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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
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    Full Member

    but as he has never maintained his side of the hedge, it is has grown outwards as well as up

    I imagine he’s never maintained his side of the hedge because, as you admit, it’s your hedge…

    Full Member

    I’ve just hacked my neighbour’s leylandii hedge back to the boundary. They used to come around and trim them for me, but each time the hedge was encroaching slightly further into my garden and they just squared it off, so they were slowly occupying more and more of my land in a stealth invasion. It looks a bit brown and unhealthy now but I’ve got 7m³ of garden back.

    They also put them in for “privacy”, but Colditz had smaller walls. It’s not too bad for me as I’ve not held back in controlling the part that I have access to, but my neighbours further along have a permanently marshy garden and the hedge is more than 6m tall in places, towering over their house.

    Hedge height laws and right to light are horribly complicated in a garden, and probably not worth the effort and expense of investigating.

    Full Member

    All the evidence is that after the general election she will derive her income from that sector, having easy access to non-hostile government ministers will possibly prove rather useful. Before she became an MP she was doing work for the government, she is obviously aware that the next government will be a Labour government.

    Most plausible explanation by far.

    Full Member

    The above are pseudo-random 😉

    True, but pseudo-random number generators are perfectly acceptable for modelling and simulations. So unless oldnick intends to use the random path to encrypt something, for all intents and purposes the RNG in python can be considered random.

    I’ve not bothered to do the maffs, but I suspect that given the OP is generating a relatively short sequence restricted to the integers 1-9, you’d be more likely to duplicate the run by using a true random number generator than a PRNG.

    Full Member

    If you’ve got a desktop computer than a simple Python program can do what you want:

    import random
    from prettytable import PrettyTable
    def generate_list(n):
    directions = ['CW', 'CCW']
    return [(random.choice(directions), random.randint(1, 9)) for _ in range(n)]
    n = int(input("Enter the length of the list: "))
    path = generate_list(n)
    table = PrettyTable()
    table.field_names = ["Direction", "Magnitude"]
    for direction, magnitude in path:
    table.add_row([direction, magnitude])

    This produces a list like this:

    Enter the length of the list: 10
    | Direction | Magnitude |
    |    CCW    |     9     |
    |    CCW    |     6     |
    |    CCW    |     5     |
    |    CCW    |     5     |
    |     CW    |     5     |
    |     CW    |     6     |
    |     CW    |     2     |
    |     CW    |     8     |
    |    CCW    |     8     |
    |    CCW    |     3     |
    Full Member

    all things being equal I think the fraudster probably deserves a worse punishment.

    However, with government input (albeit via the taxpayer) the victims of the fraudster could be compensated and returned without difficulty to their original position. Anyone who’s been on the receiving end of an assault is affected both mentally and physically for the rest of their lives.

    Full Member


    Full Member


    Abandoned church behind my house. Photos untouched from iPhone camera.

    Full Member

    which of their 13 remaining seats would a wouldbe Tory MP fancy standing in?

    All this does is highlight once again how ridiculous the first past the post electoral system really is. In that prediction Greens get 7% but two seats, but Lib Dems get 9% and forty-four seats. Even the swivel-eyed loons (erm, the Tories not the Greens) should be represented proportionally.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t mix them.

    Why not Crossclimate 2? They’re awesome in the wet, work on snow, and are seemingly indestructible. Just gone through 40,000 miles and still have 5mm of tread left on a Tesla Model 3 AWD.

    Full Member

    Do not underestimate how long the flight is

    Not as long as it should be ‘cos they’re happy to fund Putin’s invasion of Ukraine by overflying sanctioned nations.

    Full Member

    Indonesia: where you can be executed for entering the country with a packet of decongestant tablets but get a maximum 8 months in prison for torture of sentient animals.

    Full Member

    Anyone tried the plastic based one? Bit nervous of the carbon rails

    Carbon fibre is probably one of the few things I’d trust from China.

    Full Member

    Sellafield is the consequence of a nuclear arms race, not atomic energy. I don’t think you can count it towards “nuclear power is evil” in that regard.

    Works fine in France. Wouldn’t be bothered about having one in my back yard from a safety perspective, nor any concern about living near a nuclear waste storage site. Although I don’t know why you’d want to store it since dropping it into the sea in a subduction zone would recycle it nicely.

    The most convincing idea I’ve heard is burying it deep enough that geothermal heat is sufficient to deter access (eg 80-90C).

    Full Member

    It’s depressing that so many people look at new policies with the view of “how does this benefit me?”, instead of “how does this benefit society?”.

    Full Member

    Micro business are protected in a similar way to domestic customers, so I’d suggest you follow that route rather than using terminology like “commercial” which is treated very differently.

    Ahh… that’s good to know, thanks. Definitely no serial number on the bill, just the MPAN.

    Full Member

    That was my first port of call, but the meter doesn’t have the MPAN printed on it. I’m not sure it would help as they just say over and over again “it’s not possible for us to assign the wrong meter”.

    Will be on the phone to them again later today.

    Full Member

    Musk, bless his withered little soul, has just sacked the entire Supercharger team!

    Not before he ruined it by making nearly the entire network available to non-Tesla owners (I think another 40 sites just became a free-for-all).

    The sacking is a Musk problem but there’s a fundamental issue that US law (“land of the free”, my arse) allows someone to just kick 500 people out of a business without following any protocol whatsoever.

    Full Member

    Lazy way: stick a couple of washers onto some sensitive scales and then measure the force exerted by your magnet at different distances.

    Full Member

    Is the problem with transport in the UK that rail fares are artificially high, or that petrol/diesel prices are kept artificially low in comparison?

    Not convinced at all that nationalising the rail operators will make any difference. It won’t fix the problems with industrial action and there’s clear evidence from companies like Grand Central and Lumo that services can run offering cheaper tickets. Being government-operated, LNER has no incentive to compete on prices.

    Full Member

    Only thing I could think of was Hope brakes, but that hasn’t gone down too well 😄

    Whose birthday is it?

    Full Member

    I twatted the back of a car at about 15mph in a spectacular misjudgement of intentions a few years ago and my shoulder took the brunt of the impact.

    Exactly the same symptoms as you but it cleared up over the course of six weeks. Get well soon.

    Full Member

    Drunk people on trains.

    Essex accents.

    The combination together when you’ve been awake 36 hours straight.

    Full Member

    Nothing says it can’t be both. 😕

    Full Member

    Oops. It’s been a while since I looked at them.

    Full Member

    I use overnight electricity to heat the hot water tank on the Octopus Intelligent tariff. Because I get 30p/kWh for anything I export thanks to a wonky meter, it’s much more cost-efficient to export than use the generated power myself, and it means that the oil boiler doesn’t run and the water is heated by green(ish) oof-peak power.

    But since you can get 15p/kWh to export with anyone I can’t see why you’d want to invest close to £k in a solar diverter.

    Full Member

    Can’t help specifically with this problem but when I flattened the battery on my old Volvo, it took 5 hours of motorway driving to recharge completely so a quick run definitely isn’t enough.

    Full Member

    Why has everyone started pronouncing new as “noo”?

    Full Member

    I bought a refurbished Thinkpad from Newandusedlaptops4u on eBay last year and it was a bargain. Came with a brand new extended capacity battery and was in perfect condition. If I needed another I’d go straight back there.

    Full Member

    So you saved yourself with helping others……..Nice

    **** me, this place is unpleasant now.

    Full Member

    If the fire is that well developed that there is a risk of structural collapse

    “My dad/brother/daughter/son/cat is still in the building.”

    Full Member

    The problem isn’t so much the risk of the batteries catching fire (arguably above you might be better than below you in that case anyway), but the fact that there’s several hundred kilos of metal perched in the loft. The risk is to emergency services who enter the building after you’ve escaped, because I would quite expect a stack of batteries falling through a weakened loft ceiling to go straight through the floor below as well.

    My stack of batteries were under the stairs (which is the only escape route) and ultimately I bit the bullet and paid to have them moved to the garage, but in a neat and tidy all-in-one unit. Roughly the same capability as a Powerwall, but also integrates the solar PV. Existing batteries slot into the base.


    You’ve got an interlinked smoke alarm up there, I assume?

    Full Member

    385 is not very many.

    Where do you draw the line? What’s your personal limit for acceptable casualties on the road? 386? Or would you change your mind at 400? What about if one of those 385 included one of your children? Could you genuinely say at that point that you think that 385 is “not too many” and an acceptable toll in order to drive at 30mph in a village instead of 20mph?

    There’s no evidence that a 20mph limit has caused problems beyond the made-up claims that driving slightly slower increases emissions. It doesn’t affect traffic flow, and if anything improves it as it makes it easier for people to pull out of junctions.

    Full Member

    >> Why would they install a new home charger with the wrong connector, requiring you to use an adapter?

    It’s not that. The Tesla wall connector doesn’t have PEN fault protection, so requires an additional device to cut the power if there’s a fault on the supply combined earth and neutral (worst case is that the metal body of the car becomes energised at 230v relative to ground).

    They’re a bit of a bodge in how they work, to be honest, but are needed to satisfy the law. Other chargers like the Zappi etc have the protection built in.

    Some installers will fit the mini consumer unit inside the meter box, but Fusebox make a very discreet IP65 unit in dark grey which I’d happily have on the wall. Personal preference would be to have the car supplied directly from the main supply via Henley blocks instead of going via the house consumer unit.

    Full Member

    Don’t bother trying to track down local SIMs for a short trip. Just grab a 7-day eSIM from Airalo or Flexiroam as they’re all pretty much the same price.


    I’ve used both and now don’t bother with any roaming add-ons with my phone package. Flexiroam tends to be my go-to these days. It’s useful to see how much EE et al are price-gouging when you land and get a message telling you the rates are £8/MB or whatever, when you can pay £8 to Flexiroam and get 5000-8000 times as much data.

    Use the code “20OFF” to get 20% off the Flexiroam packages.

    Full Member

    Customer orders some items from what I assume was the cheapest source… Items turn up fine.. Customer complains because the packaging caused zero damage.

    Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? You can’t tell from outward appearances whether a helmet is damaged or not because it can be damaged but spring back after an impact.

    Did you shop on price?

    No, it was a cycle to work purchase and I picked one of the more expensive helmets in the category. Discounts don’t apply to cycle to work stuff. None of the LBS in my area offer the schemes for anything other than a complete bike so you do end needing to go online.

    Full Member

    If it was only put in a year ago it should have surge protection fitted as per amendment 2. Have you looked to see if there’s an SPD in the board, and whether the little windows are still showing a green flag?

    Full Member

    Won’t help now but get a surge protection device fitted to your consumer unit. You can get single module versions now so there’s usually space.

    Full Member

    Twin Peaks hike to Stanley.

    Twin Peaks & Violet Hill Hike in Hong Kong

    When you get to Stanley, jump on one of the mini-buses to the entrance to the nature reserve, and complete the loop back. Don’t try to walk along the road, it’s lethal.

    Full Member

    Luxury international waterpark.

    Hopefully some of the people singing the praises of a folly to the Emir’s credit card built on slave labour will change their minds. Some interesting stories coming out of the place about how tourists are being locked in malls and refused food and water.

    It was an awful place *before* it was underwater. And that video is a prime example of why you don’t fly on a low-cost third world airline.

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