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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • flow
    Free Member

    Thats the test I was on about Flow, did you type all that out yourself from the magazine?

    No I copy and pasted it from the PDF

    Free Member

    These are ideal for speed-scrubbers

    No wonder the XT’s are so popular on here…

    Free Member

    STW Issue 70

    XT M785

    The XT callipers are pretty and the levers are cutely compact,
    resembling small pistols. Remember the first time you tried
    Saint brakes and thought ‘**** me they’re pretty powerful’?
    Well, the new XTs have a similar feel. Initially power is good
    and then it just keeps coming. We couldn’t imagine needing
    that much power at first, but you do get used to it although
    it’s quite hard to make use of it in a useful and controlled
    manner. These are ideal for speed-scrubbers. At first braking
    is very binary and really feels like a switch, with little middle
    ground for feeling what the brake is actually doing. This does
    improve as you get used to it but not a great deal. The levers
    are small and sweet and ideal for one finger braking, as well as
    mating neatly with Shimano’s shifters. The IceTech ‘keeping
    it cool’ technology in the rotors and pads is a good idea for
    Alpine riding but most UK riders will be fine to replace the
    supplied finned pads with cheaper, un-finned versions.
    Overall: A powerful brake best paired with a skilled, fast
    rider who doesn’t brake very much. A tad too grabby for
    milder riding/riders though.

    Hope X2 Race

    There’s no denying that Hope brakes will always look cool
    to certain riders. If you like engineering, you love Hope.
    The Race Evo levers are Hope’s best ever lever in our
    opinion: minimalist and crisp, without being spindly or
    harsh-edged. The drilled blade can feel odd to un-gloved
    fingers (although who doesn’t wear full finger gloves these
    days?), but the shape of the lever is just perfect. Reminiscent
    of old Shimano XT V-brake levers, but even better. The X2
    calliper doesn’t deliver quite as much power as other brand’s
    top-end offerings but it’s more than ample for cross-country/
    trail riding. It’s the feel and feedback of the lever that is
    this system’s trump card. You know exactly how the rotor
    is interacting with the pad and, as a result, you know even
    more about what’s going on with your tyre traction. There’s
    no adjustment on offer apart from Allen key reach adjust
    but thankfully the lever feel is simply spot on. The rotors do
    a great job of keeping the levels of power and feel nice and
    high, too.
    Overall: Destined to be a classic brake. Nigh-on perfect
    for virtually all UK riding and riders. Good weight,
    decent power and immense feel.


    There are four clear and distinct favourites in this test. On the power
    front, the Shimano XT brakes were definitely the most effortlessly
    powerful units we tested. If you ride very fast, never scrub speed or
    drag your brakes, and generally rarely brake unless you absolutely
    have to then you’ll love the XTs. If you’re on a budget, the Gusset
    Hydro Chute brakes are brilliant. Power, feel, consistency – pick three.
    In the mid-range ‘everyman’ class, it’s a fine line between the Avid
    Elixir 7 and the Hope Race Evo X2. The Avids shade it on the power
    front but the Hopes edge ahead on the feel front. It’s easy to find an
    argument for either brake but ultimately, we’re giving the final nod
    to the Hopes. As well as a proven track record in serviceability, spares,
    warranty back up and ease-of-bleeding that comes with Hope brakes,
    they just felt better more of the time. Stick a bigger rotor up front if
    you want/need more power.

    Free Member

    You only paid £99 for it!

    Free Member

    I’m pretty much 100% now, like Bushwacked I can’t believe how quickly I’ve got better.

    I’ve been doing weights three times a week for over a month now, as well as running twice a week and riding at the weekends.

    The last symptom to go was the lack of sleep. I bought a book called The Effortless Sleep Method and stuck to the rules set out in it, within a week I was sleeping normally again, that was over a month ago now.

    I also used something else a little more controversial after much research which helped me dramatically.

    Free Member

    It’s just Flow back under a different name. Great…

    Why do you think I’m him?

    Free Member

    Nukeproof Mega……..Climbs like a XC

    You’ve clearly never ridden an XC bike

    Free Member

    If he bought the bike new, surely he would know if he or the shop helitaped it?!

    Free Member

    Heart attack pie!

    Free Member

    Anthem, no contest.

    Free Member

    Like TJ said, tax credits.

    Free Member

    Alpine 160 would be my choice.

    Free Member

    I don’t think its worth it over a 5d Mk2, isn’t it £1000 more?

    I won’t be upgrading.

    Free Member

    You dont need a 29er, just a frame thats the right size.

    Free Member

    Thats the sound of your only brain cell working in overdrive trying to prove me wrong.

    Its not going to happen.

    Free Member

    TJ – Reefer Madness is covered in my last video, proven to be nothing more than government misinformation.

    Must try harder.

    Free Member

    And this is the icing on the cake.

    OP don’t listen to anything anyone has said on this thread (especially the “professionals”), watch the videos I have posted and make your own mind up.

    Let me know how you get on :wink:

    Fair well fools….

    Free Member

    You must have a long torso and short legs because you dont have much post showing.

    You need something with a longer TT.

    How much standover do you have?

    Free Member

    Why are you on a kids bike?

    Free Member

    Another very educational video that you narrow minded medical “professionals” could learn a lot from.

    Free Member

    That video takes 40 minutes to deliver not a lot info we know already. Pretty much like a conversation with every cannabis user I have ever met.

    Another know it all :roll:

    TJ will be along shortly to welcome you to the club.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    For simpletons (TJ) cloning a plant is just another word for taking cuttings. Its really not as difficult as it seems.

    Free Member

    Are you really claiming their is no variation in quality or strength of illegally sourced drugs?

    No I’m saying its a lot easier to get the same results over and over again than you think, especially in a lab.

    I have yet to dedicate 50 ish minutes of my life to find out what the THC and marijuanna fan club think of pot….can i just guess at what they said

    Its thorough scientific research/studies, I think you will be amazed TBH.

    Free Member

    Whey protein from is the best quality/value around.

    Free Member

    Milk is pretty good but not as good as For Goodness Shakes imo

    For Goodness Shakes are full of sugar, colouring, and other crap you don’t need.

    Free Member

    Of course a piece on youtube is definitive

    If you watched it you would see that its a bit more than just a youtube video.

    Proper research is not a stoner googling on Youtube to post up what other stoners have said.

    Obviously, but the research has already been done, I’m just pointing you lost sheep in the right direction.

    It’s much harder to control consistency with plants


    If they are cloned from the mother plant and grown the same way in a laboratory setting, ie with identical light, temp, humidity, soil ph, nutrients etc, they will turn out identical.

    You’re right, it is like smashing your head against a brick wall, all you “medical professionals” haven’t got a clue.

    So who actually watched the video and who is too narrow minded to bother?

    Free Member

    You’re right Teasel, but when you have so many deluded idiots thinking they are correct because they are “medical professionals” they need to be put straight. **** amateurs.

    Free Member

    I don’t think I have ever made so many people look so stupid at once before, this is quality.

    Just in case you missed the link

    Free Member

    Or perhaps crikey with his many years of knowledge and experience painstaking gained actually understands the issues rather better than you do? Just a thought?

    Clearly not, if you watch the video it proves you all wrong, infact it makes you look stupid.

    I especially like the parts about pain, how cannabis is an analgesic, how it is effectively used to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia.

    These aren’t small studies either, over 30 years of research.

    “Medical professionals” owned in at their own game!

    Flow 1 – Know it all’s 0


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Free Member

    Well Crikey, your narrow mindedness is restricting your knowledge.

    The more you know, the more you realize how little you know, so if you think you know everything then you know nothing.

    Typical NHS.

    Edit: That video confirms everything I said making you lot look rather stupid.

    Bye for now.

    Free Member

    Watch it, when you come back to this thread you will have a totally different opinion.

    Free Member

    STFU, watch this and learn something….for once.

    Free Member

    I’m insulting you because I enjoy shooting fish in barrels.

    No you are trying to insult me because you are a bell end.

    Free Member

    Look at crikey throwing out the insults. Surely its past your bed time, you’ve got school in the morning.

    Free Member

    I’m sure your essential silliness has been pointed out previously, but if you have Chronic Fatigue, getting stoned regularly is probably not a great idea given that one of the features of long term use of said drug is a certain amount of lethargy.

    Clearly if it made me more fatigued I wouldn’t smoke it, I said it helps.

    Whatever, you seem to be too dim to reason with.

    Obviously. The content of your posts shows you are way more intelligent than me :lol:

    Free Member

    Well, how much experience do you have of dealing with people in pain? That’s real pain, not ‘Oh maan, we’ve got no pizza left’ pain…

    Well the OP’s mother has FM, I have CFS which is similar. I ache and have trouble sleeping and smoke weed which helps it.

    Surely the OP wanted to hear from people like me and not a bunch of anti drug, middle class lard asses who have no experience of either.

    TJ did say he suffered from CFS too though for most of his adult life. Maybe thats why I am almost better after just a year, I wasn’t scared to think outside the box. The drugs I got from my doctor caused awful side effects and if anything made me worse.

    Free Member

    No you shut up crikey :lol:

    Free Member

    No like Dr Myhill

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