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  • DVO Jade X coil shock review
  • flap_jack
    Free Member

    “Salmond is hopping”

    now that I would like to see

    Free Member

    there was an R4 prog about Hezbullah this week. Fantastic music, politics well dodgy…

    Free Member

    what’s the big deal about climate change anyway ? Humanity will survive, just not in the way it does now.

    Toxicity, however, may kill us all. Why is there less fuss about that ?

    Free Member

    love the moka pot on the stove.

    Free Member

    50. No kids, no sleep problems.

    Free Member

    only time I did this me and the mate never spoke about it. Until, one day apopro nothing, he said – “she’s a screamer, isn’t she”. Nothing more ever said.

    She blimmin was, too…

    Free Member

    all irrelevant. it’s what power you can maintain that counts.

    Free Member

    What’s more worrying is how many docs / anesthetists think 60 is a minimum. Mrs flapjack had to surreptitiously do exercise to get above 60 to get released from hospital because the anesthetist thought that she still has anesthetic suppressing her heart rate. (Her resting was well known to us as mid 50s). I expect many STWers are down in the low 40s.

    Free Member

    +1 for Birdy. Vastly superior. We own one of each, and the Birdy is just better for everything.

    Free Member

    what, as saddest software eng on singletrack. A crowded field, I always thought..

    Free Member

    scardypants – your 11 yr old is right (in octal)

    Free Member

    bit worried about the central heating, it’s not been on since march…

    Free Member

    Yep. Worn my night-vision once. Boil in the bag horror.

    Free Member

    getting back to the advert thing, on STW I see lots of ads for women’s clothes*, but on youtube I see ads for dealxtreme.

    Is there an exclusive-or filter ie you see ads for stuff which isn’t to do with the website ?

    *my wife uses this computer. for browsing dealxtreme, obviously.

    Free Member

    Rugby football.

    An unpleasant game played and enjoyed by unpleasant people.

    Free Member

    Yep, garageband is the way to go.

    Free Member

    Slowoldgit is right about the rotorvator. Don’t do it.

    If you don’t want organic, nuke it with roundup. One of the guys on my patch did that with extraordinary effect.

    We weeded organically.

    Divide into eight beds. You want to do two four-crop rotations.

    Program is:

    Bed 1 once weeded, add compost. Grow spuds next year.
    Bed 2 once weeded add lime. Grow leeks / carrots / beets next year.
    Bed 3 once weeded add compost. Grow peas and beans next year.
    Bed 4 once weeded add lime. Grow brassicas next year
    Beds 5 to 8 follow 1 to 4 except grow toms instead of spuds in bed 1.

    Each year move on one bed.

    What you’re doing is alternating crops that like acid soil with those that like alkaline. The idea is that any pest that really liked that years conditions will be thwarted by the change in conditions the following year. And any that like a particular crop will be thwarted by not seeing that crop for 4 years. Or for spuds and toms, 8 years. (Commercial organic spud farmers wait 8 years before reusing soil to defeat blight).

    Stick salad in gaps between other crops, it’s not that fussy.


    Free Member
    Free Member

    “It’s a bit bright and car drivers don’t like it”

    As a car driver too I’ve had several near misses from being blinded by use of LED lights on the road.

    High viz jackets plus a good light that doesn’t dazzle is a much safer combo.

    Personally I use a hub dynamo. Never worried about battery life, and the latest LEDs with a dipped pattern are brilliant.

    Free Member

    just found this thread but been paleo for a year. my eczema went away too, after 45 years ! Experiment has shown it was oats…

    Free Member

    jedi, that’s very mischievous. – Cham is deffo not the place to go if you don’t want to pedal much. I been with mbmb twice and got one uplift each time.
    ’tis the best though…

    Free Member

    Morzine needs its own MBC.

    Free Member

    Base your diet on fat and protein, not carbs. You’ll be burning fat at the intensity you’re doing.
    Eggs, bacon for breakfast. Get a massive salami sausage for general tucking into. Powdered greens are essential. Plenty of nuts. Bottle of cod liver oil and have loads. Don’t take any artificial foods (e.g. margarine). Fat is 9 cals per gram, carbs are 4. You carry less than half the weight if you carry fat. Remember, there are essential fats and amino acids. There are no essential carbs.
    Just forget the rice/pasta, it’s no better than pot noodle and just spikes your insulin.

    Free Member

    anything remotely challenging got taken out years ago. However, the routes can be quite long, so your mate will need to be fit.

    Free Member

    the permit scheme allows you to ride the trails marked by the brown signs only – not anywhere you like. we are all technically pushing beyond the limit.

    like jedi says, you must be able to see to stop. you often meet dog walkers with kids etc, they really have no reason to know that trail they’re on is your prime singletrack.

    I even once came across a family pic-nicking on a trail, blanket right across the track ! They were as surprised to see me as I them…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Jumpy stuff or XC ?

    Jumpy stuff is all at the quarry, the entrance to which is on the road between Woburn and Woburn Sands, on the left just before you get to Woburn Sands. You’ll see the cars parked, go in through the gate.

    XC is basically everywhere else but there. Ride in and follow anything that looks rideable. Sadly nearly all illegal so try and keep a low profile…

    Won’t be there myself but bet loads will.

    Free Member

    22:34 (nine speed) pretty much equivalent to 24:36 (ten speed). So I could have a 24/36/48 on the front – or even 24/38/52 ! If anyone made these sizes in micro I’d upgrade in an instant.

    Am I the only person interested in that end of the spectrum ? I’m feeling very out of touch with the mainstream…

    Free Member

    all the Ariels have the same head tube length. Not good if you’re tall.

    Free Member

    My folks were hoteliers. My mother maintains that Fawlty Towers is a documentary – and not a very funny one…

    Free Member

    “I use a 11/34 on the rear and a 22/34 up front, dont know why anyone would want more.”

    Never spun out on a 46×11 going into Les Linderets from Rockcake ? You haven’t lived.
    We entered the car park (and over the drainage ditch of death) at over 75 kph when trying to catch time up after a late start to the 2008 passportes…

    Free Member

    hmm, reviews aren’t great…

    Free Member

    ooh, hadn’t seen the 44s. Many thanks, think that’s hit the spot ! Just need to tone down that glossy finish…

    Free Member

    sadly ‘currently unavailable’…

    Free Member

    V bosses indeed. I got a nice non disc ceramic rimmed wheel, and I want to keep using it.

    Free Member


    excuse my ignorance of sports-tracker, but can you get a gpx out of that ?


    Free Member


    No wonder the poor bugger looks miserable.

    Free Member

    crikey +1

    Free Member

    Terriers. Raw meaty bones. Mostly chicken. They eat bones, skin, the lot. Occasional offal too. We don’t eat processed rubbish so don’t see why the dogs should either. Like us, the dogs are lean, fast and strong.

    I trust vets as much as I do doctors – excellent for interventions, hopeless for nutrition…

    Free Member

    1994 E300D Merc estate. 34mpg. ostensibly diesel but will run on (almost) anything

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