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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • flicker
    Free Member

    Definitely bone TJ don’t panic.

    Well, if I was tj I’d be panicking [insert shocked smilie here]

    Free Member

    So you’re not working past 65 and your folks have already +20 years on that – does this mean you’re somehow expecting your ‘retirement’ car to last +12years and the next one the same length of time or that you live somewhere where a car isn’t really required?

    How many cars have you owned in the last 20 years out of interest?

    You could easily achieve that.

    Seven cars so far at the age of 52. Cars six and seven we still own and the ownership of cars five, six and seven spans the last twenty years.

    Free Member

    T cut and a cloth always sorted our old cmax headlights out.

    Free Member

    I think you’re mainly going to be looking at Vito/viano, w447 model which is Euro 6.

    Up and over rear door is a popular choice on the mercs.

    The front seats and the middle seats no problem but you’ll need to be looking for a model with full length seat rails which was an option, so they you can have a single seat on the third row.

    Free Member

    I’ve never had injector issues with mine but I’ve had a couple of split hoses and rotten clamps and also the seals failed on the inlet manifold. All of these will lead to a loss of power and no dash light and all will spread a lovely black oil mist all over the place if ignored.

    Free Member


    “Someone” may have slipped and fallen in the river today, I laughed, a lot :D

    Free Member

    My favourite goats? Tennessee fainting goats, as it just won’t ever be not funny 😁

    Free Member

    Quite clearly the cycling industry is missing a trick here, it’s time for the big players to bring out several different competing designs, none of which are cross compatible, some of which will go obsolete over the next 12-18 months, all of which will be hideously expensive, we’ll then make the worst of the bunch the industry standard.

    Consultancy fee to the usual address please 😎

    Free Member

    Thread hijack slightly…

    What are the Hero Session cameras like?

    Had the opportunity to buy for £100 the other day and just wondering if I should kick myself for not buying one!

    Other than strapping it to the dog or possibly a a commute camera, I’m not sure I’d get a lot of use from it


    Who would do such a thing?! :D

    Ignore the random chatter, I talk to Barney a lot when I’m out.

    Free Member

    Had a 9 for a while but suffered with glitches/freezing when hot, touch screen was irritatingly unresponsive too. It’s not very well anymore after being roosted spectacularly. Bought a 12 (and a protective case :D ) recently and that seems very good so far, touch screen is way better too, no GPS on the latest models if that’s important to you.

    Replaceable lens on the 9 and 12, don’t know about others.

    Free Member

    Heal quickly pal.  If you wont consider moving i would definitely be looking into getting a dog or two.  A couple of staffies would make scum like this think twice.


    They’re just the worst dogs for security detail. Mine would be off with the burglars, all they’d need to do is give him a little fuss. He was leaving with the Amazon delivery driver the other week, all he did was smile at him and give him a quick stroke, useless :D

    Free Member

    Yep, car and house insurance renewals were a good 50% plus higher last year, oddly motorcycle insurance dropped slightly.

    Free Member

    I see this thread as showing quite a few folk have their tongues firmly in their cheeks.

    .. and a few others can hear a strange wooshing noise above their heads 🤔

    Free Member

    No one’s excused the behaviour…..

    Free Member

    Most definitely an inconvenient injury this weekend. Turns out a handlebar end to the groin hurts, especially when it’s attached to a 120kg dirt bike. Had an extended lie down whilst I clutched things, some alarming colours going on down there now too.

    Free Member

    Unless it’s a tj experience, then it’s fact, no matter who disagrees with him.

    Free Member

    Yesterday there was a rare off-lead walk in King’s Forest. Someone had thoughtfully provided trail snacks, he’s just passing a pile of them in the pic.

    Our old Dalmatians were partial to a lump of horse muck whenever the opportunity presented itself, lovely….

    Free Member

    Just probably stay away from coastal cornish campsites for a while… Caravans and cornwall are a mix you don’t want to get straight into on your first trip

    Gets quite exciting when you’re nose to nose with another caravaner and the roads barely wide enough to get out of the car without falling in the hedge :D

    Free Member

    Hmmm, I’d be looking at two bikes as all the dual sports seem to be big heavy units. For off road/green lanes something like a wr250/450 four stroke and fit on road a 23/24 street triple or the 1200 speed triple if you fancy the bigger engine, not ridden the 1200 yet but I borrowed a friends 765 at Portimao earlier this month and it’s a fantastic piece of kit. So good infact I’m selling a couple of bikes to purchase one myself.

    Free Member

    I have been back but not for long enough to post , I started work at 6am due to a few deadlines. Is there some weird rule where you have to comment non stop on a post created or can I just savour the viewpoints.

    I should imagine you’re wondering what on earth you’ve started 😁

    Free Member

    I can.  Like I said, car culture is so deeply ingrained and entitlement of car owners is so vast that I can see why you are thinking the way you do.  I just think you’re wrong.

    I still haven’t seen anyone saying I was mad not to sue the women at the shopping centre who damaged my bike because I am clearly entitled to compensation.

    Maybe because the idea is kind of ridiculous as soon as you try to apply it to something other than a car.

    To be fair I can too :D

    As I’ve said earlier, for me the property type is irrelevant, if me or mine have damaged something then I’ll sort it, it’s how I was brought up, it’s how I’d expect to be treated by others and it’s the right thing to do.

    That was your own choice not to ask her to fix it, there isn’t a right or wrong in that situation, if you’d asked her to fix it you’d be right, or if, as you did, chose to ignore it then you’re also right. You’re the property owner, making the choice about your property. Her telling you to go **** yourself however would not be right.

    Free Member

    Or deliberately parking your cars in such a way to cause maximum inconvenience to a family because of an ongoing dispute?

    In case you missed the OP’s update:

    No, didn’t miss it and I’m well aware people can be be awkward and bloody minded for the sake of it, I spent 20+ years living in an end terrace with no front garden let alone parking space, and had to run the gauntlet parking down various side streets.

    If the cars are parked illegally then you contact the council or the police, if they’re parked legally then all you can do is suck it up, it doesn’t give you the right to damage others property, accidentally or otherwise.

    I really can’t believe this is still being discussed 5 pages in, this is basic stuff we should all have been taught by our parents/guardians around the time we stopped crapping in our own pants, it also seems to be those lacking in morals that are continuing to invent imaginary scenarios, legal liabilities and whatever other horseshit they think absolves them, rather than taking a step back and having a think about it.

    Free Member

    Yes, theft is generally frowned upon from a moral perspective

    Not unlike damaging someone’s property, shrugging your shoulders and telling them to jog on when they pull you up about it then?

    Free Member

    So as long as the item in question is useable, it’s ok for a few million others to wobble into it.

    And when the millionth football hits it, and it finally breaks, it’s the owners responsibility.

    Yes I am being facetious to illustrate the point that we as a society hold cars in a weird

    You were being serious? Wow….

    Free Member

    let’s imagine you are mountain biking and climb an old wooden gate with your bike. It’s a bit rotten and in doing so you break a spar of the gate.

    Did you just call me fat? I’ll have you know I’m big boned….☹️

    Free Member

    Funny, because I’ve never seen a car driver go out and fix a pothole. Viral video of Arnie doing it aside. There’s usually just some angry person in the local paper blaming the council, other vehicles, cyclists, speedbumps for their existence.

    I’m not really sure where to go with that.

    At first glance it looks like you’re comparing a young child wobbling off their bike and clonking a neighbours car, with the slow degradation of the road surface over several years, and many hundreds of thousands if not millions of vehicles that cause that degradation, of which there is a system in place to maintain and repair the road surface. But you can’t honestly be doing that so I’m going to assume that I’ve missed something.

    Free Member

    The Car is King mentality is the only thing that is making people think otherwise.

    No, it really isn’t.

    The type of property is irrelevant, if it didn’t belong to me and I or someone in my care damaged it then I’ll do what I can to sort it. What I won’t be doing is the mental gymnastics required so I feel justified in telling the owner to poke it.

    Free Member

    So you honestly saying that in my hypothetical situation where you or your child as an uninsured cyclist, having ridden into the wrong end of my Alfa are going to dip into your own pocket and pick out the £30 to £40 grand it commonly costs to put them right? That’s very good of you. I don’t think it’ll actually pan out like that.

    In your case I’d hope I was dealing with someone reasonable, I’d certainly be expecting to cover his excess and increase in premium.

    Free Member

    Eye opener this thread, if my kid damages someone else’s property then I’m  sorting it, not checking his insurance and mot ffs!

    Some questionable morals in here tonight….

    Free Member

    Interesting that people are saying to take out your own excess insurance.

    I’d planned on taking the hire car companies cover, accepting that I might pay a bit more for it, but meaning if there is an issue it’s all in one place rather than having to claim with a different company.

    That’s the way to go. I don’t see the value in penny pinching to that level.

    Our recent trip was to Faro airport, landed 10:30pm walked into the Goldcar reception and walked out again with the key 2 minutes later, we also had the choice of three cars, picked a VW T Cross and thrashed it mercilessly all week :D. All paperwork had been done online when we ordered including driving licence and passport so no documentation to sort out on arrival. We’d also made sure we picked a hire company at the airport as some require a taxi/bus ride to the depot.

    Cost us a whole 60 euros for full damage waiver and meant no faffing around with pictures/videos or a charge being put on the credit card for 1000 euros plus. It also means if you do bump it then you aren’t dealing with the hire company and a third party insurer, you just give them the keys back and walk off into the sunset.

    Sometimes it’s worth paying that bit extra, do you really need the agro and delays at the beginning/end of your trip? I know I don’t

    Free Member

    Used goldcar key and go service (full cover so no charge on the credit card) in Portugal earlier this month. No problems at all, walk into reception, scan qr code at the machine and out drops the key, job done. On return make sure the tanks full, give the key to a member of staff and that was it, couldn’t be easier really.

    Free Member

    You may want to have a think about that in a quiet room. It ill becomes you and the two who upvoted it

    I chose very large vehicles because the inexperienced are not aware of the terrible visibility offered to the operators. See also amazed cyclists when the LGV blind spot is filled with cyclists that they can not see from the cab on demonstration days.

    Unless one is properly informed, one doesn’t know.

    I c what he did there, I think you’ve missed it.

    Free Member

    cf: stopping at the top of escalators, taking two steps out of the lift and stopping…Pretend you live in a city, people…

    Add to the list people trying to push there way onto a train the second the doors open rather than standing back and letting folk get off first, clowns, you should be allowed to thump them the second the doors open 😁

    Free Member

    @daviek @flicker The posted limit on that bit of the A56 might be 50, the actual traffic speed is usually 70ish

    That’s an impressive distance to cover even at 70, that second to last picture has gouge marks in the left hand tree with what looks like a piece of vehicle in it, maybe 4 metres off the ground.

    Free Member

    I suspect that was traveling at a shade more than 50mph, but yes, modern cars do a good job of keeping the squishy bits inside intact.

    Free Member

    The most recent unit of measurement is “a landcruiser” used to measure destruction of the planet.

    To be applied willy nilly on whether the contributor agrees or disagrees with the subject under question.

    and Porsches, don’t forget Porsches.

    Where one Porsche equals £500.

    Free Member

    Our chickens always put our spaniels in their place. After a couple of incidents with the hens running at the dogs, the dogs totally ignored them.

    A friends chickens do exactly the same, a couple of them are vicious bully boys (girls) and very quickly put the dogs in their place. The spaniel is a bit thick so does get regular reminders :D

    Free Member

    People taking to me from another room.

    Being asked to do something that I was just about to do

    Oof! yes, both of those irritate the shit out of me.

    For the first I just ignore it now, if you want to speak to me come and find me, I’m not having a conversation from three rooms away.

    2nd one I have to bite my tongue and carry on with the task I was about to do whereas I’d really like to not do it out of pure spite.

    To add to the list, people driving who start indicating as they’re turning, yes we ******* know you’re turning, moron, would have been useful a few seconds earlier…..

    Free Member

    i went to see one: the “hand brake” was a 4th pedal, next to the clutch.

    Took a little time to get used to but I prefer the pedal operated parking brake over a regular handbrake now (not that it makes any real difference)

    Free Member

    Might be a tactic to try and remember names. I do the opposite… will avoid using names because I’m never 100% sure I’ll get them right!

    Yup, I’m terrible for remembering peoples names, usually takes 3-4 meetings before it goes in so this is a tictac I use.

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