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  • Cycling UK Launches new Cycle Route in Cornwall
  • flange
    Free Member

    I’m in a similar situation at the moment as I have a fixie (but can’t ride it due to knee problems) and a full on road bike but really just want something to tour, train and commute on. i used to have a Kona Jake (’05) and really liked it, however it was very heavy and not very well spec’d. maybe have a look at the ribble special edtion bikes?

    I’ve used both normal racks fixed via rack mounts and also the seat post mounted topeak racks and there’s not much in it to be honest, so in my opinion rack mounts aren’t vital (for light touring). Mudguards are a nice to have though – you can fit raceblades but they’re not as good as a proper set of ‘guards

    Free Member

    If its a 10 or 12 inch wheel, try 00racing

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Had anyone ever read a post by Hora trying to sell something on CF, they’d understand the irony of him acting all high and mighty with other lax sellers.

    You really are a troll Hora

    Free Member

    Theres one of mine about somewhere eating some melon….I’m sure Dan has it still

    Free Member

    I find it quite hard to laugh at the Will Ferrel/Owen Wilson/Ben Stiller stuff although Wedding crashers was quite good if not laugh out loud funny.

    Biggest dissapointment was Burn After Reading – I really wanted it to be as good as the trailer but soon realised it was just the elbow song used that made it look good.

    Anything with Adam Sandler. Oh look, another looser done good film…

    Free Member

    Good write up!

    There’s some proper ****ts on this forum as well

    Free Member

    Hornet – best bike by far.

    Free Member

    My neck still hurts from staring at it for so long

    Free Member

    Its worth nothing. Hang it in the garage and in time the pain will stop.

    Free Member

    The picture loans one where he’s on the phone asking for cash

    Fatwassack to wife:’whadayya reckon, £25k?’
    Wife nods
    Fatwassack:’Yeah, 25 grand would be great. Yeah, over 40 years..really? thats so cheap’
    Fatwassack bounces round the house like he’s on the phone to his mum
    Fatwassack:’those people at picture loans are so friendly’
    Wife nods, Fatwassack pretends to hit wife in face with football.

    See kids, plunging into debt is easy….

    Free Member

    +100 with corroded

    I find this whole thing with Jade Goody really annoying, to the point where I state that I ‘hate’ her when her name comes up in conversation. But I don’t at all, how can I as I’ve never met her and she’s done me no wrong. What I do have a massive issue with is the british media and press who constantly tell me I’m the poorest I’ve ever been (I’m not), my house is worth less everyday (I’m not selling), my job is at risk (no it isn’t) and that muslims can be blamed for the collapse of the british banking system and the death of Diana. Get told enough times that you should be miserable and it gets pretty hard to ignore. Adverts telling you to buy this and that but papers telling you that you can’t afford it.

    Back to Jade, having read the piece in the telegraph, it seems that she did pretty well for herself, especially from what happened to her earlier in life.
    There’s a lot of supposedly ‘cleverer’ people working in banks that have put much more effort into earning much less – who is the biggest fool?

    Free Member

    +1 on the consultancy thing.

    There was a case recently where a (slimey) Cognos consultancy went into a big financial company and spec’d out a new BI infrastructure, the person doing the job had no idea what he was doing (literally) and basically gave them about 4 times as many servers as they needed. the firm stayed there for 12 weeks, then stated that they weren’t getting co-operation from the customer and walked off site, reputation in tact despite not delivering anything. 4 consultants x £1520 a day for 12 weeks. They do this at every site they go to.

    Free Member

    At 62 my dad left my mum for a woman 20 years younger. Now divorced from my mum, in a nice new big house with a new BMW sat outside and a decent road bike hung up in the garage. He doesn’t see either of his sons as we’ve washed our hands of him, his bad back stops him walking let alone riding and apparently his new woman has wondering hands.

    I’m sure he’s really pleased with himself

    What goes around….

    Free Member

    I don’t like the countryside alliance as I’m very much anti fox hunting, however I don’t think they should be stopped from protesting.

    Those that can are already removing any right we have to show what we think about a situation, politcal or not. Whilst I don’t agree with the Lutonites method or timing, they’re allowed to protest as much as anyone else is.

    What concerns me more is the hysteria whipped up by the media – when I first heard it on Radio 1 this morning my immediate thoughts were ones of anger that people from another country could protest about our countrymen putting their lives on the line, purely from the way the story was reported. However, putting it in perspective – were any of the demostrators British born muslims? And even if they weren’t, don’t they have a right to show that they disagree with what the government is doing?

    The British press have a lot to answer for and currently no one is holding them accountable

    Free Member

    <Drive by abuser> Crud catcher boss yeah? Worried about cracking your frame are ya……job on son</drive by abuser>

    I’ll sleep a bit better tonight….

    Free Member

    It’s these sort of threads that put me off posting on here more often.

    ‘Oh yeah, those angles are all wrong, that’ll be sh1t to ride.’ How can you possibly tell that from a picture? Look at what you’ve typed. And you’re compairing chainstay bridges?!? Jesus wept what next – Facebook groups to standardise bottle boss mountings? Seriously, some folks on here should spend less time typing and more time riding/working/having a life

    Free Member

    Cheers Ant – I’ll have a butchers. Pity that Colnago of yours isn’t a bit bigger

    wwaswas – totally agree, bought my last one from here. Just takes a while for something to come up and I’m impatient!

    Free Member

    I had a Jake and whilst the frame was úber strong, the rest of it was rubbish – most of the bolts rusted badly to the point where they’d have snapped had I not replaced them, the wheels were crap and it was pretty heavy. Still miss it though….

    Free Member

    I was only thinking the same thing about an hour ago when they had a trailer for U2 day on Radio 1. Can’t think of a single song that I like. Remember though, as Steve Martin once said, talking about music is like dancing about architecture

    Free Member

    Snaps – its wilkitcher at gmail dot com

    Free Member

    :lol: You can have that one for free….

    Free Member

    Snaps – how much you after for the SP1?

    +1 on the blackbird – comfy, fast and almost fun.

    Sounds to me like you want a v-twin of some sorts though. I had a Falco (half faired Mille) prior to the bird and it was great fun (if a bit unreliable). Much more character than a IL4 and didn’t feel quite as savage as the blade I had prior to it. Also, there’s a new RSV coming out so prices of the existing one will drop (they’re pretty cheap already though).

    I know someone with a new R1 (not and ’09 though) and he has to rev the tits off it all the time – he says there isn’t a massive amount of mid-range. Although if you have a ZX6-r you’ll be used to that!

    If you do distance stuff then a 1000 will be much easier to do it on

    Free Member

    Hold up – I’m disagreeing with TD about issues fitting it on a bike, which can be done without a big trade off in weight or space, not that I’m some sort of Turbo evangelist trying to convert you all.

    For the record, I wanted a turbo on my blackbird, which is a big heavy beast good at going in straight lines and not much else. Should I require more power (?) then a turbo would prove a viable solution, rather than blueprinting, bigger cams and all other gubbins needed to hit the same power figures. Even then, is it really necessary on a bike with more power than an average family car?

    As for a turbo’d R1 or similar, rather you than me.

    Free Member

    Perhaps not worded correctly – its the closest thing to a bike car-wise that I’ve driven. There’s still a gaping chasm of performance..

    Free Member

    Thats nonsense TD – Holeshot racing and BigCC racing have been sticking turbo’s on bikes for years with a turbo bike not being that much heavier than a stocker.

    Honda and Kawasaki both had factory versions back in the day but neither really did very well, possibly because the wrong base bike was used. Had I not just accumulated some points I’d be considering sticking one on my Blackbird.

    Its not cheap though and how much extra power do you really need on a bike that already does 170+mph

    Free Member

    The Seat Cupra is mentally fast – the only thing that comes close to feeling like riding a motorbike in my opinion. But it cooked its brakes when I took one out for a test drive and torque steers for England.

    Shouldn’t take the Mazda 3 MPS long to be around the 5k mark. Mine has lost £12k in a years worth of driving. Also, check the seats in them cos they’re not that comfortable or supportive. I know two people who have had problems with the 6 MPS, one of which involved a big hole in the side of the block.

    Edition 30 Golf GTI for the win. Bloody lovely car

    Hora – how can you pass judgement on something you’ve never owned or driven? Don’t believe everything you read on the internet

    Free Member

    Righty – doesn’t sound too bad. Cheers for the link to MTBR – I’ll have a look.

    That was the only ‘trick’ I could do Mike. I take it no one still rides it? Pity, I quite miss the marble

    Free Member

    Nice one Stato – cheers

    Which one MrMichaelKnight?

    Free Member

    I see what you did there MrMichaelKnight

    Free Member

    Mike – I had a Jake which was ace for touring. We did some wild camping for which I used that, then went to the Isle of Harris where I used my turner but I’d have been much better off using the Jake. all day comfortable, strong enough and decent enough components. I had everything on mine, tent, stove, clothes, the lot and it took it all with ease.

    Topeak rack (frame has rack mounts see) plus mudguards and off you go.

    Free Member

    Unless I’m wrong transfer boxes are working all the time – its nowt to do with whether you choose high or low range or whether you ‘rev it’ (WTF? are you refering to the button that gives you low range?). The transfer box sends power from the engine to both the front and rear axles in your car.

    I manged to **** the one on our Surf by drifting it round round-a-bouts and doing burn outs and other such chavvie activites. If it gets a regular thrashing (and it sounds like it does as you’ve had to put a new clutch in it) then its probably knackered. As Subaru box’s are an intergrated part of the transmission, it’ll be expensive.

    Oh, and don’t EVER switch between modes while driving along….ever
    Best bet is to take it back to where you had the clutch done, rather than asking on an MTB forum

    Free Member

    Hora – if its perm 4wd then you don’t have the option to switch between the two

    What model/year of car is it? Has it had any modifications? Who did the clutch work and is the work covered by a warrenty?

    Free Member

    I ride a Morning Glory (fnarr) swapped for my Turner 5-spot with a chap off of here.

    I found that full sus was great for riding fast but took some of the fun out of it – I live in Suffolk so don’t get to do a massive amount of MTB so when I do I like it to be challenging. If I rode in the Stanes every day it might be different.

    I got a titanium frame mainly because I like a bit of bling. However its light enough without loosing strength and feels much nicer than Alu.

    Free Member

    Is it not permenant 4wd?

    Free Member

    Tough love

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to look – is it a forester?

    If its a 4wd, its probably a foobar’ed transfer box – when they changed the clutch it exposed weaknesses in other areas of the transmission. That’ll be nice and cheap to fix…

    Free Member

    Back is good mate, ever since i stopped throwing myself down flights of steps/looking at maps on the back seat of my car it seems to have stopped hurting.

    Did you put a small amount of copper grease on the back of the pads before you put them on?

    See, you wouldn’t have this problem if you bought shonky old MkII golfs like me.

    Free Member

    Mike you bellend – give German Swedish and French a call if you need parts. I’ve been using them for years and they’ve always been cheaper than anywhere else without the associated risk of using a scrappers.

    Is this the Passat you’ve had for ages? I thought it was newer than 2000?

    Love you long time

    Free Member

    I think its obscene that anyone earns that amount of money but thats probably just me. I also have an issue with the fact that people who earn that amount of money pay tax at the same rate as someone who earns over 28k but thats a totally seperate arguement. And finally I have an issue with Kerry Katona.

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