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  • Review: Merida One-Sixty 7000
  • Flaperon
    Full Member

    I was lucky enough to have a very understanding form tutor who arranged for me to mess around in his science lab during assembly. Equally, the religious studies teacher was a slight crackpot and we didn’t learn anything about religion either, which was great.

    Hate the idea of “compulsory worship”, and when I have kids they’re not being to be indoctrinated in this way.

    Full Member

    Lane near us about a mile long. It’s dodgy at the best of times. I came home last week to find a sign warning of a pothole at each end but no indication where the pothole is.

    Turned out to be under a puddle. Nearly lost the car down it but instead rewarded with a scraping noise from something that sounded both important and expensive.

    Full Member

    Check your brake lights. The switch on the pedal breaks quite easily and the car gets confused if it thinks you’re driving without using the brakes.

    Full Member

    Anything but Belkin should be fine.

    Full Member

    I’ve driven down that road in Goodyear, AZ. Don’t remember the squished rat/mongoose/thing.

    Full Member

    Still 8 inches here in Devon.

    Full Member

    Our student house in Leeds had bailiffs come a-calling a couple of times for the previous residents. Strongly recommend that if they come again and are even the slightest bit intimidating that you call the police immediately via 999.

    Full Member

    I’m sorry, but if it had been me I’d have walked out when the manager refused to look at the suggestions I’d brought in. Don’t pay for any of that work, looks to be a complete rip-off.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    It’s awesome isn’t it? Even more fun when it starts knowing again.

    Full Member

    The Planet offer excellent deals and rock solid* service.

    In terms of design, the tutorial offered by this website allows you to create a stunning, but individual, design. See below:


    * One of their data centres exploded last year. They gave me two months hosting free in compensation.

    Full Member

    QNH isn’t sea level pressure, it’s the QFE mathematically corrected to sea level assuming standard conditions. QNF is the QFE mathematically reduced using actual conditions.

    Full Member

    No kids deserve to lose their mum like this. Doesn’t matter who she is.

    Full Member

    3 inches here in Oxford, just bleedin’ perfect for my drive back to Devon.

    Full Member

    19, screwed up on the metaphor.

    Full Member

    Google Earth is your best bet.

    If you use a barometric altimeter you can get the local pressure setting from a nearby airport. Remember that at your elevation and considering the colder weather you might want to subtract about 20 feet.

    Full Member

    Not a chance, sorry. Had the misfortune of riding in one and it wouldn’t take two flight bags in the boot, so a bike is out of the question.

    Full Member

    hora – limp home WOULDN’T turn the car off, clue’s kinda in the name…

    I’d put my money on either the camshaft or crankshaft sensor. If the computer doesn’t know what the engine’s doing, it’ll cut off fuel. Worth posting on Honest John’s website (sound advice) but you need to get any error codes read which might give an instant diagnosis.

    Did it per chance happen on the M25? There’s a point near a junction on the western side of the loop that causes older Range Rovers to just cut out and stop, radio transmission messes with the immobiliser or something. Happened to my dad both ways.

    Full Member

    Strongly disagree re: Amazon. Design has changed little in the past 10 years, stuff is in multiple categories and the search is weak. And try doing something specific to your account settings. Each bit is tacked on by a different drunken stoned developer.

    Doesn’t stop me buying from them, though.

    Personally, I consider the BBC News website to be the easiest to navigate.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry, I have it on good authority that they’re working on a new system that stabs you in the eye with a sharp object if you try watching Doctor Who without a licence.

    Full Member

    I would have thought that if you’re catching a cold, your immune system is fairly good. After all, symptoms of a cold are the indications of a fight put up by your body.

    If the common cold rapidly deteriorated into pneumonia or something, then it’s time to get worried. ;-)

    Full Member

    £200 quid gets you a hard disk CCTV system and a couple of wireless cameras. We set it up at my gran’s old house while it was empty.

    I went up there after a couple of weeks to look at the recording (now that’s boring, even at 64x), and on the first day two very dodgy looking women started poking around the house.

    One of them spotted the camera in the window (along with the very conspicuous box next to it), and after a panicked conversation with her chum they both scarpered.

    Full Member

    Nothing in Oxford.

    Full Member

    Science Museum, Planetarium, London Eye all recommended. Not so much the Transport Museum which felt more like a Ken Livingstone propaganda machine than a museum.

    Full Member

    Science Museum, Planetarium, London Eye all recommended. Not so much the Transport Museum which felt more like a Ken Livingstone propaganda machine than a museum.

    Full Member

    It’s a sort of snowy drizzle here in Oxford. Wish I still lived in Leeds.

    Full Member

    Those soft-close drawers you get in kitchens. My parents threatened me with death if I dared to take one apart to find out how it worked last time I visited.

    Full Member

    Of course, they keep very quiet about the fact that the most common source of hydrogen gas comes from *drum roll* burning fossil fuels.

    /slaps forehead/

    Full Member

    There’s no real issue about covering up for women. Like Turkey, wearing of the burka is banned and I can’t remember a woman even wearing a headscarf. It is a Muslim country, obviously, but it’s not the nasty-style Islam we get here.

    Full Member

    Nothing in Oxford yet. I must generate an anti-snow field.

    Full Member

    Johnny Cash – “If you could read my mind.”

    Much better than t’original.

    Full Member

    Yep, my brother used to work out there. Only been to Tunis and the Carthage area, though.

    I stayed near a small town called Marsa. If you need your hand holding when you’re on holiday it’s probably not for you since very little English is spoken. You can (just) get by in French, and I learnt the Arabic equivalent of “Bugger off” for the street vendors.

    I don’t think you’d want to go for longer than a week. Temp was about 30C in September when I went but started dropping rapidly. In fact the drop in sea temperature was noticeable over the course of 7 days.

    Definitely off the Eurozone, definitely not on the beaten track but great fun. Driving is erratic but not particularly dangerous. Food is VERY nice, since any seafood is fresh and there’s a lot of Italian influence.

    Full Member

    Oxford 31/01/09 23:40:06 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:40:19 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:40:54 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:41:11 – It’s snowin- oh, wait, no it’s not.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:41:38 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:42:02 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:42:23 – No snow.
    Oxford 31/01/09 23:42:48 – No snow.

    Full Member

    thisisnotasppon – yeah, totally agree if in Wales but this was in SE England.

    Full Member

    I hate to say it but knowing a couple of people whose second langauge is English after Welsh, I’d suggest you get as far away as you can and treat Welsh as a novelty.

    Makes me sound incredibly bigoted and probably racist too, but it’s screwed these people over badly. As an example, if they’re together with a 3rd person who doesn’t speak Welsh, they’ll chat to each other in Welsh regardless. When pressed, they consider this absolutely normal and it’s how they were brought up (from different parts of Wales, too).

    Full Member

    I discovered a few weeks ago that if you rip the audio description track from a DVD you get a cheap and extremely effective audiobook. It’s the one they use for blind people, but it has all the speech, music, sound effects etc with someone telling you what’s going on.

    Full Member

    I reckon a good 9.5. I’m approaching the end of a 2 year airline pilot training programme with virtually zero job prospects and a wallet lighter of 75k. To stay current on type is probably a minimum of £10k/year from now on.

    I do have a physics degree from Leeds but it’s a bit useless since any job over minimum wage will require a level of commitment I can’t give, since it’s patently obvious that I’ll piss off once a job in an airline becomes available.

    Full Member

    If it’s part of the ring main then it’ll need sorting. For the time being, unless you can ascertain that the ring isn’t damaged I’d limit the load on any other sockets connected to it.

    If you’re really lazy and it’s a spur, then you could cut it a convenient point and remove the socket it connects to, but bearing in mind it’s a kitchen you’re going to have to pay for an electrician anyway.

    Full Member

    Cheapest one you can find.

    Full Member

    My grandad had a heart attack due to the stress, looking forward to claiming.

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