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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: Whatever Gets You Through The Shi…
  • flap_jack
    Free Member

    I must confess, I would have cleaned the rest of the bike first. Those forks are more likely to have dirt in them after reassembly than they had in before !

    Free Member

    you watching it on the iplayer too then ?

    Something very fishy about the VO2 max test IMO, I’ve watched it a few times. Is the x axis HRM ? Wouldn’t you expect a reduction as he will be fatigued from the HIIT ? SO if it’s the same then it’s an improvement ?

    Not enough info. Grrr.

    After all the threads on here with folk messing with the Tabata protocol then not getting results, letting this loose on the general public will be a disaster.

    Free Member

    that Scots bloke recommending the exercise was deffo a responder to pies !

    Free Member

    I find cheap chains last about one wet woburn ride before the tool says they’re stretched and need binning. Cheap sport this ain’t.

    Free Member

    do people actually dance to this stuff ? Waaaay to old to go out to find out.

    Quite like it to listen to though, reminds me of putting a Tangerine Dream LP on at the wrong speed.

    Free Member

    Not been for many a year. Where have all the rocks gone ?

    Free Member

    thanks, all.

    those charge ones look spot on !

    Free Member

    just googled these. Wide but also thick.

    I like my grips thin. If bars were knurled I wouldn’t bother with grips…

    Free Member

    Jubilee morning – decent ride, afternoon – street party. Last year’s (royal wedding street party) went on until 1am ! Surprising number of republicans toasting the happy couple day off.
    Hoping for good weather.

    Free Member

    IMO GPs get completely worn down by the constant flow of work-shy p-takers, and eventually see us all like that. Every interaction I’ve had with GPs over the age of about 35 has been unsatisfactory. It’s entirely understandable, but very difficult to know how to fix the system as currently constructed.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    4 NHS trusts using it apparently, but none near me. Radio 4 medicine program alerted me to it last week.
    Hoping someone has had a go, preferably with positive results !

    Free Member

    bump for the evening crowd…

    Free Member

    you sure it’s not the grease from the slider ? It’s a total loss system.

    Glad to see I’m not the last person in the UK using them…good luck with getting them fixed.

    Free Member

    thanks, Jase.

    flapjack blogs[/url]

    it’s rather less interesting than yours. I need some bike pictures !

    Free Member

    you’ve inspired me, I’ve just spent the evening starting one.

    flap jack blogs[/url]

    Free Member

    I got one of those Le Creuset Tagines. Too blimmin small to make anything worthwhile, but a very nice ornament.

    The Le Creuset wok, however, gets constant use.

    Free Member

    I use a super tacky on the front, std on rear. awesome.

    Free Member

    In his september09 newsletter, Michael Colgan gives protocols for neurogenesis, i.e. regrowing brain cells. Here’s an extract showing what’s involved:

    First, it has to be voluntary exercise. In rodents, forced exercise yields little neurogenesis, and impedes new memory formation.
    Second,the exercise has to be demanding, requiring focused attention.
    Third, the exercise has to provoke high adrenalin output.
    Fourth, it has to have immediate signaling of success and failure.
    Fifth it has to provide immediate reward for success and immediate punishment for failure.3,6
    Sixth, the exercise has to incorporate steady progression of difficulty kept marginally beyond capacity, with a reward to failure ratio of about 8:1.

    Doesn’t that sound like mountain biking ?

    Keep at it, we’re gonna live forever !

    Free Member


    more science



    you choose

    Free Member

    Clue is in the name.

    Flap Jack

    If I’m going out at, say, 1pm my prep starts at about 8am. And I’ll still be late.

    Free Member


    are you referring to Poliquin Biosignature Analysis ?

    Free Member

    I have used body builder protocols and have good muscle mass despite being 51. 18 inch biceps, with shoulders, chest and legs in proportion if you fancy some willy waving.
    Physiology tells us that humans produce reducing amounts of growth hormone as they age beyond puberty. As you get onto your 40s this tails off to near nothing. You need the GH to grow muscle (as well as lots of other things). You can trick the body into increasing its production a bit by controlled eccentric overload but unless you’re very careful you can easily damage tendons.
    So I agree it is technically possible but you either need to take GH or one of its analogues (a course I would not advise) or be blessed with resilient connective tissue.

    Whereas, if the OP just gets on his bike and knocks out some centuries the fat should fall off. Weights ain’t going to cut it IMO.

    Free Member

    Don’t think I’ll go for the all out 4 weekly sessions,

    Unless you do it ain’t Tabata training.

    And the protocol is only properly tested on a stationary bike.

    If you mess about with the protocol in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER you are ‘doing exercise’, not Tabata training.

    Exercise science is the same as all other science – you do experiments, you get a result. With luck it’s repeatable. Then it’s a protocol.
    You change any of the variables you have a new experiment, so it would be surprising if you got the same result. Of course you may get a better one, so good luck !

    Free Member

    Bagstard, I’m always willing to learn. Please post an effective protocol.

    Free Member

    Found the Euston Tap last night so a bit jaded…

    Free Member

    you won’t build muscle at 50 (unless you want to use some drugs) so you got to lose fat.

    This being a cycling forum, maybe longer on the bike ?

    Free Member

    V difficult but try not to interfere. The emotional stuff for many men chugs through internally, and medicalising it may delay resolution. You need to go through the whole grief process to get out the other end whole.

    Free Member

    please no will they stop it. it’s always horrible.

    Free Member

    nonsense. milk good for baby cows, bad for adult humans. we’ll be having that stupid colostrum debate again soon, it comes round every few years.

    Free Member

    Whilst they’re still alive, go find someone who was involved, and talk to them. Learned more from my parents (both active participants) than I would from any book.

    Catch 22 is the closest to how it was, apparently.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yay ! maddest race ever IMO and only 2 miles from my house. Briliant news.

    Free Member

    that stupid management consultancy thing – art of engagement or something equally inane.
    it’s right in the way. I spit on the sign every time I go past.

    Free Member

    get her something BETTER than you’ve got…

    Free Member

    Can’t see it on the TMK calendar. It’s usually around May 12th (inconveniently my wedding anniversary). I note BORS is on there (into which I am entered and very much looking forward to).

    LBRCC not really appropriate for me as I live in the heart of the seething metropolis that is MK.

    Free Member

    What club, oldgit ? NB Road ? Is it time I joined ? It’s the FNSS race I meant…

    Free Member

    I meant the MTB race. And can’t see any duathlons from big cow.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t do it until they were 2. Under 1 he’ll still be struggling hold himself all night, especially somewhere unusual.

    Free Member

    I pluck the spokes next to a factory built wheel – a bit rubbish I know but better than nothing.
    That’s how we used to tune up in our old punk band, then when I bought a tuning fork found out we were all in tune with each other, but miles out from reality !

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