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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • flatfish
    Free Member

    When is this pencilled in for?
    Any other details?
    Very interested.

    Free Member

    Where did you find that deal?
    Currently looking for a tragic myself.

    Free Member

    Tagging this for info at a later date.

    Free Member

    I’m a week and a half into three broken ribs.
    Managed to wein myself off the co-codamol as they make me feel spewy.
    Struggling to sleep more than 3 hours a night though.
    Hoping I can sleep on my side soon as I’ve never been a back sleeper.

    How did I do it? Walking the dogs, slipped on a slimey rock and landed flat on my back winding myself too.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Been for a chat this morning with the college and they now don’t want to see my GCSE qualifications when they found out I’ve done two other C&G courses in Engineering and Motorcycle Mechanics. So it would appear that I can read and count.
    Funny thing was, they didn’t ask to see those certificates, which also went down in the floods.
    I was also shown a maths test paper which they’d mentioned I’d have to sit if I couldn’t find my GCSE’s as discussed yesterday, my 8 year old is doing harder topics at junior school!

    Free Member

    Cheers I’ll let you know how I get on if I can’t find them.

    Free Member

    If I “had” to pick one for YOU, I would probably suggest the Author.
    If it were MY money I’d buy neither, I’d spend some extra on a Wildcat Tiger Wayfarer.

    Admittedly over twice the price but worth it to get rid of the wagging dogs tail. It needs a dry bag but so does every other saddle pack really.
    I couldn’t willingly go back to big bag like the two you mention.
    Another tip is don’t get the biggest as you will fill it with the “what if’s”, keep it small and your kit list won’t balloon and get too heavy.

    Free Member

    The way these two that you’ve picked fix to the bike will wag whenever you stand up to pedal which I find incredibly annoying.
    Neither are waterproof so you’ll need to shove a dry bag into there to if you don’t want a wet sleeping bag/change of clothes.

    Free Member

    Armourtex paint job wasn’t the best I’d found, it started flaking round the bottom of my forks.

    Free Member

    What Greg said.

    Free Member

    Nothing to add.
    Tagging this to read the outcome.

    Free Member

    Chewy with foam grips made a massive difference to my rigid 29er and my hard tail 29er.
    Probably my favourite bars at the moment.

    Free Member

    Helle hollis, just outside the airport, they have a shuttle bus every 5/10 mins.
    We’ve used them 3 times now and we’re due to fly into Malaga during October half term.

    Free Member

    The mark up is called “stupidity tax”.
    If your too lazy to look on the biggest parts suppliers website in Europe, maybe even the world, then more fool you.

    Free Member

    adjustablewench – Member
    I also flew to Pisa last month (it was the place to be ey Flatfish) . . . However I flew from a different airport and was fine with the pedals (time) in my hand luggage – but I’d forgotten to put the allen keys I needed to build my bike back up in my hand luggage.
    Luckily the lady in security posted them back home to me (due to sentimental reasons – or I’d have happily let them go at security)

    Did you take your bike too?

    Free Member

    Flew to Pisa last month and checked beforehand and was told to stick them in my bike bag.
    Another lad flew the same flight with shoes in hand luggage and was fine, he also had 4x air cartridges in hand luggage.

    Free Member

    I did that back in January on my daughters birthday, she wasn’t impressed, neither was her mother.
    put my finger in between the chain and front ring of my track bike.
    Fortunately i kept the bit of bone and it’s all healed except for a bit of nerve damage around the tip of my finger.

    Free Member

    Did one a handful of years ago and our group were all grinning like cheshire cats when they landed.
    I on the other hand didn’t get the same buzz as them.
    I thought sitting in the doorway of a plane at 12000ft with my legs dangling was scary/fun and the roll out of the plane, seeing the underside of the plane 3 times as we tumbled was quite a buzz but the rest of it was just a bit meh.
    I had to drive for ~5hours straight afterwards and thought about it the whole way, I felt really guilty that I didn’t enjoy it as much as the others.
    Maybe it was just because I’ve done/do other “extreme” sports and it felt a bit tame to me. I’ve always wondered if a static line jump would be better as I would have to have the balls to jump out by myself rather than being jostled out with an instructor strapped to my back.

    Free Member

    Liking Tomaso’s double height choice.

    Free Member

    Like that.

    Free Member

    Some good ideas there folks.

    Free Member

    Ask to see the evidence.

    Free Member

    I fell asleep during my last one. 8O

    Free Member

    Really comfortable.
    The only downside I can find is the bug net stops you from scratching an itch on your head.
    Really pleased with mine.

    Free Member

    What was the outcome?

    Free Member

    As of this afternoon the open sections were pretty much dusty with a few puddles.
    I rode a cross bike with summer tread tyres without any mud issues on our route.

    Free Member

    brassneck – Member
    Funnily enough, I’m sheparding a dozen or so this Thursday but it’s only 120miles or so over 2 days but there’s a big party with free beer at the end.
    In a professional capacity? Tips appreciated .. we have official ‘support’ but will be separated from them for periods, and myself and a couple of other regular cyclists are expecting to be carrying the majority of the morale/mechanical support.

    Was also considering a GPS to save the phone battery.Yes, this is slowly turning into an object lesson in self justification of some new toys.

    Semi professional. I’ve got my guiding qualifications and first aid so I’m being utilised because of this, I’m not being paid for it as its to do with the wife and I don’t do any proper work anyway.
    My tips are to keep them distracted by chatting and playing mental games/quizzes. If their minds are busy they’re not thinking about the hill they’re slowly climbing.
    Get a small frame bag or something similar for the group tools and keep a couple of gels hidden in your bag for those moments of desperation but don’t freely offer them unless needed.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, I’m sheparding a dozen or so this Thursday but it’s only 120miles or so over 2 days but there’s a big party with free beer at the end.

    Free Member

    Teddy Bear Bones

    Free Member

    One would assume you’re a bit of a dick.

    has been mentioned before.

    Free Member

    explain how they could improve their behaviour? Not everyone gets taught the country code.

    It’s not rocket science, don’t leave your s**t lying around, put it in the bin.
    If everybody put their rubbish in a council estate garden the resident is going to get pissy pretty quick.

    Free Member

    These existing laws don’t seem to be working though in this area.
    Your blessed with the Cairngorms/monadliath on your doorstep.
    I’ve seen a handful of charred ground where you live in the 7 or 8 times I’ve been riding round aviemore but I could find the same amount in one 2-3 hour ride in the Trossachs with copious amounts of carrier bags full of empty Stella’s, used bbq trays and batteries in the same vicinity.

    Free Member

    Whilst I’m quite jealous of the Scottish access laws I was really disappointed and surprised when I visited the Trossachs last year with the sheer amount of rubbish and blackened ground around loch sides.
    Having been to various area’s around Scotland this was by far, the worst.
    This will prevent us from visiting the area again.
    Scotland has some fantastic places of which the Trossachs is one, spoilt by quite a few that go “wild camping” by car.
    Our next week away will not be here so something has to be done otherwise it’ll become THE dump of Scotland.
    One can only assume it’s mainly the great unwashed on Glasgow causing the problem.

    Free Member

    Probably a bit late to the party but I’m a locksmith.
    GT85 and WD40 will only mask the problem for so long.
    I’ll wager that the cast driver, the bit that the spindle bar in the handle goes through in the gearbox, is cracked.
    I’d say 85% of my multipoint lock problems will be found here.
    A new gearbox with be the only thing that fixes it properly.
    What normally happens is people will force the handle to engage putting more pressure on the already cracked driver, then it shatters into 3-4-5 pieces and jams the locking mechanism lower down causing more work just to get the door open. What should be a 20 minute job can then turn into a 2 hour job.
    Let us know how you get on.

    Free Member

    Was going to say a bucket filled with post mix and an old D lock then chain through that.

    Free Member

    I’m with the OP on this.
    My wife knows I’d rather stick forks in my eyes than go to somewhere remotely like Centre Parcs so I’d be in a huff like Rob too.
    Especially if she’d booked it for my 40th. I was taken out for a ride with the wife whilst the kids were at school and then to Pizza Express with the kids and they loved it. Pizza Express isn’t my preferred option but the kids enjoyed taking Daddy to a “posh” restaurant. Used vouchers for the meal too.
    I do admit that there should be some give and take in a relationship but that’s just taking the piss.

    Stick the weekend on the classifieds here as there seems to be an abundance of Centre Parc lovers.

    Free Member

    Feature length finale next week! Dan dan daaaaaaaah!

    I heard that but there 2 more episode in the run.

    Free Member

    Had a neighbour opposite our house kick my car door and put a big dent in it when I dared to park outside his house.
    The three students next door saw it all and told me about it so I called the police. The girls next door agreed to go to court with me, he pleaded guilty 10 minutes before our hearing and I got about £300 to pull out the dent on my car which I never did.
    I put in towards shiny bike bits.

    Free Member

    Surprised it took 2 replies before the standard stw answer of Almax appeared.

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