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  • flicker
    Free Member

    You missed Boris? No chance and Truss? Give over, you’re being ridiculous now.

    Free Member

    Aviva by any chance?

    Free Member

    E bike for sale, comes with free battery!

    Free Member

    Do you know how it works (i.e. what you can and can’t do)?  I’m guessing not given your statement.

    (Just FYI, on AA, you only get read messages that arrive while you are driving and can use voice to text to send new messages – you cannot see the messages, your contacts or type anything.  It’s probably safer than selecting a playlist on Spotify or a track on a CD)

    Forget it…

    Free Member

    But using the car’s sim means you don’t get SMS or WhatsApp integration on AA/Carplay – which you would if you used your phone via BT.

    Not really sure I want everyone accessing texts/WhatsApp whilst they’re supposed to be driving.

    Free Member

    Indeed.  I’m struggling to think of any reason nowadays.

    Allows you to run a different network to your phone, can be handy if you spend time in remote areas.

    Stops your phone going flat on long journeys as it’s not using the GPS and Bluetooth on your handset. Better gps signal too.

    Depending on number of drivers you don’t need to link multiple phones to the head unit, which is a pain in the arse when some are serial phone swappers.

    Not all phones play as well with android auto as they should.

    Free Member

    Latham’s steel doors

    I’ve had one of their side doors for six years now, good solid door and weathering well so far. When I get round to it I’ll be changing our up and over for a side hinged pair.

    Free Member

    I would have been a terrible parent, which is why I had an early vasectomy

    My wife and I have decided we don’t want children, our boys don’t seem to have taken it very well….

    Free Member

    In practice though, everyone knows what it means, you’d have to be particularly obtuse to claim otherwise. And yes of course it’s on the driver who is being let out to still check that it’s safe, you wouldn’t blindly stroll into a building on fire because someone held the door open and said “after you.

    Well of course, but I’ve seen more than a few near misses (and a couple of actual hits) where people have just pulled out after someone’s flashed them. I work on the assumption that you’re an idiot and I’d rather be pleasantly surprised to find you aren’t than vice versa.

    For the same reason I don’t always pull out of a side junction if a car coming from the right is indicating to turn into the road I’m waiting to pull out of, people change their mind at the last minute or are so dim they haven’t noticed their indicator is still on from 3 miles back. Sadly for a large minority of drivers the act of driving isn’t currently in the top 10 things they’re thinking about.

    Username checks out. (-:

    You’ve lost me there…

    Back when I passed my test THC stated that when you have two cars coming in opposite directions wanting to turn right at a crossroads, you’re supposed to pass and go round the back of each other.  In ~35 years of driving I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that unless the lanes are explicitly marked as such on the junction.  If you tried to turn that way you’d cause chaos, especially if there was more than one vehicle waiting to turn.  Sometimes reality and the rules don’t align exactly (it seems THC has acknowledged this now and updated the rule to offer options, Rule 181).

    It happens, but it’s very rare.

    I got whinged at yesterday as I wasn’t prepared to sit in a box junction with my caravan and completely block a roundabout, just so the clown behind me could move a few feet forward, people are morons.

    Free Member

    I guess that goes back to Cougar’s point about not giving someone any indication of anything. How are they supposed to know you’re aware of them? A flash is at least giving you a fleeting connection of sorts. About all you can do on the road in separated metal boxes.

    I’m looking at the driver where possible and I’ll go if I’m comfortable, whether they’ve flashed or not.

    Free Member

    I’d be very happy to leave you miserable, highway code-obssesive, angst-bags sitting in a junction all day if it makes you happy. Explains a lot about why the roads are such horrible, stressy places to be sometimes.

    I’ll carry on being nice to people. I enjoy the thumbs ups, the waves and the thanks.

    It’s got nothing to do with being happy, we’re all following the same set of rules, when someone changes the rules without telling anyone else it causes confusion in some instances, with everyone sat there looking at each other and noone moving.

    I get it regularly when pulling into my drive, 20 limit, long straight road and I want to reverse on, if there’s something coming that other way I’ll wait with my indicator on until they’ve passed, at least once a week someone will stop in the middle of the road and flash me (not like that) so I can pull onto the drive, unfortunately they always stop where I’m going to pull up to before I reverse in, so they’re now in the way and a ridiculous game of charades starts as they insist I go.

    Free Member

    I think we can all agree that flashing never means it is safe for you to pull out because I’ve flashed at you. It’s just a courtesy. A paying forward. Being nice. Giving someone an opportunity that they can either take or not take.

    I think you’re severely over estimating the ability of the average motorist. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a large minority, if not majority will take a flash as a green light to go, and will then attempt to pin the blame on you if they get it wrong.

    I don’t flash anyone, I’ll leave a space if possible, it’s there for you to make a decision, if you’re paying attention. I’m not your mum, I’m not holding your hand for you.

    Free Member

    Brace for the downside… the cesspool that is the comment section.

    The comments sections are great! They make me feel normal and well adjusted :D

    Can’t possibly be any worse than this place

    Ha! There aren’t enough orders of magnitude divised to separate the two.

    Free Member

    If I was feeling particularly mischievous I’d find a large card board box and chuck all my recycling in it, when it was full I’d send it using the cheapest method to the Sheffield county council main office, ideally addressed to whoever is responsible for the current shit state of affairs regarding recycling, with a little note explaining why they are receiving it.

    Then I’d start filling my next cardboard box…..

    Free Member

    great job getting your bike back, shit news that you needed to in the first place.

    Even if you used the best locks available they’re only going to slow them down. In your position I’d be looking to make the garage painful to be in, the loudest siren possible inside the garage and protect it with a mesh cage to stop it being smashed and a security smoke generator are the first measures that spring to mind, multiple strobes can be very disorienting too. Make it impossible to stay in the garage when they’re triggered.

    If you’re lucky they might leave you alone now you’ve turned up on their doorstep.

    Free Member

    Prices are all over the place, they have been for a few years.

    As said above keep an eye on likely candidates for a few weeks, and watch what they sell for, eBay and market place are better for this.

    I spent a few months around two years ago looking for my Vito, the good ones were getting snapped up immediately for strong money, so I knew there was going to be very little haggling when I found the right one.

    12.5k for a 9 year old van, but two years on its been the best vehicle I’ve had.

    Free Member

    They appear in pairs every couple of years, always very polite, but it’s only ever been a simple “I don’t believe in god and I’m not interested in discussing it, thanks, bye”

    Ricky Gervais’ take on the fact that there are over 3000 different gods recognized around the world and that someone as say a catholic, believes in one god and rejects all others means that I believe in just one less god than they do :)

    Free Member

    so you’re allowed to post a tongue-in-cheek comment with a smilie, but I’m not? Understood. ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

    Sensitive much?

    Post what you like, merely pointing out how you’d selectively edited to remove the smilie so it was less obvious as to whether my quoted post was serious or not.

    Incompetent or underhand? Only you know the answer to that ;)

    Free Member


    Dogs, log burners, SUV’s to name but a few. Start a thread on those for guaranteed entertainment.

    Free Member

    so… a bit like this comment, then:

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here

    Yes, they’re exactly the same, funny how you managed to cut the smilie off my post though, I usually don’t bother with them but I find it can help the humourless, or not, in your case…..

    Free Member

    Im sure the parents of the child bitten by the Dalmatian will be sharing your appreciation for a compassionate and nuanced approach

    I’m failing to see what your problem is?*

    The op has reported the incident to the Police, what more are you expecting him to do? Visit them in the small hours with a bat and beat the dog and owner to death?

    * Not strictly true, but that’s between you and your psychiatrist ?

    Free Member



    You knew what was going to happen on here.

    If it’s any consolation you’ve done exactly what I’d have done. You unfortunately got caught in the cross fire trying to separate them, but the Dalmatian’s problem with other dogs does need sorting out, and if he’s already on the database I doubt it will be just a chat this time round. Doesn’t mean it’ll be put down, maybe rehomed, lead and muzzle only when away from home address, it’s in the hands of the police now.

    Free Member

    No its not – its pointing out the distorted logic that leads to dangerous dogs being allowed to attack folk. There is no equivalence between dogs and humans. Humans have rights, dogs do not. Humans are responsible for their actions. the dogs owner is responsible for the dogs actions

    Is that what you think it does?

    Comments like this?

    yep, definitely a dog owner :)

    No wonder you struggle getting your point across at times. 

    It comes across as condescending and dismissive and gets people’s backs up, you aren’t stupid, you know it does.

    Free Member

    Read the thread, he doesn’t know which dog. Should he put his own down too, you know, just in case?

    It’s really easy to just say put it down, especially when it’s not you doing the killing.

    Free Member

    Dog owner logic on full display.

    Classic dog owners logic thinking dogs are human.

    Using comments like these in an attempt to diminish others thoughts and opinions is what non cyclists do when discussing cyclists.

    Now think about how you see people who make those kinds of comments.

    Free Member

    Now we’re getting there!

    (as an aside, I’m always amazed at the amount of STWers who will reply without actually reading the thread)

    For clarity again…

    This has been reported and a statement given to Police.

    The Dalmation was not aggressive towards people (well aware that this is irrelevant though)

    It might well have been my own dog biting defensively and instinctively that got me – does he need destroying too?

    No way do I want the dog destroying. It’s not his fault fundamentally and the behaviour can be rectified. That might need to be with another owner though.

    Hunting compo gets me nowhere other than dragging things out.

    The guy potentially needs help, and this might be a small step towards him getting that if there’s any shred of self reflection left in there.

    (as another aside, I often wonder if those who always call for dogs to be put down also support the death penalty for actual people)

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here :D

    Edit: see! 11 minutes :D

    Free Member

    Lots already mentioned but some of my favourites.

    Jamie and the magic torch

    Ivor the Engine

    Chorlton and the Wheelies

    Rhubarb and Custard

    Hong Kong Phooey



    Battle of the Planets


    Wile E Coyote


    Mr Men


    When my kids were growing up I enjoyed Space Pirates and Boo!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We played football on the – not yet opened – M1 southern extension at the end of the road, crossed the east coast mainline for shits and giggles and broke into the local factory’s canteen of a weekend and stole their biscuits… It gave us a basic grounding in nutrition and running away from the police and hiding in bushes that a lot of the youth of today are sadly lacking. A lot of fat kids wouldn’t be half so chubby if they were encouraged to commit minor crimes and other infractions and run for it.


    That made me laugh a lot and brought back a lot of memories of a misspent youth, thanks

    Free Member

    True but remember that a good proportion of that difference is tax. Seems wrong that there is more tax (both in absolute and percentage terms) on the fuel with lower carbon emissions.

    And a few of the energy suppliers are now advocating a change there.

    Yup, but changing that is going to punish the poor.

    Free Member

    That part is debatable. They *shouldn’t* be more expensive if done right, but it’s not always possible to do it well enough.

    kWh per kWh gas is a lot cheaper than electricity, until it isn’t then it’s going to be cheaper using gas central heating. The cross over point is getting closer though, especially with the new tariffs available for heat pump users.

    Heat pump installations in existing housing stock usually coincide with a large upgrade in insulation, you could carry out that same insulation upgrade without changing from gas central heating and see a vast improvement in cost and comfort (obviously if you’re remote and using oil, lpg etc then that’s different)

    I would like one myself but the cost to change (and ripping out and scrapping a good boiler and most likely radiators) doesn’t sit well. The noise is also a concern, it’s very quiet where I live and when I’m out in the evening over winter you can hear the hum from quite a distance.

    Free Member

    It’d be better with kWh figures rather than the cost as it’ll be easier for others to relate.

    It doesn’t sound too bad, you’re heating a large (nearly 200m2) stone building in Aberdeenshire using a heat pump, which whilst they’re more environmentally friendly than running gas central heating they’re also more expensive.

    Solar panels will be great during the summer months but they’re not going to provide much power over winter, when you really need them. My 4kW install provides as little as 50kWh a month during winter.

    Free Member

    To be fair, retrievers look guilty even when they haven’t done anything :D

    Free Member

    Maybe some pictures of amputated legs on the packaging of food that doesn’t meet a certain level of nutrition or exceeds a set processing level etc. Like the labels on packets of cigs.

    As @Kramer says, it makes very little difference for the majority. A good friend was a prosthesist in Manchester, the bulk of his customers were morbidly obese and it takes sustained effort over a number of years to get to the point where you need extremities removing (feet usually) there will have been a lot of advice, help and warnings during that time.

    Free Member

    Morning Bert walk, “it’s MY frisbee!”

    Barney is partial to a frisbee, we bought him a rubber Kong frisbee in the end as he ruins them, so far it seems to be Barney proof


    He wants you to throw it, but he’s not keen on letting go of it first :D

    Free Member

    What kind of lunatic puts their spoons and forks in that way round ?!

    Free Member

    Teaspoons get their own little coral, within which THEY SHOULD ALL LIE IN THE SAME DIRECTION!

    Front to back yes, left to right no, I’ll allow some to lie in the wrong direction to help those less able. You see some of us are correct handed, the remainder are right handed.

    Free Member

    Constant, low-level bickering has been part of our relationship since day 1.

    Mrs f likes to wander in and ‘adjust’ the draining board rack while I’m washing up, giving me a slight side eye whilst she does it before wandering off, always makes me smirk, it’s basically foreplay :D

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