrr, yeah.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can you not understand? You keep posting as if scooters and mopeds are synonyms. PP clearly referred to a scooter not a moped and you told him he was wrong because you think scooter = moped

    I actually give up with you TJ, you are beyond thick.

    Free Member

    WTF are you going on about, I even posted the definition of a moped for you.

    Mopeds are a type of low-powered motorcycle designed to provide economical and relatively safe transport with minimal licensing requirements. In most countries, the legal driving age for a moped is lower than for regular motorcycles and cars. Mopeds are typically restricted to 50 km/h (30 mph) from a maximum engine displacement of 49 cc (3.0 cu in), though there are a few variations.

    The title of the thread is

    ot: 50cc scooters – any thoughts? Peugeots ok?

    Making the scooter in question a moped.

    Are you really that thick?

    Free Member

    You are properly thick aren’t you TJ

    What is this thread about? 50CC not 600 or 200cc, therefore the scooter in question is a MOPED.

    I know that might be a bit much for your ancient brain to figure out, if you need help, ask again.

    Free Member

    To the OP – don’t listen to a word TJ says, he is a clueless old man.

    Edit: Obviously I don’t need to point that out

    Free Member

    Try a gilera runner 200 – much quicker than a 125. Muppet

    So I was right, you didn’t read what I wrote and you are thick.

    I was talking about a 50CC MOPED, AND A 125CC BIKE.

    And for the record, a scooter is a moped.

    Mopeds are a type of low-powered motorcycle designed to provide economical and relatively safe transport with minimal licensing requirements. In most countries, the legal driving age for a moped is lower than for regular motorcycles and cars. Mopeds are typically restricted to 50 km/h (30 mph) from a maximum engine displacement of 49 cc (3.0 cu in), though there are a few variations.

    I would give up now before you make yourself look like even more of a tool than you already have done.

    Free Member

    Flow – scooters and mopeds are not synonymous. Many scooters are much quicker that 125s.

    No 50cc scooter is quicker than a 125cc, derestricted or not.

    PP has the experience and knowledge as do I – you do not.

    Whatever you daft old man, clearly you don’t have a clue WTF you are going on about, as always.

    I actually doubt your story but if its right you were very lucky.

    Of course TJ, I made it up 🙄

    Free Member

    Flow – You are wrong about scooters and 125s – listen to PP – he actually have the experience

    Because generally they accelerates quicker, stops quicker, have bigger wheels so are a lot more stable, they can go faster so you are not always being overtaken – which is dangerous.
    Wrong in every particular.

    So you are telling me bigger wheels aren’t more stable?

    A 125cc bike doesn’t accelerate quicker than a 50cc moped?

    A 125 isn’t quicker top end?

    And 125’s are not safer because you aren’t constantly being overtaken?

    TJ, you are either extremely stupid, or you didn’t read what I wrote.

    I would go with both.

    Derestricting mopeds is a really bad move – the insurance is invalid and you will not be riding in accordance with your licence – get caught and its goodbye bike and license

    That is utter bullshit.

    Like I said, my bike was derestricted when I crashed it. It had an Arrows race pipe and carbon can, hardly bloody inconspicuous.

    The insurance company or the police didn’t care one bit.

    Free Member

    Riksbar – what size mate?

    Free Member

    Plus I only have a £500 limit

    Buy this, its about as good as you will get for that kind of money

    or one of these if you can stretch to £650

    Free Member

    Thats cool

    Free Member

    BR ..i’m sure you know and probably don’t care but derestricting your sons bike will have invalidated his insurance unless it was declared (and bikes ARE regularly checked after accidents where a payout may be substantial.

    Thats not actually true.

    I crashed a derestricted NSR125R when I was 19, the insurance company didn’t care because it wasn’t my fault, and I told them.

    Ended up with £5000 compensation too.

    Free Member

    Gears every time

    Free Member

    I am sticking with it yet, it has definitely helped too. I would recommend it.

    Thanks for the support.

    How are you doing?

    I want to know how Mboy is getting on too.

    Free Member

    but it just wont smell the same

    Two stroke is one of my favorite aromas

    Free Member


    “I’m gonna have fun….whoopin his ass”

    He is one mean mofo.

    Chuck Liddel is my all time fav though.

    Free Member

    UFC now, some proper fighting.

    Free Member

    Yeah Eubank JR looked really good.

    If he fights one of the brothers he will get a pasting.

    Free Member

    Whats this bell end on about!

    Ring girls were the highlight for me.

    He/they are right, he is a fighter, but a crap boxer.

    Free Member

    I would go for the Hope Eternity just to be different.

    It looks damn nice, and you know it will be decent quality.

    Much better looking than a Thompson IMO.

    Free Member

    Ahhh man, I recon they shouldn’t have stopped that.

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